• Member Since 11th May, 2019
  • offline last seen February 1st

Melody Song

A Bisexual Pegasus with a talent in writing and singing. I can also do magic-long story. Also, Luna is best Princess and the Wonderbolts are awesome. Change my mind, I dare you.


Gallus would much rather be anywhere but at Griffonstone any day of the year, but the winter season is especially avoided. Unfortunately, Twilight decided that as an assignment, he and Silverstream needed to go there, right around the time of Blue Moon Festival. He has no choice but to escort his beaked brethren up there, and to make matters worse she won't stop with her endless amounts of positivity. Sometimes, he wishes very much that she would just shut her trap. What does she know about the holiday his kind celebrates?

Written for anonymous browser for Jinglemas 2022!

Popular 12/26/22 - 12/28/22

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

“Aw, come on Gallus, cheer up!” Silverstream pranced alongside him with a happy smile. “How bad can it be?”

Oops that's tempted faith

The pony and changeling had brought a lantern full of fireflies back from the Changeling Hive, and like Smolder and Yona, Twilight prompted Sandbar to explain it’s purpose. He laughed slightly as he told her, explaining how the changelings had misinterpreted the instructions on how to celebrate Hearth’s Warming – the sheepish look on Twilight’s face was a treat – and began their own traditions. The lantern was how they “lit” the fire every night, holding them above the prop fires. It was an important part of their new Hearth’s Warming traditions.

Lol I did remember how Ocellus told us that story how they celebrate their holiday even though this is the first time but it was cute and funny

The group headed out as one, bumping hooves/claws and thanking their leaders for the lucky break. Silverstream glanced back at Gallus as the girls split off to head to their own dorm rooms. Gallus looked up in time to see her smile at him, and he smiled back, waving as he followed Sandbar off to their room. Silver beamed and followed the other girls, skipping along. Gallus smiled softly.

Maybe the pink hippogriff wasn’t so bad after all.

Aww silverstream and Gallus are so cute together ❤️ yeah I ship those too 😊

Glad you enjoyed! Personally, I don't really ship Gallus and Silverstream, and wanted to write them as more platonic friends, but if you ship them and found enjoyment in the story, that's fine with me!

Well I would say this was a pretty nice story so apparently these kids got in trouble but they have a chance to do the assignment to go to the three cities of the three creatures so it looks like silverstream and Gallus went to Griffinstone to see how the holiday is and silverstream did not expect at this and he even explained how the Blue Moon Festival works and she didn't like the idea having other Griffins to feel like it was nothing and they were pretty upset with each other but then he showed her where the idol was and even explain the history about it but then he has also another idea he even found an actual blue flower which it is pretty and Twilight let them go with a warning and looks like both Gallus and silverstream can see eye to eye this is pretty nice keep up the good work and merry Christmas

Thank you, and happy holidays!

Thanks and i know its like me im not a big fan of the shipping between Gallus and Sandbar I just want to see them as just friends but hey everyone have different opinions of who to ship and hey it's OK and yeah this was pretty good 👍

A sweet little holiday story...

(Puts in bookshelves to read again later)

Aw nice! You really managed to nail the characters down. I sorta liked Gallus' protectfulness of their traditions, even if he hates it. Pride is odd like that.

The Blue Moon leaves were a really sweet bit of wordbuilding as well.

Glad you enjoyed it, it was made for you after all! Happy holidays!

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