This is a group dedicated to World War one fanfiction stories. It is led by the Kaiser himself (me). I will probably not be a good leader, but please remember if you verbally express this then you will probably be arrested/shot on sight. We only have a few rules here that you or I will probably never see, but I do know one of them:
Anyone know what happened to the story "The Iron Chancellery" were Otto von Bismarck and pual muasr get sent equestria using the hoi4 mlp mod map
es lebe Deutschland!
Ze German Empire vas ze best Germany in history.
Für Deutschland!
353634 No not the Hindenburg Airship. I mean the actually General Paul Von Hindenburg. He was the field marshall of the German Army in WW1
353348 the Hindenburg was was after ww1.....
YES! Finally a group dedicated to the Glorious German Empire! We need a story quick. Perhaps one when your majesty is teleported to Equestria with Hindenburg and all the german generals of ww1! God bless you, Your Majesty!
I've come to keep you company, Your Majesty.