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Applejack needs a full night of sleep for apple bucking tomorrow. It's too bad that Rainbow Dash's restlessness isn't letting her get a single wink.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash comes home to her marefriend Applejack. After a busy day of farmwork, Applejack has some fruit that she needs to count. Rainbow just wants to sniff her mane.

Chapters (1)

For the mare who's forever and always honest, it's damn near impossible keeping your most passionate and heartfelt confessions a secret. Thankfully, there's a hat for that.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is just lying in the middle of the road. Somepony might trip on her.

Chapters (1)

While welcoming a foreign dignitary to Princess Twilight's Palace, Applejack refers to the single monarch as "Y'all." This, of course, causes the entire Kingdom of Equestria to explode into flames.

Okay, maybe not explode into flames, but it could happen... right? Just ask Twilight...


Chapters (6)

Applejack has had it up to here with Rainbow Dash's sleepflying. Rarity attempts to lend a hoof.

Chapters (1)

Why is it that everypony struggles to finish a story properly? Rarity finds out the hard way when she asks Applejack and Rainbow Dash to write their own separate narratives for an enchanted comic book to give to Twilight on her birthday. But Instead of focusing on what Twilight would want, Applejack and Rainbow Dash are determined to out-write each other with literary pizazz. There're common problems in both mares' stories, and Rarity must find a way to fix them both... through Rainbow Dash and Applejack, if need be. After all, this is totally about Twilight... ... ... isn't it?

Chapters (9)