• Member Since 25th Dec, 2013

Golden Flare

I love to create stories.

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This story is a sequel to A Cursed Little Doll: the Haunted Moment

A girl is given a pink toy pony.    She is known, as Pinkie Pie.

The girl is happy, looking forwards to endless hours of play and fun.

Only this toy comes with a stern warning; instructing the owner to give the pony a Muffin each day.

---      ---      ---

Title: The Cursed Little Doll: the Second Chance
Illustrated by: N/A
Written by: Kentavritsa
Edited by: Kentavritsa
Re-edited by: ???
Comments: Appreciated
Status: Incomplete
Rating: Everyone
Puns: Intended
Password: Because; Pup Cake

Ps: I may change the tags as the story develops, just as I may have to adjust the description and summary.

The given reason: Because Cupcake.    Cryptic and sinister as it may be, but what are the consequences?

She had failed to deliver the Muffin, the Warning had required out of her. The cost had been exacted upon her, most vicsiously and cruely.

This is the tale, of what is to become of her. How will she make it? Where will she go? What is she even going to be? All she knows now, is her name: Cytryna.


Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to A New Ending

This is a soft reboot/rewrite of my Endingverse story Endings and Beginnings, which I have put on hold for the present.

After the devastating invasion of Equestria by human turned Emperor Jason Wright, the truth about the reasons for Jason's actions has begun to come out. Ponyville has been completely wiped off the map, its once cheery buildings reduced to rubble, and with it, the happiness and joy of everypony there once they began to realize just how they were all to blame for it.

The Elements of Harmony have barely spoken to one another since that time, all wallowing in their own grief and misery. Pinkie has left Ponyville and has lost her smile, Rainbow Dash hasn't flown since the invasion, Rarity refuses to speak about it to anypony, Applejack hardly leaves her farm, Fluttershy never visits Ponyville and is only seen wandering the edges of the Everfree Forest, mourning the loss of one of her closest friends and many of her animal friends as well, and Twilight has been working tirelessly to help rebuild all of Ponyville. They've hardly spoken since that day, and their friendships are all but over.

Meanwhile, across the ocean, a second human has arrived in the dilapidated city of Gryphonstone. Unable to visit the land of Equestria, which had been his dream, and after accidentally recovering an item that holds special significance to the gryphons, Gregory Graystone settles in and makes friends and allies in the crumbling city, some expected and others unexpected.

As the months pass, questions remain. How will the world react to the presence of a second human? How will Equestria recover from the invasion of Canterlot by the changelings? Will Jason Wright find out about this second human?

I would like to go back to Endings and Beginnings at some point and change things, starting with a certain arc, but I wanted to do a parallel story with some elements changed.

Some chapters may seem very similar to the original but I may or may not have changed things around or added something to it.

Tags will be updated as events unfold.

Chapters (9)

Victor had always been enamored with magic. And who could blame him? Haven't we all had fantasies of being able to solve problems with a gesture, or conjure and command the elements with a word?

Well, one day Victor Fremont finally gets his wish. Genuine, real, tangible magic power!

Too bad he never specified what source material that magic should be based on.

Chapters (10)

As the snow continues to fall, one teenager who's life changed drastically due to her unforgiving act decides that the world is better off without her, that is until one being steps in to change her opinion.

Chapters (2)

Some months have passed since the destruction of the Memory Stone. Wallflower Blush has entered a new school year, her last at CHS, and so far, things have been looking up. Talking to people is getting easier, and she even has a few friends to her name.

But dealing with social repercussions is still a thing that Wallflower has struggled with all her life. Making a few connections is all well and good, but what about deeper connections? What about one-on-one bonding? What about dating? With the shield of the Memory Stone gone, how can Wallflower find a safe way to experience consequences?

Luckily, her first date with Moondancer is certain to give her some much-needed education on the subject. Even if it takes a few more first dates than normal.

Winner of the Best Story By New Author award in Science Fiction Contest III (other entries here). Also an entry in the May Pairings 2024 contest (other entries here). Pre-read by Dewdrops on the Grass and The Sleepless Beholder. Sex tag applied for crude references only.

Featured 13-15 May 2024!

Chapters (1)

In an Alternate Universe, Starlight Glimmer destroys the world.

Written for the 'Tropical Post-Apocalyptic Story Contest. https://www.fimfiction.net/group/215801/hall-of-contests-sfw/thread/538292/open-tropical-post-apocalyptic-story-contest

Written as a Judge entry that won't be judged but to promote the contest.

* * *

Starlight Glimmer destroyed the world. No, like , for real.

Unfortunately, she survived to pay the price.

The price? Trying to fix it... to the disdain of every pony around her.

Chapters (1)

Finally, it was time for the Reverie. Every four years, some of the most important figures in the world gather in Canterlot to discuss matters of international importance. As such, Lemon Hearts considered it an honor to be placed in charge of hosting such a grand event.

Perhaps she should have expected that her human boyfriend, Anon, would end up somewhere he doesn't belong.

Now with the threat of war looming over her, she needs to get him out of the castle before any of Equestria's guests find out that their party was crashed by an alien.

Written for Dart.

Chapters (1)

After Diamond Tiara accidently causes the death of Apple Bloom, Princess Celestia decides to make her repair the gaping hole that she tore in the Apple Family.

Chapters (5)

Scootaloo is Rainbow Dash's number one fan. But after a horrible accident where she's injured, Rainbow Dash wishes the unthinkable, that she'd never been born. Then she finds out the dire consequences of her choice.

Once again, I'd love to thank my editor for putting up with my lunacy, he's Jeray2000

Also, as always, I'm looking for artwork to put up here, pm me if interested.

Chapters (7)

Spike's dream came true. Rarity wants to be his girlfriend. He couldn't believe it at first, but it turns out Rarity was serious. Of course Spike accepted, after all that's all he ever wanted

Chapters (1)