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fantastic my good sir, fantastic...
Dammit! I didn't wanna start my day by crying!
*sigh* Didn't even see it coming. Well played. Well played indeed.
And now that I've finished it, the rest of the story comes back with a kick.
Please keep writing, I'll keep reading!
Wow, I should've seen that one coming.
Very, very well written, nice work :)
Thought that was the reason for the silence. A very nice ending nontheless
Wow that was a very nice story I must say, teared up at the end.

Welp, that's sad. Like, really sad. You played it great.
I'm a fan of TwiDash and all, but that ending just really got me.
Great in that "Oh damn you and your feels way." Well written, good sir (or madam).
Words can't express the feels of this fic.
So here we go
Damnit Picardy!
But in all seriousness, this was beautiful. A truly masterfully woven fic that just kills you on the inside... Sigh... I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep now...
Oh man....i almost cried

Ok, i admit it..... i totaly cried
The story is sooooo touching and i still have to recover because of the ending, i almost couldnt think at work today.
Great work, really.
Reading through the entire thing just fine...Get to the end...Procede to bawl eyes out.
This was very good. You depicted Dash extremely well in this. I will now read your "Don't Cry, Dear" and "Breaking Point".
Ouch... I was reading it and then boom. Damn man I am crying.
Had I known this was an AppleDash and partially a TwiDash story, I would have ran around the house, screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I'm sorry, I just hate TwiDash.
Otherwise, good story.
Edit: Okay...I said that when I was halfway through the story but after reading the ending...I freaking bawled.
Celestia, that ending tho...