Princess Celestia seeks a method of getting back at her sister for a joke she pulled on her. While searching her room, she finds out that she has a crush on a certain farm stallion and spreads rumors around the Castle, that eventually get leaked out.
Apologies must be sent out for some of the details said, but a very mad farmer mare wants to have a talk over Dinner and get to the bottom of this.
Light-hearted comedy that I wrote while I did my dark story, and thought I would post it as a palette cleanser. ONE-SHOT
Hey all! I spent two days writing both the eventual next chapter of PD Pie and the Kelpie Origin story, I had to write a light-hearted story to sort of cleanse the palette as two dark and twisty version of the Pony world was even a bit much for me!
I hope you all like this, and no, it is a simple one-shot, and really doesn't indicate what ship I support for Miss Luna, but I wouldn't object to the couple AT ALL!!
EDIT IT JUST Occured to me Granny Smith wasn't in this story. To clarify where the heck she, I guess she is out of town...yeah that's it!
Did you Mean : She Died
Well, in this self-contained Universe, no. my other stories?
I am a bad boy (I killed her because it served a plotline..)
Will there be more??
For this story, No, it is done. BUT!
Remember how Luna mention something about a Nessie (or as she is known here, The Loch Ness monster)?
I might just be spitballing a followup to this story that involves Luna and Pip going on that very adventure!
I am still outlining a few ideas, but shall let you know. Have that idea, one Fluttershy/Rainbow adventure story, and of course, my 24 parody PD Pie! A.I. I just started. Will let you know.
yay I love nessie!
also what does "PD PIE" stand for? The first thing that came in my head was "PewDiePie" l
Got some errors but hard to type on phoje so will try to find them again when i get on comp
Yes. PD Pie is a rather bizarre form of the often labelled Insane "Pinkamena Diane" Pie, part of Pinkie. I named the 24 parody I am doing with that portion of her personality after, because she says it (PewdiePie) as she is dealing with terrorist in Equestria. Yeah, blame my sister for that particular idea. =p
Bleh, just a sort of funny thing to do with my odd interpretation of humor.
Oh errors? I shall look through the story again, and fix what I see while you get on the computer. Teaches me to post this without a proofreader this ONE time.
EDIT: Dang, lots of little spacing and such issues. I swear I am better than that...=/
Heyo Man im going to Do a Dramatic Reading of This!
I mean.. If thats all Right with you ...
OH! Sure thing, I don't mind at all! Thanks for asking.
I am sorry to hear about your Sister's private thoughts being shared by the press, but I am very upset you were the one sharing the rumors?
dont think that needs a question mark.
Great, even Twilight is mad at me, what else can go wrong? she asked in her head. Just as she thought that, another letter appeared in front of her, from Twilight's friend Applejack. I just had to say something, didn't I? She read the letter aloud.
would add ' for thoughts, and this comma is not needed. Would add another space between her thoughts and saying she read the letter out loud to avoid confusion.
Ah Appreciate the gesture, Princess, and I am sorry for bein' so cross at yer sister. I just, I don't know, don't wanna see Big Mac get his heart broke." Applejack said.
missing the first quotation mark. I think quite a few of the commas are either not needed or the sentence is structured oddly. Try reading it while putting an emphasis on pausing whenever you run into a comma or the end of a sentence to see if it sounds right.
I'll Drop you a Link When i'm Done
Thank you kindly. I think the question mark was from a question I removed after editing, and it stayed behind to mock me. Fixed the other issues as well as misused words and other little things I noticed.
I appreciate your help, and shall more than likely use my editor and proofreader before doing stories again. Just felt bad after working on two rather dark chapters, and wanted to cheer up my collection.
Yay! Look forward to seeing that.
A Little note my Applejack/AppleBloom Voices are exactly Top notch
But Oh well
Its has Been Done Find My video on my Channel Found Here:
Hope you enjoy. i sure as Hell Did!
Have some fanart
Ain`t they cute together?
....The daw mixed with, what the buck.
This seems... mighty stupid in the end.
Luna could and should`ve easily snarked off at Applejack. It is plain as day that Applejack is WAY out of the line, here.
Yay for MacLuna! There must be more of it
Thank you kindly! I commented there, but for everyone else here, the screen name is "Haphinea" is pronounced "Hay-Fin-Knee-A". I have no idea where I got the name from, but it has been in my default female character for name selection since the Demon's Souls game.
Oh, that one word at the beginning is "liaison" pronounced "Lee-A-Zun" (French word so its tricky to pronounce)
Love it, as I said, I am neutral towards Luna ships, but don't mind well done ones. (Mine is hardly well done.)
The title "Big Mac Attack" was some weird one-off cartoon or show in which a guy name Mcguyer or something said "I am going to give you a Big Mac Attack" whenever he got angry. There is also a dirtier version radio show host, Phil Hendrie did...but I shan't repeat it here!
Indeed, but the comedy would not have been there. I debated whether or not to include a scene in which Luna gets angry at Applejack, and claims her crush as her "Royal Right" and continues kissing Big Mac. Then again little Apple Bloom was there, so maybe that is why AJ was so angry.
Still, I acknowledge what you said, and shall take your criticism with the praise. Truth be told, I crave criticism too! Thanks for commenting at least.
I endorse it, like I endorse my odd Trixie Pie ship.
Still, I cannot commit to anything, as I do plan a little tease of Pipsqueak/Luna shipping for the Nessie sequel one day very soon.
No, it is clearly one sided from him to her! Hopefully it'll be cute as this turned out.
Thank you all for your kind words. I would recommend my other stories, but even I admit I do need some work on those.
Umm, did Celestia read AJ's letter with a mock Southern accent? Because I don't think it makes sense if AJ wrote it like that.
well... I.
Dang you and your logic! This is why my pre reader was laughing about her letter when I emailed it this morning. He never told me why, but now that you pointed it out...
Let's say she was reading the letter that, under the reasoning she was reading the letter to Luna, and wished to 'ponify' as she read. Yes, she also did that same for Twilight's letter as well. Yes... you caught me, and it was an obvious oversight. Cookies to you!
Thanks for pointing it out!
I am reading this because of that beautiful title. Don't even care what it's about or how well written it is.
Hehe thanks! The titles are always the hard part of the stories...
You make it looks easy, dude.
I just about shat myself laughing there!
Had my own little sister ask my step-dad that once. Was much more funny to hear that write, so I had to put it in!
To Everyone. I am adding another chapter for this story, probably sometime tomorrow. I am also working of the whole Nessie sequel thing, but they may take a little longer, as I am still trying to find interesting mythological creatures to add.
Take care, as I am off to write again!
1477460 Another chapter! And your doin the Nessie story as well!!!
That is buckin AWESOME!
i thought i was the only one who had this idea but there are so cute togtether
Here it is. I truly hope this second chapter is up to par, or even better than the previous one! I worked hard on this, trying to keep the same sort of humor, cleaned up some of the attitude issues Applejack had, and adjusted a few little things so the story flows a bit better.
Before I continue, I wish to apologize to the following fans:
TwilightXBig Mac fans
RarityxBig Mac fans
FlutterMac fans
and DashMac fans.
Sorry, I couldn't continue without addressing that. I suppose I should include PinkiexBig Mac because that ending scene, but it wasn't an option anyway. well, I suppose it could have been, but without rambling I like Trixie and Pinkie... so...
Hope you liked it. My formatting got screwed up in my email, so if there are words floating away from a sentence of double spacing, let me know. I am double and triple checking right now!!!
Looking forward to more!
Trust me, it is out there! Besides, most other Stallions are... goofy! Pip squeak would be an ok substitute if he were much older. Who knows...
did not see that coming. I would have loved to see a true LunaxMac fic work like this.
1481188 oh god you continued this Luna and Mac's revenge! Big Mac has to lay off the Swag
Also I'm sure Rarity enjoyed "staying" with Spike
I may expand on this more, once the whole PD Pie story arc is done. I am...iffy, on making any "series canon" decisions in that storyline other than the villains I chose. I like how I set up Luna and Big Mac, so I can't pull them apart just yet!
Once the Dark Souls story line starts, I'll incorporate all that happened in this story, and its sequel inside that Pipsqueak story ( is BECAUSE of the Nessie trip, Pipsqueak becomes a Darkmoon Blade in that tale.) Of course... this is just my own master plan... =p Feel free to ignore, and read what you will!
I heavily hinted in my past stories, after the CMCs meet the Kirins, that Spike, and especially Rarity know about what the creatures are and what that means for their future. I also hinted she is much more open to Spike, but is only holding off due to his age.
For those who don't know what I am talking about, Pinkie shall explain below:
"Oh OH I know this! A Kirin is when a Daddy Dragon, and a Mommy Pony love each other very much, and the resulting foal is called a Kirin! Half Dragon, Half-pony. Half scales, and half fur! Hehehe silly huh? It's also a monster from a game, but I don't think Blitzy is a monster at all!!!
(Yeah, I don't recommend reading my past works. I love them to death, but I could have done MUCH better!)
1481735 wow someone else that knows what a kirin is and that Dragons can reproduced with pretty much anything... I'm going to have to go check out those other stories soon
have some mustaches
Yep! I am a sucker for mixes, as I myself am a mutt and like the idea of an intelligent species hopefully making something better as they hybridize. Of course, not all hybrids are good, or make sense. Like why the heck a Chimera exist or what the hell a Sphinx is supposed to be!
Still, in a pony world of Alicorns, Windigos, Draconequus, and other legendary creatures. I find the exploration of mythologies fascinating. I do hope my Nessie story works out, as I found a few creatures that I would like to add to the world.
1481832 Gotta love Mythology! My main thing is Dragons, I even did a full report on 'em for a folklore class it was awesome
how bout Nessie guardian goddess of the sea ponies!
I will gladly continue reading your stories. I find them rather fun.
amazing...just amazing
i demand a chapter 3 with luna. mac pip and nessinow
Just for your information, The Nessie story was too long to be another chapter, so it'll be posted as a separate story. I finished it up today, but forgot to send it along to my editor/pre reader. It will be posted as soon as he cleans it up, and makes it pretty, or at least tells me I am crazy.
Could use a little more wordage, meaning it seemed a little rushed and could have easily been drawn out into a more enjoyable story.
Although I have to say it did make me lol
Bare in mind, this was literally written as I did two completely other stories, and I submitted it as I thought it would be a nice little story to share after posting my first, rather iffy dark fic.
That said, the next installment will be longer, and I took my time writing it out. I thank you for your advice!
That sounds like me and my bad habit of writing three Fics at once.....
Awesome story, I think Luna and Big Mac would be the perfect couple. I'm not sure about Trixie and Pinkie Pie being a couple, but its still a good story. Thanks for writing.
Trixie and Pinkie? ... that is actually a weirdly sweet pairing. Kind of like it. Also, a very fun story, good work.