• Published 24th Oct 2014
  • 2,068 Views, 22 Comments

The Last Dance - Eggtaro

When you come to Canterlot High with a name like Bacon Neggs, school life would definitely be anything but normal. But normal is exactly what Bacon was looking for. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. As his life there may be a little too perfect.

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Chapter 4: The Fourth Kind

Author's Note:

Howdy! Eggtaro here, bringing you the 4th chapter!! hope you folks are liking this, cause if you don't, well, that will suck. comment, talk, or thoughts are always welcomed! love you guys for the support!!


Bacon stood in front of the wooden door leading to the principal's office, hesitating, his hand gripping on the doorknob. He wondered if he should head back and keep Sunset Shimmer company. She did look like she could use one. Bacon glanced at his watch, it was nearing noon. He decided otherwise and gave the door a knock before entering.

Principal Celestia looked up from behind her desk as Bacon entered. She gave him a warm smile and motioned him to take the seat right in front of him. Bacon gave a small nod and carefully sat down on the wooden chair, as is afraid it might break. Bacon stared at Celestia as she searched through one of her desk drawers. Eventually pulling out a small file.

"Good morning," Celestia said, her voice warm and smooth, her eyes locking with Bacon's "You must be the new student that we were expecting." he nodded. " and your name was...?"

"Bacon Neggs." Bacon said, wondering to himself why the principal did not know his name, despite the fact that he was the only new student to arrive today.

"Delicious." Celestia gave a chuckle. "I apologize, you must've gotten that a lot." she smiled.

"Yes ma'am, quite often as well" Bacon replied, hoping his voice sounded polite. "I just finished my tour with my guide Sunset Shimmer." It was a lie, Sunset Shimmer was probably still sitting out there on the bench. But he wasn't about to go telling the principal that. Celestia stared at Bacon, her eyes narrowing for just a second.

"Then it must had been a very short tour." She glanced at her table clock. "I was almost sure you will be only arriving in my office after lunch at most." Bacon tensed up in his seat, his hands clenched. He remained silent, hoping that Celestia will let it pass and continue on.

"Well, anyway," --Bacon let out a quiet breath of relief.-- "since that you are already here, we shall began discussing your enrollment. " She opened the file that she previously had taken out and quietly read the contents without saying anything. "You will be starting your junior year correct?" Bacon nodded. "A rather odd time to enroll with us, and late too. But your father had already explain to me the circumstances that led you to being here.

Bacon remained silent in his seat. How much did dad told her? Celestia continued to read the file. "And he had also inform me about your medical situation." she looked up from the file and gave Bacon a concern look. "Will you be all right?"

"The doctors told me as long as I don't get any sudden and violent impacts directly to my chest, I will be fine." Bacon said.

Celestia nodded in confirmation and proceeded to write something down on a piece of paper. "Take this," she handed the paper over to Bacon "and bring it down to the medical room, it is best that you inform the school nurse of your situation as well, in case of an emergency."

Bacon took the paper and put it inside his pocket. "Will there be anything else?" he wasn't in a hurry, but being inside the principal's office felt like he was being interrogated. Just not by some muscular policeman. The sooner he was outside, the better.

Celestia shook her head, "If there is anything else, I will be sure to let you know." she smiled softly at Bacon as he stood up who gave a little bow. Bacon was about to reach the door when-- "There is one other thing I must mention." he turned around. "When you reach the medical room, and if by chance the nurse is not in. You will most likely bump into her assistant." Bacon stayed quiet, not understanding what Celestia meant. "Her assistant can be er... quite lively, so I urge you to exercise caution when entering." Bacon nodded and headed out, feeling rather confused with the warning.

He tried to fish out the paper that Celestia had given him when suddenly--

"Oof!" and Bacon found himself stumbling a bit backwards, startled by the sudden impact on his shoulder. He manage to regain his balance, but it wasn't the case for the one that bumped into him. Bacon looked at the floor which was suddenly completely littered with files and papers, and a girl was sprawled on the floor. The girl was rubbing her forehead, groaning softly. She have pale cornflower blue hair, with stripes of even lighter cornflower blue hair. Her skin was a brilliant azure colour. When Bacon quickly knelt down to help her up, she opened her eyes and gave him a frustrated stare. She have dark violet eyes, and Bacon found it hard to look away, despite the stare that she was currently giving him.

"Are you all right?" Bacon offered him her hand, which she looked at with disdain, and pushed his hand away.

"Eurgh! How dare you bump into me! The great and the powerful Trixie! Do you have any idea who I am?" she gave Bacon a haughty look.

"Trixie, right?" Bacon lowered his hand and began to pick up the scattered files and papers. "For the record, it was you that bumped into me. I just got out from the principal's office." He jab a thumb at the direction of the door. "You should look where you going."

Trixie let out a gasp, "Look where I'm going? You were the one standing here, blocking everyone's path. My path." she stood up and dusted her skirt.

"But there's nobody else here." Bacon said protestingly, motioning to the empty hall. Trixie look around without saying a word, her arms folded across her chest.

"Still, you shouldn't have stood there. I, the great and the powerful Trrriiixxxie! have too much on her head to bother paying attention." she knelt down and started to pick the files on the other side.

"Well, great and powerful Trrriiixiiie," Bacon said mockingly "it never hurts to pay a tiny bit of attention, especially while carrying such an amount of stuff." There were tons of files and each of them were stuffed with different coloured papers. How on earth did she manage to carry all of these? he sighed, "Look I'm sorry I was in the way okay?" he looked over at Trixie, who was still gathering the files. "are you all right?" he asked again.

Trixie glared over at Bacon, hugging the stack of files closely to her, afraid it might fall again. She didn't say anything at first, continuing to only stare at Bacon, in the end she took a deep breath. "You are lucky, I am feeling wonderfully great this morning." she flicked her hair back, "I shall accept your apology this time, but beware, I won't forgive you if this happens again." she forced a smile.

Bacon only shrugged and they continue to gather the remaining papers. After they were done, Bacon handed over his load to Trixie. "Are you sure you can handle this?" he asked while Trixie tried to balance the towering pile of files on her hands "It looks really heavy."

Trixie peered over at him from behind the files, "Please, there is nothing, absolutely nothing that the great and the powerfu--"

"All right, I get it." Bacon said, raising his hand in defeat. "I leave you to it then." and he headed in the opposite direction. He just barely left Trixie for more than a few seconds when--

FLUMMPPFFF!! Followed by a frustrated "Ugggh!!" Bacon turned around. The papers they just gathered up were on the floor again, apparently some of which was not properly place inside the files.

Trixie knelt down, placing the stack of files to one side, while she began, again, gathering the fallen papers. Bacon shook his head, grinning, and headed back towards Trixie.

"Need a hand?" Bacon said, as he knelt down, picking the papers which Trixie hadn't.

"W-w-what are you still doing here?" she stammered, cheeks glowing. "T-t-the great and p-powerful Trixie does not need your help!" Bacon gave her a cheeky grin.

"Oh, really?" he shook his head slowly, eyes rolling, and took the papers which Trixie was holding.

"W-what are you do--" Trixie began

"Come on, I'll carry this stuff for you." Bacon carefully made sure the papers were properly place inside the files and stood back up. "Just lead the way, oh, great one."

Trixie stood up next to him, her cheeks still glowing, and pointed down the hallway. "I-I need to hand this to my teacher." she rubbed her arm, "Just...just follow me." and she hurriedly went past Bacon, who followed closely behind.

They continued down the hallway in silence, Trixie busy throwing over occasional glances at Bacon, thinking he might suddenly decide to bail on her. Bacon gaze around the hallway, trying his best to ignore Trixie's glances. The files weren't that heavy, but it surely will be for someone like Trixie. Why didn't she get anyone else to help her? Surely, there were other students around?

I'll help, if she ask nicely enough Bacon thought, as he took a quick glance over at Trixie, I mean, she is quite the pr--

"We're here." Trixie stopped so suddenly that Bacon almost bumped into her again.

"Woah, watch it!" Bacon balanced the stack of files.

Trixie ignored him, and opened the door, leading them into the staff room. A few of the inhabitants inside looked up from their desks, but made no comment as Trixie and Bacon passed them. Trixie led them to a desk at the far corner of the room, and told him to place it there. They quickly made their way back outside.

As Bacon closed the door, Trixie quietly stood in front of him, squeezing one of her arms. She evaded his eyes, trying to minimize as much eye contact as possible. Bacon rubbed the back of his head, starting to feel awkward.

"Well, er..." he said, glancing down to the direction he was supposed to go. "I'm just... just gonna head to the medical room, so er... yeah" he gave Trixie a small wave, and began to leave.

"Thank you" a small voice said. Bacon stopped and faced Trixie, who still evaded his eyes. "Thanks for the help." she said to the floor. Bacon softly smiled.

"Anytime." Bacon took a step forward "You know, my eyes don't turn people into stone." he cocked his head, "Or am I simply to intimidating for the great and powerful Trixie?" he said with a mocking smile.

Trixie looked up, her eyes locking with his. For a moment, her heartbeat quickened, and her ears were starting to flare up. She quickly dug into her pockets and took out a small blue object. "The great and the powerful T-Trixie, is never intimidated by anyone!" and she threw it to the ground as hard as she could.

Blue thick smoke erupted from where the blue object hit the floor, surrounding them. Bacon coughed and covered his mouth and nose, and tried to step out to avoid the smokescreen. He manage to briefly see a blurry image running past, as the smoke began to block his eyes. After a moment, the smoke dispersed and Bacon found himself standing alone in the hallway. He turned around to find where Trixie had went. But she had already vanished.

"Well, isn't she an interesting one." Bacon said to himself, heading for the medical room.


Trixie panted heavily, trying to catch her breath. Her smoke bomb never failed to get her out of a tricky situation, and that was one of them. She looked over her shoulder, the hallway behind her was empty. Good She thought to herself, looks like I am not being followed She placed her back against the wall, her breathing slowly steadying. What was that feeling? She moved her hand over her chest, trying to feel her heartbeat. I rarely felt like this before After a moment, she slowly began to head back to her classroom.

Weird feeling indeed, She glanced back down to the hallway behind her, shrugged, and went on her way. I wonder what his name was.