• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2018
  • offline last seen June 10th


I write for my own enjoyment. If other's like what I write, that's a bonus.


Thursday is live, Potions delayed. · 10:32pm March 17th

Sorry, can't rush these things. I am away next week but will continue to finish the Potions chapter hen I return. In the meantime, enjoy the three chapters that make up Thursday.

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4 chapters hopefully by end of the week · 4:44pm March 12th

I hope you've all enjoyed this little piece of chaos. Thursday is done, Friday is next, hopefully have 4-5 chapters done by end of week for those who continue to read it. I'm glad at least some people like it!

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It is out · 6:03pm February 28th

A day early because why not. Enjoy!

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Three Werewolves, a Pony, a Seer and a Skepticist walk into Hogwarts... · 5:29pm February 13th

The first seventeen chapters are ready to go. I hope to have at least one more done by the initial release date at the end of the month if anyone wishes to read this chaotic madness. After this the next drop will likely be end of May to mid-June. Really hoping this makes a few people laugh as if not I will likely call it quits on writing.

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3 Werewolves, a pony, a seer and a skepticist walk into Hogwarts, release date announcement. · 9:34pm February 3rd

I've only just finished Tuesday but at 101 pages and over 54000 words, I'm at the point now where I want to review what I've written and then get it out there. So, 29th February will be the first mass dump. I enjoy writing crap carnage and if you enjoy it to, then brilliant, if not, don't be horrible and leave me in peace please. This is because although it relaxes me it is time consuming and my confidence and motivation is often influenced by reader's comments. I will also do my best to edit

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3 Werewolves · 10:45pm January 24th

Some delays and I won't be releasing anything until the first week is done which is still a way off but I just wrote my favourite sentence so far...

“Who or rather what is that thing and why is that dog fighting it with an oversized fish?” Professor Snape exclaimed coming up behind the gaggle of first year girls.

Anyway, currently nearing 47000 words, hope everyone has had a wonderful January so far, Sam.

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Happy New Year and 30000 words hit. · 7:04pm January 1st

Three werewolves, a pony and a seer continues to plod along nicely, just breached 30000 words today. I hope to have the first chunk of chapters ready by mid to late January. Happy New Year, Sam.

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3 Werewolves, a pony and a seer excerpt and character reveal! · 11:29am Dec 13th, 2023

I'm still a long way from releasing but did just hit 10000 words and for all the nice comments have an excerpt of what's to come and a revelation of which pony we're focusing on this time!

Professor Sprout looked to the heavens. Please, for the love of Merlin, just let it be a normal wand.

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A possible return, 3 Werewolves, a pony and a seer · 5:29pm Dec 7th, 2023

I have had so many false starts so don't get your hopes but I've found a little spark and have actually nearly written a full chapter today hurrah! Consider it a multiverse take on my previous HP fic, so similar lessons, a few of my own previously designed characters etc.

Simply put a canon mlp character ends up at Hogwarts in 91, carnage ensues hopefully, we will see. I won't be posting anything until at least 10 chapters are done.

Toodles and have a merry Xmas all!

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? · 3:59pm Mar 10th, 2023

Just want to say thanks for your kind words. I'm still unsure if I'll write anything that I'll release in the near future but we'll see. What the past few weeks have shown me though is that my motivation for writing has totally waned, I rewrote 2 Scoti chapters but am not happy with them. Scoti was such a cool project and I'd love to someday write more either in the HP universe or just in general but like many others, the motivation to do so just isn't there and everything I do write just seems

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