• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 5,796 Views, 1,311 Comments

AppleDash Group Collab - DbzOrDie

Mini-fics written by AppleDash members.

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Principles - TwilightUCrazy

"Sugarcube, really, it's okay. You ain't gotta hover over me like I'm some foal in a manger. I ain't gonna die if'n I'm left alone for a couple hours."

"Yeah?" Rainbow asked, looking inquisitively at her friend. "And what if you wanted something? How would you go get a glass of water without killing yourself on the stairs?"

"Okay, first of all, this little sling thingamahoosit is goin' a tad bit far. It's just a split hoof," Applejack said, wiggling her cast rear leg. "I just need to stay off it a couple weeks and I'll be fine. I sure don't need some fancy stretchy-string, bars and wheels doin' it for me. 'Sides, the bathroom's right there. I can go get a sip whenever I want."

"Really... and what if you get hungry while I'm gone?"

The earth pony sighed, and spoke over the sound of her friend smoothing out her bed covers. "Pretty sure I could live a couple hours without eatin'..." She paused. "Wouldn't be fun, but I could manage..."

"Save your breath, AJ," the pegasus said, fluffing and plopping the pillows down by the headboard. "I'm staying."

"Yer more stubborn than a mule with a broken leg, y'know that?"

"Yeah, well, you are the mule with a broken leg. So what now?"

Snorting, Applejack watched her friend put the finishing touches on her bed, stretching it out military-style just like the Wonderbolt training had taught her. It looked tight enough to bounce a gold bit off of.

"Okay, all done," the pegasus said after inspecting her work. "Ready?"

"Sugarcube, when am I ever not rea--"

She froze mid-sentence as Rainbow Dash stared at her with a raised eyebrow.

Applejack blushed. "D-don't answer that."

Unable to shake her smirk, the pegasus hovered in a circle around the bed and placed her hooves on her flanks, sending a shiver through her.

"One, two, three, giddyup!"

Applejack took the cue and stood as tall as she could, lifting her wounded leg out of the sling and feeling her friend's hooves wrap gently around it for support. Rainbow used a spare hoof to kick the walker out of the way and pushed.

The farmpony rolled onto her back with a grunt and a sigh of satisfaction, but was interrupted when the pegasus slid a pillow beneath her hurt leg.

"Rainbow, it's okay. Really. Go say hi to the girls for me. Pinkie went through a lot of trouble gettin' that party together, and I'd hate for ya to miss it just for my sake. Besides, the Equinenox don't happen every day, and it ain't like Princess Celestia and Princess Luna come to town all that much either."

"The Princesses can take care of themselves, AJ." Rainbow grabbed a blanket from a drawer and draped it over her, earning a smile from her hostess in turn. "I've got a bossy little apple-queen laying in bed right now, though, that can't," she said, sticking her tongue out.

Applejack raised her eyebrow. "'Queen'?" She couldn't hide the smirk creeping onto her face.

Immediately realizing her error, the pegasus shrugged, though she couldn't hide the blush invading her cheeks. "Or... boss... y'know. Whatever..."

"You called me a Queen."

"Yeah, yeah... Queen of Apples and being the monkey on my back..." her friend said, ears sagging and eyes narrowing.

Applejack hiked herself up onto her side, trying and failing to fight the grin spreading across her freckled cheeks. "Rainbow?"


The farmgirl bit her lip. "Am I your Queen?"

"Oh, for feather's sake..."

Applejack clutched her gut and rolled onto her back, cackling and kicking the air.

"Sheesh. You're even more annoying when I'm trying to help you out..."

The farmpony probably would have kept on laughing if her injured leg hadn't collided with the hoofboard of her bed. A sharp pain like she had stepped into an electrified puddle shot up her leg and jolted her brain with blinding agony. Sucking in a sharp breath, she clutched her hurt limb and choked out a pained shout.

It was Rainbow's turn to smirk. "Hah! See? Karma, baby!" Her chuckles were shortlived as she took hold of the orange mare's leg and slowly set it back down on the pillow. "I'll go get some ice."

With a flash of blue and color, her friend was gone and back just in time for the angry throbs to set in. It felt like Applejack's heart had migrated into her hoof, and every pulse was aching misery.

"Here," Rainbow said, pressing the cold bag against her wrapped hoof.

The relief was instantaneous. Applejack likened it unto a pony with a fever jumping into a bathtub full of ice. The numbing sensation was heavenly, and the earth pony finally released a thankful sigh of relief and stared at the ceiling.


"Oh, you got no idea..." the earth pony said with a chuckle.

"See, that'll teach ya to make fun of your friends, Your Majesty!" Rainbow said with a giggle.

The two sat in silence for a moment, before the pegasus left the ice bag beneath Applejack's sore hoof.

"Thanks, darlin'."

"Eh, no biggie." Rainbow looked her over. "Anything else you want?" she asked, fixing the covers that had gotten ruffled.

The pegasus suddenly found herself gripped by a pair of powerful hooves and receiving a nuzzle under her chin.

"Nah. I've got everything I need right here, sugarcube."

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