• Member Since 28th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen January 17th



This story is a sequel to A Cold Night

Set after the events of an alternative Keep Calm and Flutter On. As Fluttershy continues to keep her promise to Discord. One night, she goes into a panic when she makes one mistake that might reset her progress. What lengths will she go in order to fix it?

For Day 7 (Free Prompt - Alternate Universe) of #FluttercordWeek2020

Chapters (1)

An alternate excerpt from IWAM: True Love Never Dies (A story I hope I get to write).

Discord has always prepared himself for the worst. Outliving his loved ones was an easy fix, just pure immortality. A loved one stricken with an illness, a mere poof away. But death? No pony can prepare for death.

For Day Four (Tragic/Angst/Sad) of Fluttercord Week

Chapters (1)

Set after the events of an alternative Keep Calm and Flutter On. After Discord refuses to remove the chaos from Applejack's farm, he is imprisoned once again in stone, and Fluttershy must deal with loss of new friend with a new promise.

*Submitted for Day One (Alternate Universe) of #FluttercordWeek

Chapters (1)

Based of the poem "TheHighwayMan" by Alfred Noyes.

The HighwayDraconequus (a thief) visits his marefriend Fluttershy at her mothers old inn, but gets spied on by somepony lurking in the shadows who runs off to tell a bigger power about The HighwayDraconequus, then chaos endures when the HighwayDraconequus leaves and Fluttershy has to face it alone.

Chapters (1)

Set after the events of season 4: After realizing that she has feelings for Discord, Fluttershy must figure out if Discord shares the same feelings as her. But her plans goes to waste, when strange blue, cotton candy clouds start to appear.

Chapters (10)