• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 5,805 Views, 1,311 Comments

AppleDash Group Collab - DbzOrDie

Mini-fics written by AppleDash members.

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Approach - Tyro

"Gonna be late Dash!" Applejack gently but firmly kicked the bottom stair impatiently. Why did she volunteer to do this?

"Hang on!" A voice screeched from upstairs. "Just need my air horn!"

"We ain't got time, just leave it!"

"Leave it?" Rainbow's face appeared, leaning over the bannister at the top of the stairs. "You're joking right? You don't seriously expect me to go to a Wonderbolts game without my Wonderbolts rated air horn?"

Applejack face palmed. She should have known better than to try and part Rainbow with any of her beloved Wonderbolts themed merchandise. Especially any that made an obnoxious amount of noise.

"Just hurry up or I'mma leave you behind!" She smirked as she heard Dash squawk with indignation and return to her packing with more gusto than ever before.

"No! Take the mountain road! The mountain road!"

A.J had to slap Rainbow's hands away from the steering wheel. "Are you crazy? That road'll take an extra ten minutes! I'da thought you'd wanna get to the airport as quick as possible!"

Rainbow flashed her a grin. "Not if you go fast! And going fast is so much cooler on the mountain road!"

Applejack sighed and smiled at the same time. It was dumb but she couldn't say no to that face. Gritting her teeth, she pressed down on the gas. She'd get them there in time.

"Come on! We're gonna miss check in!" Rainbow sprinted to the desk, leaving Applejack to lug the other girl's oversized, Wonderbolts themed suitcase through the crowds. Part of her was actually a little glad to be free of Dash for the week. She had a lot of work to catch up on and it'd be a lot easier without Dash constantly interrupting her. It'd be dull but oh well...

A.J heaved the case onto the conveyor belt with a sigh of relief. The check in lady was scanning Dash's boarding pass.

"Just need some I.D please." The lady said.

Dash looked at A.J.

A.J looked at Dash.

"Well?" Applejack asked.

"Well what?" Rainbow replied.

Applejack closed her eyes and nursed her forehead. She couldn't have.

"Where's your passport?" She really couldn't have.

"Why are you asking me?" She did!

"You dang idiot, you forgot your passport, didn't ya?" As she waited for Dash's response Applejack was already thinking of places on the farm where she could hide a body.

"I did not!" Dash shot back hotly. "I know exactly what I did with it!"

"Oh yeah? Where is it?"

"I gave it to you!"



Applejack gulped. She did remember when Rainbow first came to her, raving about the two tickets she had for the Wonderbolts game in Manehattan. She had been disappointed when Applejack said she couldn't come because of a build up of work at the farm lately, but she was horrified when she found she had misplaced her passport for the flight.

She and A.J had spent all afternoon (to the detriment of A.J's farm work) searching her room for it. After finally finding it Applejack had teased her about her tendency to lose things and had offered to look after the passport until the big day, lest she lose it again.

That passport was now currently sitting in a drawer in Applejack's room at home.


The two girls sat in the airport cafe in stony silence. Applejack was sick with shame and guilt. Rainbow was too mad to speak. Or she was shocked into silence at the thought of missing the game. Hard to tell.

They kept glancing at the main door. Applejack had called Big Mac, begging him to fetch the passport and drive over with it, but the odds he would get there in time were low. His truck was even slower than A.J's.

Presently a call came in over the P.A.

"Final call for the 20:50 flight to Manehattan. Final call."

Rainbow threw up her hands in anger. "Well I guess that's it." She picked up her suitcase and starting walking back to the truck.

Applejack quickly followed after her. "I'm real sorry Sugarcube! I just don't know how it happened!"

She really didn't. She always prided herself on being reliable and hated herself for making such a simple, yet drastic mistake. She could only guess the stress of helping Dash prepare for the trip while dealing with the extra load at the farm had all gotten on top of her.

"Well I guess it doesn't make a difference now, does it?" Rainbow snapped back.

The sickly feeling of guilt returned. There had to be a way to get Rainbow there in time for the game. She just needed to take a different approach...

She looked over at her truck. Manehattan was about ten hours away by road. And the game wasn't until the day after tomorrow...

A different approach...

A.J slapped Rainbow's feet down from the dashboard as they pulled onto the highway. A quick phone all to Mac to tell him to turn around and go home, and another to Granny to ask permission to leave the farm for a few days and the plan was set in motion.

"Sorry I got mad Jackie," Dash spoke up, "but you didn't have to do this. What about the farm work? I thought it was stressing you out."

"Aw heck it was my screw up. I owe it to ya." Applejack gave Rainbow a smile that lasted possibly just a bit too long. "Besides, maybe gettin' away from the farm and takin' in a game is just what I need."

Rainbow didn't respond. She was already fast asleep, her head resting on Applejack's shoulder. Applejack smiled and placed her hat over the other girl's eyes. She was glad to be alone with Dash for the week. They had a lot of hanging out to catch up on and it would be a lot easier without the farm work constantly interrupting them. She'd fall further behind but oh well...

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