The Apple Family reunion has arrived, bringing the Oranges with it! When all of Applejack's insecurities about being a business-farmer collide at once, can a waitressing Rainbow Dash make any difference?
Total Words: 389,621
Estimated Reading: 1 day
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Snow. Everywhere there is snow. It lies in neat layers on roofs, in intricate crystalline networks in the branches of the bare trees, in hard-packed pathways underhoof. No clouds are in the sky to trap any of the sun's heat; light scatters off the snow in an infinity of golden glittery flecks and dances away back into the sky. The air is still, the main street of Ponyville quiet on this Tuesday midmorning. The ponies outside go about their business quickly, bundled in scarves and woolen hats and winter saddles and covered boots. Twilight Sparkle is one of these few.
Companion stories to The Elements of Awesomery, focused on the framing story.
Honestly: Rainbow Dash is really bad at baking, but when it's the only thing she can think of to impress the pony she loves, she turns to a friend for help, and gets more than she bargained for. Originally written for the Equestria Daily Speedfic Competition (it's #78).
Trouble Comes in Threes, or Why Fanfiction Is Bad for You: Pinkie is having a heck of a day. First her friends find out about the stories she's been writing about them. Then three strangely familiar ponies show up at her doorstep, threatening to sue her over those very same stories. Now, Rainbow Dash is nowhere to be found! It's enough to drive a mare crazy!
Applejack, taking a bit of time to nap, is roped by Rainbow Dash into coming with her to buy the new DJ P0n-3 album. (Any more, and it'll be spoiled! Read it for yourself! After all, reading is magic!)
Frosty Mug runs the premiere (and only) watering hole in Ponyville. He's been behind the pine for years, and listened to many a sob story, and joyous announcement. Enjoy his recollections of a rather strange week in which he served a different Element of Harmony every day, and a pony he would have never thought he'd have the honor of getting drunk. These are the memoirs of a Ponyville booze vendor.
Now with bonus drinks! Consider it 'Happy Hour'!
Warning: Shipping is mentioned.
Even with coltfriends to back up their claims, both Applejack and Rainbow Dash must deal with rumors circulating around Ponyville that they are in love with each other. To prove that she isn't scared of what others think, Rainbow Dash kisses Applejack outside of the bathroom at a Wonderbolts' race. She thinks that, at most, only a couple of ponies passing by will see them.
She is wrong.
This is a "sort-of" sequel to "Sex, Fillies and Crayon-made Drawings", but you should be able to follow this story without reading that one. If not, here's the link to the previous story:
It's almost time for the Grand Galloping Gala, and the Mane Six know what to expect this time. Problem is that neither Applejack nor Rainbow Dash really fit in to an event like the Gala. So, naturally, they decide to have a competition - who can fit in best at the Gala? Will either of them be able to mingle with the Canterlot elite? They have every reason to be on their best behaviour - after all, the forfeit for the loser is almost too terrible to put into words...
Now with a cover picture, hopefully soon with a good cover picture!
They say everything comes to an end, but it seems like rainbows never fade. Though they disappear visually, a certain magical element stays in our hearts. The same is to be said for Rainbow Dash. No one ever thought she'd go. Accidents were common for Dash, but... nobody thought it'd end this way.
Like I said, rainbows never fade.
(Note: This is my first fic, so constructive criticism is welcome.)