• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 5,802 Views, 1,311 Comments

AppleDash Group Collab - DbzOrDie

Mini-fics written by AppleDash members.

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Cereal - TwilightUCrazy

"AJ... n-not to pressure you or nothin'," Rainbow groaned.

"NnnnnnGUH!" the earth pony strained and grunted. She growled and snarled. "WHAT?!"

Rainbow struggled to flex her wing, but it rubberbanded itself right back to the spot it was glued on Applejack's flank. She winced at a cramp twinging at the outer extremity, and moaned uncomfortably.

"I was just wonderin' when this stupid solvent of yours is supposed to start working again?!"

"Rainbow, I done toldja! It takes half-an-hour for this stuff to kick in! It's only been thirty seconds." Wiggling. "I ain't no more comfortable than you are -- believe me!"

"Well, could you maybe just twist your barrel a little itsy-bitsy-bit to the right, 'cause my wing's REALLY starting to hurt!"

"Why should you be comfortable?! You're the whole reason we're in this dagblamed mess in the first place!"

"Yeah, you've told me a hundred times now! It's not like I did it on purpose or anything!"

"How many times I gotta tell ya to not fly so reckless?! You're gonna hurt yourself one of these days! What if I ain't around next time?"

Rainbow sighed, causing Applejack to shudder. "Well, at least you wouldn't be stuck in a situation like this one..." She wriggled around, receiving a sticky hoof-poke to her ticklish gut for her efforts. "I dunno know if you've noticed, but if somepony came to visit right now, this would be pretty tough to explain."

"Thanks for remindin' me," Applejack grunted, moving her muzzle slightly and brushing her cheek against Rainbow's rump. "I toldja we shoulda had cereal. But nooooooo... You had to go and insist on the fancy waffles with eeeeeeextra syrup!" she droned unamusingly.

"Hey, you said it was a good idea!"

"I didn't say goin' flyin' on an empty stomach and gettin' wing cramps was!"

"Well excuuuuuuuse me, Applesnack! Some of us do have dreams we're workin' on!"

"Dream on your own time and when it ain't gonna cause property damage -- and physical harm -- to your best friends!"

"Well, sheesh! If that's the way you feel, I won't fly over the Acres anymore!"

"I never asked ya to in the first place!"

"Coulda fooled me! You're the one always whining about how lonely you get working all by yourself all the time!"

Applejack didn't answer. Rainbow took the silent moment to try and wriggle her cheek out of the pit of Applejack's thigh. At least the farmpony's belly was somewhat comfortable. She found it more difficult to extract her muzzle than she thought.

A hot sigh brushed across the pegasus's stomach, and she shivered.

"I'm sorry, sugar. I didn't mean to snap at you like that."

Rainbow's ears folded and she pouted. "Yeah... well..." She rolled her cheek to the side through the goop to get a breath of air. She ground her teeth and swallowed her pride. "I'm... I'm sorry that I got us into this mess." She shifted with a pout. "You... youwereright."

"And... hay, it ain't like I don't appreciate ya keepin' me company when the work's slow." The farmgirl softly patted her sticky hoof comfortingly against Rainbow's cutie mark. "I just wish ya wouldn't make me worry so much is all."

"Yeah... sorry..." she muttered. She then smiled. "Heh... well, you're always saying how you'd like me to stick around for breakfast more often after my morning cloud-clearing."

Applejack chuckled, her chest vibrating underneath the pegasus. "What can I say? I just like knowin' that you're eatin' enough."

"You eat enough for a yak, AJ."

"Hey!" A swift bap on her nose from a blond tail hushed her chuckles. "Just what's that supposed to mean?"

"No, honest!" She laughed. "I'm always so heavy after breakfast at your place that I can barely get off the ground! My wings can barely flap enough to get me airborne!"

"Yer exaggeratin'."

"Ain't either!"

"Oh, what? Makin' sure you're healthy and fed's a bad thing?"

"I'm serious!" Rainbow giggled. "I swear, it's almost like you guys wanna keep me from leaving, or something."

"Mah stars. Havin' ya around even longer? What a horrifyin' thought," Applejack retorted. The two shared a chuckle.

A shadow loomed over them, killing the merriment immediately.


"Yeah, AJ?"

"How screwed are we right now?"

Rainbow grunted and smeared her face along Applejack's gut, prompting a laugh as she turned to the pony standing over them. Pinkie's bright-as-a-moonbeam smile grinned back at them.

"Hi!" she chirped. "Watcha girls dooooooooin'?"

"Oh yeah, girl. We're boned."c

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