• Published 8th Nov 2012
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AppleDash Group Collab - DbzOrDie

Mini-fics written by AppleDash members.

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Rebel - Tyro

"You think you're more what, now?" Applejack pushed her forehead up again Rainbow's, eyes narrowing in anger.

"You heard me." Rainbow casually pushed back, a smug grin on her lips. "I'm more rebellious than you." She blew a raspberry to punctuate the statement.

"And just why do you think that's somethin' to brag about?"

"Duh! Being a rebel makes you cool! Nopony tells you what to do!"

"Nopony ever tells me what to do! I run this whole farm!"

"Pfft, that just means you're the establishment. It means you're...well..."

Applejack's eyes narrowed further. If only Rainbow knew what thin ice she was treading on.

"It means what exactly?"

Rainbow flashed her teeth in an unfazed smile.

"You know...boring."

"Excuse me?"

Rainbow laughed, seemingly unaware of Applejack's building fury. She casually slung a foreleg over the cow girl's shoulder.

"Did I ever tell you about the time in third grade when I put glue on Ms Mortarboard's chair? She got stuck so bad that when she pulled away, she had a bald spot on her rump for weeks!" Rainbow collapsed into hysterics at the memory. Applejack did not join in.

"That's my point!" A.J raised her voice to be heard over the raucous laughter. "What you're doin' ain't cool, it's just mean spirited! And I don't see how not doin' that make me borin'!"

Rainbow looked her straight in the eye, an eyebrow raised in challenge.

"Name one rebellious thing you ever did in your life."

"How's that s'posed to-"

"Thought so."

"But that don't prove any-"

"Hey, it's okay to admit you lost. Nopony expected you to win this."

Applejack gritted her teeth in fury. If it was a challenge Rainbow wanted, it was a challenge she'd get!

"I ain't losin' nothin'!"

"Fine. Then what's the most rebel thing you've ever done?"

Applejack paused for a moment. She didn't want to admit it, but now she thought about it, it was hard to think of anything. Except...

No. She couldn't tell Rainbow about that. It was too mortifying. She had always been so ashamed...

"Tick tock, tick tock..." Rainbow flashed that cocky smile again.

"Fine." Applejack took a breath and steadied herself. "When I was just a little older than Applebloom is now..." she gulped, "I snuck into Dad's hard cider store and...uh..."

"Woohoo!" Rainbow cheered. "You swiped some booze from your parents? I never knew you had it in you!"

Applejack covered her face with her hat. She wasn't sure what was more shameful: reliving this old memory or the fact that it seemed to have earned Rainbow's approval.

"Well actually it didn' exactly go that far."

"Ooh, he caught you, huh? That's rough, I remember when my Mom caught me looking at-"

"No, I didn' get caught." Applejack cut Rainbow off. "I felt just terrible about what I was doin' so I put the cider back and went and told him everything."


"He told me off somethin' fierce and made me promise to never do anything like it again. Had to spend a week muckin' out the pigs as punishment."

"...You're joking."

"It coulda gone worse." Applejack argued. "It weren't like he tanned me or nothin'."

Rainbow stared for a moment. Her mouth seemed to tighten before her lips peeled apart and the air was filled with laughter once again.

"That's it?" She spluttered. "That's your big rebel moment? Wow, you really are a stick in the mud!"

"I-I am not!" A.J spluttered in fury.

"Come on!" Rainbow choked on her own giggles. "That's not rebelling! I'm talking stuff like sneaking out without telling anypony where you're going! Cutting class! Goofing off when you're supposed to be doing your homework! It doesn't count if you confess before you've done it! A little rebellion is a good thing! Name one real rebel thing you've done!"

Applejack thought for a moment. Then she looked at Rainbow with a somewhat tired smile.

"I fell in love with you."

That shut Rainbow up.


"Didn' I ever tell you? The Apples are usually kind of...traditional when it comes to courtin'."

Rainbow suddenly felt rather small.

"You mean your family doesn't want you dating a Pegasus?"

Applejack silenced her with a kiss.

"Now don't you fret honey," she whispered softly. "My family love you just fine. There ain't no written rule about who I can and can't date, it just ain't...usual for an Apple to be with a non Earth Pony. But when I fell for you, I decided that this was somethin' I wanted whether my family supported me or not."

"But...what if they like, disowned you or something?" Rainbow was hovering in the air now, almost panic stricken. A.J chuckled.

"I was pretty sure it weren' gonna go down like that. But if it had...well...like you said, sometimes a little rebellion is a good thing." She grabbed Rainbow's face in her hooves and pulled her into a deeper kiss.

A moment passed. Finally Rainbow spoke.

"Okay, you win..."

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