• Published 24th Oct 2014
  • 2,065 Views, 22 Comments

The Last Dance - Eggtaro

When you come to Canterlot High with a name like Bacon Neggs, school life would definitely be anything but normal. But normal is exactly what Bacon was looking for. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. As his life there may be a little too perfect.

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Chapter 9: Past Memories

Author's Note:

Chapter 9 my doods! Needed to get this chapter out before I forget about it. So here ya go. The last chapter was pretty short, will try to make future chapters longer. Thanks for the support and love, and please, always leave a comment, review or thoughts. Love you doods!!


Bacon was running. He was running down a dimly lit street, gripping his sister's hand tightly. In the distance, he could see the fire rising from the burning building, the flames licking the night sky. He ran faster, tugging on his sister's hand.

His sister protested as they continued to rush down, but Bacon wasn't listening, his eyes was focused on the flaming inferno in front of him. The place was surrounded with bystanders and passers-by, all huddled together. Fire trucks and ambulances blocked the road, and police officers were doing their best suppressing the steadily growing crowd, as more and more people began to gather, all craning their necks, trying to see the chaos. The police officers barked orders at the crowd, politely demanding them to stand back, fearing that they might get hurt.

Bacon and his sister approached the crowd, his sister letting go of his hand as she panted, exhausted from the running. Bacon stared in awe as fire and smoke rushed through the sky, the heat leaving beads of sweat on his forehead and face. Paramedics and fire fighters rushed towards the collapsing building, they backed off as the fire suddenly roared and crackled, and rose even higher than before.

A sudden explosion. Screams from someone nearby. And blood, blood everywhere.

Bacon woke up with a start. Cold sweat was slithering down his face and back. Bacon got up and switched on his room light. For an instant, he was blinded, as the white light spread its glow in the room. He allowed his eyes to adjust, before moving back and heading for his desk. He picked up a small medical bottle and poured out its contents on his palm. He counted three and returned the rest, swallowing the pills dry.

That same nightmare.Bacon sat on the bed, his chest was pounding, and it hurt a lot. Like small needles being pushed into your skin, repeatedly. The nightmares are coming back. Bacon covered his face with his hands, his breathing deep and slow. Why? Bacon looked at both his hands, they were shaking uncontrollably. His eyes began to water.

As the pain slowly subsided, Bacon left his room and headed for the bathroom. He twisted the tap and let the cold water fill in his cupped hands, splashing the water on his face as the water began to overflow. It has been entire year since he last had that nightmare. He stared at his reflection on the mirror above the sink. His eyes was red. Bacon shook his head and splashed more water on his face.

He went downstairs, quietly stepping on each step, not wanting to wake his aunt and uncle. He glanced at the clock on the wall as he past the kitchen. It was four in the morning. He opened the back door and stepped out into the garden, sitting himself on the lawn chair his uncle had left out. He stared at the dark sky, his thoughts still on the nightmare.

It was something he wished he could forget. The nightmares stopped a year ago, long before moving to Canterlot. But now, for the past month since his arrival, the nightmares were becoming more vivid, and frequent. Bacon always woke up drenched in cold sweat, his chest hurting and hands shaking. He hated it. And every time it happened, he always sat out here, in the quiet garden, desperately searching for peace of mind. It hasn't worked so far.

Bacon took out his cellphone. He squinted his eyes as the small but bright light flashed on. He searched through the cellphone's address book. His finger hovered over the screen as he found the name. He hesitated for a moment, unsure whether or not he should call. After a minute, he dialled the number, holding the cellphone next to his ear.


Chop Dliver was busy typing down his latest report on his computer for the upcoming meeting in a few hours. He took a quick sip from his cup of coffee, only to find it already empty. He groaned as he left his seat and went in search for the coffee machine.

The office was dimly lit. Chop liked it, it makes working much less stressful and it helps him to concentrate. He past the long row of empty cubicles and entered the compact kitchen. He poured out another cup of warm coffee and slowly made his way back, sipping as he went along.

The chair squeaked as Chop sat down. He placed his cup next to a small picture frame beside his computer. Chop gazed at the picture, a sad smile on his face. There were four people in the picture, a boy, a girl, a woman, and Chop. His family. The picture was taken when his children were still small, and when she... when she was still alive. Chop missed her terribly. He missed her smile, her laughter, the warm hugs and soft kisses she gave him. If only... if only he was there... that night... things would have been much, much different.

The vibrating noise from his cellphone brought him back to his senses. He wanted to ignore it, he was to busy to be bothered right now. He gave a quick glance to see who the caller was, and to his surprise, it was someone that haven't called in a while. He picked up the cellphone and accepted the call.

"Dad?" the sound of his son's voice made Chop smile.

"Bacon! Now isn't this is an odd time to be calling." Chop said, sipping his coffee. "This is certainly rather, unexpected."

"Yeah, and I'm sorry if I'm bothering you--"

"Don't be silly, you're my son, you can call me any time." Chop interrupted. "I wouldn't be a great father if I couldn't even answer my son's phone call now would I?" He put his cup down. "Is something bothering you Bacon?" he asked.

"How did you--"

"Its four in the morning, you sound terrible, and you gave me a call a month after you started studying at Canterlot High." Chop said, "Something is definitely wrong."

Bacon hesitated to say anything, it was true. A month had already pass since his arrival at Canterlot, and not once has Bacon decided to call his father. He remained quiet.

"But I know you son, you're not one to call, you prefer to solve your own problems by yourself." Chop continued. "A mature move, some might say. But this, this must be a really tough problem. So! Let me know what's wrong."

"Its..its the nightmares dad," Bacon said, his voice low. "I've been having the nightmares again for the past month."

Chop sat up in his seat.

"The same ones as before?" Chop asked, concerned.

"Yes...and my chest...the scar... it feels like its on fire." Bacon said.

"Why didn't you call me sooner?" Chop asked, his voice a little angry.

"I thought it was nothing! Just a few bad nights, that's all! I didn't expect my chest to start hurting like hell!"

"Well it is now, and I don't like the sound of it. You know what the doctor told you."

"I know dad...I know." Chop sighed sadly at the tone of his son's voice.

"Look, Bacon, I'm just worried for you okay? Back then... I just don't want something like that to happen again."

Bacon smiled softly, he knows that his father meant well. "So, what do you think I should do?" he asked.

Chop paused, thinking to himself. He wanted to head over to Canterlot immediately, to bring his son to the hospital to have him checked out. The nightmares was something that can be handled, but the scar, the pain. That requires professional help.

"No," Bacon said suddenly. "Don't even think of coming over here dad."

"Now how on earth did you know what I was thinking?" Chop asked, surprised.

"You're my dad," Bacon said, "I wouldn't be a great son if I couldn't even tell what's going on in your head now would I?"

Chop couldn't help but to laugh "Fair point."

"You finally found a better job dad, And I know the reason you put up with this is because the pay is much better, and to help pay her medical bills. I'll manage somehow, but please, don't do anything you might regret."

Chop was silent, he had always forgotten how much his son had changed over the years. And even until now, Bacon's matureness was something that still surprised him. He sighed, "Well if you ain't going to let me come, at least go down to the doctors yourself and try to find out what's wrong."

"I will dad, don't worry." Bacon said. "I will let you know once I pay them a visit."

"Great, I will be waiting for your call then." Chop wanted the conversation to continue, they haven't spoken to each other for a month, and Chop was dying to know how Bacon's life was going over at Canterlot High. He opened his mouth, ready to start small talk when--

"Well, I gotta go dad. I better let you get back to whatever is you're doing." Chop felt his heat sink.

"Oh...o-okay then. Please call me whenever you need me." Chop sighed sadly, he was ready to hang up.

"Dad?" Chop quickly press the cellphone back to his ear. "Thanks...for everything. I will...I will try to call more often." Chop smiled.

"No problemo son, I'm always here for you, and your sister."


Bacon felt much better after talking to his father. His chest was no longer hurting, and the nightmare was tucked away in his mind. He stood up and stretched, the sky was getting brighter now, and the birds were already starting to chirp in their nests.

Its going to be fine Bacon thought to himself, as he entered the house.I have to be strong. He returned to his room and laid on his bed, double checking to make sure his alarm was turned on. He could probably get a few more hours of sleep before school starts. He covered himself with the blankets and closed his eyes.

I have to be strong, for dad, and... for her

But even in those few short hours of sleep, the nightmare still came.