//------------------------------// // Chapter 8: The Announcement // Story: The Last Dance // by Eggtaro //------------------------------// "Settle down students, please." vice-principal Luna spoke over the microphone. "Someone please get Ms. Scratch to take off her headphones, and you, Mr. Biceps, there will be plenty of time for you to flex your muscles, after the assembly." The gymnasium slowly began to fill with students, with looks of confusion and curiosity on their faces. Bacon bumped his way through several of the students, trying to find a good place to view the stage. He never realize that there were so many students in Canterlot High. Fortunately, the gymnasium was big enough to accommodate them all. As he squeezed his way past a couple of gossiping students, he spotted Trixie grabbing his attention and beckoning him over. "Hey." Bacon said, his voice wearied from the bumping and squeezing, as he approached Trixie. They were quite near the stage. Bacon glanced around, he spotted Pinkie Pie just a few feet behind him, busy making silly faces at her friends, he quickly lowered his head when he saw Snips and Snails pushing their way through the crowd, their eyes scanning the area. Trixie stared at him with a raised eyebrow. "What are you doing?" she asked, looking over at the direction Bacon was staring at. She giggled when she saw the duo. "Oooh, here comes your disciples. Shall I call them over?" Trixie asked, slowly raising her hand. Bacon quickly grabbed her hand. "Don't you dare." he said, "Last thing I need right now is those two bothering me." he glanced back at Snips and Snails, the two of them had made a turn and were slowly getting further away from Bacon's position. He sighed with relief. "It was difficult enough to avoid them during lunch." he looked at Trixie, "And please, don't call them my disciples, you're making me feel like an old man." "With a long white beard." Trixie said teasingly, giggling. "Yeah, and a wizard hat." Bacon added. "Wizard hats are awesome," Trixie said, "I like them a lot." "You like wizard hats?" Bacon asked, Trixie nodded. "Wizard hats are just so, suitable, for anyone who possesses great wisdom and power." Trixie said, "Like me." Bacon rolled his eyes. "Because you're the great and powerful Trixie?" Trixie smiled smugly at Bacon. "Of course," she said, "there is no one here in this school that can be as great and as powerful as I am." Bacon was still holding onto Trixie's hand, "Umm...you know," Trixie said, "I wasn't really going to call them over, so..." She motioned their hands with her head, giving him a shy grin. "Oh! Sorry." Bacon said, quickly releasing her hand. They grinned awkwardly at each other. The sudden cheers and shouts from the students brought their attention to the stage as principal Celestia made her way down towards the middle of the stage, accompanied by vice-principal Luna, with a microphone in hand. She smiled and waved at the students as they whistled and cheered at her. "Good day, Wondercolts!" Celestia said, and the students began to chant, "Canterlot, Wondercolts! Canterlot, Wondercolts!, Pinkie Pie was screaming, "GOOO WONDERCOLTS!!" Celestia smiled at them, "I am glad to see that everyone is filled with their school spirit." she said, and more cheers erupted, "But please, we are about to begin the assembly, and I would like to do this in a proper and organized order." The cheers died almost instantly, and the chanting stopped. Principal Celestia was much more forgiving and patient, compared to her sister, vice-principal Luna. But even her gentle words carried a significant amount of power and control, and the students of Canterlot High knew better than to go against her wishes. "Thank you," Celestia said, "Now, there are a few important announcement that the school will be making today, and I expect all students to pay attention, and to listen carefully." Luna handed her a clipboard. The announcements were pretty straightforward, for a high school at least. Something about the school janitor making complaints about clogged toilets, to the cafeteria where they will be serving something new next week, and to the importance of ensuring the school's cleanliness. Several of the students around Bacon began to yawn as Celestia continued, apparently, a few announcements was just an understatement. Celestia continued to go on, and on as she read down the clipboard. Even Bacon was yawning, wondering to himself when it will end, he glanced over at Trixie, who was stifling a yawn herself. "And now, for our final announcement." Celestia said, raising her voice a little. She paused for a moment, looking around the gymnasium. There was a few groans here and there, and quiet whispers of "Finally.". Celestia grinned, "Here in CHS, we have plenty of events and functions for the students to enjoy, and this year, we have decided to add one more to the list." Almost immediately, excited whispers began to spread around the gymnasium. The students all looked eagerly at Celestia, waiting for her to continue. "This year, on the month of December, on the last day of fall, we will be holding the very first, Winter Nights Dance!" The gymnasium shook from the cheers and shouts from the students, except Bacon, who was slightly confused. Principal Celestia smiled as she patiently calmed the students down. "Now students please, remain calm. I know you are all very excited to hear about this, but please, let me explain to you the details of this event." The cheers slowly died down, but there was still quiet chatter among the students. "CHS never had a grand winter event for the students. So, the staff, vice-principal Luna and I, came up with the idea of setting this up. We are still currently deciding whether to make this an annual event, or just for this year." Celestia continued, "But I believe, with your help," Celestia gestured the students with her hand. "You might be able to help make the decision for us." "The Winter Nights Dance, will indeed be, a grand event. It is not only to celebrate the end of fall, but also to welcome the arrival of winter. And, with your help, we can make this event be even better." The students cheered. "I am positive, that you all will not be disappointed with this event. Students, who wish to lend a hand, or to give suggestions, please, either find any of the teachers or vice-principal Luna. I will be available as well. The event, however, is still three months away, so please, remain focused on your studies." Celestia gave the students a warm smile. "That will conclude today's assembly, thank you." Chatter broke out as the students headed back to their classes. All of them excited from the news. Pinkie Pie was skipping with every step, spreading confetti and letting off balloons everywhere as she pass her fellow students. This was the sort of thing she enjoys. A new event that needed suggestions? She loves giving suggestions! And Pinkie have numerous ideas to share with the teachers. She giggled happily to herself as she reached her locker, already making notes in her head on what suggestions she wanted to give first. She couldn't wait for December to arrive.