The Last Dance

by Eggtaro

Chapter 2: The Second Life

Bacon Neggs woke up to the sound of knocking on his door. He gave a grunt as a reply and heard his aunt Flora's voice "Time for breakfast my dear, Bacon! Do not forget you still have some things that needs settling!" Bacon gave another grunt and his aunt left, chuckling to herself softly. Bacon closed his eyes for a couple of more seconds and got up reluctantly. He went to the bathroom to wash up and brush his teeth. He wore some fresh clothes and went downstairs towards the kitchen, the smell of pancakes slowly making its way into his nostrils. His stomach started to grumble.

"Ha! There he is! Good morning Bacon!" his uncle boomed, pulling out a chair next to him. "I hope you had a good night sleep?" Bacon went over and sat next to his uncle rubbing his eyes.

"I did uncle, the bed was surprisingly nice." he looked over to his aunt "the cat and flowers were a nice touch too, aunt Flora." Aunt Flora gave a laugh.

"What did I tell you Ben? I knew he will like it!"

Uncle Benedict laughed and picked up the newspaper while Aunt Flora proceeded to place several pancakes on Bacon's plate. After the pancakes were dished out to everyone, they started to eat.

"Now, there are a few things that you need to get doing, Bacon." Uncle Benedict said, halfway through breakfast. "First you need to head down to Canterlot High and meet up with principal Celestia and vice principal Luna, they'll show you around the school, making sure you are used to the the facilities and other school stuff."

"Am I starting school already?" Bacon asked, poking his pancake with a fork. Aunt Flora had given him so much pancakes he could barely finish it."I thought I was starting next week."

"You are, but it is much better to get to know your school first you know." Uncle Benedict replied, stuffing a forkful of pancake dipped in honey into his mouth. "And we need you to do some chores for us while you're out there." he gave Bacon a wink.

Bacon smirked, obviously the visiting-the-school thing was just a cover up. He didn't mind though, he needed a walk anyway. And getting to know the school and the area fits his needs perfectly. His uncle poked aunt Flora on the arm, who gave a little "Ooh!" before taking out a piece of paper. "Just follow these steps which we have written down for you." said aunt Flora, handing Bacon the paper. "But make sure you go to the school first dear."

"I will aunt Flora, don't worry." Bacon said, glancing at the piece of paper.

After breakfast, Bacon left the house and headed for Canterlot High, it wasn't hard to miss, since it was just down the path he was walking on. He passed by a few houses and was greeted by a few people. Nice people he thought to himself as he waved back to a random stranger, who was waving at him. A few minutes later he arrived at the huge Canterlot High School building. There was a huge horse statue in the middle of the front lawn, and a sign with two horseshoes, with the one in the middle placed on its side just near the side walk.

Bacon entered the building and arrived at the main lobby, only to find it empty, he glanced around for a while and then to his watch, Lucky time to arrive I guess he thought to himself, thankful for the fact that, the classes has started for the students. He didn't want to go through the school with all the students eyes all following his every move.

But he still needed directions to the principals office. He looked around the lobby once more and noticed that there was somebody there, standing alone, next to the trophy display cases, busy staring at the trophies. Bacon took a deep breath and slowly walked towards the person.

The person, who was actually a girl, had long crimson hair with yellow stripes, she was wearing a black jacket, and her boots were black with some purple on it as well. Bacon shrugged, its not like he was an expert on fashion anyway, people can wear whatever they want as long as they enjoy wearing it. As he got closer, he overheard the girl talking to herself.

"Where is he?" he heard her whisper to herself as she fidgeted in front of the display case. "Oooh, I hope he didn't bump into anyone else. What if they told him about the old me? What if he got scared and decided to head back? The principal isn't going to like this one bit, and just when things were getting better for me here." the girl sighed heavily and slowly turned around "I guess I should report this to principal Celesti--- oh!" the girl gave a jump when she saw Bacon.

Wow was the first thought that came into Bacon's mind, She's really pretty They stared at each other in silence for a moment, then Bacon decided to speak first. "Erm... Hi, I'm kinda new here and I was suppose to see a principal Celestia," he gave the lobby another quick scan "by any chance can you point me there?" he gave the girl his best smile, or rather he hoped it was his best.

The girl stared at him for another second and gave a sudden "Ah!" and clapped her hands together, "Are you by any chance the new student that is staying with Mr and Mrs Plum?" she asked. Bacon nodded.

"Yeah, their my relatives."

"Great! Then you must be the person I was waiting for!" the girl said clapping her hand together again. She cleared her throat "Well then, hello! And welcome to Canterlot High School, the school which helps you to not only do great in your studies but to also help you in becoming a better and happier person!" she gave a little bow. "I am Sunset Shimmer and I am your guide around campus!" she held out her hand towards Bacon "and your name is?" she asked, smiling.

Bacon extended his hand and shook Sunset Shimmer's hand, also smiling, "Bacon Neggs, at your service."

Sunset Shimmer giggled, "I'm sorry, but your name..." she giggled again "It sounds so... so..." She pondered for a moment while trying to stifle her giggle "tasty." Bacon chuckled.

"Yeah I kinda get that a lot." he scratched his head "But it helps people to remember my name much more easily." Sunset Shimmer smiled at him.

"Well I am definitely sure I will remember your name Bacon," she said sweetly. Bacon felt his heartbeat quickened, Sunset Shimmer continued. "Well now, if you would please follow me, I shall show you around our school and then I shall personally bring you to the principal's office. " She began to walk down towards one of the hallways and Bacon followed.

Sunset Shimmer brought Bacon to see almost every part of what the school had to offer and show, there was the gymnasium, the computer lab, the science lab and the band room. They chatted during the tour, with Bacon asking questions about the school, the city, and about Sunset Shimmer and her asking where he came from and how was he relatives.

"Uncle Benedict and Aunt Flora are doing fine," Bacon was telling Sunset Shimmer as they past the cafeteria. "I did not realize that you knew them, are you friends?" Sunset Shimmer shook her head. "I know them by name, and I think I might have seen them a couple of times. But I know about you staying with them because principal Celestia was filling me in before I went to the main lobby to wait for your arrival."

Bacon nodded in understanding "Do you always guide the new students that arrive here?" he asked as they went up a flight of stairs "Cause you seem to be a natural at this tour thing." Sunset Shimmer blushed.

"I--I thought it might be fun to do it actually." Sunset Shimmer said "It is a great chance to make new friends you know? Everyone new here needs a friend, and I want them to have me as their very first friend here in Canterlot High." she clapped her hand together, smiling to herself.

"Well then Sunset, I am both happy and proud to call you my first friend here at Canterlot High." he gave her a little bow, to which she giggled. "Why thank you Bacon." she replied bowing a little herself. They turned around a corner and found themselves standing in front of a pair of wooden oak doors. Bacon stared at the doors with raised eyebrows. "Let me guess, wooden doors, a scent of old books. We must be at the library."

"Good deduction skills there Bacon, but I'm pretty sure you saw this big sign that says library." she pointed at the bronze sign on one of the doors. Bacon laughed "Guilty as charged." Sunset Shimmer proceeded to open one of the doors. "Come on in, I actually have some business to attend here for a while, but I won't be long!" She closed the door behind them after they went in. "Will you be okay for a few minutes?" Bacon nodded. Sunset Shimmer smiled and disappeared, leaving Bacon alone.

Bacon walked and looked around at the huge library, there was a computer area in the middle, a bunch of students were already occupying several of the computers, already busy with homework given by their teachers. There was a statue of a pony head on a table, Bacon gave a confused look at it and continued down towards the tall book shelves, lazily reading pass each of the book titles.

A title caught his eye in particular 'Canterlot, A History' and he was just about to take it down when a sudden psst caught him off guard. He glanced around him, seeking out the noise. But being in the already quiet library it wasn't really that difficult. psst!! it came again, but a bit louder then before. Bacon headed towards the source of the sound and spotted two students beckoning him over.

One was short and plump, with orange hair and grayish blue skin while the other was tall and skinny, his hair was turquoise and his skin was light amber, they waved at him together, while giving quick looks around them, as if afraid someone was eavesdropping on them. Bacon approached them slowly.

He was taller than the both of them, and they stared at Bacon like as if he were some sort of giant. But they dropped their gaze quickly. "Hey," the short one whispered softly, Bacon bend over closer to hear him "You must be the new kid right?" The tall one nodded his head several times, as if helping Bacon to answer.

Kid? Bacon gave them suspicious stare, not only was he much taller, he was also more well built than them. If anyone was the 'kid' inside the library it definitely wasn't him. "I am" he said slowly still staring at them suspiciously. "Is something the matter?"

"I'm Snips," the short one said, he pointed at his taller friend "and this is Snails." the one named Snails raised his hand.

"Bacon Neggs" Bacon said.

"Your name sounds tasty, bro." Snails said. Bacon gave them a shrug.

"Is there something I can help you with?" he asked.

"No," said Snips glancing behind his shoulder, then he quickly looked backed at Bacon. "We are here to help you my friend." Snails nodded his head again.

"Oh? and what is this, help?" Bacon asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well its about your little tour guide." Snips said whispering even more quietly then before.

"Sunset Shimmer?" Bacon asked. Snips and Snails both nodded their heads.

"Let's just say she isn't the girl you thought she might be." Snips said with a mischievous grin.