• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2018
  • offline last seen June 10th


I write for my own enjoyment. If other's like what I write, that's a bonus.

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Limestone Pie should be dead. She should definitely be dead and buried under a pile of rocks. Instead, she's now walking on only two hooves, dealing with hands and most worryingly, in another dimension with no way home.

Given the option of studying at a prestigious magic school or disappearing, she wisely chooses the former, or so she thinks. Her new found dorm mates are insane, most the professors despise her and the lessons are about as interesting as well, farming rocks. And that's before you consider her new self-appointed older sister, stalker and pet.

Welcome, Limestone Pie, to Hogwarts.

(Plush made by Little Broy Peep. This is an act of fun fan fiction, NOTHING SERIOUS, thus excessive criticism will just see the comment deleted)

Chapters (28)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders are dead or, rather, they should be but fate has other ideas. Instead, they find themselves at a school full of monsters, from a mummy to a girl with snakes for hair to Sweetie's biggest fear, an oversized cat.

Based on Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School.

Chapters (3)

Welcome to St Trineighans, the most prestigious school outside of Celestia's school for gifted unicorns run by Princess Luna herself. Yeah right. Apple Bloom knew something was off the moment the acceptance letter came through the door. Only fifteen ten year old fillies are chosen each year to go to St Trineighans . She can just barely manage a C average despite her siblings help, so why in Equestria was she chosen? It won't be long until she has her answers. The problem now is, will she be able to survive even one year?

Welcome to St Trineighans School for Fillies, where if it doesn't make you a profit it isn't worth doing it.

Chapters (17)

Simple, I got challenged to write something around this piece of art,https://www.deviantart.com/julunis14/art/AppleDash-Series-You-look-cute-in-pink-908427359, enough said. Enjoy this stupid little piece!

Chapters (1)

It's every parent's nightmare, sitting in the hospital waiting on news of their filly. Unfortunately for Dash, adopting a Cutie Mark Crusader was never going to be easy, especially now they are a teenager.

A pretty dire bit of writing I did in a day after having an idea stuck in my head.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Scoti 2: Muggles and Mudbloods

And all throughout Hogwarts chaos is brewing.

Merry Christmas to you all. Have a great holiday season, Sam.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Scoti Alaw Prewett

A new school year and hopefully a quieter one for Scootaloo and the Crusaders. Yeah, like that was ever going to be the case. Before it's even started Scootaloo's already been cut off from Equestria, been attacked by a desk, staged a daring prison rescue and thwarted whatever dastardly scheme Lucius Malfoy was concocting this time. Part of her is actually looking forward to going back to school. As long as they haven't hired another psychopathic nutjob as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher.

Best synopsis I could do without spoiling anything. Lots of twists and turns ahead! Chapters read over and edited by rich-online. Plushies by Varonya (Discord), GingerAle (Fluttershy) and Sewpoke (Scootaloo).

Chapters (26)

This story is a sequel to Scoti Alaw Prewett

It is the day of her wedding and should be the best day of her life, so why has Applejack locked herself in the washroom and is refusing to come out?

And why is Scootaloo now even more mentally scarred for life?

One things for certain, it'll be a day no pony ever forgets.

Sequel to Scoti Alaw Prewett, did you find the clue hidden in Kidnap, Kiss, Transfigure?

Chapters (1)

In 1980 Sybil Trelawney made a prophecy that would alter the Magical world forever. It is well known that this could have applied to either Harry Potter or Neville Longbottom, but what if there was another child that could have fulfilled the prophecy to, a girl? Unwilling to take chances over what Snape heard, Voldemort orders for her elimination as well. Chaos though, has other plans.

Ten years later and it is time for Scoti Alaw Prewett or Scootaloo to return to the dimension of her birth and attend her magical schooling alongside her two best friends. Chaos ensues.

A CMC Goes to Hogwarts story that focuses on their time at the school with little pieces of the overall goings on in the background. Plushies in pic owned by me and made by the wonderful Sewpoke who can be found on Twitter.

From Chapter 29 (Quidditch 4) to chapter 33 (Scootaloo and a Dragon Too) edited by rich-online.

Chapters (45)

This story is a sequel to Dinner with the In Laws

3rd in the Alternate Future series.

Twilight has had a rough day, then Apple Bloom turns up in her room. HOW MUCH!

Chapters (1)