• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2021
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Jade Scribe

Purveyor of Pleasing Pony Pornograpy

Comments ( 18 )

What a lovely start. I eagerly await more.

Incredible work thus far. Just one thing:

Swaying slightly, femcum and water dripping in equal amounts, she stepped out of the tub onto the drenched carpet.

Did Rarity carpet her bathroom!? There's sinister plotting, and then there's outright horror. :raritywink:

Thank you for the kind words! Updates may be infrequent, as I have multiple projects ongoing, but I've already got at least the next two chapters plotted out, so hopefully you'll be seeing them sooner rather than later ^.^

Haha, nope! I was envisioning it more as a small, absorbent carpet right in front of the tub to soak up any excess water. The rest it tile - she's not some sort of monster, I promise! :raritystarry:

Thank you for the kind words, though, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Interesting. Is Chrysalis gone with only a conditioned Rarity left to go on an enslaving spree? Is there another opponent in play? Or did Chrysalis just get distracted briefly before we return to our regularly scheduled brainwashing schemes?

Something my eye kind of caught on:

Before she could mount the stairs, however, the mail caught her eye. Right…it had been so busy she hadn’t had time to actually go through it, and there it was, now perfectly dry and still sitting in the sink from this morning. Along with…the pegasus rolled her eyes, thrusting the candle to the side. She’d toss it in a second, once she got done going through the mail. Rarity shuffled quickly through the pile, mouthing along occasionally as she read. Nothing leapt out to her as terribly interesting, or needing her immediate attention, until she got to the very bottom of the pile.

Rarity is great, of course, but I do believe the only time she actually grew wings was with Twilight’s help. :raritywink:

absolutely fucking loved this; sexual f/f corruption mind control is 1 of the greatest wonders of the world!!! this was so well written and HAWTTT!!!

this is easily, without a doubt, 1 of the absolute top sexiest stories on fimfiction!!! holy shit that was amazing!!! and beyond just how crazy awesome hot the sex and its mind control are, the twist of mistress suddenly being removed, even if perhaps only temperorarily, and slave rarity flying solo and taking fluttershy by her own will, is a terrifically intriguing turn of events! i srsly cant wait to see this story continue to unfold! this is some of the best f/f corruption ive seen so far!!

This is great! Excellent work

This was very arousing and I am looking forward to reading the rest of this story as you release the chapters one by one.

It would be pretty funny if there was just an endless parade of aggrieved enemies of Twilight stumbling upon each other and mind controlling each other there, all while the enslaved Rarity brainwashes the Elements.

Drat! You've uncovered my master plan! :raritycry:

No, I'm only kidding, but you're right, that would be a fairly amusing idea for a story. Maybe this story will eventually reach a point where I can add some non-canon "what if?" chapters...

Very nice chapter! Loved it!

The way you wrote Chrysalis in this one is ingenious and honestly makes me yearn for a story about that Chrysalis going up against the alicorns.

Damn, that is some exquisite sex!

Lovely work on this story, particularly enjoyed the candle and spoon inductions, looking forward to seeing where it goes in the future!

Just finished reading this, and damn, it's a real shame it's been in hiatus -- this definitely has potential to be one of the greats of hypno/mind control on the site!

Out of curiosity, where have you published your furry/nonpony stories? I'd love to read those as well!

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