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- Most of the mind conrolling Relics have been destroyed but that doesn't mean tha all of them are.Furious Thestral · 25k words · 470 views
- A hard road to become a superstar, Twinkleshine will do her best to overcome the many trials that take her uphill to the fame.Furious Thestral · 6.7k words · 272 views
- Twilight had friends from the very beginning and she decides now is the time to know themFurious Thestral · 53k words · 38 0 · 1.8k views
- Buttons addiction to games have taken him away from social life, but what if destiny gives him something better than a simple game? what if his life can be the biggest game ever?Furious Thestral · 4.8k words · 15 3 · 1.1k views
- Princess Celestia has been worried that princess Twilight has been spending time with Princess Luna, who knows that Nightmare moon still lies inside her dear sister.Furious Thestral · 3.6k words · 17 14 · 1.8k views
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are you still writing stories for the Canterverse ?
2398796 I appreciate the follow and join me with my never ending army of ghouls.