The Last Dance

by Eggtaro

First published

When you come to Canterlot High with a name like Bacon Neggs, school life would definitely be anything but normal. But normal is exactly what Bacon was looking for. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. As his life there may be a little too perfect.

>This story isn't really for everyone --- The protagonist's life in here is a little too perfect
>This story hasn't been updated in almost two years --- writing is clunky, stiff, and buggy (Chapter 1 -- 10)
>From chapter 11 onwards, writing style may seem different
>If you cannot accept reading stories where the MC is having an almost perfect life, read my other works
>There will be no major re-writes for this story --- I'll just continue where I left off and do what I can
>Bacon (the food) is tasty, to-die-for, and awesome. If you die because of bacon, you had a good life
>Actual story description below :pinkiegasp:

Despite being a new student, Bacon Neggs is having a surprisingly easy time fitting in to Canterlot High School. Was it because of his weird name? Or perhaps the deodorant he uses every morning? Could his somewhat good looking looks played a factor in this? Or maybe it was by some divine intervention, where his fate was being written and controlled by some unseeable god from above? No one knows, and perhaps no one ever will.

It almost felt as if his life was a little too perfect.

Regardless of what made Bacon's life in Canterlot High the way it is, all he wanted was is to get a chance at having a fresh start. But his plans at a fresh start might need to be put on hold, as all the students of Canterlot High are preparing for a brand new, never held before event. The Winter Nights Dance.

As the date for the dance draws closer and closer, Bacon will soon find his life intertwining with three very different young ladies in Canterlot High. And, like the thousands and thousands of romantic clichés available in novels and TV shows, Bacon --- without a doubt --- will need to choose someone in the end. Or everyone dies.


Chapter 1: The First Day

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"Got your luggage?" his dad asked, turning around to look at his son, placing a hairy hand on the front car door.

"Yeah, is in the trunk, Dad." replied Bacon Neggs, shutting the car trunk close. Bacon turned around and took one last long glimpse of their house. He gave a heavy sigh and got in the car, shutting the door much harder than he thought he would. His dad entered soon after as well and started the engine, "Well, lets go then!" he said cheerily, and they drove off the driveway and onto the main road.

Bacon stared out at the window as trees, houses and people pass by the car. He wasn't really paying any attention, currently lost in his own thoughts. His dad turned on the radio and twisted the dial a while till country music started to play and he hummed in time with the music as they left the neighbourhood. There were less houses now, but an increase in trees and lamp posts as they continued down the road.

About half and hour has passed and Bacon was starting to get sleepy when-- "You're gonna love it there over at Canterlot High," Bacon's dad said suddenly "The school's a nice place and the city has loads of stuff for you young bloods to go and enjoy." his dad chuckled and glanced at Bacon. "You okay there son? You've been awfully quiet ever since we left the house." Bacon glanced over at his father and gave a heavy sigh.

"It just seem so sudden dad," Bacon said while sitting up straight in his seat and returning his gaze towards the window. "I mean, after what happened back home, I thought we will try to make some time to fix some things, not just drive out into the sunset."

"Now don't you go worrying about those things no more son, its all in the past now, and thinking too hard on how to fix these problems will only make matters more worst for you. Especially that scar." Bacon's dad said, pointing at Bacon's chest.

"That's what the doctor said too, but I feel fine!" Bacon gave his chest a rub "See? no pain, no discomfort, nothing!" That was a lie, he rubbed his chest a bit to hard and he felt a short sharp pain. But as quickly as it came, it was gone in an instant. Bacon tried to act like the sudden pain did not affect him but his dad had already noticed. His dad sighed.

"Bacon, my son, if you continue to stay back home it will only make you more sad and miserable. I am doing what is best for you." He gave Bacon a concerned look. "There is nothing more you can do for her." he said quietly.

Bacon did not answer, choosing to continue staring outside rather than answering. He blocked out his father's voice and the stupidly annoying country music, just wanting to be left alone and to not be reminded of her.

Several hours later, they finally reached the city of Canterlot. There wasn't really much to see, not that Bacon was focusing on the city anyway. They pass by a small cafe, a few restaurants, a music shop and what seems to be like an animal shelter. A few more turns later they reach a rather old and small looking house. Bacon did a double take. The paint was starting to fade here and there, the roof have some poorly repaired holes which was obviously done by an amateur instead of professional hands, and the front gate was rusty and chips of old paint were peeling out at odd ends. There were two elderly people on the lawn; the woman was trimming a bush with a pair of large garden shears, while the man was sitting on a folded out lawn chair, reading the newspaper.

Bacon's dad gave them a honk with the car, and the two elderly people looked up. Smiles immediately spread from their faces as they both went to open the gate to greet them. Bacon and his dad got out the car and they were both hugged by them tightly, the elder woman gave Bacon's dad two swift kisses on both cheeks while the man ruffled Bacon's hair. "Bacon!" the elder man's voice boomed loud and strong. "It has been too long, yes sir! too long indeed." he laughed and gave Bacon another hug. "Seven years was it Chop?" he asked Bacon's dad who nodded, smiling.

"Ooooh, you've grown so much my dear, Bacon. I remembered the last time you were here when you was still a lively little boy. Oh the joy you brought to us back then." the elder woman came over and gave Bacon's cheeks a soft pinch. Bacon forced out a smile.

"Its great to see you guys again, aunt Flora, uncle Benedict." said Bacon, giving them both a grin. He went over to the car trunk to remove his belongings while aunt Flora dragged his father in to the house. "You must have a drink with us, Chop." she was telling him, her hand wrapped around his arm "We have so much to talk about, I also made your favourite apple pie, just for the occasion."

Uncle Benedict gave a loud hearty laugh at the sight of his wife and went over to Bacon, "Need a hand with that?" he asked, his hand starting to reach out.

"Just directions to the room uncle, thanks." Bacon pulled the last of his luggage out from the car trunk and shut it. "I didn't really brought a lot with me so, I'll manage just fine." he gave uncle Benedict a smile.

"Well come along then!" his uncle said, giving Bacon a slap on the back. "I tell you, Bacon, it is just great to have you here staying with us, your aunt Flora was so excited she couldn't even sleep! And she always sleeps like a log! Ha!" they passed the gate and headed towards the front door, which was already left ajar. Two pair of shoes were on the ground, one pair was set nicely while the other seemed to be removed in a hurry. Bacon shook his head, knowing which pair was his dad's.

"You are gonna love Canterlot High, the school's always having fun events, and the teachers and student are a friendly bunch of people." His uncle went on, leading Bacon up the stairs. "and there are plenty of lovely young girls there if you're" he cleared his throat "interested." he gave Bacon a wrinkled wink.

Bacon only grinned at his uncle, despite being such an old man, uncle Benedict still had his young spirit, and his strength haven't seemed to had left him. They reach a small room, and his uncle opened the door while Bacon move in awkwardly with his luggage in both his hands.

"Sure you really don't need any help with that?" his uncle asked.

"Don't worry about it uncle, I've carried stuff more heavier than this." Bacon placed his luggages down and looked around the room. There was a cupboard, a table and chair and a window right next to a comfortable yet small looking bed. Bacon stared at the bed with one of his eyebrows raised, the covers were pink with flowers designs on them and his pillow had a furry cat face. "Cats as a pillow design?" he asked his uncle picking the pillow up, giving the cat face a hard look.

"Well you know your aunt Flora, she always like these silly design them designers make." uncle Benedict laughed. "Reckon she thought you might like it too." Bacon didn't reply, setting the pillow back in its place. "Well I'll leave you to it then. Be sure to come down when you settled in." his uncle left the room and closed the door.

Bacon sat on the bed and felt it sink a bit. Praying to himself that the bed would hold his weight, he got back up quickly and went to unpack his stuff. Opening the cupboard, he noticed there was a mirror inside. He paused for a moment, watching his reflection stare back at him. He smoothed his cropped black hair back with his hand and stared deeply into his emerald green eyes, a feature he had gotten from his mother. It has been ten years since his mother died, leaving him and his younger sister for his dad to take care of. It wasn't easy for his dad, Bacon knew, so he had always gave it his all in doing his part as a son and an elder brother to make his dad's life much easier and bearable.

Bacon gave a sigh and resumed unpacking his clothes and things. Starting from tomorrow, his new life here will truly begin, but for today he just wanted to get this over with and go to bed.

Chapter 2: The Second Life

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Bacon Neggs woke up to the sound of knocking on his door. He gave a grunt as a reply and heard his aunt Flora's voice "Time for breakfast my dear, Bacon! Do not forget you still have some things that needs settling!" Bacon gave another grunt and his aunt left, chuckling to herself softly. Bacon closed his eyes for a couple of more seconds and got up reluctantly. He went to the bathroom to wash up and brush his teeth. He wore some fresh clothes and went downstairs towards the kitchen, the smell of pancakes slowly making its way into his nostrils. His stomach started to grumble.

"Ha! There he is! Good morning Bacon!" his uncle boomed, pulling out a chair next to him. "I hope you had a good night sleep?" Bacon went over and sat next to his uncle rubbing his eyes.

"I did uncle, the bed was surprisingly nice." he looked over to his aunt "the cat and flowers were a nice touch too, aunt Flora." Aunt Flora gave a laugh.

"What did I tell you Ben? I knew he will like it!"

Uncle Benedict laughed and picked up the newspaper while Aunt Flora proceeded to place several pancakes on Bacon's plate. After the pancakes were dished out to everyone, they started to eat.

"Now, there are a few things that you need to get doing, Bacon." Uncle Benedict said, halfway through breakfast. "First you need to head down to Canterlot High and meet up with principal Celestia and vice principal Luna, they'll show you around the school, making sure you are used to the the facilities and other school stuff."

"Am I starting school already?" Bacon asked, poking his pancake with a fork. Aunt Flora had given him so much pancakes he could barely finish it."I thought I was starting next week."

"You are, but it is much better to get to know your school first you know." Uncle Benedict replied, stuffing a forkful of pancake dipped in honey into his mouth. "And we need you to do some chores for us while you're out there." he gave Bacon a wink.

Bacon smirked, obviously the visiting-the-school thing was just a cover up. He didn't mind though, he needed a walk anyway. And getting to know the school and the area fits his needs perfectly. His uncle poked aunt Flora on the arm, who gave a little "Ooh!" before taking out a piece of paper. "Just follow these steps which we have written down for you." said aunt Flora, handing Bacon the paper. "But make sure you go to the school first dear."

"I will aunt Flora, don't worry." Bacon said, glancing at the piece of paper.

After breakfast, Bacon left the house and headed for Canterlot High, it wasn't hard to miss, since it was just down the path he was walking on. He passed by a few houses and was greeted by a few people. Nice people he thought to himself as he waved back to a random stranger, who was waving at him. A few minutes later he arrived at the huge Canterlot High School building. There was a huge horse statue in the middle of the front lawn, and a sign with two horseshoes, with the one in the middle placed on its side just near the side walk.

Bacon entered the building and arrived at the main lobby, only to find it empty, he glanced around for a while and then to his watch, Lucky time to arrive I guess he thought to himself, thankful for the fact that, the classes has started for the students. He didn't want to go through the school with all the students eyes all following his every move.

But he still needed directions to the principals office. He looked around the lobby once more and noticed that there was somebody there, standing alone, next to the trophy display cases, busy staring at the trophies. Bacon took a deep breath and slowly walked towards the person.

The person, who was actually a girl, had long crimson hair with yellow stripes, she was wearing a black jacket, and her boots were black with some purple on it as well. Bacon shrugged, its not like he was an expert on fashion anyway, people can wear whatever they want as long as they enjoy wearing it. As he got closer, he overheard the girl talking to herself.

"Where is he?" he heard her whisper to herself as she fidgeted in front of the display case. "Oooh, I hope he didn't bump into anyone else. What if they told him about the old me? What if he got scared and decided to head back? The principal isn't going to like this one bit, and just when things were getting better for me here." the girl sighed heavily and slowly turned around "I guess I should report this to principal Celesti--- oh!" the girl gave a jump when she saw Bacon.

Wow was the first thought that came into Bacon's mind, She's really pretty They stared at each other in silence for a moment, then Bacon decided to speak first. "Erm... Hi, I'm kinda new here and I was suppose to see a principal Celestia," he gave the lobby another quick scan "by any chance can you point me there?" he gave the girl his best smile, or rather he hoped it was his best.

The girl stared at him for another second and gave a sudden "Ah!" and clapped her hands together, "Are you by any chance the new student that is staying with Mr and Mrs Plum?" she asked. Bacon nodded.

"Yeah, their my relatives."

"Great! Then you must be the person I was waiting for!" the girl said clapping her hand together again. She cleared her throat "Well then, hello! And welcome to Canterlot High School, the school which helps you to not only do great in your studies but to also help you in becoming a better and happier person!" she gave a little bow. "I am Sunset Shimmer and I am your guide around campus!" she held out her hand towards Bacon "and your name is?" she asked, smiling.

Bacon extended his hand and shook Sunset Shimmer's hand, also smiling, "Bacon Neggs, at your service."

Sunset Shimmer giggled, "I'm sorry, but your name..." she giggled again "It sounds so... so..." She pondered for a moment while trying to stifle her giggle "tasty." Bacon chuckled.

"Yeah I kinda get that a lot." he scratched his head "But it helps people to remember my name much more easily." Sunset Shimmer smiled at him.

"Well I am definitely sure I will remember your name Bacon," she said sweetly. Bacon felt his heartbeat quickened, Sunset Shimmer continued. "Well now, if you would please follow me, I shall show you around our school and then I shall personally bring you to the principal's office. " She began to walk down towards one of the hallways and Bacon followed.

Sunset Shimmer brought Bacon to see almost every part of what the school had to offer and show, there was the gymnasium, the computer lab, the science lab and the band room. They chatted during the tour, with Bacon asking questions about the school, the city, and about Sunset Shimmer and her asking where he came from and how was he relatives.

"Uncle Benedict and Aunt Flora are doing fine," Bacon was telling Sunset Shimmer as they past the cafeteria. "I did not realize that you knew them, are you friends?" Sunset Shimmer shook her head. "I know them by name, and I think I might have seen them a couple of times. But I know about you staying with them because principal Celestia was filling me in before I went to the main lobby to wait for your arrival."

Bacon nodded in understanding "Do you always guide the new students that arrive here?" he asked as they went up a flight of stairs "Cause you seem to be a natural at this tour thing." Sunset Shimmer blushed.

"I--I thought it might be fun to do it actually." Sunset Shimmer said "It is a great chance to make new friends you know? Everyone new here needs a friend, and I want them to have me as their very first friend here in Canterlot High." she clapped her hand together, smiling to herself.

"Well then Sunset, I am both happy and proud to call you my first friend here at Canterlot High." he gave her a little bow, to which she giggled. "Why thank you Bacon." she replied bowing a little herself. They turned around a corner and found themselves standing in front of a pair of wooden oak doors. Bacon stared at the doors with raised eyebrows. "Let me guess, wooden doors, a scent of old books. We must be at the library."

"Good deduction skills there Bacon, but I'm pretty sure you saw this big sign that says library." she pointed at the bronze sign on one of the doors. Bacon laughed "Guilty as charged." Sunset Shimmer proceeded to open one of the doors. "Come on in, I actually have some business to attend here for a while, but I won't be long!" She closed the door behind them after they went in. "Will you be okay for a few minutes?" Bacon nodded. Sunset Shimmer smiled and disappeared, leaving Bacon alone.

Bacon walked and looked around at the huge library, there was a computer area in the middle, a bunch of students were already occupying several of the computers, already busy with homework given by their teachers. There was a statue of a pony head on a table, Bacon gave a confused look at it and continued down towards the tall book shelves, lazily reading pass each of the book titles.

A title caught his eye in particular 'Canterlot, A History' and he was just about to take it down when a sudden psst caught him off guard. He glanced around him, seeking out the noise. But being in the already quiet library it wasn't really that difficult. psst!! it came again, but a bit louder then before. Bacon headed towards the source of the sound and spotted two students beckoning him over.

One was short and plump, with orange hair and grayish blue skin while the other was tall and skinny, his hair was turquoise and his skin was light amber, they waved at him together, while giving quick looks around them, as if afraid someone was eavesdropping on them. Bacon approached them slowly.

He was taller than the both of them, and they stared at Bacon like as if he were some sort of giant. But they dropped their gaze quickly. "Hey," the short one whispered softly, Bacon bend over closer to hear him "You must be the new kid right?" The tall one nodded his head several times, as if helping Bacon to answer.

Kid? Bacon gave them suspicious stare, not only was he much taller, he was also more well built than them. If anyone was the 'kid' inside the library it definitely wasn't him. "I am" he said slowly still staring at them suspiciously. "Is something the matter?"

"I'm Snips," the short one said, he pointed at his taller friend "and this is Snails." the one named Snails raised his hand.

"Bacon Neggs" Bacon said.

"Your name sounds tasty, bro." Snails said. Bacon gave them a shrug.

"Is there something I can help you with?" he asked.

"No," said Snips glancing behind his shoulder, then he quickly looked backed at Bacon. "We are here to help you my friend." Snails nodded his head again.

"Oh? and what is this, help?" Bacon asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well its about your little tour guide." Snips said whispering even more quietly then before.

"Sunset Shimmer?" Bacon asked. Snips and Snails both nodded their heads.

"Let's just say she isn't the girl you thought she might be." Snips said with a mischievous grin.

Chapter 3: Three's Company

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Sunset Shimmer walked quietly to the back of the library, heading towards a special spot where the tall bookshelves had almost completely block the place from view. Luckily, the school's librarian was very lazy,and rarely appeared around this particular area to clean. Which was good, since she might be in a shock to discover that there were two illegal inhabitants currently occupying the place.

As Sunset Shimmer past the last two bookshelves, she spotted the person whom she was looking for. Sunset Shimmer smiled to herself as she approach the girl who was laying on a bed, which was completely made out of library's books. The girl was deeply engage with a book in her hand, reading intensely as her eye darted left and right from the pages. Sunset Shimmer took a glance at the title. The World's Wondrous Wonders she grinned Oh Twilight, you and your books.

"You do realize that you are always welcome to stay with any one of us Twilight Sparkle." Sunset Shimmer said, as she stood right next to the book bed. "So why do you always insist on staying here?" she place her hands on her hips, looking down at Twilight.

"AHH!" Sunset Shimmer jumped by the sudden yelp from Twilight. The book fell onto Twilight's face as she quickly tried to sat up. The book slid from her face and Twilight started to rubbed her nose, which was becoming red.

"Sunset Shimmer! Don't scare me like that! You know I don't pay proper attention when I'm busy reading." Twilight gave Sunset Shimmer a frown, still massaging her now red nose. Sunset Shimmer only laughed.

"I didn't scare you Twilight, didn't you hear me knocking on the bookshelf?" She pointed at one of the nearer bookshelves "You really shouldn't stay here in this quiet, old library. You can always come and stay with one of us." Sunset Shimmer took a seat on the book bed next to Twilight, picking up the book that has slid off Twilight's face and placing it on a small table which was also made out of books.

"I know Sunset Shimmer, but I don't really wish to be a bother to anyone. Especially since I just normally come to this world for a brief visit." said Twilight.

"Well, please let us know if you change your mind."

Twilight nodded, "So what brings you to my humble er... abode?"

Sunset Shimmer fished out her cellphone from her pocket, "We could use your help Twilight. By any chance is Spike around?" she looked around the small area which Twilight had made into her 'bedroom' "I didn't bump into him while I was making my way here." She scrolled through her phone and showed Twilight a picture of a tiny white bunny.

Twilight stared at the picture, "Isn't that Fluttershy's bunny?" she asked Sunset Shimmer who nodded in response.

"Angel is missing. Fluttershy was hoping that if Spike could try to pick up Angel's scent and lead her to him."

"Sunset, you do realize that Spike is originally a dragon." Twilight said, her eyebrows rising "And he always will be. I don't even know if Spike knows how to use that dog nose of his here in this world."

"Well, it is still worth a try don't you think?" Sunset said, standing up "Anyway if you do find Spike, can you both come down to the animal shelter that Fluttershy works at?"

"I'll be there, Sunset don't worry." Twilight said standing up as well. "I needed to find Spike anyway. He said he was going to take a walk around the school"

"Won't he get thrown out if he were to be spotted?" Sunset said with a worried tone. She was fond of Spike the dog slash dragon, and they have both gotten close over the time when Twilight comes over to visit.

"Don't worry Sunset, Spike told me that he knows his way around the school like the back of his cla-- I mean, paw. He'll be fine, you'll see." Twilight place a reassuring hand on Sunset's arm. Sunset Shimmer gave Twilight a small smile.

"Anyway, surely you're not here just to let me know about Angel's situation." Twilight gave Sunset a questioning look. "Were you by any chance returning a book?" Sunset shook her head.

"Actually, I'm guiding a new student around the school, you know showing him the sights." Sunset puffed out her chest, a sense of pride flowing within her. "It is my duty to meet and greet the new students and to let them get to know the new me!"

Twilight grinned "And where is this new student now?" she looked behind Sunset's shoulder, as if hoping to catch a glimpse. Sunset smacked her forehead.

"Shoot! I forgot that Bacon is still waiting for me!" Sunset gave Twilight a quick hug and started to head off back to where she left him "I'll see you later Twilight!"

And just like that, Sunset Shimmer was gone. Twilight stood there in the quiet spot for a moment, then she said to herself aloud. "Bacon?"


Sunset Shimmer quickly headed back to the area where the computers were, hoping to herself that Bacon did not decided to go off without her. She looked down at her watch, she has been nearly gone for twenty minutes. Dang it she thought, quickening her pace. I should've paid attention to the time! as she went by, several of the students who were there reading looked up and grimaced at her, annoyed by the sudden noises in the once quiet library. Sunset gave a few of the students an apologetic smile and wave, mouthing the words Sorry as she continued on her way towards where Bacon was.

As she neared the computer area, she spotted Bacon leaning next to one of the bookshelf, she stopped suddenly when she saw that Bacon wasn't alone. Snips and Snails was talking to Bacon, their arms pointing and waving about. Sunset Shimmer froze for a moment, realizing what the appearance of those two meant. She frantically headed towards the three of them No! No! No! Not the two them! Not right now! Sunset Shimmer started to panic What have they told him? Why are they still doing this to me?

As she approached them, Bacon looked up and stared behind Snips and Snails, who they both noticed and spun around. They began grinning to themselves as they saw Sunset Shimmer getting closer and closer, Her eyes piercing them like icy daggers.

"Well, well, speak of the she-demon herself!" Snips said loudly while nudging Snails in the elbow who nodded like a bobble-head.

"Yeah, here she comes! We better watch out Snips!" the pair of them started to laugh as they headed towards the exit. Heads spun around as Snips and Snails passed the other students. Snips stopped at the entrance and turned to faced Bacon, "Remember what we told you bro!" and he disappeared from sight, laughter still audible from the closed oak doors.

The students in the library all turned their attention towards Bacon and Sunset Shimmer, whispers soon began to follow. Sunset Shimmer just stood there looking at her feet, holding one of her arms. Not this again. Oh please not this again Sunset Shimmer felt her cheeks heat up and her eyes were starting to feel watery. Today was going just fine! Why did those two have to pop up and ruin this! She didn't wanted to cry, but she couldn't help it. The tears were beginning to leave her eyes and were slowly rolling down her cheeks. She always tried to ignore this treatment, telling herself that she wouldn't be bothered by any of this. But the pressure was always there, the fear, the anxiety. She hated it. And right now she was going through one of these moments again. She closed her eyes, trying to block out the whispers which were starting to get louder.

Suddenly a warm and gentle hand reached out and grabbed hers. Her eyes opened and she looked up to see Bacon holding her hand. He gave her a soft smile and whispered "Come on" and pulled her away gently from the whispers, away from the judging eyes and away from the library.

She did not remember how long they were holding hands, but she felt warm and fuzzy inside for the duration they were doing it. Bacon lead them outside from the main lobby, and he headed to one of the many benches which were place around the huge front lawn area. He made Sunset sat down and they both let go of each others hand, Sunset a bit reluctantly.

Bacon sat down beside her and handed her a tissue paper, which she accepted with a quiet "Thanks" and started to wipe her cheeks and eyes. Bacon remained silent, staring into the sky, his arms placed on his thighs. Sunset stared up at the sky as well, not a word passed between them for a few minutes, when Bacon began to spoke.

"Has it always been like this?" he turned to look at Sunset Shimmer, whose face now tear free. She nodded.

"I'm used to it you know." she said quietly, her thumb trying to smooth the crumpled tissue paper in her hand. "Or at least, that is what I tell myself. B-but sometimes it just gets a little be to hard for me to handle." She cleared her throat. "I guess today is one of those times." So much for showing the new me she thought bitterly to herself, biting her lip There goes my chance of making a new friend she sighed heavily.

"W-what...what did they tell you?" she asked Bacon, not daring to look at him. "D-did they say--"

"Some stuff about you being a bully back in the day, how those two were your underlings and something about a she-demon? I wasn't really paying any attention to any of that."

"Seems to meet they told you enough." Sunset eyes began to water again. She shook her head hard, trying to suck the tears back in. Bacon handed her a packet of tissue papers. She manage to give a small laugh. "I'm so pathetic. Here I was telling myself I wanted to give it at my all at making friends." she took a single piece out from the packet. "Now, I can't even make new ones."

"What are you talking about?" Bacon asked bending over to look at Sunset's face. She slowly turned to face him.

"Didn't you listen to what Snips and Snails been telling you? I'm a bully! A horrible person! A she-- a she-demon!" she stared at the ground "No one would want to be friends with a person like me." Even when all of those are in the past she thought quietly.

"Don't be silly." Sunset looked at Bacon, her eyes widening. "The person they were telling me about is nothing compared to whom I met this morning." Bacon smiled at Sunset Shimmer. "And from what I can tell, I haven't seen any of those traits they were rambling on about you." Bacon put his hand inside his pocket, took out a piece of candy wrapped in pink foil and handed it to Sunset Shimmer. "Eat this, you will feel better."

Sunset Shimmer took the candy, slowly unwrapped it and popped it into her mouth. The candy was rather sour, but there was a small hint of sweetness. Bacon stood up, "Life is never easy." he said "nor is it fair. Sometimes we will encounter moments where thing might get sour, but if you tried hard enough--" he pointed at the sky "you just might discover some thing sweet as well, hidden behind all those sourness."

Sunset's heartbeat began to accelerate, and her fingers and cheeks were starting to heat up. She stared at Bacon, who was grinning back at her. Her lips began to form a smile.

Bacon started to head back towards the school building. "I manage to spot the principal's office during our tour, I will head there myself. Don't worry about the rest of the tour, I'm sure we can do it again some other time. You just stay here and calm down for the moment." he waved and began to walk, when he suddenly stopped and faced Sunset again "I'm your friend Sunset Shimmer. I don't let other people be the judge of who I can and cannot be friends with, that is for me and me alone to decide. And when I say this, I mean it. I'm glad to have you as my first friend here in Canterlot High." he smiled again and left, leaving Sunset Shimmer sitting by herself, smiling and blushing.

Chapter 4: The Fourth Kind

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Bacon stood in front of the wooden door leading to the principal's office, hesitating, his hand gripping on the doorknob. He wondered if he should head back and keep Sunset Shimmer company. She did look like she could use one. Bacon glanced at his watch, it was nearing noon. He decided otherwise and gave the door a knock before entering.

Principal Celestia looked up from behind her desk as Bacon entered. She gave him a warm smile and motioned him to take the seat right in front of him. Bacon gave a small nod and carefully sat down on the wooden chair, as is afraid it might break. Bacon stared at Celestia as she searched through one of her desk drawers. Eventually pulling out a small file.

"Good morning," Celestia said, her voice warm and smooth, her eyes locking with Bacon's "You must be the new student that we were expecting." he nodded. " and your name was...?"

"Bacon Neggs." Bacon said, wondering to himself why the principal did not know his name, despite the fact that he was the only new student to arrive today.

"Delicious." Celestia gave a chuckle. "I apologize, you must've gotten that a lot." she smiled.

"Yes ma'am, quite often as well" Bacon replied, hoping his voice sounded polite. "I just finished my tour with my guide Sunset Shimmer." It was a lie, Sunset Shimmer was probably still sitting out there on the bench. But he wasn't about to go telling the principal that. Celestia stared at Bacon, her eyes narrowing for just a second.

"Then it must had been a very short tour." She glanced at her table clock. "I was almost sure you will be only arriving in my office after lunch at most." Bacon tensed up in his seat, his hands clenched. He remained silent, hoping that Celestia will let it pass and continue on.

"Well, anyway," --Bacon let out a quiet breath of relief.-- "since that you are already here, we shall began discussing your enrollment. " She opened the file that she previously had taken out and quietly read the contents without saying anything. "You will be starting your junior year correct?" Bacon nodded. "A rather odd time to enroll with us, and late too. But your father had already explain to me the circumstances that led you to being here.

Bacon remained silent in his seat. How much did dad told her? Celestia continued to read the file. "And he had also inform me about your medical situation." she looked up from the file and gave Bacon a concern look. "Will you be all right?"

"The doctors told me as long as I don't get any sudden and violent impacts directly to my chest, I will be fine." Bacon said.

Celestia nodded in confirmation and proceeded to write something down on a piece of paper. "Take this," she handed the paper over to Bacon "and bring it down to the medical room, it is best that you inform the school nurse of your situation as well, in case of an emergency."

Bacon took the paper and put it inside his pocket. "Will there be anything else?" he wasn't in a hurry, but being inside the principal's office felt like he was being interrogated. Just not by some muscular policeman. The sooner he was outside, the better.

Celestia shook her head, "If there is anything else, I will be sure to let you know." she smiled softly at Bacon as he stood up who gave a little bow. Bacon was about to reach the door when-- "There is one other thing I must mention." he turned around. "When you reach the medical room, and if by chance the nurse is not in. You will most likely bump into her assistant." Bacon stayed quiet, not understanding what Celestia meant. "Her assistant can be er... quite lively, so I urge you to exercise caution when entering." Bacon nodded and headed out, feeling rather confused with the warning.

He tried to fish out the paper that Celestia had given him when suddenly--

"Oof!" and Bacon found himself stumbling a bit backwards, startled by the sudden impact on his shoulder. He manage to regain his balance, but it wasn't the case for the one that bumped into him. Bacon looked at the floor which was suddenly completely littered with files and papers, and a girl was sprawled on the floor. The girl was rubbing her forehead, groaning softly. She have pale cornflower blue hair, with stripes of even lighter cornflower blue hair. Her skin was a brilliant azure colour. When Bacon quickly knelt down to help her up, she opened her eyes and gave him a frustrated stare. She have dark violet eyes, and Bacon found it hard to look away, despite the stare that she was currently giving him.

"Are you all right?" Bacon offered him her hand, which she looked at with disdain, and pushed his hand away.

"Eurgh! How dare you bump into me! The great and the powerful Trixie! Do you have any idea who I am?" she gave Bacon a haughty look.

"Trixie, right?" Bacon lowered his hand and began to pick up the scattered files and papers. "For the record, it was you that bumped into me. I just got out from the principal's office." He jab a thumb at the direction of the door. "You should look where you going."

Trixie let out a gasp, "Look where I'm going? You were the one standing here, blocking everyone's path. My path." she stood up and dusted her skirt.

"But there's nobody else here." Bacon said protestingly, motioning to the empty hall. Trixie look around without saying a word, her arms folded across her chest.

"Still, you shouldn't have stood there. I, the great and the powerful Trrriiixxxie! have too much on her head to bother paying attention." she knelt down and started to pick the files on the other side.

"Well, great and powerful Trrriiixiiie," Bacon said mockingly "it never hurts to pay a tiny bit of attention, especially while carrying such an amount of stuff." There were tons of files and each of them were stuffed with different coloured papers. How on earth did she manage to carry all of these? he sighed, "Look I'm sorry I was in the way okay?" he looked over at Trixie, who was still gathering the files. "are you all right?" he asked again.

Trixie glared over at Bacon, hugging the stack of files closely to her, afraid it might fall again. She didn't say anything at first, continuing to only stare at Bacon, in the end she took a deep breath. "You are lucky, I am feeling wonderfully great this morning." she flicked her hair back, "I shall accept your apology this time, but beware, I won't forgive you if this happens again." she forced a smile.

Bacon only shrugged and they continue to gather the remaining papers. After they were done, Bacon handed over his load to Trixie. "Are you sure you can handle this?" he asked while Trixie tried to balance the towering pile of files on her hands "It looks really heavy."

Trixie peered over at him from behind the files, "Please, there is nothing, absolutely nothing that the great and the powerfu--"

"All right, I get it." Bacon said, raising his hand in defeat. "I leave you to it then." and he headed in the opposite direction. He just barely left Trixie for more than a few seconds when--

FLUMMPPFFF!! Followed by a frustrated "Ugggh!!" Bacon turned around. The papers they just gathered up were on the floor again, apparently some of which was not properly place inside the files.

Trixie knelt down, placing the stack of files to one side, while she began, again, gathering the fallen papers. Bacon shook his head, grinning, and headed back towards Trixie.

"Need a hand?" Bacon said, as he knelt down, picking the papers which Trixie hadn't.

"W-w-what are you still doing here?" she stammered, cheeks glowing. "T-t-the great and p-powerful Trixie does not need your help!" Bacon gave her a cheeky grin.

"Oh, really?" he shook his head slowly, eyes rolling, and took the papers which Trixie was holding.

"W-what are you do--" Trixie began

"Come on, I'll carry this stuff for you." Bacon carefully made sure the papers were properly place inside the files and stood back up. "Just lead the way, oh, great one."

Trixie stood up next to him, her cheeks still glowing, and pointed down the hallway. "I-I need to hand this to my teacher." she rubbed her arm, "Just...just follow me." and she hurriedly went past Bacon, who followed closely behind.

They continued down the hallway in silence, Trixie busy throwing over occasional glances at Bacon, thinking he might suddenly decide to bail on her. Bacon gaze around the hallway, trying his best to ignore Trixie's glances. The files weren't that heavy, but it surely will be for someone like Trixie. Why didn't she get anyone else to help her? Surely, there were other students around?

I'll help, if she ask nicely enough Bacon thought, as he took a quick glance over at Trixie, I mean, she is quite the pr--

"We're here." Trixie stopped so suddenly that Bacon almost bumped into her again.

"Woah, watch it!" Bacon balanced the stack of files.

Trixie ignored him, and opened the door, leading them into the staff room. A few of the inhabitants inside looked up from their desks, but made no comment as Trixie and Bacon passed them. Trixie led them to a desk at the far corner of the room, and told him to place it there. They quickly made their way back outside.

As Bacon closed the door, Trixie quietly stood in front of him, squeezing one of her arms. She evaded his eyes, trying to minimize as much eye contact as possible. Bacon rubbed the back of his head, starting to feel awkward.

"Well, er..." he said, glancing down to the direction he was supposed to go. "I'm just... just gonna head to the medical room, so er... yeah" he gave Trixie a small wave, and began to leave.

"Thank you" a small voice said. Bacon stopped and faced Trixie, who still evaded his eyes. "Thanks for the help." she said to the floor. Bacon softly smiled.

"Anytime." Bacon took a step forward "You know, my eyes don't turn people into stone." he cocked his head, "Or am I simply to intimidating for the great and powerful Trixie?" he said with a mocking smile.

Trixie looked up, her eyes locking with his. For a moment, her heartbeat quickened, and her ears were starting to flare up. She quickly dug into her pockets and took out a small blue object. "The great and the powerful T-Trixie, is never intimidated by anyone!" and she threw it to the ground as hard as she could.

Blue thick smoke erupted from where the blue object hit the floor, surrounding them. Bacon coughed and covered his mouth and nose, and tried to step out to avoid the smokescreen. He manage to briefly see a blurry image running past, as the smoke began to block his eyes. After a moment, the smoke dispersed and Bacon found himself standing alone in the hallway. He turned around to find where Trixie had went. But she had already vanished.

"Well, isn't she an interesting one." Bacon said to himself, heading for the medical room.


Trixie panted heavily, trying to catch her breath. Her smoke bomb never failed to get her out of a tricky situation, and that was one of them. She looked over her shoulder, the hallway behind her was empty. Good She thought to herself, looks like I am not being followed She placed her back against the wall, her breathing slowly steadying. What was that feeling? She moved her hand over her chest, trying to feel her heartbeat. I rarely felt like this before After a moment, she slowly began to head back to her classroom.

Weird feeling indeed, She glanced back down to the hallway behind her, shrugged, and went on her way. I wonder what his name was.

Chapter 5: To Five or Not to Five

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Bacon made his way towards the medical room, the bell had rung, and the hallways were starting to fill up with hungry students, all storming pass him, trying to be the first to reach the cafeteria. Bacon tried his best to avoid bumping into any of them. Most of the students that past him gave him peering looks, obviously wondering who was this random person that was heading the opposite direction of the cafeteria. But none of them made the effort to stop and question Bacon, they were too focused on the cafeteria, where heavenly food was waiting for them.

As Bacon snaked his way through the students, he spotted the unmistakable red cross sign that was hanging outside one of the doors. Squashing himself flat against the wall as another horde of students squeeze their way through, chattering loudly. He took a moment to catch his breath as he finally made it to the medical room door, and quickly opened and entered to avoid getting squash again.

The medical room was rather small, with two beds placed along one side of the room and a cabinet filled with medical stuff on the other. Compared to the crowded and noisy hallway, the silence in the medical room was quite welcoming. There was nobody in, apparently, and Bacon pondered wherever he should leave and come back next week or just stay until someone returns. He decided on the latter.

He went over to the nurse's table, which was in the far end of the room, the were files and pieces of paper on the the table, pencils and pens laying about on the floor, and a cup of what seems to be coffee, half drunk with a teaspoon inside. Pretty messy for a person who's supposed to be responsible for the health of the school's students and staff. There were a bunch of books as well, some were opened. Bacon studied one of the covers of a book propped on a smaller stack of books.

'Patient Happiness and You,' the title read, below it was a picture of a patient, lying on the bed, smiling to a rather grim looking doctor, who was holding a syringe in one hand. 'A handy guidebook for finding the key to make your patients, happy.' Bacon chuckled. "If that's my doctor, I wouldn't dare to think of smiling." looking at the picture again, shaking his head.

A sudden knock on the door made Bacon jumped a little, he quickly backed away from the table, and sat on one of the beds, trying to look as innocent and unsuspicious as possible as the doorknob began to turn.

Sunset Shimmer entered the room, patting down her hair as she closed the door. She too, was caught in the mob of students. "Hey Pinkie, I got some news for yo--oh!" she stopped in surprise as she saw Bacon, who was sitting on the bed, giving her a cheery wave. "Bacon?" Sunset asked.

"The very same," Bacon replied, standing up "Fancy seeing you here." he motioned her hair, "Pretty rough huh?"

"Barbaric," Sunset said pulling out a pocket mirror, "Is always chaotic out there when lunch begins." she stared at her reflection. "and on bad days, is not only my hair that gets messed up." she closed and returned the pocket mirror back inside her pocket.

Bacon laughed, "I can only imagine how bad that must sound."

Sunset chuckled softly, "Actually, since you're here. I want to say thanks...and sorry."

Bacon stared at Sunset with a quizzical look. "What for?"

"For the candy," Sunset said, "and for showing you such a pathetic side of me." she touched her two fingers together. "I don't usually cry on the job." she smiled shyly.

"What are you talking about?" Sunset looked at Bacon, confused by his question.

"B-back at the library!" she stammered, Did he forget about it already? "After what Snips and Snails tol--"

"Like I said, what are you talking about?" Bacon interrupted, giving Sunset a soft gaze. "Wasn't it dust that got into your eye? All I remember is that you were suddenly blinded by a cloud of dust and your eyes started to water." he grinned at her. "there certainly was no crying going on."

Sunset Shimmer's mouth was open, lost for words. She was almost certain that Bacon would have something to say about the matter. But no, here he was, changing the story, opening and alternate path, trying to make her forget about it. Her heart skipped a beat. She had been feeling worried and uneasy after the library, worried what Bacon, her new friend, might think of her. All that worrying was for nothing. "B-but--" she struggled, finding her words. "didn't you think I was weak? I let my emotions got the best of me, and I...I--"

Bacon stepped closer towards her, and patted her on the head. "Just because you shed some tears," he said, softly ruffling her hair. "doesn't mean you are weak, or pathetic." he stepped back, "it just shows that you're human."

Sunset stared at Bacon, her heart starting to pound at her chest. Why? she began to think Why do I feel safe with him?. She just met him a few hours ago, and yet, during those brief moments, it seems like he had understood her, as if he knew. She looked down at the floor, unsure what to look at. Many times she have been the guide for new students. And she always gave her best to make the change she so desperately yearned, wanting to feel accepted by them, wanting to show them the new her.

Ever since the fall formal, she tried to change her old ways. To embrace the meaning of friendship, and she did, from her --former enemies-- best friends; Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. They have been the ones that gave her strength, love and care. But the rest of the school, well, the rest of the school were still skeptical of her sudden change, from once being a person that was feared, she became the one that everyone hated. Everyday, students will pass by her, whispering rude comments at her, some didn't even bother to lower their voices. Sunset always showed a strong face when asked by her dear friends wherever or not she was fine, but deep down, she was scared and lonely. She dreaded her next day of school.

But things have improved a lot after the incident with the sirens, more and more students became her friends, and she no longer felt lonely, she was no longer scared. For the first time in a long time, she manage to smile deep from within her heart, not forcefully faking it.

And yet, there were still people like Snips and Snails, spreading the tales of her former self, trying to ruin her reputation once again, and it still hurts her every time she hears it.

But Bacon, the person she just met, brushed away the tales, and told her that he was proud to be her friend, and even cheered her up when she was feeling down, to a complete stranger!

Sunset Shimmer looked back up at Bacon, who was staring at her with concern eyes. "Thank you." she said quietly, Bacon grinned.

"That's what friends are for isn't it?"


Pinkamena Diane Pie skipped down the hallway, her hair bouncing with every step, smiling and waving at every student she passed. The students waved back, some even called out her name. She giggled as unused balloons and rolls of decorative tape fell out of her pockets, and started humming a tune as she continued to skip her way towards the medical room.

She was just about to turn the doorknob when she heard voices from within the room, she paused and leaned over with her ear to the door. There was a guy's voice, and a girl. "Ooooo what have I stumble upon here? Is it romance?" she listen harder, trying to make out what the occupants were saying. When she heard Sunset Shimmer's voice, however, she immediately threw the door open, and flung herself at Sunset.

"SUNSET SHIMMMMMEEERR!!!" She shouted, as she hugged Sunset around the waist, Strange, she thought, pinching the sides this feels more, muscular she squeeze harder, and a voice from above said "Hello there." Pinkie looked up and saw Bacon looking at her, rubbing his head, embarrassed.

"Oopsie! Wrong Sunset!" Pinkie quickly let go of Bacon, giggling to herself. She scanned the room and spotted Sunset Shimmer standing behind her, waving and grinning awkwardly, Pinkie made sure she did not miss, and hugged Sunset around the neck. "Got'cha!" she said, giving Sunset a tight hug.

"Hello Pinkie," Sunset said, hugging Pinkie in return. "I was looking for you."

"For me? Ohmigosh, are you here because you wanted to give me a present?" She started to dance, still holding onto Sunset. "Oh wait! I know! You're here to give me candy isn't it? Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!"

"What? No Pinkie, that's not what I cam--"

Pinkie started to twist and turn, holding on to Sunset, gleefully chanting "Candy! Candy! CANDY!" she suddenly stopped, staring at Bacon with wide eyes, as if only now noticing him. She gasped loudly "A PATIENT?!" she let go of Sunset and grabbed Bacon by the arm. Before he knew it, Bacon was pushed down onto one of the beds, with a thermometer in his mouth, and a large blanket with balloon designs covering him.

"W-what? No I'm not si--" Bacon said, but was interrupted by Pinkie as she placed a wet face towel on his forehead.

"What seems to be the problem?" she asked, pulling the thermometer out and checking the temperature. " don't seem to be having a fever. Are you having a cold maybe? The flu? Chickenpox?" Pinkie kept on asking questions as Bacon tried, in vain, to tell her that he was not sick. Sunset Shimmer was laughing.

"As a certified nurse's assistant! I know just what you need!" Pinkie said, pulling out a rubber chicken from under the bed, "Comedy!" And she began singing a song which Bacon could not understand, watching her pulling and swinging the rubber chicken around. "You know what they said about curing people. With laughter! Cause laughter is the best medicine out there! Come on! Laugh!" she grabbed Bacon by the shoulders and shook him till his head felt dizzy.

"Pinkie stop!" Sunset said, holding her sides, still laughing. "His not sick!" Pinkie stopped shaking Bacon.

Bacon's head was still spinning, "Is it true?" Pinkie asked "You're not sick?" Bacon only nodded, unable to speak.

"Well why didn't you say so!" Pinkie said "and here I was about to give you the Pinkiecureallshotofhappiness!" she showed him a syringe plushie. "Its not reeeeal." she whispered.

Leaving Bacon alone to regain his senses, Pinkie turned to faced Sunset. "So what can I do you for Sunny?"

"Oh! That's right, I got a message for you from Fluttershy."

"Fluttershy? I haven't seen her all morning! Is she all right?" Pinkie asked, hands on her cheeks, concerned.

"Angel is missing, she was searching for him since this morning over at the animal shelter." Sunset said "That's why she didn't show up."

"Oh no! Not sweet adorable Angel!" Pinkie cried "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Well she was hoping you can help print out some missing pet posters so we can pass them around Canterlot High."

"Okie dokie lokie! I will get right on it! See you after school then!" and Pinkie dashed out of the medical room, leaving behind a trail of confetti on the floor.

"Wait!" Bacon called, getting out of the bed, "Aaaaannnddd...she's gone." Sunset giggled at the sight of Bacon, his hair was all messy, the rubber chicken was dangling on his shoulder, and he was still holding the plushie syringe, which had a smiley face. "Who was that?"

"Pinkamena Diane Pie," Sunset said, praising herself for remembering Pinkie's full name. "Or, as we all call her, Pinkie Pie."

"She's the nurses's assistant?" Bacon asked, "for real?" Sunset nodded her head.

"Wow, Celestia was right on her being...lively." he threw the rubber chicken and plushie on the bed. "and I was supposed to hand her this." he took out the slip of paper Celestia had given him.

"What's that?" Sunset asked, feeling curious, eyeing the paper.

"Just something Celestia written down for the nurse. I was supposed to let her know about my con--" Bacon paused mid sentence, and cleared his throat loudly "-- to let her know about some stuff."

Sunset eyed Bacon suspiciously, but did not say anything. She glanced at her watch, "Well, I still have a couple of errands that needs doing." She began to head for the door. "Coming?"

"Yeah, I'll just hand it over next time I'm here." Bacon said, pocketing the paper.

"I can help with you that, if you want to." Sunset said, "I'm going to meet up with Pinkie and my friends later on anyway."

Bacon considered her offer for a minute, and slowly took out the paper. "Well, okay, please do. But..." he paused for moment, "just don't look at what's written inside okay?" Sunset nodded.

"I promise I won't look at the contents of this secret paper." Sunset said, taking the paper. "You have nothing to worry about."

"Thanks." Bacon grinned, and they both left the medical room. The hallways were much emptier now, only a few students were standing about their lockers, chatting with their fellow friends, or running about, throwing a football. "What's up with this Angel thing anyway?"

"My friend, Fluttershy, has this cute bunny named Angel," She took out her cellphone and showed him the picture. "She simply love animals, but her pet bunny is her favourite."

"And this...Angel, is missing?" Bacon asked

"Yes, before coming to school, Fluttershy always head over to the animal shelter near here, to say hello to the animals."

"Er...'say hello'?"

Sunset nodded, "Like I said, she loves animals. Anyway, Fluttershy carries Angel around in her backpack. Today, as she did her usual routine, she turned to only find her backpack with books and animal treats, but no Angel."

"So she's looking for him right now?" Bacon asked

"Yup, and she gave me a call, asking for help." Sunset said, keeping her cellphone. "That's what we were doing back at the library this morning, I was asking one of my other friends for their assistance."

"You need an extra pair of eyes?"

"Would you? Oh thank you!" They were nearing the cafeteria. Sunset reached for the door. "I gotta go, and settle a few more things here Bacon, will you still be here after lunch?" she asked.

"Nope, I actually got some other errands to do." Bacon said "Thanks for the tour, Sunset Shimmer."

Sunset smiled, "Not at all, Bacon, Oh and if you do find Angel bunny, please bring him over to the animal shelter. Do you know where that is?"

"I'll manage, don't worry." They gave each other a wave, and Bacon headed for the exit. As he passed through the doors, he fished out the paper that Aunt Flora had given him that morning.

"Milk, eggs, carrots..." Bacon read the shopping list quietly to himself. Second day in Canterlot and already an errand boy. He stretched his arms, took one final glance at Canterlot High, and walked down the pathway, heading for the grocery store.

As he pass the horse statue, he did not notice a small, white fluffy creature peeking out behind him.

Chapter 6: The Sixth Sense

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Bacon sat on one of the benches at the nearby park, putting down the bags of groceries which he had purchased earlier, next to his feet. The trip to the grocery store was uneventful, pretty simple really. Bacon searched through one of the grocery bags and pulled out a bottle of soda, opening it and taking a long sip. He glanced at his watch, it was only two in the afternoon. He wanted to take a break before heading back, he wasn't in any rush, and Aunt Flora only needed the groceries for dinner.

Bacon looked around the park, it was rather empty, with only a few people here and there, either reading books, having a walk, or sitting on the benches, phone in hand. Bacon took another sip and let his thoughts began to wander about, staring lazily at the clouds.

He haven't been back at Canterlot for a long time. Last time he was here was before his mother died. When his family was one. Happier times those days were, now, only a distant memory. Despite not being back in Canterlot for more than seven years, he was quite surprised to see that he still remembered certain locations, like this park for example. The trees were much larger now, flowers grew everywhere, and the small lake still remained the same.

Even the fauna hasn't changed much. Bacon remembered the days where he and his younger sister will run about the park, chasing squirrels or stalking butterflies. Their parents would be near one of the larger trees, for shade, sitting on a picnic blanket, chatting away happily with Aunt Flora, and laughing at the jokes told by Uncle Benedict. Bacon allowed himself a small smile. Yes, those days were just blissful.

Bacon emptied his bottle of soda, and was about to start looking for a nearby trash can, when something caught his eye. Something white, and fluffy. It was running towards Bacon. His eyes narrowed, trying to make out what it was. As the running, white, fluffy thing got closer and closer, Bacon saw that it was a small bunny, and it was running away from a bunch of angry squirrels, which were giving chase.

The bunny darted here and there, trying to shake off the pursuing squirrels. But the squirrels were as equally nimble and fast as the bunny, following its every move. The bunny ran faster, and spotted Bacon looking at them, a bottle of empty soda in his hand. The bunny also saw the groceries bags next to Bacon's feet, and made a desperate mad dash for it.

Bacon stood up from his seat in surprise as the white bunny jumped straight into one the grocery bags. The squirrels saw Bacon, and stopped in their tracks. They glared at Bacon and the bunny, which poked its head out and spit out its tongue, mocking them. The squirrels left and headed back to one of the trees, grumbling angrily. The bunny laughed as the squirrels left, and pulled out a carrot from the grocery bag, licking its lips.

"Hey! Don't you dare touch that carrot!" Bacon made a grab for the bunny, and pulled it out by the ears. The bunny was still holding onto the carrot, shaking one its paws angrily at Bacon. "This carrot isn't for you, little dude." Upon closer inspection, Bacon noticed that the bunny was wearing a pink collar, which had the words 'Angel' engraved on its silver nameplate. He recalled hearing the name from Sunset Shimmer.

"So you're Angel huh?" Bacon said, placing Angel down beside him on the bench. "Your owner is looking for you." Angel wiggled its nose at Bacon, and began munching on the carrot, ignoring him. "Fluttershy was it?" Angel stopped munching at the sound of the name, and stared at Bacon, its eyes widening. "She's worried about you."

Angel suddenly dropped the carrot and began pointing at its nameplate, hopping up and down. Bacon leaned over and read Angel's nameplate, 'Angel' and underneath it-- with words so tiny that Bacon had to strain his eyes just to read it-- 'If found, please bring him over to the animal shelter'.

"Why isn't there a phone number?" Bacon asked Angel, before realizing that bunnies don't usually run around and strike up a conversation with random people. "Never mind." Angel hopped over and began tugging on Bacon's shirt sleeve, still pointing at its nameplate. "I don't really know where the animal shelter is buddy." Angel let go, looking crestfallen. Bacon suddenly came up with an idea. "Wait, I know someone who know where this animal shelter is." Angel's eyes brighten, and a look of hope came on his face.

Bacon picked up the carrot that was lying next to Angel, and handed it to him. "This carrot is yours, but you have to follow me." Angel took the carrot and hopped onto Bacon's shoulder. "Luckily your small, or else I'm gonna have to stuff you in the bags." he pointed at the grocery bags. Angel made some unintelligible noises, and munched on the carrot. Bacon grabbed the grocery bags and left the park, with Angel munching on the carrot happily on his shoulder.


Bacon unlocked the door and entered the house, heading straight for the kitchen to set the grocery bags on the table. "Aunt Flora?" he called out, "Uncle Ben?"

"Over here Bacon!" a voice called from outside. Bacon headed out and found Aunt Flora tending the small garden, a small water spray bottle in her hand. "You're back pretty late." she said, looking at the sky.

"Had some trouble." Bacon mumbled. On their way back, Angel suddenly jumped straight into the grocery bag with carrots and ripped a hole at the bottom, causing the contents to fall out and rolled all over the streets. Bacon had to make a second trip back to the grocery store to repurchase the goods. "I brought you a fluffy guest." He said, and pointed at his shoulder.

Aunt Flora stared at Angel with confusion for a moment and suddenly let out a laugh. "My, my, isn't that Angel?" she put down the water spray bottle and walked over to Bacon. Angel jumped straight into her arms, "Its been a while since I seen you, little bunny." she said and began tickling Angel's tummy.

"You know this monster?" Bacon asked, still mad at Angel's earlier misbehaviour. Angel stick its tongue out at Bacon. "Why you little--"

"Now, now Bacon, I'm sure Angel was just feeling scared and insecure." Aunt Flora peered at Bacon, "Why is Angel with you anyway?" she asked.

Bacon told her about the incident at the park. When he finished, Aunt Flora laughed. "You sure showed those squirrels didn't you?" she asked, and began massaging Angel's head. One of Angel's leg began thumping lightly in her arms.

"Anyway, that's why I was hoping if you know the phone number for the animal shelter." Bacon said.

"I do, let me see what I can do." Aunt Flora headed back into the house, Angel still cradled in her arms. Bacon followed her inside.

Aunt Flora put Angel on the kitchen table, who immediately dove into one of the grocery bags, searching for more carrots. "Oh no you don't!" Bacon said, and quickly went over to pull Angel out. Aunt Flora picked up the house phone's receiver and began dialling the animal shelter. After a moment, she set the receiver down. "Seems like no one is picking up." she said.

"Busy?" Bacon asked, wrestling a carrot with Angel.

"There was a dial tone, just no one picking up." Aunt Flora said, attempting to make the call again. "Maybe you can just head over there, I can give you directions." she set the receiver down and went to find a piece of paper. "Fluttershy must be worried sick, poor child."

"Do you know this Fluttershy?" Bacon asked.

"Why, yes I do." Aunt Flora said, scribbling the address of the animal shelter down. "I used to babysit her when she was much younger, you know." she handed the paper to Bacon. "Now, I suggest you hurry along, Fluttershy is most likely to be there. And do hurry back before dinner." she said, patting Angel on the head. "Today's weather forecast say that it will be raining quite heavily soon."

Bacon stared out at the clear skies. "Really? Doesn't seems like it." he said.

"The weather here can be strange, Bacon," Aunt Flora said "Just please try to hurry back before evening."

Bacon nodded, "I will Aunt Flora, don't worry." he turned to Angel. "Lets go, you little devil." Angel grabbed another carrot, hopped onto Bacon's shoulder and waved a furry paw goodbye at Aunt Flora. Aunt Flora chuckled softly as Bacon and Angel began bickering at each other, heading for the door. She shook her head. "Those two are going to be the best of friends one day." she said quietly to herself, smiling.


The sky was getting darker, with clouds slowly surrounding them. Bacon hasten his steps, Angel clinging tightly on his shirt. The animal shelter was in view, just across the street. He passed a group of three girls, to deeply engage in their conversation to notice him, he manage to catch a few of their words.

"Nothing we can do--" a girl wearing a light brown stetson hat, was saying.

"We have to try harder--" said the other, with indigo coloured hair.

"We need more pair of eyes on the lookout--" the rainbow-haired girl was saying.

All three of them passed Bacon without giving him a second glance, which was very much welcomed, since Bacon had been getting queer looks from people with Angel on his shoulder. He crossed the street and entered the animal shelter. His nose was immediately greeted by the smell of dogs and cats. His eyes widened in amazement as he saw that none of the animals were in cages, in fact, they were roaming about freely. A small black dachshund came running towards Bacon as he closed the glass doors, its tail wagging wildly left and right, placing its paws on Bacon's jeans.

"Hey there, little fella." Bacon squatted down and patted the dachshund on the head. The dog gave a happy bark, and suddenly more animals came rushing towards him, all wanting to be petted. "Woah!" Bacon quickly stood back up as the animals surrounded him, the dogs with their tails wagging, the cats with their mewing and a goat with its bleating.

Bacon tried his best to give as many pets as he could to the animals, but they seem to be endless. He looked around the animal shelter, hoping to find someone to aid him. He turned to Angel, who was gripping tightly on Bacon's shirt, afraid that he might fall down into the sea of animals. The animals were bumping against each other, searching for Bacon's hand. "What now?" he asked. Angel only shrugged in reply.

Bacon carefully made his way towards the counter, watching his steps as not to accidentally step on any creature's tail or foot. There was no one behind the counter, only a yellow backpack with three butterflies sewn into it. Angel gave a small squeak and hopped down from Bacon's shoulder to the backpack. Angel pointed at the backpack and then back to him.

"That's your owner's bag?" Bacon asked, beginning to wonder to himself why does he keep on asking the bunny questions.

Angel nodded, wiggled his nose, and began sniffing the air. He caught a scent and hopped back up onto Bacon's shoulder. He pointed to a small room, pulling on Bacon's ear. Bacon followed the bunny's direction and headed for the room. The room was located at the far end of the animal shelter, between a vending machine and a used scratching post. Bacon gently made his way through the animals.

The door had a sign with the words 'Staff Room' written on it. Bacon knocked on the door. "Hello?" he knocked again. "Anyone inside?". Silence. Bacon waited for a moment, and knocked his knuckles on the wooden door again. Still silent, except for the animals. He huffed, and reached for the doorknob.

Just as he fingers were about to reach the doorknob, the door opened inwards, but only a crack. A cyan-coloured eye stared at him through the crack. "Umm, who is it?" a quiet voice asked. Bacon moved his head to get a better view.

"Er--hi!" Bacon said, making a small wave with his hand. "Are you by any chance Fluttershy?"

The door opened a little more. "I am," Fluttershy replied, stepping into view. Bacon could only stare at the girl before him, his mouth ajar. In one glance, Bacon could tell that she had been crying, and extremely cute. A wisp of her pale grayish rose hair was floating in front of her face. Her eyes were red and watery. She dabbed her eyes with a tissue paper. "Can I...can I help you with something?" she asked shyly.

"I...I er..." Bacon was lost for words. He gave his head a quick shake, and cleared his throat. "I believe he belongs to you?" He pointed at Angel.

Fluttershy's eyes widened. "Angel?! ANGEL!!" she cried with joy. Angel the bunny leaped into her opened arms and Fluttershy hugged him lovingly. "Oh, Angel where have you been?! I've been worried sick about you the whole day!" she held Angel up and studied him. "Are you all right? Are you hurt? Oh, I miss you so much Angel, I thought I have lost you!" and she hugged him again.

Bacon smiled at the sight of Fluttershy, who was half smiling, half crying. She was hugging onto Angel so tightly that Angel tried to wiggle his way out, gasping for air.

"Oh, thank you! thank you! thank you!" Fluttershy said, happily smiling at Bacon. "Thank you so much for bringing Angel back to me!"

"Glad I could help." Bacon said, hands in his pockets, grinning.

"But where did you find him?" Fluttershy asked, hey eyes filled with curiosity. "How did you even know he was mine?"

Bacon told Fluttershy the whole story, from Sunset Shimmer telling him about the missing bunny, to the squirrels in the park, and to Aunt Flora sending him here.

"You know Aunt Flora?" Fluttershy asked, when Bacon finished. They were both seated inside the staff room, with a glass of water in front of Bacon. Angel had left Fluttershy's embrace and was munching away happily on a small bowl of vegetables, occasionally growling at the goat to keep it from getting nearer. Some of the animals had joined Bacon and Fluttershy at the table. A white persian cat was resting on Fluttershy's lap, and a golden retriever slept next to her legs.

"She and Uncle Benedict are my relatives." Bacon said, petting a white pit bull. "We tried calling earlier, but no one picked up the phone."

"Oh! Oh dear, I'm so sorry." Fluttershy said "I was in the staff room. I didn't realize the phone was ringing."

"Don't worry about it." Bacon motioned at the animals "What's with the animals here anyway? Why aren't they in cages?"

"Oh, we don't have cages here in the animal shelter." Fluttershy said, scratching the persian cat behind the ears. "We let them wander anywhere they want to, as long as they are inside."

"But isn't it difficult?" Bacon asked, "To take care of all these animals alone?"

Fluttershy nodded, "That's why I've been looking for volunteers to help me here." She pointed to a huge stack of flyers. "But I haven't had any luck." she said quietly.

They continued to chat, unaware that the clouds outside were getting thicker and darker. Soon, rain begin to fall, a light drizzle at first, but then it got heavier, and heavier. When the sound of heavy rain was heard above them, Bacon glanced at his watch, it was nearing eight pm. Aunt Flora and Uncle Benedict will start to worry. "Uh-oh, Its pretty late." he said as he stood up. "I gotta go Fluttershy." Fluttershy did not reply. "Fluttershy?" he looked over.

Fluttershy had her ears covered with her hands, her eyes shut tight. Bacon stared at her as Angel hopped onto her lap and patted her arm softly. "Fluttershy?" Bacon asked again, approaching her. Fluttershy slowly looked up, saw Bacon staring at her, and blushed.

"Oh! I-I'm sorry." Fluttershy reluctantly uncovered her ears. "Y-you said y-you were l-l-leaving?" her voice was shaking. Bacon gave her a concerned look.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yes I'm perfec--Eep!" Fluttershy squealed when lightning suddenly flashed from the nearby window. She quickly covered her ears and buried her head underneath the table. A roar of thunder followed the lightning a few moments later. The animals in the animal shelter quickly ran into the staff room, cowering underneath the table. All except Angel and Bacon.

Fluttershy poked her head out from underneath the table. "I-I-I'm fine!" she cried, her eyes still shut. "I'll be fine." Another flash of lightning. This time, Fluttershy got up from her chair and joined the animals below the table. Bacon shook his head as another loud roar of thunder came. He knelt down. Fluttershy was sitting on the floor, her head between her knees, ears still covered.

"Are you scared of lightning?" Bacon asked softly. Fluttershy nodded, "You know, there is nothing scary about lightning as long as your indoors."

"Yes there is!" Fluttershy whispered loudly. "What if the lightning caused a fire? Lightnings are very very scary, and I don't like the sound of thunder either!" She squealed as lightning flashed again. Bacon chuckled. "There is nothing funny about this!"

"I'm sorry," Bacon said, still chuckling. "Well if it makes you fe--" the power suddenly went out and they were instantly shrouded in darkness. Bacon felt something soft grabbed his arm tightly, causing him to sit down. He also felt something fluffy on the top of his head, shivering. The dogs started to whine.

Bacon struggled with his free arm to grab his cellphone from his pocket, after a moment, he managed to pull it out. He searched for the flash light app and activate it, filling the room with light.

The animals were all huddled against him now, a few cats have leaped onto his lap, and the fluffy thing on his head was Angel, who had jumped onto his head. Bacon let out a sigh. Something else was trembling beside him. He shone the light to his grabbed arm and was startled to see Fluttershy hugging on his arm tightly, her face buried on his shoulder.

"Er...Fluttershy?" Bacon said, gently tapping Fluttershy on the head. Thunder continued to rumble. Fluttershy hugged his arm tighter.

"Please stay." she whimpered softly. "I'm scared of a lot of things. And darkness is one of them."

Bacon couldn't help it, he chuckled. "You and the animals too." he placed his cellphone on the table, making sure the app was still on. He petted Angel on the head. "You know, my younger sister is scared of a lot of things too."

"You have a sister?" Fluttershy asked quietly, looking up at him. Bacon nodded.

"Yup, and she too, is scared of lightning and thunder and darkness." Bacon said, "She always come to find me or dad whenever it starts to rain, asking us to make the terrible sounds of thunder to go away."

"And did you?" Fluttershy asked

"Of course not, Neither of us could do that" Bacon said grinning. "In the end she always slept beside me, asking me to protect her, should the thunder decide to team up with the lightning to kidnap her."

"And did you?" Fluttershy asked again, staring at him.

Bacon looked away, a sad smile on his face. "Always."

Their stomach suddenly growled, and they both laughed. "I haven't eaten anything since this morning." Fluttershy said, "I was so worried about Angel, that I did not have the appetite."

"I only had a bottle of soda for lunch, so that makes two of us." The sound of rain was getting lighter now, and the rumble of thunder much more distant. Yet, they were still in the dark, with only Bacon's cellphone for light, with Fluttershy still clinging onto his arm.

"I don't suppose you have anything around here that us humans can eat?" he asked jokingly. Fluttershy gave a tiny smile, and shook her head.

"Well, then I suppose, this will have to do." he dug into his pockets, and pulled two candies out. He offered one to Fluttershy.


Chapter 7: Canterlot High

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"There he is!! The prince!!"

"Isn't he handsome?"

"He's so cute!"

Bacon sighed heavily as he made his way towards his locker, waving and smiling shyly at the girls who were whispering and giggling excitedly at him. It has been a week since he began his new life here in Canterlot High, and, for some strange reason, he had became somewhat of a celebrity. He opened his locker's door and began gathering his books for class. He received a few slaps on the back, and some high fives from passing students, all smiling and greeting him.

"What's up Bacon?"

"See you in class, man!"

"Chess match later, all right?"

Bacon nodded and waved at them. As he closed his locker door, Snips and Snails popped up next to him, both of them grinning stupidly.

"Good morning, master!" Snips said, both him and Snails giving him a bow. Bacon rolled his eyes.

"How many times do I have to tell you? You don't have to call me master." Bacon said irritably, passing them and making his way towards class. Snips and Snails came jogging up behind him.

"But you are our master!" Snips said, hastening his pace to match Bacon's. "We have to show you our deepest respect!" Snails nodded in agreement.

"If you really wish to show me respect, please stop calling me master." Bacon said. "Just call me Bacon."

"Your wish is our command master." Snips said. Bacon smacked his forehead, shaking his head.

More whispers and giggles followed them as they pass another group of girls, one of them waving her hand wildly at Bacon, who smiled and waved back. Snips grinned as the girl made a squeal of delight.

"Popular as the first day you were here, Prince." he said.

Bacon rolled his eyes. He remembered his first day. He had woken up late, and was making a mad rush down the hallway, trying to find his history class. He was so desperate to reach the classroom in time, he burst right in.

The entire class looked up at Bacon as he entered, startled by the his his sudden entrance. He rubbed his neck and smiled awkwardly at them. The history teacher, Mr.Paper, was staring at him with a sleepy look, his eyes half closed. "And how may I help you?" he asked softly, with a textbook in his hand.

"Um--I'm the new student sir." Bacon replied, catching a glimpse of Pinkie Pie waving madly at him.

Mr.Paper gazed at him, not saying a word. Bacon just stood there, wondering if he should say something. Mr.Paper stifled a yawn, and nodded his head slowly. "Yes...yes...the principal had informed us about a new student...though, I was expecting him to be a bit more punctual." Bacon smiled apologetically at him. "No matter," Mr.Paper continued, returning to his desk. He motioned the class with a lazy hand, "Please introduce to yourself to the class."

"Er..." Bacon stared around the classroom. Almost everyone had their eyes on him, except for a few who had fallen asleep, their head on their arms. He spotted Pinkie still waving her hands at him, half standing, he gave her a small grin. He also noticed Trixie sitting in the middle of the classroom, her mouth opened wide with shock as she came to realize who the boy standing in front of the class was.

Mr.Paper made an impatient noise. "Any time when you are ready." he said.

"! Good morning, I'm Bacon Neggs. I recently just arrived to Canterlot, and today is my first day here in Canterlot High! I hope you all will treat me well." Bacon gave them a grin. Some of the girls begin to giggle.

"Is there any questions anyone would like to ask our new student?" Mr.Paper asked the class, motioning lazily at Bacon with the textbook.

Almost as if on impulse, Pinkie Pie stood up, waving both her hands at Mr.Paper. "Oh! Memememememememe! Pick me, Mr.Paper! Pick me!" Mr.Paper rolled his eyes.

"Good luck," he told Bacon. Bacon stared in amazement as Pinkie produced a long sheet of paper from her hair.

"I have plenty of questions to ask you!" Pinkie said, pulling out a pencil from her pocket. "First question, What's your name?"

"Er...Bacon Neggs"

"Oh! Your name sound so deliciously delicious!" she scribbled something down on the paper. "Are you like royalty or something?"

"E-Excuse me?" Bacon asked, confused.

"Well, your name sounds like breakfast! When you write it down, your name spells out Bacon N Eggs!" she giggled, along with several other students, Bacon included.

"Its like, you're the breakfast prince!" Pinkie said "Do you have any bacon with you right now?"

Bacon grinned, "Nope, sorry."

" question!" and she continued to bombard Bacon with all sorts of questions, most of them irrelevant.

"Favourite colour?"


"Blood type?"


"Favourite food? Wait, wait! I know the answer! Is bacon ins't it?"

"Nope," Bacon shook his head, grinning. "Broccoli."

The looks on the entire class faces was priceless.

But from that point on, the class had picked up on Pinkie's nickname for Bacon. And soon, so did the rest of the school. Bacon never really minded the nickname. It wasn't insulting in anyway, just playful teasing. 'Prince Bacon' and "The breakfast prince.' made Bacon sound almost like a fast food restaurant's mascot.

"Great, now you're going to call me prince too?" Bacon asked Snips.

"It's what everyone's calling you anyway."

"I know, I know." Bacon glanced at his watch. "Look, the bell's going to ring any time soon, don't you two have classes of your own?"

"Uh-huh, but we want to at least make sure you reach your class safely." Snips said

"No way Snips, last time you two 'made' sure I reach my class safely I ended up being late for an entire hour!"

"Small miscalculation that's all, this time, we are positive that we will not make the same mistake twice."

"Miscalculation or no--" Bacon said, getting slightly annoyed "--that's a risk I ain't going to take." he spotted his classroom, and made a dash for it, leaving Snips and Snails behind.

"Well, we'll see you during lunch then master!!" Snips shouted. Bacon quickly entered the classroom. He sighed in relief as he made his way to his seat, greeting and grinning at his fellow students. He gave Trixie a tired wave as he sat down beside her. Trixie gave him a mocking grin.

"And a good morning to you, master." Trixie said, giggling.

"You actually heard that?"

"Of course I did, the great and powerful Trixie, has a very acute sense of hearing."

"Uh-huh, sure." Bacon said as he opened his textbook.

"Why do those two always follow you around anyway?" Trixie asked, curious.

"They want me to teach them something."

"And what might that be?"

Bacon didn't reply, he was not about to tell her that Snips and Snails asked him to teach them in the art of love. It happened on his third day at school, by then, Bacon was still getting used to being called prince. He just finish his morning classes when Snips and Snails suddenly popped up in front of him.

"Greetings! Do you remember us?" Snips asked, with Snails behind him, waving.

Bacon looked at them for a moment. "Yeah, I do actually. You're the ones who been telling me the bad stuff about Sunset Shimmer." he made his way through them. "Is there some other bad stuff that you wanted to tell me?"

"Actually, we were hoping that you might do us the honour and teach us something."

Bacon stopped in his tracks and turned to face them. "Teach?"

Snips and Snails nodded. "Yes, we want you to teach us the art of love!" Snips said loudly. Several students turned to look at them.

"The art of wha--" Bacon gawked at them.

"Love, the art of love."

"Now why on earth, would you think that I can teach you something like that?" Bacon asked with raised eyebrows.

"Didn't you notice the amount of girls that are interested in you?" Snips motioned behind them, true enough, there was a group of girls standing just a few feet behind them, swapping silent whispers to one another and gazing at Bacon with dreamy looks. There was a sudden increase in girls coming up to talk to him, or passing him in the hallway in groups, giggling. He remembered that only just yesterday, a group of three girls calling themselves the 'Crusaders' came up to him and asked if he wanted a princess. He was so taken aback by the sudden question, he made up a hurried excuse and quickly disappeared from their sight.

"We want to learn how to have girls like us!" Snails said. Snips nodded in agreement.

"So that's why we plan to serve you as our master. By hanging out with you, we can be sure to gather and learn your techniques!"

And they did just that, following him around everyday since then. But Bacon didn't really teach them any techniques or skills. He doesn't have any, or so he thinks.

Trixie snapped her fingers at Bacon. " to Bacon, do you copy?" Bacon grinned at Trixie and pulled out a piece of candy from his pocket, unwrapping it and popping it into his mouth. He took another one out and offered it to Trixie. "Candy?" he asked.

"Do you always carry candy with you everywhere you go?" Trixie asked, accepting the candy and unwrapping it as well. "Do you like candy that much?"

"Force of habit, its a rather long story." Bacon said. "But its a habit that proves quite useful at times."

"I bet." Trixie said.

Their teacher entered and the classroom quickly fell silent.


Fluttershy carefully carried her tray through the sea of student that have turned up for lunch, she looked around the cafeteria, searching for her friends. She spotted Rainbow Dash at one of the tables.

"Hey, Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash said, as Fluttershy took a seat opposite her.

"Hello Rainbow Dash, where are the others?"

"Probably still stuck in that mob over there." Rainbow Dash jabbed her thumb at the huge group of students surrounding the counter where Granny Smith was busy serving the hungry students.

"Oh my, I do hope they get their lunch without any trouble." Fluttershy said, picking up her fork.

"HEEEY GUUUYYSSS!!" Pinkie Pie's voice shouted from behind them, causing Fluttershy to jump and drop her fork. Pinkie was running towards them with her tray of food. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash both flinched as Pinkie jumped and slid perfectly next to Rainbow Dash, her tray of food unharmed.

"Pinkie, you know its dangerous to run in the cafeteria." Rainbow Dash said as Pinkie gobbled down at her apple. "You could have hurt yourself or someone else."

"What?! No way, I've honed this skill since I was a baby."


"No silly, eating!" Pinkie said with a mouth full of apple.

"But I wasn't talking about-- urggh, never mind." Fluttershy giggled softly at them and started eating her salad. A few moments later, Applejack and Rarity joined them at the table, both exhausted from squeezing and fighting their way through the students. Rarity groaned.

"Look at my hair! My poor, beautiful hair." Rarity said. "I'm going to need to wash my hair all over again, and I just finished using my bottle of conditioner!" she sniffled loudly.

"Come on now, Rarity," Applejack said, placing her stetson hat on the table. "Its just a little bit messed up."

Rarity glared at Applejack as if she had just slapped her.

"A little messed up?!" Rarity said angrily, "You may not take proper care of your hair, Applejack, But I certainly do."

Fluttershy smiled to herself as Rarity and Applejack began to argue. She always enjoyed the company of her friends during lunch time, preferring to watch and listen instead of talking. She finished her salad and took a sip from her glass of milk. She looked around the cafeteria, watching the other students chatting and laughing merrily with one another. She spotted Flash Sentry tuning his electric guitar, talking to one of his friends. At the table next to him, Vinyl was listening to her music on her headphones, her head nodding to the beat.

Fluttershy let out a happy sigh, and rested her head on her hand. Sunset Shimmer showed up and took a seat next to Fluttershy.

"Hey guys, how's it going?" she asked them, taking a bite out of her sandwich.

"Dreadful!" Rarity wailed, pointing at her hair.

"Awesome!" Rainbow Dash said, giving Sunset the thumbs up.

"Super!!" Pinkie Pie shouted, showering the table with confetti.

Sunset giggled and continued eating her sandwich. She chatted with Fluttershy and Applejack, comforted Rarity and laughed at Pinkie Pie's antics. She was listening to a joke Rainbow Dash was telling her when suddenly there was a loud cheer as the cafeteria doors opened. The group turned their attention to the door, and saw Bacon walking in, with Snips and Snails flanking Bacon on both sides.

Fluttershy's face turned red as she saw Bacon, remembering the day at the animal shelter. She was so embarrassed with her own actions during the black out that she pleaded with Bacon to not mention about the matter ever again, or to anyone.

"There's nothing to be ashamed about Fluttershy." Bacon told her, as they prepared to leave the animal shelter. "Its highly understandable."

"I'm so so sorry about what I did. Please forgive me." Fluttershy said shyly, putting on her backpack. Bacon chuckled.

"You didn't do anything wrong you know."

"B-but still! It was uncalled for. How am I suppose to protect and take care of these poor little creatures if I couldn't even face my fears?" Fluttershy said sadly, petting the goat. "I wish I was more stronger."

"You will be, just give it a little time." Bacon said. "You know, I might be available to help you take care of these guys with you." He petted one of the dogs. "If you want to."

Fluttershy's eyes widened "Really? You really mean it?" she asked happily, "Um, I mean, if you are free that is." she added softly, staring at the floor.

"Of course." Bacon said "I mean, I'm practically best friends with them now," he motioned to the animals. Fluttershy chuckled.

"Okay then, you and me." She said, extending a hand, smiling softly. "Together."

Bacon smiled and shook her hand. "Together." Fluttershy's heart skipped a beat as Bacon's hand touched hers, and felt her cheeks getting hot.

"And here comes the prince!" Applejack said, cheering with the other students.

"What?! Oh no, I must not let the prince see me with my hair in this state! Quick! Someone cover me from this tragedy!" Rarity quickly hid behind Applejack's back.

"Mr. Tasty!! Over here!!" Pinkie stood up and began waving at Bacon's direction.

Rainbow Dash pulled Pinkie back down to her seat. "What are you doing Pinkie?" she asked

"Getting Mr.Tasty to join us!!"

"W-what?!" Fluttershy said suddenly, shocked.

"Duh, I want to have him join us for lunch!!" Pinkie started to wave again. "It is our duty as friends!"

"What do you mean 'our duty'? Applejack asked, her eyebrows raised.

"Well, remember when Sunset Shimmer was still evil and cruel to us, and how she tried to separate us from one another, to keep us from being friends? And then, POW! Twilight appeared and bought us all back together! And then, ZAP! We defeated Sunset Shimmer when she became a demon and tried to take over the school! Remember after the whole thing, Twilight asked us to teach Sunset Shimmer about the magic of friendship before she went back to her world? Well that's what I'm doing right now! To teach our new friend the magic of FRIENDSHIP!!" Pinkie wrestle her arm free from Rainbow Dash's grip and ran towards Bacon.

"Well, she does have a point." Applejack said, shrugging and shaking her head, as Pinkie shouted Bacon's name loudly.

"B-but, can't we do the whole friendship thing a bit later?" Rarity pleaded, still shielding herself from view. "At least until I fix my hair!"

"Well, I'm pretty sure the prince won't be bothered by the 'hairy' situation you're having." Applejack said, laughing loudly.

Fluttershy shifted uneasily in her seat, "M-must we really have Bacon join us? I-I mean, what if he feels annoyed, or w-what if he gets mad?"

"Come on Fluttershy, everyone knows the prince isn't anything like that." Rainbow Dash said, staring at Bacon, who was busy high-fiving the eco-kids, balancing his tray. Pinkie appeared behind him and hugged his arm.

Sunset Shimmer sat up straight, "I don't mind if he wants to join us." she said quietly, gazing at him.

They watched on as Pinkie started to talk to Bacon. After a minute, Bacon grinned apologetically to Pinkie and pointed to another table. Pinkie nodded and skipped her way back towards them. She sat down and took a sip of her drink.

"What happened?" Rainbow Dash asked, leaning forward.

"Oh nothing, Bacon said he had already been invited to sit with another group." Pinkie pointed over to a table where Bacon was sitting. He was sitting with a bunch of properly dressed students. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

"The Chess Club?" she groaned. "What do they have anything to with Bacon?"

"He's in their club." Sunset said still gazing at Bacon.

"WHAT?!" Rainbow Dash shouted, standing up. Several students stared at her. She smiled awkwardly and sat back down. "Why did he join the chess club?" she whispered "The chess club is lame."

"He defeated their president in six moves." Pinkie said, munching on her unfinished food. Rainbow Dash's jaw dropped.

"The prince defeated the chess king?" she asked, shocked. "The chess king?" Sunset nodded.

"Rumour has it, after his defeat, the chess king held Bacon hostage until he agreed to join their club." Sunset said. Pinkie nodded happily, stuffing her mouth with food.

"Anyway, looks like we have to teach Bacon another time. Sorry Fluttershy." Pinkie said. Everyone stared at Fluttershy, except Pinkie, who was still shovelling food.

"Why, what ever do you mean darling?" Rarity asked "Why did you apologize to Fluttershy?" Fluttershy stared at Pinkie with a confused look on her face.

Pinkie swallowed, and dab her mouth with a napkin. "Well duh, isn't it obvious? Fluttershy have this huge cru--"

DING! DONG! A speaker nearby went off, and the cafeteria fell silent. After a moment, vice-principal Luna's voice came on.

"Good day students," her voiced boomed over the speaker. "There will be an assembly in the gymnasium later on after lunch, all students are required to be present. That will be all, thank you."

"An assembly? What for?" a student nearby asked.

"Must be something important!" another student said. The cafeteria soon returned to its noisy state. Applejack looked at her friends, they all had the same confused look on their faces, except Fluttershy, who was red in the face, staring at her legs.

"Fluttershy, are you okay?" Applejack asked, placing her hand on her shoulder.

"W-w-what?" Fluttershy jumped, "I'm fine, p-perfectly fine!" Fluttershy gave an awkward laughing noise. Her friends stared at her. She laughed awkwardly again.

"I w-wonder what are they going to announce." Fluttershy said, looking away, her face burning.

Chapter 8: The Announcement

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"Settle down students, please." vice-principal Luna spoke over the microphone. "Someone please get Ms. Scratch to take off her headphones, and you, Mr. Biceps, there will be plenty of time for you to flex your muscles, after the assembly."

The gymnasium slowly began to fill with students, with looks of confusion and curiosity on their faces. Bacon bumped his way through several of the students, trying to find a good place to view the stage. He never realize that there were so many students in Canterlot High. Fortunately, the gymnasium was big enough to accommodate them all. As he squeezed his way past a couple of gossiping students, he spotted Trixie grabbing his attention and beckoning him over.

"Hey." Bacon said, his voice wearied from the bumping and squeezing, as he approached Trixie. They were quite near the stage. Bacon glanced around, he spotted Pinkie Pie just a few feet behind him, busy making silly faces at her friends, he quickly lowered his head when he saw Snips and Snails pushing their way through the crowd, their eyes scanning the area. Trixie stared at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What are you doing?" she asked, looking over at the direction Bacon was staring at. She giggled when she saw the duo. "Oooh, here comes your disciples. Shall I call them over?" Trixie asked, slowly raising her hand.

Bacon quickly grabbed her hand. "Don't you dare." he said, "Last thing I need right now is those two bothering me." he glanced back at Snips and Snails, the two of them had made a turn and were slowly getting further away from Bacon's position. He sighed with relief. "It was difficult enough to avoid them during lunch." he looked at Trixie, "And please, don't call them my disciples, you're making me feel like an old man."

"With a long white beard." Trixie said teasingly, giggling.

"Yeah, and a wizard hat." Bacon added.

"Wizard hats are awesome," Trixie said, "I like them a lot."

"You like wizard hats?" Bacon asked, Trixie nodded.

"Wizard hats are just so, suitable, for anyone who possesses great wisdom and power." Trixie said, "Like me."

Bacon rolled his eyes. "Because you're the great and powerful Trixie?"

Trixie smiled smugly at Bacon. "Of course," she said, "there is no one here in this school that can be as great and as powerful as I am."

Bacon was still holding onto Trixie's hand, " know," Trixie said, "I wasn't really going to call them over, so..." She motioned their hands with her head, giving him a shy grin.

"Oh! Sorry." Bacon said, quickly releasing her hand. They grinned awkwardly at each other.

The sudden cheers and shouts from the students brought their attention to the stage as principal Celestia made her way down towards the middle of the stage, accompanied by vice-principal Luna, with a microphone in hand. She smiled and waved at the students as they whistled and cheered at her.

"Good day, Wondercolts!" Celestia said, and the students began to chant, "Canterlot, Wondercolts! Canterlot, Wondercolts!, Pinkie Pie was screaming, "GOOO WONDERCOLTS!!"

Celestia smiled at them, "I am glad to see that everyone is filled with their school spirit." she said, and more cheers erupted, "But please, we are about to begin the assembly, and I would like to do this in a proper and organized order." The cheers died almost instantly, and the chanting stopped. Principal Celestia was much more forgiving and patient, compared to her sister, vice-principal Luna. But even her gentle words carried a significant amount of power and control, and the students of Canterlot High knew better than to go against her wishes.

"Thank you," Celestia said, "Now, there are a few important announcement that the school will be making today, and I expect all students to pay attention, and to listen carefully." Luna handed her a clipboard.

The announcements were pretty straightforward, for a high school at least. Something about the school janitor making complaints about clogged toilets, to the cafeteria where they will be serving something new next week, and to the importance of ensuring the school's cleanliness.

Several of the students around Bacon began to yawn as Celestia continued, apparently, a few announcements was just an understatement. Celestia continued to go on, and on as she read down the clipboard. Even Bacon was yawning, wondering to himself when it will end, he glanced over at Trixie, who was stifling a yawn herself.

"And now, for our final announcement." Celestia said, raising her voice a little. She paused for a moment, looking around the gymnasium. There was a few groans here and there, and quiet whispers of "Finally.". Celestia grinned, "Here in CHS, we have plenty of events and functions for the students to enjoy, and this year, we have decided to add one more to the list."

Almost immediately, excited whispers began to spread around the gymnasium. The students all looked eagerly at Celestia, waiting for her to continue. "This year, on the month of December, on the last day of fall, we will be holding the very first, Winter Nights Dance!"

The gymnasium shook from the cheers and shouts from the students, except Bacon, who was slightly confused. Principal Celestia smiled as she patiently calmed the students down. "Now students please, remain calm. I know you are all very excited to hear about this, but please, let me explain to you the details of this event." The cheers slowly died down, but there was still quiet chatter among the students.

"CHS never had a grand winter event for the students. So, the staff, vice-principal Luna and I, came up with the idea of setting this up. We are still currently deciding whether to make this an annual event, or just for this year." Celestia continued, "But I believe, with your help," Celestia gestured the students with her hand. "You might be able to help make the decision for us."

"The Winter Nights Dance, will indeed be, a grand event. It is not only to celebrate the end of fall, but also to welcome the arrival of winter. And, with your help, we can make this event be even better." The students cheered. "I am positive, that you all will not be disappointed with this event. Students, who wish to lend a hand, or to give suggestions, please, either find any of the teachers or vice-principal Luna. I will be available as well. The event, however, is still three months away, so please, remain focused on your studies." Celestia gave the students a warm smile. "That will conclude today's assembly, thank you."

Chatter broke out as the students headed back to their classes. All of them excited from the news. Pinkie Pie was skipping with every step, spreading confetti and letting off balloons everywhere as she pass her fellow students. This was the sort of thing she enjoys. A new event that needed suggestions? She loves giving suggestions! And Pinkie have numerous ideas to share with the teachers. She giggled happily to herself as she reached her locker, already making notes in her head on what suggestions she wanted to give first.

She couldn't wait for December to arrive.

Chapter 9: Past Memories

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Bacon was running. He was running down a dimly lit street, gripping his sister's hand tightly. In the distance, he could see the fire rising from the burning building, the flames licking the night sky. He ran faster, tugging on his sister's hand.

His sister protested as they continued to rush down, but Bacon wasn't listening, his eyes was focused on the flaming inferno in front of him. The place was surrounded with bystanders and passers-by, all huddled together. Fire trucks and ambulances blocked the road, and police officers were doing their best suppressing the steadily growing crowd, as more and more people began to gather, all craning their necks, trying to see the chaos. The police officers barked orders at the crowd, politely demanding them to stand back, fearing that they might get hurt.

Bacon and his sister approached the crowd, his sister letting go of his hand as she panted, exhausted from the running. Bacon stared in awe as fire and smoke rushed through the sky, the heat leaving beads of sweat on his forehead and face. Paramedics and fire fighters rushed towards the collapsing building, they backed off as the fire suddenly roared and crackled, and rose even higher than before.

A sudden explosion. Screams from someone nearby. And blood, blood everywhere.

Bacon woke up with a start. Cold sweat was slithering down his face and back. Bacon got up and switched on his room light. For an instant, he was blinded, as the white light spread its glow in the room. He allowed his eyes to adjust, before moving back and heading for his desk. He picked up a small medical bottle and poured out its contents on his palm. He counted three and returned the rest, swallowing the pills dry.

That same nightmare.Bacon sat on the bed, his chest was pounding, and it hurt a lot. Like small needles being pushed into your skin, repeatedly. The nightmares are coming back. Bacon covered his face with his hands, his breathing deep and slow. Why? Bacon looked at both his hands, they were shaking uncontrollably. His eyes began to water.

As the pain slowly subsided, Bacon left his room and headed for the bathroom. He twisted the tap and let the cold water fill in his cupped hands, splashing the water on his face as the water began to overflow. It has been entire year since he last had that nightmare. He stared at his reflection on the mirror above the sink. His eyes was red. Bacon shook his head and splashed more water on his face.

He went downstairs, quietly stepping on each step, not wanting to wake his aunt and uncle. He glanced at the clock on the wall as he past the kitchen. It was four in the morning. He opened the back door and stepped out into the garden, sitting himself on the lawn chair his uncle had left out. He stared at the dark sky, his thoughts still on the nightmare.

It was something he wished he could forget. The nightmares stopped a year ago, long before moving to Canterlot. But now, for the past month since his arrival, the nightmares were becoming more vivid, and frequent. Bacon always woke up drenched in cold sweat, his chest hurting and hands shaking. He hated it. And every time it happened, he always sat out here, in the quiet garden, desperately searching for peace of mind. It hasn't worked so far.

Bacon took out his cellphone. He squinted his eyes as the small but bright light flashed on. He searched through the cellphone's address book. His finger hovered over the screen as he found the name. He hesitated for a moment, unsure whether or not he should call. After a minute, he dialled the number, holding the cellphone next to his ear.


Chop Dliver was busy typing down his latest report on his computer for the upcoming meeting in a few hours. He took a quick sip from his cup of coffee, only to find it already empty. He groaned as he left his seat and went in search for the coffee machine.

The office was dimly lit. Chop liked it, it makes working much less stressful and it helps him to concentrate. He past the long row of empty cubicles and entered the compact kitchen. He poured out another cup of warm coffee and slowly made his way back, sipping as he went along.

The chair squeaked as Chop sat down. He placed his cup next to a small picture frame beside his computer. Chop gazed at the picture, a sad smile on his face. There were four people in the picture, a boy, a girl, a woman, and Chop. His family. The picture was taken when his children were still small, and when she... when she was still alive. Chop missed her terribly. He missed her smile, her laughter, the warm hugs and soft kisses she gave him. If only... if only he was there... that night... things would have been much, much different.

The vibrating noise from his cellphone brought him back to his senses. He wanted to ignore it, he was to busy to be bothered right now. He gave a quick glance to see who the caller was, and to his surprise, it was someone that haven't called in a while. He picked up the cellphone and accepted the call.

"Dad?" the sound of his son's voice made Chop smile.

"Bacon! Now isn't this is an odd time to be calling." Chop said, sipping his coffee. "This is certainly rather, unexpected."

"Yeah, and I'm sorry if I'm bothering you--"

"Don't be silly, you're my son, you can call me any time." Chop interrupted. "I wouldn't be a great father if I couldn't even answer my son's phone call now would I?" He put his cup down. "Is something bothering you Bacon?" he asked.

"How did you--"

"Its four in the morning, you sound terrible, and you gave me a call a month after you started studying at Canterlot High." Chop said, "Something is definitely wrong."

Bacon hesitated to say anything, it was true. A month had already pass since his arrival at Canterlot, and not once has Bacon decided to call his father. He remained quiet.

"But I know you son, you're not one to call, you prefer to solve your own problems by yourself." Chop continued. "A mature move, some might say. But this, this must be a really tough problem. So! Let me know what's wrong."

"Its..its the nightmares dad," Bacon said, his voice low. "I've been having the nightmares again for the past month."

Chop sat up in his seat.

"The same ones as before?" Chop asked, concerned.

"Yes...and my chest...the scar... it feels like its on fire." Bacon said.

"Why didn't you call me sooner?" Chop asked, his voice a little angry.

"I thought it was nothing! Just a few bad nights, that's all! I didn't expect my chest to start hurting like hell!"

"Well it is now, and I don't like the sound of it. You know what the doctor told you."

"I know dad...I know." Chop sighed sadly at the tone of his son's voice.

"Look, Bacon, I'm just worried for you okay? Back then... I just don't want something like that to happen again."

Bacon smiled softly, he knows that his father meant well. "So, what do you think I should do?" he asked.

Chop paused, thinking to himself. He wanted to head over to Canterlot immediately, to bring his son to the hospital to have him checked out. The nightmares was something that can be handled, but the scar, the pain. That requires professional help.

"No," Bacon said suddenly. "Don't even think of coming over here dad."

"Now how on earth did you know what I was thinking?" Chop asked, surprised.

"You're my dad," Bacon said, "I wouldn't be a great son if I couldn't even tell what's going on in your head now would I?"

Chop couldn't help but to laugh "Fair point."

"You finally found a better job dad, And I know the reason you put up with this is because the pay is much better, and to help pay her medical bills. I'll manage somehow, but please, don't do anything you might regret."

Chop was silent, he had always forgotten how much his son had changed over the years. And even until now, Bacon's matureness was something that still surprised him. He sighed, "Well if you ain't going to let me come, at least go down to the doctors yourself and try to find out what's wrong."

"I will dad, don't worry." Bacon said. "I will let you know once I pay them a visit."

"Great, I will be waiting for your call then." Chop wanted the conversation to continue, they haven't spoken to each other for a month, and Chop was dying to know how Bacon's life was going over at Canterlot High. He opened his mouth, ready to start small talk when--

"Well, I gotta go dad. I better let you get back to whatever is you're doing." Chop felt his heat sink.

"Oh...o-okay then. Please call me whenever you need me." Chop sighed sadly, he was ready to hang up.

"Dad?" Chop quickly press the cellphone back to his ear. "Thanks...for everything. I will...I will try to call more often." Chop smiled.

"No problemo son, I'm always here for you, and your sister."


Bacon felt much better after talking to his father. His chest was no longer hurting, and the nightmare was tucked away in his mind. He stood up and stretched, the sky was getting brighter now, and the birds were already starting to chirp in their nests.

Its going to be fine Bacon thought to himself, as he entered the house.I have to be strong. He returned to his room and laid on his bed, double checking to make sure his alarm was turned on. He could probably get a few more hours of sleep before school starts. He covered himself with the blankets and closed his eyes.

I have to be strong, for dad, and... for her

But even in those few short hours of sleep, the nightmare still came.

Chapter 10: The Chess Club

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As September came and went, Canterlot High was greeted by October. With only two months remaining for the Winter Nights Dance, the students were all eagerly waiting for its arrival. But for one person in particular, October was the month he had been waiting for this whole year.

Royal Crown drew in a deep breath as he entered the club room, savouring the smells. He liked the quiet room, with its wooden chairs and tables, the untouched and unused blackboard, to the dirty cobwebs on the ceiling. Yes, it was a room fit for a king, or he so believes.

Royal Crown was a tall but rather scrawny boy. He wore a pair of thick, brown horn rimmed glasses, and dental braces. He was always made fun of for the way he looked, but Royal Crown never let them get the best of him. Like he always said, "Stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

He took a seat at the front of the room, just beneath the blackboard. In front of him, a row of five tables were placed in the middle, with chairs on both sides, with wooden chessboards placed neatly on each table.

Yes, this is his kingdom, this is his world. My world Royal Crown thought to himself.

The chess club.

Royal Crown loved chess, it was his favourite sport in the world. Not like the other rough, and brutal ones where you rely more on brawn instead of brains. Chess, is a sport for the highly intellectual and gifted. A sport where strategic planning was needed, A sport where a simple mistake could lead to one's downfall. A sport where only the brightest can win.

Royal Crown smiled to himself, seated comfortably in his chair. He has been playing chess since he was a very young boy. Taught by his grandfather, who was a self-proclaimed master, Royal Crown had defeated many opponents from his elementary school at chess. He also conquered and crushed his innumerable chess enemies in middle school. And now, here, in Canterlot High, he was known as the chess king. The Chess King.

And president of the chess club he smirked, gazing at the clock on the wall. Five more minutes to go

He enjoyed his title here in Canterlot High, he had been challenged by many adversaries, but they all lost to his superior skills and tactics. Chess is not a game for the slow-paced, the dull-witted, or the weak-hearted, oh no. Chess, in fact, is not a game, but an art. An art that only few, could truly, grasp its magnificence.

The start of October could only mean one thing for the chess club, and Royal Crown was prepared for it.

The Inter-school Chess Competition, Royal Crown licked his lips. Despite being the chess king of Canterlot High, he always loses in the finals of the inter-school chess competition, and that loss was always dished out to him from his one and only bitter foe.

But now, things were different. Royal Crown had forced himself to continue training and mastering his skills and tactics. He knew that he needed to be better, to be stronger, so that when the time arrived, he will be ready to face his sworn enemy.

But, even if he did lose again this year, Royal Crown had already prepared a backup plan, a plan that can't possibly fail.

Bacon Neggs. His arrival to Canterlot High couldn't had been more perfect. There was a knock on the door.

The door opened and Bacon stepped inside, scratching his head. Bacon glanced over at Royal Crown and greeted him. "You're early."

"It is my duty as the chess king and president of the chess club to arrive before my subjects." Royal Crown motioned a chair in front of him. "Sit"

Bacon took the seat at the last table, as far away as possible from Royal Crown. Royal Crown stared at him. "Haven't I asked you to sit at the front?"

"I prefer the back, thanks." Bacon said quickly, "It is more spacious."

"As you wish," Royal Crown pulled out a couple of papers from the desk drawer in front of him. "We have new people wishing to join us."

Bacon groaned, "Again? Seriously?" Royal Crown stared at him through his thick glasses.

"You should be feeling more exuberant. The chess club could do with more members." he read the application forms, "Ever since you joined us, we received more applications than we did for the past three years combined."

"And yet there is only still the five of us." Bacon said.

"I beg your pardon Bacon, but I simply cannot allow anybody to join the chess club." Royal Crown said "We can only accept those who truly posses the skills, and the passion. Not just because they wish to see you."

Bacon shifted in his seat. After defeating the chess king almost a month ago, Royal Crown had grabbed Bacon and dragged him to the club room, only allowing him to leave if Bacon agrees to join the chess club. There wasn't really any other options, either join the chess club now, or be pestered forever until he agrees to join. And when the news of the chess king's defeat and the joining of Bacon was spread around campus, the chess club was immediately overwhelmed with applications from the students, all wanting to join.

Chess also, for some odd reason, instantly became popular, more popular than the chess club itself. Almost everywhere Bacon went around school, he heard students talking about chess, playing chess, and reading about chess. It was like a new trend was being introduced. And nearly everyday after Bacon joined, students will line up at the chess club's room, aching to join.

There is one thing, however. To actually join the chess club, the students must complete one simple task. Every new applicant must defeat or impress any one member of the chess club, in a game of chess. If they defeat or manage to leave a good impression on said club member, they will be accepted into the chess club. But, unfortunately for them, Royal Crown was the one they always had to face. Bacon had also played against a few of the applicants, under Royal Crown's request. But no matter how easy Bacon went on them, they lost to him all the same. Despite chess suddenly being so popular, most of them barely knew how to play, and others only knew how to move the pawn, or knight.

When Snips and Snails came in with their application, Bacon quickly accepted their challenge before Royal Crown could do anything, and he defeated them both without mercy. He wasn't about to let them bother him in the few places where he can be left alone.

" many this time?" Bacon asked, looking around the room.

"Five." Royal Crown said, setting the forms down, "And both of us are the only ones playing today. I had the other three run some urgent errands for me."

"They are your friends Royal Crown, not your slaves."

"I merely asked for their assistance, not demand it."

Bacon sighed, "What is so urgent that you need all three of them?"

"Intel, Bacon, I sent them to do some reconnaissance at Cloudsdale High." Royal Crown said, pushing up his glasses with his index finger. "With the competition arriving soon this month, we must have all the information that we can gather."

"But its just a competition Royal Crown." Bacon said, shaking his head.

"Excuse me?" Royal Crown glared at Bacon, "I respect you as a chess player, Bacon Neggs, but understand this," Royal Crown's voice rose a little, "This competition means everything to the chess club, to me. And I will do whatever it takes to win it."

Bacon smacked his forehead, "Fine, do what you like, but why do I have to be dragged into this competition as well?"

"You, my friend, are our secret weapon," Royal Crown said, smirking "I am confident that we both can make it to the finals, but if I were to lose, I wanted to make sure at least we win the competition."

"And all this, just to wipe that smug smile off your rival's face."

"My sworn enemy. Not rival." Royal Crown glanced at the clock, and suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Perfect timing." he said, standing up and taking a seat beside Bacon, "Now, let us see if these people are worthy enough to play."

The first two arrivals were their juniors, and they boasted loudly to Royal Crown and Bacon about their skills in chess back in their middle school, and how they will be an invaluable assets to the chess club. Royal Crown made a tutting noise and decided to play against the two of them at the same time, muttering to Bacon about time-wasters.

When the third one arrived, Bacon played against her, going as easy as he can, but he defeated her almost instantly. The girl ran out the room, sobbing. Bacon had half a mind to go after her, but Royal Crown held him back, telling him that he 'did what was necessary'.

Royal Crown stretched his arms as the two boasters left the club room, both of them looking sad and dejected. "None of them have the passion, nor the skill." he said to Bacon, motioning the two, "They do not understand the beauty of chess. All that talk for nothing."

"That's because you're to tough to beat." Bacon said, waving at the leaving students. "They were actually quite good. Can't you be more easy on the applicants?"


Bacon shook his head, Only two more to go Bacon thought, looking at the clock. They slowly waited, and waited, as the time passed by.

"Where are these two? You expect they'll show up by now." Royal Crown said, staring impatiently at the clock. "I'm not impressed."

"You're always unimpressed."

"I most certainly do not."

"Uh-huh, sure."

"Now you listen here Bac--"

The knock on the door caught their attention. They both stared at each other.

"About time, let's get this over with." Bacon said, rearranging the chess pieces on his board.

"Come in," Royal Crown said, both hands beneath his chin.

The door opened slightly, and a head popped in. Bacon immediately recognized the crimson hair with yellow stripes.

"Sunset Shimmer?" Bacon asked, Sunset Shimmer gave him a cheery wave.

"Hi guys!" Sunset said, opening the door even wider now, behind her was a girl with sapphire blue hair, with violet and rose streaks. Her skin was a pale, light, slightly grayish orchid colour. Bacon had no clue as to who she was. Royal Crown suddenly sat up straight as Sunset entered the room with the girl.

"Let me introduce my friend." Sunset said motioning the girl "This is Twilight Sparkle. Twilight Sparkle, meet Royal Crown--" she pointed at Royal Crown with her thumb, " And Bacon Neggs."

Twilight Sparkle giggled when she heard Bacon's name. "Oh dear, Sunset Shimmer was right, you do sound delicious." Sunset grinned at Bacon, who grinned back.

Royal Crown gaped at Twilight in wonder. "My dear lady!" he suddenly said loudly, causing all three of them to jump, "I believe we have never met before." Royal Crown quickly rose from his seat and knelt down beside Twilight, "Are you by any chance, an angel sent down from the heavens?" he lightly held Twilight's hand. "For I have never seen such beauty my entire life."

Twilight quickly pulled her hand away, blushing a little. "Er... actually, I'm just here to play this game called chess." Twilight glanced at the chessboards, "I've read about them, and I heard that was a chess club here, I wish to try playing a match or two."

"And a match you shall have!" Royal Crown cried, holding Twilight's hand once more and leading her to his table. "I shall be your opponent, Lady Twilight." he bowed to Twilight as she sat down, who looked confused and flattered at the same time. Bacon rolled his eyes. He glanced at Sunset, who was still standing, a smile spread across her face, staring at her friend and Royal Crown.

"Don't tell me you want me to invite to you the same way as he did?" Bacon asked. Royal Crown, who was busy arranging his chess pieces did not seem to notice.

"I would like that actually." Sunset Shimmer said, giggling at Twilight, who had picked up a rook piece and was staring at it closely in wonder. "I too, wish to be treated like a lady."

"As you wish, my lady," Bacon said, slowly getting up. He offered her his hand, and guided her back to his table.

"I didn't knew you played chess." Bacon said, as he sat back down.

"I play a little, for fun." Sunset said, she motioned at Twilight. "Twilight wanted to try playing chess. So, I thought why not join the chess club, and filled in the application forms for both of us."

"You do realize that you don't need to join the chess club to actually play chess." Bacon said, staring at her.

"I know, but Twilight was pretty confident about her chess playing skills, and wanted to go against the strongest. And knowing Royal Crown, he doesn't just play against anyone who challenges him. By signing up, however, Royal Crown would have no other choice but to play against her." Sunset said, moving her white pawn forward. "Though I must say, I wasn't expecting this." she laughed.

Royal Crown and Twilight had already started playing, and it took only one glance at their table for Bacon to know that Twilight was actually pretty good. Royal Crown was smiling.

"Who is she anyway?" Bacon asked, moving his black knight. "I can't seem to recall who she is."

"Oh, a visiting friend who is from another school" Sunset quickly said, "Just visiting."

"Since when did our school allows students from other schools to join our clubs?" Bacon asked, staring at Sunset questionably.

Sunset only grinned at him, but said nothing. Bacon waited for her to say something else, but decided not to worry about the matter and continued to play. Sunset Shimmer was a terrible player, Bacon could tell, from the way she moved her pieces. She was so bad it was almost heart breaking. Bacon tried to give her as many chances as he could, but it was impossible. He needed to end the match before he starts crying.

"Check mate." Bacon said, placing his queen beside her king. "You lose, Sunset." he grinned triumphantly.

Sunset giggled, "I guess it was pretty obvious huh?" she asked. Bacon nodded.

"Well, you could use a few pointers. Or maybe someone to teach you, if you're really interested. But with sufficient practice, I'm sure you will do splendidly one day." Bacon glanced at the table next to him, Twilight and Royal Crown were both focused on their match. Only two of their pieces had moved, and Royal Crown had taken off his glasses, placing it beside him. That could only mean one thing.

"Your friend is really good at this," Bacon said, nodding his head at Twilight. "And you say this is her first time playing chess?" Sunset nodded.

"Twilight was reading about it in the library the other day. She got so obsessed with it, she read every single book that had chess to the title."

Bacon raised one of his eyebrows. "And now, she is playing on par with the chess king." Bacon looked at Twilight. "I'm suppose to believe that she read on how to play chess in a few days?"

"Twilight can be quite an avid reader. " Sunset said. "And believe me, she is good at reading."

"I'm not questioning her ability, but still, its quite impressive." Royal Crown had finally made a move, and was patiently waiting for Twilight's turn. He glanced over at Bacon and gave him a thumbs-up. This is going to take a while. it meant.

"Well, their match is not going to end any time soon," Bacon sighed, lazily arranging his chess pieces. He was hoping to end this quickly and head back home. But when the chess king take off his glasses during a chess match, it means things just got serious. Very serious.

"Then why don't you teach me?" Sunset asked eagerly, also starting to arrange her chess pieces. "You did say to find someone to teach me." she looked at Bacon, who shrugged.

"Wouldn't Twilight be a better teacher than me?" Bacon asked.

"Maybe, but you are the best chess player in our entire school."

"I resent that." Royal Crown said quietly without looking away from the chessboard. Bacon rolled his eyes.

"I'll see what I can do." Bacon said, motioning at his chessboard. "Ladies first." he grinned.


Five matches later, with a complete loss from Sunset. Royal Crown and Twilight were still playing, they were now down to four pieces each, And they were both smiling at each other.

"You're an incredible player, my lady." Royal Crown said. "I have not had a match as splendid as this."

"And you too, Royal Crown. I must say, you have stumped me a couple of moves ago, I was particularly surprised when you decided to sacrifice your bishop." Twilight said, rubbing her chin.

"Not as much as I was when you decided on the castling. Very subtle. Almost caught me off guard." he gave her a grin.

Bacon could not stop rolling his eyes. He groaned as he laid his face on his arms, wishing for the match to end. Sunset giggled.

"Maybe I shouldn't have brought Twilight here." she said, playfully messing Bacon's hair.

Bacon looked up, "I don't mind, really. But it's been two hours already." he glanced at the pair. "I'm starting to think they are only testing each others skills."

Sunset stared at Bacon with a look of surprise on her face. "Did I say something wrong?" Bacon asked. Sunset quickly glanced at the clock.

"Shoot! Twilight, the time!" Sunset cried, and she shook Twilight's arm. "Don't you have business elsewhere?"

Twilight gave a yelp as she saw the time. She stood up, accidentally bumping the table. "Oh no! I completely forgotten about the time!"

Royal Crown gave them a confused look. "My lady?"

"Sorry, Royal Crown," Sunset said, getting up herself. "But your lady have to be somewhere else right about now."

"But our match..." he began, but stopped as Twilight softly rubbed his shoulder.

"I'm so very sorry to cut this short, but I really have to go. I promise to continue our match again." she said, winking at him.

"I shall eagerly await you return, lady Twilight." Royal Crown stood and bowed at Twilight.

"See you later, Bacon!" Sunset said, leaving the room. Twilight waved at the both of them and followed Sunset out.

Royal Crown slumped back on his chair, sighing heavily. "What an amazing person." he said quietly. He suddenly stood up again, and looked at Bacon, with fire burning in his eyes. "I must make her my queen, Bacon!"

Bacon gawked at him. "Your what?"

"Queen. My queen, Bacon. Every great king needs a beautiful and talented queen. And after years of fruitless searching, I have finally found her."

"But she's didn't even beat you." Bacon said, getting up from his seat, wanting to leave.

"Not yet, no. But from the moment she entered our humble club room, I was immediately smitten by her." Royal Crown approached Bacon. "and her skills...her skills were simply astounding to behold. Her moves, her gracefulness, all so wondrously beautiful." He smiled at Bacon. "I have decided." and he placed both his hands on Bacon's shoulders.

Bacon stared at Royal Crown with a raised eyebrow. "You don't mean...?"

"Yes," Royal Crown said, giving Bacon a shake. "I have decided to let her join the chess club."

Chapter 11: Sunset's Arc: Prologue

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"Today has been a good day, Bacon." said Royal Crown, removing his glasses from his face. "I never thought I'd see the day where we will be welcoming new members into the club." he pulled out a small patterned blue handkerchief from his pocket. "A good day indeed."

Bacon nodded his head in agreement. "I also never thought I'd see the day where you'd actually let new members in." he stretched his arms, letting out a loud yawn. "Besides, you're only saying that because you think Twilight's cute."

Royal Crown coughed, covering his mouth with a closed fist. "T-That is incorrect; the lady's skill in chess is undeniably amazing, and her potential in chess can be fully realized should she join the chess club." he let out a nervous laugh. "I-I most certainly did not let her join the chess club simply because of her mesmerizing appearance."

"Yet you just admitted it so bluntly." Bacon said softly, smiling to himself. "Didn't you say you were going to make her your queen?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. "Admit it; you like her. Not because of how she handled the rook or the knight. But because you actually like like her."

Royal Crown mumbled something incoherent, wiping down his glasses with his handkerchief. "I will not deny it, Bacon." he finally said, looking up with squinted eyes. "I do find miss Twilight enticing --- even now, I can still feel the heat of our last battle burning in my fingertips. Never before have I faced such an opponent before. It is as if it was destined that the both of us will do battle in the glorious game that is chess." he stared up at the ceiling with a look of longing in his eyes. "Though we did not manage to finish what we started today, I cannot wait for the fated date where we will have a proper battle to the end." he closed his eyes, as if in prayer. "Twilight Sparkle." he said softly. "I can't wait to see you again."

"That's called a crush, dude." Bacon laughed. "You're not 'destined' with anything. There is no need for a 'fated date' or an epic battle." he stood up and headed for the classroom's exit. "Why don't you try asking her out the next time you see her?"

"Y-you mock me, Bacon Neggs." said Royal Crown with a shaky voice, putting back on his glasses. "There is no need for trivial things like that when I can easily capture her heart with chess."

"Royal Crown, sometimes, I wonder if you're really human at all." Bacon shook his head with a sigh, his hand on the door handle. "Some things you just can't win with a game of chess." he opened the door. "Especially if you really plan on making Twilight your 'queen'." he gave the president of the chess club a wave with his hand. "See you when I see you, King."

"Our next meeting is two days from now, Bacon." Royal Crown said, waving back. "If you see miss Shimmer, do let her know that I expect to see both herself and her---" he cleared his throat loudly "--- talented companion."

Bacon nodded and was about to leave when a sudden thought made him stopped in his tracks. He leaned his head back in the classroom. "Sunset's in the club too?" he asked with curiosity. "But I defeated her. Didn't the rules stated that---"

"Minor details, my friend." Royal Crown said quickly, waving away Bacon's question as if it was dust. "I may be cold and heartless when it comes to defeating my enemies in chess, but I can be considerate once in a while." his glasses flashed in Bacon's direction. "We sometimes need to bend a little to make way for more."

"That makes absolutely no sense at all, dude."

"Q-quiet, Bacon! I was not finished yet." Royal Crown said standing up. "Despite her loss, miss Shimmer does seem interested in learning the fundamentals of chess." he pushed his glasses up with a finger. "I'm bestowing upon you the job of properly guiding her down the path of perfecting her skills in chess."

"Right." Bacon smirked. "You're just worried Twilight might get bored without a friend, huh?"

"W-What? How preposterous! I have no clue as to what you are talking about." Royal Crown said, crossing his arms together. "Now leave! I need to be left alone with my thoughts."

Bacon laughed and left the classroom, leaving Royal Crown and his thoughts. The president of the chess club might seem unapproachable to many, and sometimes, come off as a complete weirdo. Bacon used to think like one of those people. He remembered their very first meeting together, and was rather shaken with Royal Crown's obsession with chess. But despite this, Royal Crown is actually a thoughtful and caring person; one just needed to spend enough time with him to notice.

The hallways of Canterlot High was almost completely devoid of students, which made sense, given that it was already late in the afternoon. Those that remained were already making their way for the exit, chatting away happily with books in their hands and backpacks on their backs. Bacon walked towards his locker, since he needed to pick up his bag.

Bacon covered his eyes with his hand as he stepped outside the school's main doors. The sun was setting, its slowly disappearing rays shining directly into Bacon's face. He breathed in the air and made his way down the steps. Even though he was needed to stay back in school because of chess club, he did not feel as if his day was wasted. If anything, he thought the day turned out to be rather entertaining.

As Bacon's feet left the last step and on to solid gravel, he gave the school's marbled horse statue a quick glance. Even after being in Canterlot High for more than a month, he still finds it hard to fully appreciate the statue. He gets that the majority of the students sees this statue as some sort of beacon of hope. Like a light to help illuminate the darkness around them. But Bacon does not share their empathy; it was nothing more but a measly statue to him. Not something spiritual or magical --- just plain normal.

He was about to walk past the statue when something crimson caught his eye. Coming to a complete halt, he turned around and spotted Sunset Shimmer sitting down with her back against the statue's plinth. She was busy jotting something down on a rather old looking book, and had not noticed Bacon standing next to her.

Bacon cleared his throat as loudly as he could to announce his presence. "Taking down notes on how to beat me in chess?" he asked.

Sunset Shimmer let out a surprised "Oh!" and quickly stood up, dusting herself off with her free hand while the other held the book she was writing on. "Bacon!" she said, hiding the book behind her back. "You're still here! What a surprise!" A nervous laugh escaped her lips.

Bacon raised an eyebrow. "'Course I'm still here; I just left the chess club a few minutes ago." he eyed the book Sunset was holding. "What were you doing?" he asked.

"M-me?" Sunset stammered. " was just...writing!" she said, showing him the book. "Just writing stuff into this book of mine!" she continued with several nods from her head. Giving him a grin, she suddenly picked up her backpack from the ground and hurriedly stuffed the book inside of it.

"Right..." Bacon said slowly, feeling a little suspicious with Sunset's behaviour. He decided not to press on the matter. "Anyway, where's Twilight?"

"W-Who?" Sunset asked.

Bacon stared at her. "Twilight Sparkle? You know, that friend that you brought with you to our chess club just now?"

"Oh! Right, Twilight! She...uh...she left!" Sunset said, stepping away from the plinth, her backpack still in her clutches. "She left not too long ago." Another nervous laugh left her mouth. Bacon noticed that she kept throwing quick glances at the statue beside them. "A-anyway!" Sunset said, changing the subject. "Did you need me for something?"

Bacon gave Sunset a questioning look. He wondered why on earth was Sunset acting so strangely. Was she perhaps, planning something behind his back? Or was it something about the way he looked and talked that made her act like this all of a sudden? Bacon quickly gave himself a once-over, trying to spot the culprit on his jeans and shirt.


Bacon looked back up at Sunset, who had a confused look on her face. "Uhm...well, Royal Crown asked me to tell you that you and Twilight are accepted to join us as members of the chess club." he told her. "The King expects to see the both of you two days from now in the chess club meeting room."

"Oh?" Sunset said with a surprised tone. "Is he serious?" she asked. "I mean, didn't the rules of your club clearly states that whoever loses is unable to join---"

"Minor details, my friend." Bacon said, pretending to act like Royal Crown. "He says that you have quite the potential in chess, and has asked me to take responsibility in teaching you the fundamentals of chess."

"Ah, I see." Sunset smiled at Bacon. "It would seem that I'll be getting a full-time teacher after all then." she said playfully at him. "I can't wait for lessons to begin." she giggled.

"Uh-huh, But I have to warn you though, I suck at teaching." Bacon replied with a smile. "And yes, Royal Crown is serious about this. Twilight actually left quite a rather strong impression on him." he said with a roll of his eyes. "Too strong." he added.

"But this is good, right?" Sunset said, placing her backpack back on the ground, directly below the statue. "You guys finally get to have new members in your club."

"Only two." Bacon sighed. "And that put us up to what, seven members?" he said, scratching his ear. "Royal Crown is just way too strict with his club application policies."

"Better than nothing, Bacon." Sunset said with a shrug.

"So, I'll take it that we'll be seeing the both of you in our next meeting?" Bacon asked.

"Yup." Sunset said with a nod. "I'll let Twilight know about this; she'll definitely be pleased to hear about this."

"Right." Bacon nodded. "Well, I guess I'll be going." he turned around to leave. "See you tomorrow, Sunset."

Sunset gave him a wave. "See you, Bacon." she said, sending him off with a smile.

Bacon returned the wave with his own and started walking away from the statue. He has not moved more than ten feet away from the school when he stopped and turned around. Something just did not felt right with the good-bye. It felt lacking and incomplete --- like there could be something more to it than just a simple wave and smile from both sides.

Bacon quickly returned to where Sunset Shimmer was and spotted her picking up her belongings. She gave him a look of surprise and stared at him as she watched him approach back up to her.

"Bacon?" she asked, putting on her backpack. "What's wrong? Did you forget something?"

Bacon stood in front of her, choosing his next words. "No, no, I did not forget anything." he paused for while, still thinking. "It's just that...I was wondering...if...well..."

"Yes?" Sunset asked, taking a step closer towards him.

Bacon cleared his throat. "I was just wondering if you wanted to walk wit---"

Then, at that moment, like some sort of cruel twist to a plot in a story, did it began to happen; his heart pounded. Painfully. Bacon tried to ignore and fight off the pain. It occasionally happens once in a while, and usually the pain would just die off after a while. Bacon thought to himself that the sudden pain in his chest was probably one of those moments. It was nothing to be worried about. Just ignore and fight through the pain. Like he always has.

"B-bacon?" Sunset suddenly asked, with her hand reaching out towards him. He glanced up at her and saw that there was worry in her eyes.

"D-don't w-worry, S-Sunset." Bacon assured her with difficulty, clutching his chest. "I-I'll b-be fine."

But it didn't. The pain just kept coming. His chest was screaming in pain, and his heart pounded even faster than before. Every pump of blood just sends another round of pain throughout his entire chest region. Bacon fell to his knees, clutching his chest with both his hands. The pain he was going through was very much different from what he had experienced before. He couldn't take it, it was too excruciating.

He heard his name again. "B-Bacon?" Sunset asked again, her voice now shaky and scared. "B-Bacon are you okay?" She was kneeling down beside him, her hands holding on to one of his arms. "I-I'll get help!" she said, digging into her pockets for her cellphone. "J-just stay with m-me, o-okay?"

Bacon tried to take a deep breath, to nod, to respond, to do anything at all. But his attempts were all met with more suffering. He tried to slowdown his heart-rate in any way that he could, like how his doctor had told him. But it proved to be difficult. He let out a scream of agony; he did not care how loud he was being --- he only wanted a way to vent out the immense pain he was going through.

Next thing he knew, he fell face first to the ground, and everything went dark. Sunset's eyes went wide with fear.