What will you do if something lurks within your surroundings? Something beyond what you can believe and imagine. Perhaps Soarin' and Rainbow will see or be unaware of this inconcievable anomaly.
Doomguy Wants ItIn search for a replacement for his pet Daisy (his rabbit). Doomguy finds himself in Equestria right after Twilight enchanted Smarty Pants with the Want it Need it spell.by Immortan Joe
2,960 words
· 369 · 12
Adventures In BabysittingCadence has a crush on Shining Armour. Not only that, but she needs some extra cash. What better way to earn money and get close to her crush than watching his kid sister?by TheNewYorkBrony
37,326 words
· 436 · 21
A Narrow ScopePrincess Celestia and Prince Solaris each have a Royal Guard who is devoutly loyal to them. The only problem is that they both have trouble around the opposite sex.by Comet Burst
6,388 words
· 1,128 · 14
thanks for the fav hope you like my story.
Awesome stories, definitely going to give them a read, they remind me (as far as the premise/genre) of the first story I made forever ago.