• Member Since 20th Jul, 2022


I make story readings on YouTube of storys on this website I like. I do so using Balabolka TTS.

Favourites 367 stories
Found 276 stories in 62ms

Total Words: 8,637,722
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



  • Featured 24784 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 250 stories Stories that have been reviewed

When an elderly Twilight Sparkle investigates a used copy of the King James Bible, she discovers the shocking truth about Equestria and its ancient origins.

Chapters (1)

Run. Think. Shoot. Live. Pony.

On 5/16/02 (Human Calendar) and 5/16/11 (Equestrian Calendar), an immense resonance cascade event connected three different dimensions in a massive disaster that would change the face of their worlds forever.



Doctor Phase Ray is not having a good day.
Things started off simple- system crashes, equipment failures, and daylight savings complications. But when a routine sample analysis goes horribly wrong, Phase Ray is forced into a battle for her very survival, along with many of her colleagues...


Doctor Gordon Freeman is not having a good day.
Things started off simple- system crashes, equipment failures, and ruined breakfast casseroles. But when a routine sample analysis goes horribly wrong, Gordon is forced into a battle for his very survival, along with many of his colleagues...

Chapters (4)

Equestria was made a special place not just by the magic of friendship, but by the Great Lady known to everypony as Amalthea.

Amalthea has worked such wonders for ponies since the beginning of time. This chronicles her power and champions as they helped ponies through out history.

Don't dislike it without a reason, thank you.
(This has religious themes. If you're not religious then this story is not for you)

Chapters (11)

One fateful day, Daybreaker wills herself back into existence and wreaks havoc across Ponyville. Twilight is unable to defeat her and begs destiny for a solution. Instead, she got Joseph Joestar. How will he fare against a Goddess even greater than all his enemies combined?

Chapters (4)

I have no idea what happened. One second, I'm sitting at my desk, working. The next second, I'm Sombra. Or rather, I'm in his body. And nobody seems to believe me about it...

Now with (amazing!) cover art by Mix Up. You can find their work here.

Chapters (32)

Lily is hungry, but the only person around to feed her is her sleeping father. So, what does any child do when they're hungry? They wake their parent and ask for food.

My Patreon. Help support me if you like my stuff! :rainbowdetermined2:

Chapters (2)


When Twilight Sparkle is unable to defeat Tirek with the powers of 4 princesses combined, she must call upon an even greater warrior...

...Tirek never stood a chance.

In every author's career, they create a story, THE story, to which all of their other works are compared. THIS IS THAT STORY.

Fillies and Gentlecolts, I give you my magnum opus: the greatest story ever written.

WARNING: The awesomeness may blind you.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Fly on the Wall

Several months after the invasion of Canterlot and being shipped to Saddle Arabia, the surviving changeling has retired from fighting on the front lines. Due to this, the changeling is still required to work for the Equestrian Army as a wartime strategist and doesn't have to directly see combat anymore. The Princesses acknowledge this, but the new job and retirement from combat can't prevent them from sending the changeling into a tense area ready for combat to bring several lost soldiers back home.

Rated T for violence, language, and an off-page sex scene.

Cover art by TheDoggyGal

Chapters (8)

After the changelings tried to take over Canterlot and Equestria, many of Queen Chrysalis’ soldiers were captured. One changeling is hired as a spy and must go on a mission that will determine Equestria’s future. It changes more than just Equestria.

Rated T for violence, some language, and off-page sex.

Loosely inspired by the video on YouTube called ‘Can Changelings Talk?’ by cannedcream.

Now with a sequel.

Also available to read over on Fanfiction.net.

Chapters (9)

To defeat Twilight and her friends, Queen Chrysalis disguises herself as a tourist and tries to infiltrate Ponyville. However, she somehow chooses our beloved Derpy as her guide. What interesting events will unfold between them over the course of a day?

Chapters (3)