//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: To Five or Not to Five // Story: The Last Dance // by Eggtaro //------------------------------// Bacon made his way towards the medical room, the bell had rung, and the hallways were starting to fill up with hungry students, all storming pass him, trying to be the first to reach the cafeteria. Bacon tried his best to avoid bumping into any of them. Most of the students that past him gave him peering looks, obviously wondering who was this random person that was heading the opposite direction of the cafeteria. But none of them made the effort to stop and question Bacon, they were too focused on the cafeteria, where heavenly food was waiting for them. As Bacon snaked his way through the students, he spotted the unmistakable red cross sign that was hanging outside one of the doors. Squashing himself flat against the wall as another horde of students squeeze their way through, chattering loudly. He took a moment to catch his breath as he finally made it to the medical room door, and quickly opened and entered to avoid getting squash again. The medical room was rather small, with two beds placed along one side of the room and a cabinet filled with medical stuff on the other. Compared to the crowded and noisy hallway, the silence in the medical room was quite welcoming. There was nobody in, apparently, and Bacon pondered wherever he should leave and come back next week or just stay until someone returns. He decided on the latter. He went over to the nurse's table, which was in the far end of the room, the were files and pieces of paper on the the table, pencils and pens laying about on the floor, and a cup of what seems to be coffee, half drunk with a teaspoon inside. Pretty messy for a person who's supposed to be responsible for the health of the school's students and staff. There were a bunch of books as well, some were opened. Bacon studied one of the covers of a book propped on a smaller stack of books. 'Patient Happiness and You,' the title read, below it was a picture of a patient, lying on the bed, smiling to a rather grim looking doctor, who was holding a syringe in one hand. 'A handy guidebook for finding the key to make your patients, happy.' Bacon chuckled. "If that's my doctor, I wouldn't dare to think of smiling." looking at the picture again, shaking his head. A sudden knock on the door made Bacon jumped a little, he quickly backed away from the table, and sat on one of the beds, trying to look as innocent and unsuspicious as possible as the doorknob began to turn. Sunset Shimmer entered the room, patting down her hair as she closed the door. She too, was caught in the mob of students. "Hey Pinkie, I got some news for yo--oh!" she stopped in surprise as she saw Bacon, who was sitting on the bed, giving her a cheery wave. "Bacon?" Sunset asked. "The very same," Bacon replied, standing up "Fancy seeing you here." he motioned her hair, "Pretty rough huh?" "Barbaric," Sunset said pulling out a pocket mirror, "Is always chaotic out there when lunch begins." she stared at her reflection. "and on bad days, is not only my hair that gets messed up." she closed and returned the pocket mirror back inside her pocket. Bacon laughed, "I can only imagine how bad that must sound." Sunset chuckled softly, "Actually, since you're here. I want to say thanks...and sorry." Bacon stared at Sunset with a quizzical look. "What for?" "For the candy," Sunset said, "and for showing you such a pathetic side of me." she touched her two fingers together. "I don't usually cry on the job." she smiled shyly. "What are you talking about?" Sunset looked at Bacon, confused by his question. "B-back at the library!" she stammered, Did he forget about it already? "After what Snips and Snails tol--" "Like I said, what are you talking about?" Bacon interrupted, giving Sunset a soft gaze. "Wasn't it dust that got into your eye? All I remember is that you were suddenly blinded by a cloud of dust and your eyes started to water." he grinned at her. "there certainly was no crying going on." Sunset Shimmer's mouth was open, lost for words. She was almost certain that Bacon would have something to say about the matter. But no, here he was, changing the story, opening and alternate path, trying to make her forget about it. Her heart skipped a beat. She had been feeling worried and uneasy after the library, worried what Bacon, her new friend, might think of her. All that worrying was for nothing. "B-but--" she struggled, finding her words. "didn't you think I was weak? I let my emotions got the best of me, and I...I--" Bacon stepped closer towards her, and patted her on the head. "Just because you shed some tears," he said, softly ruffling her hair. "doesn't mean you are weak, or pathetic." he stepped back, "it just shows that you're human." Sunset stared at Bacon, her heart starting to pound at her chest. Why? she began to think Why do I feel so...so safe with him?. She just met him a few hours ago, and yet, during those brief moments, it seems like he had understood her, as if he knew. She looked down at the floor, unsure what to look at. Many times she have been the guide for new students. And she always gave her best to make the change she so desperately yearned, wanting to feel accepted by them, wanting to show them the new her. Ever since the fall formal, she tried to change her old ways. To embrace the meaning of friendship, and she did, from her --former enemies-- best friends; Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. They have been the ones that gave her strength, love and care. But the rest of the school, well, the rest of the school were still skeptical of her sudden change, from once being a person that was feared, she became the one that everyone hated. Everyday, students will pass by her, whispering rude comments at her, some didn't even bother to lower their voices. Sunset always showed a strong face when asked by her dear friends wherever or not she was fine, but deep down, she was scared and lonely. She dreaded her next day of school. But things have improved a lot after the incident with the sirens, more and more students became her friends, and she no longer felt lonely, she was no longer scared. For the first time in a long time, she manage to smile deep from within her heart, not forcefully faking it. And yet, there were still people like Snips and Snails, spreading the tales of her former self, trying to ruin her reputation once again, and it still hurts her every time she hears it. But Bacon, the person she just met, brushed away the tales, and told her that he was proud to be her friend, and even cheered her up when she was feeling down, to a complete stranger! Sunset Shimmer looked back up at Bacon, who was staring at her with concern eyes. "Thank you." she said quietly, Bacon grinned. "That's what friends are for isn't it?" ******* Pinkamena Diane Pie skipped down the hallway, her hair bouncing with every step, smiling and waving at every student she passed. The students waved back, some even called out her name. She giggled as unused balloons and rolls of decorative tape fell out of her pockets, and started humming a tune as she continued to skip her way towards the medical room. She was just about to turn the doorknob when she heard voices from within the room, she paused and leaned over with her ear to the door. There was a guy's voice, and a girl. "Ooooo what have I stumble upon here? Is it romance?" she listen harder, trying to make out what the occupants were saying. When she heard Sunset Shimmer's voice, however, she immediately threw the door open, and flung herself at Sunset. "SUNSET SHIMMMMMEEERR!!!" She shouted, as she hugged Sunset around the waist, Strange, she thought, pinching the sides this feels more, muscular she squeeze harder, and a voice from above said "Hello there." Pinkie looked up and saw Bacon looking at her, rubbing his head, embarrassed. "Oopsie! Wrong Sunset!" Pinkie quickly let go of Bacon, giggling to herself. She scanned the room and spotted Sunset Shimmer standing behind her, waving and grinning awkwardly, Pinkie made sure she did not miss, and hugged Sunset around the neck. "Got'cha!" she said, giving Sunset a tight hug. "Hello Pinkie," Sunset said, hugging Pinkie in return. "I was looking for you." "For me? Ohmigosh, are you here because you wanted to give me a present?" She started to dance, still holding onto Sunset. "Oh wait! I know! You're here to give me candy isn't it? Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!" "What? No Pinkie, that's not what I cam--" Pinkie started to twist and turn, holding on to Sunset, gleefully chanting "Candy! Candy! CANDY!" she suddenly stopped, staring at Bacon with wide eyes, as if only now noticing him. She gasped loudly "A PATIENT?!" she let go of Sunset and grabbed Bacon by the arm. Before he knew it, Bacon was pushed down onto one of the beds, with a thermometer in his mouth, and a large blanket with balloon designs covering him. "W-what? No I'm not si--" Bacon said, but was interrupted by Pinkie as she placed a wet face towel on his forehead. "What seems to be the problem?" she asked, pulling the thermometer out and checking the temperature. "Hmm...you don't seem to be having a fever. Are you having a cold maybe? The flu? Chickenpox?" Pinkie kept on asking questions as Bacon tried, in vain, to tell her that he was not sick. Sunset Shimmer was laughing. "As a certified nurse's assistant! I know just what you need!" Pinkie said, pulling out a rubber chicken from under the bed, "Comedy!" And she began singing a song which Bacon could not understand, watching her pulling and swinging the rubber chicken around. "You know what they said about curing people. With laughter! Cause laughter is the best medicine out there! Come on! Laugh!" she grabbed Bacon by the shoulders and shook him till his head felt dizzy. "Pinkie stop!" Sunset said, holding her sides, still laughing. "His not sick!" Pinkie stopped shaking Bacon. Bacon's head was still spinning, "Is it true?" Pinkie asked "You're not sick?" Bacon only nodded, unable to speak. "Well why didn't you say so!" Pinkie said "and here I was about to give you the Pinkiecureallshotofhappiness!" she showed him a syringe plushie. "Its not reeeeal." she whispered. Leaving Bacon alone to regain his senses, Pinkie turned to faced Sunset. "So what can I do you for Sunny?" "Oh! That's right, I got a message for you from Fluttershy." "Fluttershy? I haven't seen her all morning! Is she all right?" Pinkie asked, hands on her cheeks, concerned. "Angel is missing, she was searching for him since this morning over at the animal shelter." Sunset said "That's why she didn't show up." "Oh no! Not sweet adorable Angel!" Pinkie cried "Is there anything I can do to help?" "Well she was hoping you can help print out some missing pet posters so we can pass them around Canterlot High." "Okie dokie lokie! I will get right on it! See you after school then!" and Pinkie dashed out of the medical room, leaving behind a trail of confetti on the floor. "Wait!" Bacon called, getting out of the bed, "Aaaaannnddd...she's gone." Sunset giggled at the sight of Bacon, his hair was all messy, the rubber chicken was dangling on his shoulder, and he was still holding the plushie syringe, which had a smiley face. "Who was that?" "Pinkamena Diane Pie," Sunset said, praising herself for remembering Pinkie's full name. "Or, as we all call her, Pinkie Pie." "She's the nurses's assistant?" Bacon asked, "for real?" Sunset nodded her head. "Wow, Celestia was right on her being...lively." he threw the rubber chicken and plushie on the bed. "and I was supposed to hand her this." he took out the slip of paper Celestia had given him. "What's that?" Sunset asked, feeling curious, eyeing the paper. "Just something Celestia written down for the nurse. I was supposed to let her know about my con--" Bacon paused mid sentence, and cleared his throat loudly "-- to let her know about some stuff." Sunset eyed Bacon suspiciously, but did not say anything. She glanced at her watch, "Well, I still have a couple of errands that needs doing." She began to head for the door. "Coming?" "Yeah, I'll just hand it over next time I'm here." Bacon said, pocketing the paper. "I can help with you that, if you want to." Sunset said, "I'm going to meet up with Pinkie and my friends later on anyway." Bacon considered her offer for a minute, and slowly took out the paper. "Well, okay, please do. But..." he paused for moment, "just don't look at what's written inside okay?" Sunset nodded. "I promise I won't look at the contents of this secret paper." Sunset said, taking the paper. "You have nothing to worry about." "Thanks." Bacon grinned, and they both left the medical room. The hallways were much emptier now, only a few students were standing about their lockers, chatting with their fellow friends, or running about, throwing a football. "What's up with this Angel thing anyway?" "My friend, Fluttershy, has this cute bunny named Angel," She took out her cellphone and showed him the picture. "She simply love animals, but her pet bunny is her favourite." "And this...Angel, is missing?" Bacon asked "Yes, before coming to school, Fluttershy always head over to the animal shelter near here, to say hello to the animals." "Er...'say hello'?" Sunset nodded, "Like I said, she loves animals. Anyway, Fluttershy carries Angel around in her backpack. Today, as she did her usual routine, she turned to only find her backpack with books and animal treats, but no Angel." "So she's looking for him right now?" Bacon asked "Yup, and she gave me a call, asking for help." Sunset said, keeping her cellphone. "That's what we were doing back at the library this morning, I was asking one of my other friends for their assistance." "You need an extra pair of eyes?" "Would you? Oh thank you!" They were nearing the cafeteria. Sunset reached for the door. "I gotta go, and settle a few more things here Bacon, will you still be here after lunch?" she asked. "Nope, I actually got some other errands to do." Bacon said "Thanks for the tour, Sunset Shimmer." Sunset smiled, "Not at all, Bacon, Oh and if you do find Angel bunny, please bring him over to the animal shelter. Do you know where that is?" "I'll manage, don't worry." They gave each other a wave, and Bacon headed for the exit. As he passed through the doors, he fished out the paper that Aunt Flora had given him that morning. "Milk, eggs, carrots..." Bacon read the shopping list quietly to himself. Second day in Canterlot and already an errand boy. He stretched his arms, took one final glance at Canterlot High, and walked down the pathway, heading for the grocery store. As he pass the horse statue, he did not notice a small, white fluffy creature peeking out behind him.