//------------------------------// // Chapter 10: The Chess Club // Story: The Last Dance // by Eggtaro //------------------------------// As September came and went, Canterlot High was greeted by October. With only two months remaining for the Winter Nights Dance, the students were all eagerly waiting for its arrival. But for one person in particular, October was the month he had been waiting for this whole year. Royal Crown drew in a deep breath as he entered the club room, savouring the smells. He liked the quiet room, with its wooden chairs and tables, the untouched and unused blackboard, to the dirty cobwebs on the ceiling. Yes, it was a room fit for a king, or he so believes. Royal Crown was a tall but rather scrawny boy. He wore a pair of thick, brown horn rimmed glasses, and dental braces. He was always made fun of for the way he looked, but Royal Crown never let them get the best of him. Like he always said, "Stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." He took a seat at the front of the room, just beneath the blackboard. In front of him, a row of five tables were placed in the middle, with chairs on both sides, with wooden chessboards placed neatly on each table. Yes, this is his kingdom, this is his world. My world Royal Crown thought to himself. The chess club. Royal Crown loved chess, it was his favourite sport in the world. Not like the other rough, and brutal ones where you rely more on brawn instead of brains. Chess, is a sport for the highly intellectual and gifted. A sport where strategic planning was needed, A sport where a simple mistake could lead to one's downfall. A sport where only the brightest can win. Royal Crown smiled to himself, seated comfortably in his chair. He has been playing chess since he was a very young boy. Taught by his grandfather, who was a self-proclaimed master, Royal Crown had defeated many opponents from his elementary school at chess. He also conquered and crushed his innumerable chess enemies in middle school. And now, here, in Canterlot High, he was known as the chess king. The Chess King. And president of the chess club he smirked, gazing at the clock on the wall. Five more minutes to go He enjoyed his title here in Canterlot High, he had been challenged by many adversaries, but they all lost to his superior skills and tactics. Chess is not a game for the slow-paced, the dull-witted, or the weak-hearted, oh no. Chess, in fact, is not a game, but an art. An art that only few, could truly, grasp its magnificence. The start of October could only mean one thing for the chess club, and Royal Crown was prepared for it. The Inter-school Chess Competition, Royal Crown licked his lips. Despite being the chess king of Canterlot High, he always loses in the finals of the inter-school chess competition, and that loss was always dished out to him from his one and only bitter foe. But now, things were different. Royal Crown had forced himself to continue training and mastering his skills and tactics. He knew that he needed to be better, to be stronger, so that when the time arrived, he will be ready to face his sworn enemy. But, even if he did lose again this year, Royal Crown had already prepared a backup plan, a plan that can't possibly fail. Bacon Neggs. His arrival to Canterlot High couldn't had been more perfect. There was a knock on the door. The door opened and Bacon stepped inside, scratching his head. Bacon glanced over at Royal Crown and greeted him. "You're early." "It is my duty as the chess king and president of the chess club to arrive before my subjects." Royal Crown motioned a chair in front of him. "Sit" Bacon took the seat at the last table, as far away as possible from Royal Crown. Royal Crown stared at him. "Haven't I asked you to sit at the front?" "I prefer the back, thanks." Bacon said quickly, "It is more spacious." "As you wish," Royal Crown pulled out a couple of papers from the desk drawer in front of him. "We have new people wishing to join us." Bacon groaned, "Again? Seriously?" Royal Crown stared at him through his thick glasses. "You should be feeling more exuberant. The chess club could do with more members." he read the application forms, "Ever since you joined us, we received more applications than we did for the past three years combined." "And yet there is only still the five of us." Bacon said. "I beg your pardon Bacon, but I simply cannot allow anybody to join the chess club." Royal Crown said "We can only accept those who truly posses the skills, and the passion. Not just because they wish to see you." Bacon shifted in his seat. After defeating the chess king almost a month ago, Royal Crown had grabbed Bacon and dragged him to the club room, only allowing him to leave if Bacon agrees to join the chess club. There wasn't really any other options, either join the chess club now, or be pestered forever until he agrees to join. And when the news of the chess king's defeat and the joining of Bacon was spread around campus, the chess club was immediately overwhelmed with applications from the students, all wanting to join. Chess also, for some odd reason, instantly became popular, more popular than the chess club itself. Almost everywhere Bacon went around school, he heard students talking about chess, playing chess, and reading about chess. It was like a new trend was being introduced. And nearly everyday after Bacon joined, students will line up at the chess club's room, aching to join. There is one thing, however. To actually join the chess club, the students must complete one simple task. Every new applicant must defeat or impress any one member of the chess club, in a game of chess. If they defeat or manage to leave a good impression on said club member, they will be accepted into the chess club. But, unfortunately for them, Royal Crown was the one they always had to face. Bacon had also played against a few of the applicants, under Royal Crown's request. But no matter how easy Bacon went on them, they lost to him all the same. Despite chess suddenly being so popular, most of them barely knew how to play, and others only knew how to move the pawn, or knight. When Snips and Snails came in with their application, Bacon quickly accepted their challenge before Royal Crown could do anything, and he defeated them both without mercy. He wasn't about to let them bother him in the few places where he can be left alone. "So...how many this time?" Bacon asked, looking around the room. "Five." Royal Crown said, setting the forms down, "And both of us are the only ones playing today. I had the other three run some urgent errands for me." "They are your friends Royal Crown, not your slaves." "I merely asked for their assistance, not demand it." Bacon sighed, "What is so urgent that you need all three of them?" "Intel, Bacon, I sent them to do some reconnaissance at Cloudsdale High." Royal Crown said, pushing up his glasses with his index finger. "With the competition arriving soon this month, we must have all the information that we can gather." "But its just a competition Royal Crown." Bacon said, shaking his head. "Excuse me?" Royal Crown glared at Bacon, "I respect you as a chess player, Bacon Neggs, but understand this," Royal Crown's voice rose a little, "This competition means everything to the chess club, to me. And I will do whatever it takes to win it." Bacon smacked his forehead, "Fine, do what you like, but why do I have to be dragged into this competition as well?" "You, my friend, are our secret weapon," Royal Crown said, smirking "I am confident that we both can make it to the finals, but if I were to lose, I wanted to make sure at least we win the competition." "And all this, just to wipe that smug smile off your rival's face." "My sworn enemy. Not rival." Royal Crown glanced at the clock, and suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Perfect timing." he said, standing up and taking a seat beside Bacon, "Now, let us see if these people are worthy enough to play." The first two arrivals were their juniors, and they boasted loudly to Royal Crown and Bacon about their skills in chess back in their middle school, and how they will be an invaluable assets to the chess club. Royal Crown made a tutting noise and decided to play against the two of them at the same time, muttering to Bacon about time-wasters. When the third one arrived, Bacon played against her, going as easy as he can, but he defeated her almost instantly. The girl ran out the room, sobbing. Bacon had half a mind to go after her, but Royal Crown held him back, telling him that he 'did what was necessary'. Royal Crown stretched his arms as the two boasters left the club room, both of them looking sad and dejected. "None of them have the passion, nor the skill." he said to Bacon, motioning the two, "They do not understand the beauty of chess. All that talk for nothing." "That's because you're to tough to beat." Bacon said, waving at the leaving students. "They were actually quite good. Can't you be more easy on the applicants?" "No." Bacon shook his head, Only two more to go Bacon thought, looking at the clock. They slowly waited, and waited, as the time passed by. "Where are these two? You expect they'll show up by now." Royal Crown said, staring impatiently at the clock. "I'm not impressed." "You're always unimpressed." "I most certainly do not." "Uh-huh, sure." "Now you listen here Bac--" The knock on the door caught their attention. They both stared at each other. "About time, let's get this over with." Bacon said, rearranging the chess pieces on his board. "Come in," Royal Crown said, both hands beneath his chin. The door opened slightly, and a head popped in. Bacon immediately recognized the crimson hair with yellow stripes. "Sunset Shimmer?" Bacon asked, Sunset Shimmer gave him a cheery wave. "Hi guys!" Sunset said, opening the door even wider now, behind her was a girl with sapphire blue hair, with violet and rose streaks. Her skin was a pale, light, slightly grayish orchid colour. Bacon had no clue as to who she was. Royal Crown suddenly sat up straight as Sunset entered the room with the girl. "Let me introduce my friend." Sunset said motioning the girl "This is Twilight Sparkle. Twilight Sparkle, meet Royal Crown--" she pointed at Royal Crown with her thumb, " And Bacon Neggs." Twilight Sparkle giggled when she heard Bacon's name. "Oh dear, Sunset Shimmer was right, you do sound delicious." Sunset grinned at Bacon, who grinned back. Royal Crown gaped at Twilight in wonder. "My dear lady!" he suddenly said loudly, causing all three of them to jump, "I believe we have never met before." Royal Crown quickly rose from his seat and knelt down beside Twilight, "Are you by any chance, an angel sent down from the heavens?" he lightly held Twilight's hand. "For I have never seen such beauty my entire life." Twilight quickly pulled her hand away, blushing a little. "Er... actually, I'm just here to play this game called chess." Twilight glanced at the chessboards, "I've read about them, and I heard that was a chess club here, I wish to try playing a match or two." "And a match you shall have!" Royal Crown cried, holding Twilight's hand once more and leading her to his table. "I shall be your opponent, Lady Twilight." he bowed to Twilight as she sat down, who looked confused and flattered at the same time. Bacon rolled his eyes. He glanced at Sunset, who was still standing, a smile spread across her face, staring at her friend and Royal Crown. "Don't tell me you want me to invite to you the same way as he did?" Bacon asked. Royal Crown, who was busy arranging his chess pieces did not seem to notice. "I would like that actually." Sunset Shimmer said, giggling at Twilight, who had picked up a rook piece and was staring at it closely in wonder. "I too, wish to be treated like a lady." "As you wish, my lady," Bacon said, slowly getting up. He offered her his hand, and guided her back to his table. "I didn't knew you played chess." Bacon said, as he sat back down. "I play a little, for fun." Sunset said, she motioned at Twilight. "Twilight wanted to try playing chess. So, I thought why not join the chess club, and filled in the application forms for both of us." "You do realize that you don't need to join the chess club to actually play chess." Bacon said, staring at her. "I know, but Twilight was pretty confident about her chess playing skills, and wanted to go against the strongest. And knowing Royal Crown, he doesn't just play against anyone who challenges him. By signing up, however, Royal Crown would have no other choice but to play against her." Sunset said, moving her white pawn forward. "Though I must say, I wasn't expecting this." she laughed. Royal Crown and Twilight had already started playing, and it took only one glance at their table for Bacon to know that Twilight was actually pretty good. Royal Crown was smiling. "Who is she anyway?" Bacon asked, moving his black knight. "I can't seem to recall who she is." "Oh, a visiting friend who is from another school" Sunset quickly said, "Just visiting." "Since when did our school allows students from other schools to join our clubs?" Bacon asked, staring at Sunset questionably. Sunset only grinned at him, but said nothing. Bacon waited for her to say something else, but decided not to worry about the matter and continued to play. Sunset Shimmer was a terrible player, Bacon could tell, from the way she moved her pieces. She was so bad it was almost heart breaking. Bacon tried to give her as many chances as he could, but it was impossible. He needed to end the match before he starts crying. "Check mate." Bacon said, placing his queen beside her king. "You lose, Sunset." he grinned triumphantly. Sunset giggled, "I guess it was pretty obvious huh?" she asked. Bacon nodded. "Well, you could use a few pointers. Or maybe someone to teach you, if you're really interested. But with sufficient practice, I'm sure you will do splendidly one day." Bacon glanced at the table next to him, Twilight and Royal Crown were both focused on their match. Only two of their pieces had moved, and Royal Crown had taken off his glasses, placing it beside him. That could only mean one thing. "Your friend is really good at this," Bacon said, nodding his head at Twilight. "And you say this is her first time playing chess?" Sunset nodded. "Twilight was reading about it in the library the other day. She got so obsessed with it, she read every single book that had chess to the title." Bacon raised one of his eyebrows. "And now, she is playing on par with the chess king." Bacon looked at Twilight. "I'm suppose to believe that she read on how to play chess in a few days?" "Twilight can be quite an avid reader. " Sunset said. "And believe me, she is good at reading." "I'm not questioning her ability, but still, its quite impressive." Royal Crown had finally made a move, and was patiently waiting for Twilight's turn. He glanced over at Bacon and gave him a thumbs-up. This is going to take a while. it meant. "Well, their match is not going to end any time soon," Bacon sighed, lazily arranging his chess pieces. He was hoping to end this quickly and head back home. But when the chess king take off his glasses during a chess match, it means things just got serious. Very serious. "Then why don't you teach me?" Sunset asked eagerly, also starting to arrange her chess pieces. "You did say to find someone to teach me." she looked at Bacon, who shrugged. "Wouldn't Twilight be a better teacher than me?" Bacon asked. "Maybe, but you are the best chess player in our entire school." "I resent that." Royal Crown said quietly without looking away from the chessboard. Bacon rolled his eyes. "I'll see what I can do." Bacon said, motioning at his chessboard. "Ladies first." he grinned. ******* Five matches later, with a complete loss from Sunset. Royal Crown and Twilight were still playing, they were now down to four pieces each, And they were both smiling at each other. "You're an incredible player, my lady." Royal Crown said. "I have not had a match as splendid as this." "And you too, Royal Crown. I must say, you have stumped me a couple of moves ago, I was particularly surprised when you decided to sacrifice your bishop." Twilight said, rubbing her chin. "Not as much as I was when you decided on the castling. Very subtle. Almost caught me off guard." he gave her a grin. Bacon could not stop rolling his eyes. He groaned as he laid his face on his arms, wishing for the match to end. Sunset giggled. "Maybe I shouldn't have brought Twilight here." she said, playfully messing Bacon's hair. Bacon looked up, "I don't mind, really. But it's been two hours already." he glanced at the pair. "I'm starting to think they are only testing each others skills." Sunset stared at Bacon with a look of surprise on her face. "Did I say something wrong?" Bacon asked. Sunset quickly glanced at the clock. "Shoot! Twilight, the time!" Sunset cried, and she shook Twilight's arm. "Don't you have business elsewhere?" Twilight gave a yelp as she saw the time. She stood up, accidentally bumping the table. "Oh no! I completely forgotten about the time!" Royal Crown gave them a confused look. "My lady?" "Sorry, Royal Crown," Sunset said, getting up herself. "But your lady have to be somewhere else right about now." "But our match..." he began, but stopped as Twilight softly rubbed his shoulder. "I'm so very sorry to cut this short, but I really have to go. I promise to continue our match again." she said, winking at him. "I shall eagerly await you return, lady Twilight." Royal Crown stood and bowed at Twilight. "See you later, Bacon!" Sunset said, leaving the room. Twilight waved at the both of them and followed Sunset out. Royal Crown slumped back on his chair, sighing heavily. "What an amazing person." he said quietly. He suddenly stood up again, and looked at Bacon, with fire burning in his eyes. "I must make her my queen, Bacon!" Bacon gawked at him. "Your what?" "Queen. My queen, Bacon. Every great king needs a beautiful and talented queen. And after years of fruitless searching, I have finally found her." "But she's didn't even beat you." Bacon said, getting up from his seat, wanting to leave. "Not yet, no. But from the moment she entered our humble club room, I was immediately smitten by her." Royal Crown approached Bacon. "and her skills...her skills were simply astounding to behold. Her moves, her gracefulness, all so wondrously beautiful." He smiled at Bacon. "I have decided." and he placed both his hands on Bacon's shoulders. Bacon stared at Royal Crown with a raised eyebrow. "You don't mean...?" "Yes," Royal Crown said, giving Bacon a shake. "I have decided to let her join the chess club."