I write for my own enjoyment. If other's like what I write, that's a bonus.
I enjoy fanfiction in many different series including My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
Hello fellow bronys and pegesisters. My favourite pony is also my Best Pony Princess is Princess Luna and best pony is actually from pen stroke and it's Nyx from Past Sins.
Son of a good man, child of an angel, & brother of a Wild One! ‘Nuff said. If you need an editor, I’d be happy to help you out.
"Everything is the Omniverse. Everything is canon."- SlouchyFall: Artist/Animator, Black Brony, and Earth Pony Enthusiast.
Skylar ,trans man ,he/him ,loves MLP, absolute Fluttershy Kenny ,shameless Pinkie shy shipper
Just a fan who likes to share his ideas through stories that people seem to like.
Hello! I enjoy and comment on the stories with the help of the translator. You really are good at creating stories, I can assure you that there are better stories in English than in Spanish.
New password requirement: "Your password must contain at least 8 characters, a capital, a plot, a protagonist with good character development, a twist & a happy ending. "
I suppose Rainbow Dash had always been my favorite pony. I also like Doctor Who and anime.
I am a fanfic critic i will give your work a number from 1 to 200. But i will only mark your work if you have more then 10 fanfic storys
Love to read, write and be awesome!!! It's very nice to meet you.