• Published 24th Oct 2014
  • 2,067 Views, 22 Comments

The Last Dance - Eggtaro

When you come to Canterlot High with a name like Bacon Neggs, school life would definitely be anything but normal. But normal is exactly what Bacon was looking for. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. As his life there may be a little too perfect.

  • ...

Chapter 11: Sunset's Arc: Prologue

"Today has been a good day, Bacon." said Royal Crown, removing his glasses from his face. "I never thought I'd see the day where we will be welcoming new members into the club." he pulled out a small patterned blue handkerchief from his pocket. "A good day indeed."

Bacon nodded his head in agreement. "I also never thought I'd see the day where you'd actually let new members in." he stretched his arms, letting out a loud yawn. "Besides, you're only saying that because you think Twilight's cute."

Royal Crown coughed, covering his mouth with a closed fist. "T-That is incorrect; the lady's skill in chess is undeniably amazing, and her potential in chess can be fully realized should she join the chess club." he let out a nervous laugh. "I-I most certainly did not let her join the chess club simply because of her mesmerizing appearance."

"Yet you just admitted it so bluntly." Bacon said softly, smiling to himself. "Didn't you say you were going to make her your queen?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. "Admit it; you like her. Not because of how she handled the rook or the knight. But because you actually like like her."

Royal Crown mumbled something incoherent, wiping down his glasses with his handkerchief. "I will not deny it, Bacon." he finally said, looking up with squinted eyes. "I do find miss Twilight enticing --- even now, I can still feel the heat of our last battle burning in my fingertips. Never before have I faced such an opponent before. It is as if it was destined that the both of us will do battle in the glorious game that is chess." he stared up at the ceiling with a look of longing in his eyes. "Though we did not manage to finish what we started today, I cannot wait for the fated date where we will have a proper battle to the end." he closed his eyes, as if in prayer. "Twilight Sparkle." he said softly. "I can't wait to see you again."

"That's called a crush, dude." Bacon laughed. "You're not 'destined' with anything. There is no need for a 'fated date' or an epic battle." he stood up and headed for the classroom's exit. "Why don't you try asking her out the next time you see her?"

"Y-you mock me, Bacon Neggs." said Royal Crown with a shaky voice, putting back on his glasses. "There is no need for trivial things like that when I can easily capture her heart with chess."

"Royal Crown, sometimes, I wonder if you're really human at all." Bacon shook his head with a sigh, his hand on the door handle. "Some things you just can't win with a game of chess." he opened the door. "Especially if you really plan on making Twilight your 'queen'." he gave the president of the chess club a wave with his hand. "See you when I see you, King."

"Our next meeting is two days from now, Bacon." Royal Crown said, waving back. "If you see miss Shimmer, do let her know that I expect to see both herself and her---" he cleared his throat loudly "--- talented companion."

Bacon nodded and was about to leave when a sudden thought made him stopped in his tracks. He leaned his head back in the classroom. "Sunset's in the club too?" he asked with curiosity. "But I defeated her. Didn't the rules stated that---"

"Minor details, my friend." Royal Crown said quickly, waving away Bacon's question as if it was dust. "I may be cold and heartless when it comes to defeating my enemies in chess, but I can be considerate once in a while." his glasses flashed in Bacon's direction. "We sometimes need to bend a little to make way for more."

"That makes absolutely no sense at all, dude."

"Q-quiet, Bacon! I was not finished yet." Royal Crown said standing up. "Despite her loss, miss Shimmer does seem interested in learning the fundamentals of chess." he pushed his glasses up with a finger. "I'm bestowing upon you the job of properly guiding her down the path of perfecting her skills in chess."

"Right." Bacon smirked. "You're just worried Twilight might get bored without a friend, huh?"

"W-What? How preposterous! I have no clue as to what you are talking about." Royal Crown said, crossing his arms together. "Now leave! I need to be left alone with my thoughts."

Bacon laughed and left the classroom, leaving Royal Crown and his thoughts. The president of the chess club might seem unapproachable to many, and sometimes, come off as a complete weirdo. Bacon used to think like one of those people. He remembered their very first meeting together, and was rather shaken with Royal Crown's obsession with chess. But despite this, Royal Crown is actually a thoughtful and caring person; one just needed to spend enough time with him to notice.

The hallways of Canterlot High was almost completely devoid of students, which made sense, given that it was already late in the afternoon. Those that remained were already making their way for the exit, chatting away happily with books in their hands and backpacks on their backs. Bacon walked towards his locker, since he needed to pick up his bag.

Bacon covered his eyes with his hand as he stepped outside the school's main doors. The sun was setting, its slowly disappearing rays shining directly into Bacon's face. He breathed in the air and made his way down the steps. Even though he was needed to stay back in school because of chess club, he did not feel as if his day was wasted. If anything, he thought the day turned out to be rather entertaining.

As Bacon's feet left the last step and on to solid gravel, he gave the school's marbled horse statue a quick glance. Even after being in Canterlot High for more than a month, he still finds it hard to fully appreciate the statue. He gets that the majority of the students sees this statue as some sort of beacon of hope. Like a light to help illuminate the darkness around them. But Bacon does not share their empathy; it was nothing more but a measly statue to him. Not something spiritual or magical --- just plain normal.

He was about to walk past the statue when something crimson caught his eye. Coming to a complete halt, he turned around and spotted Sunset Shimmer sitting down with her back against the statue's plinth. She was busy jotting something down on a rather old looking book, and had not noticed Bacon standing next to her.

Bacon cleared his throat as loudly as he could to announce his presence. "Taking down notes on how to beat me in chess?" he asked.

Sunset Shimmer let out a surprised "Oh!" and quickly stood up, dusting herself off with her free hand while the other held the book she was writing on. "Bacon!" she said, hiding the book behind her back. "You're still here! What a surprise!" A nervous laugh escaped her lips.

Bacon raised an eyebrow. "'Course I'm still here; I just left the chess club a few minutes ago." he eyed the book Sunset was holding. "What were you doing?" he asked.

"M-me?" Sunset stammered. "I...er...I was just...writing!" she said, showing him the book. "Just writing stuff into this book of mine!" she continued with several nods from her head. Giving him a grin, she suddenly picked up her backpack from the ground and hurriedly stuffed the book inside of it.

"Right..." Bacon said slowly, feeling a little suspicious with Sunset's behaviour. He decided not to press on the matter. "Anyway, where's Twilight?"

"W-Who?" Sunset asked.

Bacon stared at her. "Twilight Sparkle? You know, that friend that you brought with you to our chess club just now?"

"Oh! Right, Twilight! She...uh...she left!" Sunset said, stepping away from the plinth, her backpack still in her clutches. "She left not too long ago." Another nervous laugh left her mouth. Bacon noticed that she kept throwing quick glances at the statue beside them. "A-anyway!" Sunset said, changing the subject. "Did you need me for something?"

Bacon gave Sunset a questioning look. He wondered why on earth was Sunset acting so strangely. Was she perhaps, planning something behind his back? Or was it something about the way he looked and talked that made her act like this all of a sudden? Bacon quickly gave himself a once-over, trying to spot the culprit on his jeans and shirt.


Bacon looked back up at Sunset, who had a confused look on her face. "Uhm...well, Royal Crown asked me to tell you that you and Twilight are accepted to join us as members of the chess club." he told her. "The King expects to see the both of you two days from now in the chess club meeting room."

"Oh?" Sunset said with a surprised tone. "Is he serious?" she asked. "I mean, didn't the rules of your club clearly states that whoever loses is unable to join---"

"Minor details, my friend." Bacon said, pretending to act like Royal Crown. "He says that you have quite the potential in chess, and has asked me to take responsibility in teaching you the fundamentals of chess."

"Ah, I see." Sunset smiled at Bacon. "It would seem that I'll be getting a full-time teacher after all then." she said playfully at him. "I can't wait for lessons to begin." she giggled.

"Uh-huh, But I have to warn you though, I suck at teaching." Bacon replied with a smile. "And yes, Royal Crown is serious about this. Twilight actually left quite a rather strong impression on him." he said with a roll of his eyes. "Too strong." he added.

"But this is good, right?" Sunset said, placing her backpack back on the ground, directly below the statue. "You guys finally get to have new members in your club."

"Only two." Bacon sighed. "And that put us up to what, seven members?" he said, scratching his ear. "Royal Crown is just way too strict with his club application policies."

"Better than nothing, Bacon." Sunset said with a shrug.

"So, I'll take it that we'll be seeing the both of you in our next meeting?" Bacon asked.

"Yup." Sunset said with a nod. "I'll let Twilight know about this; she'll definitely be pleased to hear about this."

"Right." Bacon nodded. "Well, I guess I'll be going." he turned around to leave. "See you tomorrow, Sunset."

Sunset gave him a wave. "See you, Bacon." she said, sending him off with a smile.

Bacon returned the wave with his own and started walking away from the statue. He has not moved more than ten feet away from the school when he stopped and turned around. Something just did not felt right with the good-bye. It felt lacking and incomplete --- like there could be something more to it than just a simple wave and smile from both sides.

Bacon quickly returned to where Sunset Shimmer was and spotted her picking up her belongings. She gave him a look of surprise and stared at him as she watched him approach back up to her.

"Bacon?" she asked, putting on her backpack. "What's wrong? Did you forget something?"

Bacon stood in front of her, choosing his next words. "No, no, I did not forget anything." he paused for while, still thinking. "It's just that...I was wondering...if...well..."

"Yes?" Sunset asked, taking a step closer towards him.

Bacon cleared his throat. "I was just wondering if you wanted to walk wit---"

Then, at that moment, like some sort of cruel twist to a plot in a story, did it began to happen; his heart pounded. Painfully. Bacon tried to ignore and fight off the pain. It occasionally happens once in a while, and usually the pain would just die off after a while. Bacon thought to himself that the sudden pain in his chest was probably one of those moments. It was nothing to be worried about. Just ignore and fight through the pain. Like he always has.

"B-bacon?" Sunset suddenly asked, with her hand reaching out towards him. He glanced up at her and saw that there was worry in her eyes.

"D-don't w-worry, S-Sunset." Bacon assured her with difficulty, clutching his chest. "I-I'll b-be fine."

But it didn't. The pain just kept coming. His chest was screaming in pain, and his heart pounded even faster than before. Every pump of blood just sends another round of pain throughout his entire chest region. Bacon fell to his knees, clutching his chest with both his hands. The pain he was going through was very much different from what he had experienced before. He couldn't take it, it was too excruciating.

He heard his name again. "B-Bacon?" Sunset asked again, her voice now shaky and scared. "B-Bacon are you okay?" She was kneeling down beside him, her hands holding on to one of his arms. "I-I'll get help!" she said, digging into her pockets for her cellphone. "J-just stay with m-me, o-okay?"

Bacon tried to take a deep breath, to nod, to respond, to do anything at all. But his attempts were all met with more suffering. He tried to slowdown his heart-rate in any way that he could, like how his doctor had told him. But it proved to be difficult. He let out a scream of agony; he did not care how loud he was being --- he only wanted a way to vent out the immense pain he was going through.

Next thing he knew, he fell face first to the ground, and everything went dark. Sunset's eyes went wide with fear.


Author's Note:

That's a long hiatus, eh? :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 1 )

I hope you release more chapters, I liked this one.

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