• Published 24th Oct 2014
  • 2,068 Views, 22 Comments

The Last Dance - Eggtaro

When you come to Canterlot High with a name like Bacon Neggs, school life would definitely be anything but normal. But normal is exactly what Bacon was looking for. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. As his life there may be a little too perfect.

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Chapter 1: The First Day

Author's Note:

Hey there! Eggtaro here. So this is my very first fanfic (or fimfic) that I published. Will definitely write more chapters! Please do not forget to leave your reviews, comments (or criticism) for me! If you enjoy the fanfic, share to your buddies! Much love to you all!


"Got your luggage?" his dad asked, turning around to look at his son, placing a hairy hand on the front car door.

"Yeah, is in the trunk, Dad." replied Bacon Neggs, shutting the car trunk close. Bacon turned around and took one last long glimpse of their house. He gave a heavy sigh and got in the car, shutting the door much harder than he thought he would. His dad entered soon after as well and started the engine, "Well, lets go then!" he said cheerily, and they drove off the driveway and onto the main road.

Bacon stared out at the window as trees, houses and people pass by the car. He wasn't really paying any attention, currently lost in his own thoughts. His dad turned on the radio and twisted the dial a while till country music started to play and he hummed in time with the music as they left the neighbourhood. There were less houses now, but an increase in trees and lamp posts as they continued down the road.

About half and hour has passed and Bacon was starting to get sleepy when-- "You're gonna love it there over at Canterlot High," Bacon's dad said suddenly "The school's a nice place and the city has loads of stuff for you young bloods to go and enjoy." his dad chuckled and glanced at Bacon. "You okay there son? You've been awfully quiet ever since we left the house." Bacon glanced over at his father and gave a heavy sigh.

"It just seem so sudden dad," Bacon said while sitting up straight in his seat and returning his gaze towards the window. "I mean, after what happened back home, I thought we will try to make some time to fix some things, not just drive out into the sunset."

"Now don't you go worrying about those things no more son, its all in the past now, and thinking too hard on how to fix these problems will only make matters more worst for you. Especially that scar." Bacon's dad said, pointing at Bacon's chest.

"That's what the doctor said too, but I feel fine!" Bacon gave his chest a rub "See? no pain, no discomfort, nothing!" That was a lie, he rubbed his chest a bit to hard and he felt a short sharp pain. But as quickly as it came, it was gone in an instant. Bacon tried to act like the sudden pain did not affect him but his dad had already noticed. His dad sighed.

"Bacon, my son, if you continue to stay back home it will only make you more sad and miserable. I am doing what is best for you." He gave Bacon a concerned look. "There is nothing more you can do for her." he said quietly.

Bacon did not answer, choosing to continue staring outside rather than answering. He blocked out his father's voice and the stupidly annoying country music, just wanting to be left alone and to not be reminded of her.

Several hours later, they finally reached the city of Canterlot. There wasn't really much to see, not that Bacon was focusing on the city anyway. They pass by a small cafe, a few restaurants, a music shop and what seems to be like an animal shelter. A few more turns later they reach a rather old and small looking house. Bacon did a double take. The paint was starting to fade here and there, the roof have some poorly repaired holes which was obviously done by an amateur instead of professional hands, and the front gate was rusty and chips of old paint were peeling out at odd ends. There were two elderly people on the lawn; the woman was trimming a bush with a pair of large garden shears, while the man was sitting on a folded out lawn chair, reading the newspaper.

Bacon's dad gave them a honk with the car, and the two elderly people looked up. Smiles immediately spread from their faces as they both went to open the gate to greet them. Bacon and his dad got out the car and they were both hugged by them tightly, the elder woman gave Bacon's dad two swift kisses on both cheeks while the man ruffled Bacon's hair. "Bacon!" the elder man's voice boomed loud and strong. "It has been too long, yes sir! too long indeed." he laughed and gave Bacon another hug. "Seven years was it Chop?" he asked Bacon's dad who nodded, smiling.

"Ooooh, you've grown so much my dear, Bacon. I remembered the last time you were here when you was still a lively little boy. Oh the joy you brought to us back then." the elder woman came over and gave Bacon's cheeks a soft pinch. Bacon forced out a smile.

"Its great to see you guys again, aunt Flora, uncle Benedict." said Bacon, giving them both a grin. He went over to the car trunk to remove his belongings while aunt Flora dragged his father in to the house. "You must have a drink with us, Chop." she was telling him, her hand wrapped around his arm "We have so much to talk about, I also made your favourite apple pie, just for the occasion."

Uncle Benedict gave a loud hearty laugh at the sight of his wife and went over to Bacon, "Need a hand with that?" he asked, his hand starting to reach out.

"Just directions to the room uncle, thanks." Bacon pulled the last of his luggage out from the car trunk and shut it. "I didn't really brought a lot with me so, I'll manage just fine." he gave uncle Benedict a smile.

"Well come along then!" his uncle said, giving Bacon a slap on the back. "I tell you, Bacon, it is just great to have you here staying with us, your aunt Flora was so excited she couldn't even sleep! And she always sleeps like a log! Ha!" they passed the gate and headed towards the front door, which was already left ajar. Two pair of shoes were on the ground, one pair was set nicely while the other seemed to be removed in a hurry. Bacon shook his head, knowing which pair was his dad's.

"You are gonna love Canterlot High, the school's always having fun events, and the teachers and student are a friendly bunch of people." His uncle went on, leading Bacon up the stairs. "and there are plenty of lovely young girls there if you're" he cleared his throat "interested." he gave Bacon a wrinkled wink.

Bacon only grinned at his uncle, despite being such an old man, uncle Benedict still had his young spirit, and his strength haven't seemed to had left him. They reach a small room, and his uncle opened the door while Bacon move in awkwardly with his luggage in both his hands.

"Sure you really don't need any help with that?" his uncle asked.

"Don't worry about it uncle, I've carried stuff more heavier than this." Bacon placed his luggages down and looked around the room. There was a cupboard, a table and chair and a window right next to a comfortable yet small looking bed. Bacon stared at the bed with one of his eyebrows raised, the covers were pink with flowers designs on them and his pillow had a furry cat face. "Cats as a pillow design?" he asked his uncle picking the pillow up, giving the cat face a hard look.

"Well you know your aunt Flora, she always like these silly design them designers make." uncle Benedict laughed. "Reckon she thought you might like it too." Bacon didn't reply, setting the pillow back in its place. "Well I'll leave you to it then. Be sure to come down when you settled in." his uncle left the room and closed the door.

Bacon sat on the bed and felt it sink a bit. Praying to himself that the bed would hold his weight, he got back up quickly and went to unpack his stuff. Opening the cupboard, he noticed there was a mirror inside. He paused for a moment, watching his reflection stare back at him. He smoothed his cropped black hair back with his hand and stared deeply into his emerald green eyes, a feature he had gotten from his mother. It has been ten years since his mother died, leaving him and his younger sister for his dad to take care of. It wasn't easy for his dad, Bacon knew, so he had always gave it his all in doing his part as a son and an elder brother to make his dad's life much easier and bearable.

Bacon gave a sigh and resumed unpacking his clothes and things. Starting from tomorrow, his new life here will truly begin, but for today he just wanted to get this over with and go to bed.