• Member Since 24th Oct, 2022
  • offline last seen 53 minutes ago


I write what I like, if you don't like it then don't be a hater and leave. I'm here to have fun and crossover it with my little pony

Comments ( 78 )

With the current state of his abilities, Button's mom might be a good target. Could also try for one of the flower mares; Daisy, Roseluck, or Lily Valley.

Wow, this guy has some issues. Seriously, get over it, you big horn dog.

I mean, he knows Berry is easy. Just do her again.

Mrs. Cup Cake


Technically, this is all Twilight's own fault for constantly kidnapping random humans out of Earth with no means of returning!

Seriously, she needs to stop making very lousy teleporting experiments that keeps causing this over cliche story problem as a silly excuse for a HiE Storyline.

I'm surprised that I didn't see a story where a human actually sues against her for this?

Ms. Cheerilee after a long day teaching, her Willpower will be exhausted.

Probably because she uses her authority as a princess to abuse her power and get away with it? I mean Twilight is NOTORIOUS for not always practicing what she herself preaches others and that includes dangerous spells involving summoning humans as we see in this story and others. And there is no way she can be held accountable really because she is a princess. So really it’s a question of WHO is gonna write a story where twilight summons a human who IS MAGICALLY POWERFUL, even more so than the other princesses, and she can’t use her title as Princess, connections, or her own magic to protect herself from retaliation and a good case of laser-guided karma, and both SHE, the other princesses, and equestrian as a whole are forced to make MAJOR CONCESSIONS to human for stealing it from its home and disturbing him. To the point where one of the terms is where twilight is forbidden to ever again use summoning magic or posses ANY forbidden knowledge WHATSOEVER!

Make it REAL Treaty of Versailles Severe.

Not really into deals with discord, or anthro but I love mind control, and this seems interesting.

Also when is the next chapter


Probably because she uses her authority as a princess to abuse her power and get away with it? I mean Twilight is NOTORIOUS for not always practicing what she herself preaches others and that includes dangerous spells involving summoning humans as we see in this story and others. And there is no way she can be held accountable really because she is a princess.

It's rather messed up and ironic that Twilight "abuses" her status as a princess, when she wasn't supposed to do that in the first place.

And she is also supposed to be the princess of "friendship" that won't let the royal status get through her head, either. :ajbemused:

You would think that Celestia would immediately regret her choice of "ascending" her student way too early, and actually humble Twilight after learning about the incident with the poor human being unjustly summoned here?

And if not Celestia for some reason. Why not Luna, Cadence, Shining, Twilight's Friends/Spike, or even Twilight's parents talk down to her about her huge mistake of basically kidnapping a poor sentient from another world?

But also abusing her status as a princess to not get any rather justified punishment from her own mistake?

So really it’s a question of WHO is gonna write a story where twilight summons a human who IS MAGICALLY POWERFUL, even more so than the other princesses, and she can’t use her title as Princess, connections, or her own magic to protect herself from retaliation and a good case of laser-guided karma, and both SHE, the other princesses, and equestrian as a whole are forced to make MAJOR CONCESSIONS to human for stealing it from its home and disturbing him. To the point where one of the terms is where twilight is forbidden to ever again use summoning magic or posses ANY forbidden knowledge WHATSOEVER!

Edit: I'm done. What do you think?

THIS, is what I would have loved to read, if something like that is created. :pinkiecrazy:

BTW, I personally don't think having to be Magically OP than all of the Ponies and Alicorns combined, is the only way for a human character to get his/her way.

Because, I don't think being powerful with magic ISN'T the only bargaining chip a human character would have against Twilight, or even the other princesses and the pony race IF they unjustly biased to defend Twilight instead of us.

If you think about it, with these Human in Equestria ( HiE ) stories.

Twilight usually and typically "accidentally summons" ( When it's basically kidnapping. ) a regular human citizen with little to no connections or any "powers" on Earth.

So sadly, it does make sense that a regular run-of-a-mill guy like you and me trying to sue Twilight for what she has done to us, won't get us anywhere where we will win and she is rightfully punished for messing with teleporting spells when she shouldn't.

But what if it doesn't have to be that way, and Twilight actually kidnaps the wrong human.

Basically, what I'm trying to say, and my main point is this;

What's stopping Twilight from "summoning"/kidnapping a very important human individual like a world leader or a well-liked religious figure like the Pope for example, with HUGE connections from Earth?

( Like in this hypothetical story scenario I have quickly come up with;

Let's say Twilight, instead of "summoning" another regular civilian in a typical HiE.

She "randomly kidnaps" the wrong person, like a son/daughter of a world leader ( like the U.S. President for example. ) in a fictional future, where Humanity is a space-faring race. Like a Stellaris Earth for example.

With superior technology that somehow negates magic in Equis as a whole, due to how Earth's metal having unique properties that could become "anti-magic" in a sense.

( Just like in the DC Comic Universe. How the metal Lead, despite being very common on Earth. Has a higher density that negates any X-ray waves from our machines. That not even a powerful alien like Superman's own X-ray vision seeing through it neither. )

So this example/explanation will be a good "excuse" on why Earth's metal, now materials of our modern and later futuristic weapons, and vehicles. Would all somehow be mostly 99.9% immune to a possible pony hostility or any other Equis creature that is highly dependent on magic. :pinkiecrazy:

And Humanity doesn't even know this important fact, until they eventually learned WHERE Planet Equis is. WHAT/WHO "kidnapped" the child of the U.S. President, etc...

Then, everybody on Earth would make the most common mistake of a first contact, that this is a alien hostility by the "ponies". So, U.S. Allies will be upset too, and would join the "rescue" expedition as well. With a possible "space war" against Equis/Equestria if things turned bad.

And due to some random circumstances, human scientists finally figure out that our planet's metal, and our weapons are already "anti-magic" proof somehow.

And the many different militaries, and the grieving parents of the U.S. President and First Lady will definitely use this information to their advantage. :pinkiecrazy: )

This will most likely not only highly endanger Twilight, her friends/family, her entire race, other non-pony kingdoms, but to possibly the entire planet of Equis as well from total retaliation/possible annihilation from an entirely different world with superior technology that somehow negates all magic as a whole?

Just because she irresponsibility and incompetently abuses summoning magic willy nilly.

And unknowingly kidnapped the wrong person that is an important individual that you shouldn't kidnapped in the first place? :facehoof:

So, do you see what I'm trying to say here?

I think derpy is always a good choice maybe not for the first but for a start. Derpy is kind not always the smartest or fastest and I always think she wouldn't mind some company even from a human. She could be invited after delivering a package for some tea or other stuff to drink so he would have time to slowly try to hypnose her.

But shes maybe not the right one for the first try with the power since drunken ponys probably would be easier, and if something doesn't go as thought they probably wouldn't suggest instantly something bad

Someone can see the future

If derpy is first then I think Rainbow or pinkie would be next

Too soon for the Elements. In game terms, they are the final bosses, at least in Ponyville if Maxwell will go beyond it after the Elements, with Celestia and Luna being the true final bosses. Maxwell will need to get maybe at least half the mares in Ponyville before he can even consider taking on even just one of the Elements.

then if not them what about Trixie, she's not all to bright

You sir have been paying attention and have my respects.

And definitely a possible achievement, but remember the order of difficulty. Though she may be the exception

Daww, not Derpy!

Derpy-slash-Ditzy is not the pony that I would ever like to see harmed. She is just too sweet and innocent to be used, abused or raped.

You might wish to reconsider your suggestion, hm?

You are under the assumption that Max would hurt her. That's not the case.

I'm merely having a bit of teasing fun. Of course, she wouldn't be harmed.

Do like the premise, so I'll keep this on tracking to see how far this will go...

if you have her human crazy like she is in some stories Lyra Heartstrings could be an easy enough target, with his powers possibly being more effective given her obsession

Considering the rules Discord gave him to work with, I think it would be good for him to start with Treehugger or the Flower Trio. The former would probably be up for anything and the latter would be pretty easy to rattle. Barry would be a pretty easy target along with maybe adult Applebloom. The latter would be pretty useful, given her knowledge of potions.

if he managed to get ahold of Zecora she could help him greatly

Nice setup. Eager to see where it goes

Maybe later down the line. She strikes me as the type that would have a very strong mind.

Nice story concept. I think that this story could be the aftermath of that type of conflict.
"Staying out of trouble" ~ A helpful guide by Twilight Sparkle

AJ looks hot in a cow outfit.

Really enjoying how the story is progressing! Keep up the good work!

Dinky is 18 already, huh? Better get that whole family of sluts under his thumb before they start getting suspicious~

I agree with a previous comment and say the flower sisters.
They're earth ponies, and don't seem that bright. Good way to level up. Plus there's 3 of them.

I don't know that's why I am asking you.

I don't think rarity, even though it's that emoji, because she has magic.

the Flower Sisters Next then Cheerlie

Please keep in mind that Max can only hypnotize 1 mare at a time

Either Rainbow Dash, or Scootaloo for the same reason. One of them crashes into Max on his way home, and then goes to his house the next morning to apologize.

They enjoy some forcey fun-time for the next twenty minutes, when Max gets a notification that his use of hypnosis improves, which grants him a total of one hour at the same time as resetting the timer for the day.

Thats just me though...

Something tells me Pinkie won't be as easy as he thinks.


I've gotta ask, does the ping sound like this?

He wanted to pull away, but he wanted to tempt fate. “Um y-yeah it's a new massage technique I learned, but if it's hurting you, I can stop using it?” He asked, wondering if she'll fall for it.


I have one idea but I want you to be honest first before I can give them.

How do you feel about a potion that turn males into female rule 63?

He got his answer when he pulled the sheets back and saw his newly enlarged member. The size was double what he woke up with the morning before, and even thicker.

If it was double if he was 9 inches when he was pure human, would that make him 18 now last chapter you said it was 14?

When he gains more control of his powers is he going to have the ability to turn stallions into mares? It will expand his list of targets if he can do so and changing the memories of all those that remember them as well will prevent any from freaking out. It will be a great irony if Discord gets changed into Eris as a result of Max getting so much power from chaos magic.

Let me check, might have been an error on my part

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