• Member Since 24th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen Oct 17th, 2020


If you're reading this, I'm going on hiatus indefinitely. I will return one day, but until then, please take care and adieu.


*** Special shout-out and thanks to my editor, Schadenponi! ***

*Important!*Patch 1.89 Notes*
-Overwatch is awesome!
-Still planning the contents for the next chapter.
-The Slice of Life tag has been removed and replaced with the Adventure tag because I say so.
-Added the Alternate Universe tag because, without it, this story might confuse people.
-Once the upcoming chapter, 'One Small Step For Man' is published, this story will officially be considered a HiE (Human in Equestria).
-Description has been changed and updated.
-Bacon is awesome

The hero of this story, Creme Fraiche, had just finished moving his stuff into his new apartment --- after being told that he was to be transferred. Everything in his apartment seemed to be in working order at first, until he discovered the broken bathroom mirror.

During his search for a replacement, an old lady from a mystical-looking Chinese antique shop gave Creme exactly what he needed: a mirror. But the hero soon discovers that not only does the mirror doesn't show his reflection, it shows something else entirely: a cerulean-coloured pony with a rainbow-coloured mane --- with wings, too.

And it can talk.

*Author Notes*
-Twilight Sparkle is an alicorn in this alternate universe, however she has never been to the human world, nor has she met any humans before. To put it in more simpler terms: the events of all MLP: EqG movies never took place in this AU. Deal with it.

-As of the chapter 'Beyond Earth'. I quickly realized that the direction that my story is heading for will no longer be considered as a Slice of Life. Therefore, (since the two tags are counted as 'conflicting categories') I had it removed, and replaced (Adventure) to avoid any further complications, confusion and complaining.

-Bacon is awesome.

-This adorable cover art is done by the amazing DShou from deviantart! Do check out the dude's other works!

Chapters (20)

Rainbow Dash! She's captain for every sports club in Canterlot High! She has great athletic abilities! She lives and breathes sports! Everyone calls her the King of Sports in Canterlot High School!

Strange right? Calling her 'King' instead of 'Queen'. People always see Rainbow Dash as more of the tomboyish type. The guys in her club talks to her and treats her like a guy. Even her best friends, see her as one of those girls that does not enjoy feminine things.

It wasn't true though. Even Rainbow Dash wants to be a girl. She wants to eat sweet things, she wants to be pretty, she wants to put on make up, to gossip about boys, to fall in love, to date guys. But who would believe her? When no one, even her best friends, has ever seen her feminine side?

How will things turn out for her on Valentine's Day?

This is set in the Equestria Girl's universe. So yeah, humans instead of ponies. Enjoy

Cover art by Gioku from deviantart!

Chapters (1)

Celery Stork, is your average high school student in CHS. With the arrival of the new semester, he made it his goal to find a school club to join.

School clubs are very important for a student of CHS. It helps the students to make new friends, to unearth hidden potentials within them, to discover new hobbies and entertainment and much, much more.

But it isn't as easy as our protagonist expected. He soon finds himself joining an unlikely and unusual school club. How will this club affect his school life? How will this club affect him?

This is set in the Equestria Girls universe. So, yeah. Humans instead of ponies. Enjoy.

Chapters (5)

Everything was fine, until the news came. Now the end of the world is approaching...on the very same day it was announced! And on a school day at Canterlot High School!
If you found out that today will be the last day you will be spending your life on earth, what will you do? What will you say?

This is set in the Equestria Girls universe. So yes, humans instead of ponies. Just a one-shot. Enjoy, folks!

Chapters (1)

Everywhere I went, I hear people telling me, Hey! Living in Canterlot is just freaking awesome! It is a wondrous and magnificent city. It is the city where all your dreams can come true, and that it is also a place where true love can be easily found. It is also a city wher---

Please stop with the cowpoop.

There is no such thing as dreams becoming reality, nor is true love actually real. It is all fantasy, made-up, a fiction that plenty of people wishes it to be fact.

Complete and utter cowpoop. That sums up my life too. Cow--freaking--poop. My life sucks.

This is set in the Equestria Girls universe, after Rainbow Rocks.

Chapters (9)

Time, is something that I do not have to spare. The waters of my life is slowly dripping away before me. I cannot stop my inevitable death. It approaches me like an old friend. Patiently waiting as my life ebbs away. I do not fear death. I welcome it, with open hooves. But... Before I die, there is one wish that I hope to see fulfilled. It might prove difficult, even impossible. However... I no longer have anything to lose. And I hope to at least find some form of comfort before I leave this world, forgotten and swept under the drain.

I wish to meet my love, Princess Luna.

Chapters (1)

>This story isn't really for everyone --- The protagonist's life in here is a little too perfect
>This story hasn't been updated in almost two years --- writing is clunky, stiff, and buggy (Chapter 1 -- 10)
>From chapter 11 onwards, writing style may seem different
>If you cannot accept reading stories where the MC is having an almost perfect life, read my other works
>There will be no major re-writes for this story --- I'll just continue where I left off and do what I can
>Bacon (the food) is tasty, to-die-for, and awesome. If you die because of bacon, you had a good life
>Actual story description below :pinkiegasp:

Despite being a new student, Bacon Neggs is having a surprisingly easy time fitting in to Canterlot High School. Was it because of his weird name? Or perhaps the deodorant he uses every morning? Could his somewhat good looking looks played a factor in this? Or maybe it was by some divine intervention, where his fate was being written and controlled by some unseeable god from above? No one knows, and perhaps no one ever will.

It almost felt as if his life was a little too perfect.

Regardless of what made Bacon's life in Canterlot High the way it is, all he wanted was is to get a chance at having a fresh start. But his plans at a fresh start might need to be put on hold, as all the students of Canterlot High are preparing for a brand new, never held before event. The Winter Nights Dance.

As the date for the dance draws closer and closer, Bacon will soon find his life intertwining with three very different young ladies in Canterlot High. And, like the thousands and thousands of romantic clichés available in novels and TV shows, Bacon --- without a doubt --- will need to choose someone in the end. Or everyone dies.


Chapters (11)