• Published 8th Nov 2012
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AppleDash Group Collab - DbzOrDie

Mini-fics written by AppleDash members.

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Bubbles - Tyro

“This is ain’t right. You do know that, don’tcha?”

“Ugh, why do you have to be difficult about this? Pinkie doesn’t give me this kind of trouble! She buys it for me all the time!”

“So why not ask her to buy it today?”

“I would, but she made her ‘Super Mega Treacle n’ Syrup Ultra Maxi-Ice Cream and Cotton Candy Muffin Milkshake Supreme x 2’ last Thursday!”

“Oh. So she’s gonna be in one of her sugar crashes ‘til...”

“Until next Wednesday, yeah.”

“So why aren’tcha doin’ this youself?”

“It’s just... what if somepony saw me? What if Scootaloo was in there? Or a Wonderbolt? I have a reputation to-“

“Hehehe, you-“

“Don’t you dare call me a wimp!”

“Aw come on Sugar, I weren’t gonna say that.”


“I mean it’s so obvious, why point it out?”


“I just gotta know why this is so important to you? I mean do you really think you should be doin’ somethin’ like this?”

“It’s...I...it just makes me feel...look, it’s none of your business, okay? Here’s the money, just get one. One’s all I need.”

“Okay, I’ll take care of it. Don’t you worry none.”


Despite the fun she’d had teasing Rainbow a moment ago; Applejack couldn’t help but feel apprehensive as she entered the store. She just felt so...out of place in here. She was a respectable, hard working mare; she shouldn’t have to be in a place like this!

But Rainbow wanted what she wanted, no matter how inappropriate it might be. It got under A.J’s skin at times. Especially when she got dragged into it as well. It was one thing if Rainbow wanted to earn herself the scorn of the entire town, but as much as she might forget, Applejack had a reputation to think of as well.

She could feel eyes on her as she perused the store’s offerings. Watching her. Judging her. She tried her best to pay it no mind. Or at least look like she paid it no mind.

She soon came across the item she was looking for. She balked when she saw the price. Things were getting so expensive these days. She worried about Rainbow’s spending habits at times. She half considered if it might be more practical to make the stuff at home for her. Aside from being cheaper, there wouldn’t have to be this walk of shame every time Rainbow ran out.

Then again, Applejack wasn’t sure she could live with the shame if Big Mac or Applebloom caught her and she had to explain herself to them. The old “it’s just for a friend” excuse never worked, even if it was true in this case...

But she knew there was no way she could leave this place without getting what she came for. For all the trouble Rainbow caused her, she just couldn’t help wanting to see that smile again. She grabbed the item off the shelf, trying to ignoring the warm feeling of blood rushing to her cheeks.

Outside the toy store, the still blushing Applejack handed the bottle of bubble mix over to Rainbow Dash. The pegasus’ face lit up and she grabbed it immediately. Applejack was convinced she was going to cuddle with it in a moment. Still, she smiled despite herself. Embarrassing as the ordeal had been, it was worth it just to see Dash’s smile again. She chuckled as Rainbow took out the small stick and started blowing bubbles.

Rainbow stopped when she saw A.J grinning at her. She looked at the cowpony with an accusing glare.


“Heh heh, I swear, you can be so childish sometimes.”

“Your moms childish...”

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