• Member Since 6th Jun, 2019
  • offline last seen Nov 20th, 2024


Hatch opens, stark light


For all her life, Sweetie Belle thought that dream magic was a mystic power reserved for alicorns and their ilk. Now that Princess Luna is teaching it to her, Sweetie knows she was right.

Written as a gift for Zontan as part of an anthology titled The Dark Between The Stars. Other stories from it can be found here, and details about a print version can be found here.

Thank you to mushroom for the amazing cover art, and their sibling cereal for the wonderful chapter art.

Chapters (1)

Fiddlesticks's life had been dull for years, and she always knew what to expect. Then she met Lightning Dust.

Third Place in the FiddleDust Contest.

Thanks to mushroompone, Seer, and Undome Tinwe for editing.

Chapters (4)

Pinkie Pie had a big secret. Twilight wishes it had stayed one.

The original version of this story was an entry to a writeoff round with the prompt Rot.

Thanks to Undome Tinwe, Seer, and LunaTheFox for editing.

Cover art cropped from a piece by LambiBelle, and it is used with permission. DB: 2273080

Chapters (2)

Everyone knows Rarity has amazing flanks; Rainbow Dash is sure of that. So what is Applejack upset about?

A non-entry to a Quills and Sofas Panic Fiction with the prompt "Do I Know You?"

Chapters (1)

Coco Pommel considers what it means to love, and to be loved in turn.

Originally written for the Coco Pommel contest in Quills and Sofas.

Cover art by Mushroom.

Chapters (1)

"You, though? A complete and utter mystery to me, even now. Do you know how infuriating it is to have a pony who is a puzzle I cannot solve?"

A story owed to themoontonite for nearly a year. Thank you for being patient with me.

Thanks to Undome Tinwe and The Red Parade for editing.

Cover art by SkullJooce.

Chapters (1)

Over the past few centuries, one of the only constants in Princess Twilight Sparkle's life is her friendship with Discord. There is absolutely no way their relationship will ever change.

This story was written as a Hearth's Warming gift for Snow Quill.

Thanks to Posh for prereading/feedback and Red for editing.

Cover art by Slushshe.

Now with a sequel!

Chapters (1)

A collection of drafts, cut content, and extremely short stories.

Everything here is presented with little to no editing. There is no order, chronological or otherwise, to this collection. A story's inclusion here is not necessarily permanent and at any time it may be removed, either to be thrown back into the scrap heap, or to receive the editing it needs to be posted on its own.

Genres will be listed next to each story's title; descriptions as well as other information will be contained in author's notes at the top of each story.

Cover art by the incomparable rice. Make sure to check out the full quality image on DeviantArt here, because fimfic's compression really does not do it justice.

Chapters (10)

Rainbow Dash is neither romantic nor superstitious. Today might just change one of those things.

Originally an entry to a Quills and Sofas Panic Fiction with the prompt "Superstitions", now an entry to the AppleDash Warm and Fuzzy Feelings Event.

Thanks to Undome Tinwe, Seer, and LunaTheFox for editing.

Cover art by Garaganzya.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle stops by Carousel Boutique for a perfectly ordinary teatime with Rarity.

Rarity knows it's anything but.

An entry to the Depth in Innocence Contest.

The original draft of this story was an entry for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Joy of Youth Contest. The prompt was "The Sound of Distant Thunder". This version has received significant expansion, editing, and refinement during the month of May.

Thanks to Undome Tinwe and Seer for editing.

Cover art by MalineTourmaline.

Chapters (1)