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a pony of exemplary conduct or virtue.
"I am not an angel! Heck, if anything, I'd be a devil. Angels are perfect. I'm not."

preread by my angel in disguise Catpaw616
inspired by this comic by Rated Ponystar / RatofDrawn

featured 8/1/24 – 8/4/24

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash had a great life, she didn't lack for anything, she was popular, captain of the school football team, she even had 5 super incredible friends, but one mistake ended up making her lose everything, her popularity, her position as team captain, and ended up abandoning, hurting and disappointing her friends, including the girl who loved her, this caused Rainbow Dash to go into depression, but despite the pain and loneliness, she found a new hobby, which made her stronger, but she needs face your mistakes, and your feelings.

My second fanfic published on fimfiction, and the main ship will be Appledash.

Contains: violence, some blood, mentions of depression, and references to One Punch Man (because it's my favorite manga)

the cover image is not mine, and I'm not fluent in English so I use Google translate to help me.

Chapters (6)

Applejack loses her ponytail and nopony recognizes her after.

Thanks to PseudoBob Delightus for proofreading.

Thanks to Forcalor for pre-reading.

Now with a reading done by Rainbow Infinity Readings.

Now with a second reading done by Lotus Moon.

Reviewed by PresentPerfect.

Chapters (1)

A tale about a young Applejack who witnesses an unknown pegasus clearing the clouds. Mesmerized by the mare's grace and athleticism, Applejack can't help but feel unfamiliar sensations of yearning.

As Rainbow Dash clears the storm clouds, she spots an unknown farm pony working below. Drawn to the mare's strong figure and blond mane, Rainbow Dash feels a pull in her heart that she's never felt before.

Chapters (8)

Rainbow Dash proposes to Applejack, but Pinkie reminds her that she needs to find a very special something, for her very special somepony.

This was written for the AppleDash Warm and Fuzzy Feelings Event. For more information, click on the link above.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow doesn’t know what made her want to move in with Applejack. She doesn’t know why everything feels so tender and touchy where it used to be quick and light. She doesn’t know why she gets pins and needles when she looks into Applejack’s eyes.

Could it really be so simple as she wants to be with Applejack? This whole emotional maturity thing is way more trouble than it’s worth.

Chapters (1)

It is not difficult to grasp the notion that Rainbow Dash has very little in the ways of scientific or thaumatic knowledge. But, sadly, that doesn't stop her from having ideas. It especially doesn't stop her having ideas that are based on the assumption that she does have some amount of scientific or thaumatic knowledge.

In short: try not to be within ten miles of Rainbow Dash when she has ideas.

Cover art (and story inspiration) courtesy of Irusu.

Reading by Rainbow Infinity Readings.

Russian Translation by oranzinispegasas.

Chapters (1)

Considering how soft clouds are, why in the wide, wide world of Equestria does Rainbow Dash take naps in trees? Rough, branchy, leaves-scratching-fur trees?

The truth probably won't surprise you, but Dash is afraid to admit it.

Now with a reading by Rainbow Infinity Readings.

Now with a reading by Pony&Wolf Productions.

This story was Featured on November 6, 2023.

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Moon's takeover was swift. The kingdom, the night and day, the guard, and even over the ponies who wielded the elements against her. Each one under her hoof in some way.
Except one.

Applejack has been leading a resistance group for a couple years but only now is it something needing to be truly squashed.

Nightmare's most loyal right hoof mare Captain Rainbow Dash is assigned to take her little rebellion down, but it doesn't go quite how dash expected. For one, she didn't think she would fall for her enemy.

Surely nothing good can come from heaven and hell uniting?

Lunaverse Appledash
CW: Violence, torture, blood, psychological horror, emotional manipulation, implied death, references to dismemberment.
-Temp cover art, expect art one soon-

Chapters (4)

Watching Applejack tend to the orchard, Rainbow Dash thinks stupid, sappy thoughts such as: maybe it wouldn't be so bad to become a tree.

My silly little entry for the Arboreal Yearnings Contest :yay: where it won 2nd place!

Chapters (1)