I am a fanfic critic i will give your work a number from 1 to 200. But i will only mark your work if you have more then 10 fanfic storys
"Life is a mountain, so will you be content on your plateau or risk climbing higher?"
Haven’t been here in years, wassup y’all, I’m still here to chill and read fics lol (September 24, 2023)
Otherwise known as Alastor Deer Daddy~
Epileptic-autistic eldest of four, artist, creative, and horse crazy girl who is obsessed with entertainment media and history among other things.
T.A.B. Here! with a love of all things creative and a bit of a dreamer.
my pfp is me reacting to all of the shit i made on here | https://twitch.tv/pastasparq | https://discord.gg/kUAvJuXC2N
I am here to bring you amazing and beautiful fanfictions for your entertainment
Hello everyone! It's story time! God bless you! | Christian, Female, Early 20's, British, Straight, Single. Birthday: Feb 13. Profile pic: pmbsakura37.
Hazel Bell is my waifu! Want to see my You Tube Channel?
Friendship don't always last, but the ones that do are the best!
I am here only to please my fellow readers and am eager to see mlp Fim used in any artistic form and I lookforward to seeing the tallents of the internets writers brought to life
Don't give up on life, don't give up on hope, and don't give up on yourself. ^^
We are all unique individuals, of our own merits, flaws, and beliefs. Together, we create the future.
And now I feel overwhelmed, in a home made for someone else... now I feel overwhelmed come with fear, for someone else's tears.
"With the world so set on tearing itself apart, it doesn't seem like such a bad thing to me to wanna put a little bit of it back together"
"I thought this meant a lot to you...?" "That's the only kind of gift worth givin'. I want to entrust it to you so I am. What you do from here is your call."
I'm a weird kind of person, really shy, but always willing to listen when people talk to me.
"Unwavering faith and resilient bonds will bring even miracles to your side."
Good day everyone, I'm General Tyrus, and I think it was wonderful that you've decided to look at this poor excuse of a profile. I enjoy writing and reading, and I hope you do as well. Cheers!
I'm just some 30-year old dude from Canada hoping to become a screenplay writer one day. That's all.
Previously fluffysam1212. Updated to match other socials because I tend to come back on to reread things. Will I ever fully come back? Who knows. Certainly not me. they/them/xey/xem/it/its
"I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day."- Vincent Van Gogh
© MMXIX by Jesse Coffey Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Just a friendly vampire pegasus who enjoys writing, games, trains, magic and fantasy. Name's Galaxy, pleasure to meet you! ^^
I'm just a Florida autism girl who like Historian romance,hardcore fluff and beauty and beast like charcters
If men find out we can shape-shift they are going to tell the church
✨Hi, I'm Kitty! I'm not really active much on here anymore but if you want to talk to me, do message me on discord! Have a lovely day! ✨
I'm just a kid who loves MLP and Christian rock. My ultimate OTP is Fluttercord. For more info, see the extended bio below. Avatar by C-Puff on Deviantart.
hiii just a heads up but anytime somone is kind enough to use my ocs has permission to use anytime (just no clop without me either asking or being asked)