• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen September 11th


Transgender bookhorse.


When Pinkie Pie organizes a small party at her place, recent friendship group member Twilight Sparkle doesn't think much of it. However, as the night goes on, Twilight's entire world is shifted into something strange and unfamiliar but not unwelcome...

Rated T for sexual references, mildly sexual situations, references to kink, and Twilight saying naughty words.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 31 )

Oh, Twilight, you have no idea what rabbit hole you are about to fall in, let alone what it leads to...

It seems like Twilight is become more and more relaxed with each kiss she gets.

I wonder who will be next in line to show up?

Of course, Rarity would talk of beauty in a healthy fashion. :raritywink:

Applejack? Playing Marisa? Yeah, that scans.

Could be wildly misinterpreting, but....

"That sense of disconnect that Major Saber felt within herself, like her mind and body were two separate entities, one merely piloting the other, it... really connected with me."

... trans Sci-Twi?

Aha, I was right!

Love me some trans sci-twi, really adds to the isolation she was feeling in the friendship games.

Lovely stuff thus far. Looking forward to further planks of this polyship, and how long it takes for Twilight's brain to melt out her ears in response.

Yeah, if ever there were a situation that would leave Dash feeling divided, this is it. We'll see how that shakes out. To say nothing of whatever Sunset and pony Twilight have planned.

Oh horse-apples, AJ done bucked up now! :ajsleepy:

The old trans girl classic: Do I wanna smooch Twilight, or do I wanna be Twilight?

Definitely wanna be her, in this case. Reading about her wonderful night of gender affirmation both makes me squee with joy and wanna punch her from envy.

Great fic so far.

What a twist: Applejack did not buck up! :twilightsmile:

Thats the thing about poly, shits hard and you've all gotta be on the same page.

yknow it might be just me but i'm starting to get the feeling that these pastel not-horses are gay

this story is so sweet i'm melting aaaa

Of course Sunset will provide the grand finale. I shouldn't have suspected anything different. Looking forward to it.

i never really got the "good girl" thing, I kinda always thought it was just a meme, but there are people on which it does work? Petting tho, petting feels so good.

Alright I hope this finale is worth it

Glad I got in on this before the end. Impressive use of all the characters so far. Looking forward to the final chapter.

What kind of kinks does this story have?

Yaaay, all the lovey fuzzies :twilightsmile:

And thus, the harmonious relationship of the Rainbooms added one more sweet soul to the mix.

Wonderful follow-through. I'd love to see further exploration of this setting, whether before or after this night. In any case, thank you for some delightful warm fuzzies. :twilightsmile:

Ok, this book is pretty good, The girls being in 1 big poly Ship is kinda cute and over the course of these chapters you have surprised me.
I really relate to Twilight in this book and I never thought I would say that about Sci-Twi. But the whole Trans thing was really interesting and I sorta feel like transistorizing but I'm conflicted...
Personal feelings aside, I really like this book and I can't wait for what you do next:twilightsmile:

That was lovely! I really wish we had more omniship stuff! Especially with at least one of the girls being transgendy! Looking forward to what you do next c:

great job on story:twilightsmile:

"I, uh..." my eyes scanned her bag. "I was just wondering what that pin was from?" I pointed to a black pin adorned with the letters 'DxD.' Fluttershy looked at where I was pointing, before looking back at me.

Welp, now I know I shouldn't be surprised if I see a To-Love Ru or a Seikon No Qwaser pin there... somewhere.

And they loved me, too.

And I love this book..... it's good

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