• Member Since 19th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 25th, 2021


Im a guy who writes stories and has questionable Speeling skills. FEAR MY BATH I MEAN WRATH


Update · 8:14pm Apr 29th, 2018

I have decided to come back and finish what I started long ago. I’m rewriting a lot of shitty writing and imporving the general quality.

I will finish this fucking story even if it kills me.

The latest chapter is only 24% done and Ive only finished re writing one chapeter. One a day Untill completion. Then I will finish the chapter.

Report Hunter96 · 310 views ·

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Comments ( 12 )
  • Viewing 8 - 12 of 12

Np it's a fun read

Thanks for faving the Triumvirate

348690 man i need to stop promising things

745140oh good I guess you know school and life and politics

Hey Hunty!:pinkiehappy:

How's life going?

  • Viewing 8 - 12 of 12
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