• Published 8th Nov 2012
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AppleDash Group Collab - DbzOrDie

Mini-fics written by AppleDash members.

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Lightning - bats

Flickers of yellow stained the inky clouds blanketing the sky in jagged forks. A rolling rumble filled the air. The fine hairs of Applejackā€™s coat stood on end in the stillness; rain had not yet begun to fall and the whole of the orchard was arrested by the anticipation. Branches frozen in place, not a leaf dared to stir in the calm. The farm pony sighed, scanning the sky for a streak of blue.

ā€œConsarnit,ā€ she muttered, ā€œThat birdbrain always does this ta me.ā€ She sighed again, rocking back and forth in the old chair on the porch.

The first fat drops of water began slapping the dirt around the front of the building, dark brown circles fading as the ground greedily slurped up the wet, as a color-trailing blur weaved erratically through the air towards the farmhouse. Ten feet from the door, Rainbow Dash dropped rapidly and rolled in a tumbled heap to the edge of the porch. Applejack tensed, a scant moment from bolting to check that her marefriend was okay, before a giggling hiccup froze her in place.

ā€œBlast you, RD! Ya got me all bent outta shape waitinā€™ for your sorry hide and you were off gettinā€™ sloshed again!ā€ She stamped a hoof as she stood from the rocking chair, pacing towards the door. She cast a sour look over her shoulder at the tangle of limbs working to right itself.

ā€œAh, cā€™mon AJ! You know how Cloudā€”ā€ a hiccoughing belch interrupted the pegasusā€™ stream of words, ā€œKicker can be! We got thā€™ storm set up anā€™ next thing you know sheā€™s buyinā€™ a round of ciders.ā€ She fumblingly got to her hooves, climbing the two steps onto the porch with much less grace than sheā€™d normally exhibit. ā€œDonā€™t be mad.ā€

Applejackā€™s piercing glare slowly faded until she cast her eyes away and huffed. ā€œIā€™m not mad, Sugar. I just worry ever since ya got struck by lightninā€™ that one time. Ya got banged up awfully bad.ā€ She turned her gaze back to the tipsy mare, her eyes alight with concern. An orange hoof cupped the side of Rainbowā€™s face, gently caressing her cheek. Magenta eyes drifted shut as Rainbow leaned into the limb.

ā€œā€™M sorry, AJ,ā€ she murmured, ā€œBut you donā€™t haveta worry about me. Iā€™m the Rainbow Dash! A little lightning isnā€™t gonna take me down.ā€

Anger flashed through green eyes and she dropped her hoof to the ground. ā€œUh huh. Whatā€™d the doctor say again? Two inches higher in the air anā€™ it woulda stopped your heart?ā€ Rainbow winced. ā€œThis ainā€™t no game, Rainbow Dash. Your lifeā€™s important to some ponies. Why ainā€™t it important to you?ā€ Applejack turned to go inside, but a blue hoof flashed out and caught her shoulder.

A bit of the cloudiness cleared from the drunken ponyā€™s eyes as her mouth set in a firm line. ā€œYouā€™re important to me, AJ. Iā€™ll try to be better. For you.ā€ She pulled Applejack close, the lingering spice of cider flavoring the yearning kiss she delivered on orange lips. Applejack melted into the embrace, pulling the stupid daredevil close.

When their lips parted, Applejack whispered. ā€œTry for you, Sugar. Please.ā€

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