• Member Since 9th Feb, 2020
  • offline last seen July 6th


Retired author, husband and father.

Comments ( 262 )

You have my attention, mellonin.

I've been summoned to this fic!!

Do it I'm right here do it kill me. Stick around. I see you. Go get to the chopper. No leave it it didn't kill you cuz you weren't armed there's no sport in it.

I like where this is heading, however I noticed he didn't get rid of the evidence of the renegade yautja's corpse and gear to make sure their technology and the body doesn't fall into the wrong hands.

I just fixed that for you. It's near the end of the chapter. I used the blue liquid that decomposes stuff which was used in AVP Requiem.

Seems interresting so far and I am currios where this takes us

Please keep going with this story it's very good

If she has a backpack I hope she has space for her equipment:D

A little rushed. Other that that I look forward to more.

Off to an interesting start, I was just thinking about your blog post talking about a story like this after seeing Prey (and loving it) and am glad to see you got it off the ground. Eager to see what happens next :twilightsmile:

Sunset will now have a full time bloody excitement of her life. She probably won't come back to CHS for many years by this point.

On another topic;

Option 1; Will the Rainbooms and everybody else in CHS eventually figure out the CMC are Anon-A-Miss on their own? Or option 2; The CMC finally confess themselves, because of extreme guilt?

Or option 3; It's due to the CMC screwing up themselves, and either Luna or another competent teacher catch them on the cyberbulling act?

Or the 4th, and the very stupidity worse option; They STILL haven't figure it out or caught the CMC all this time ( Even after many FRICKIN Years!? ), and still stupidity falsely blame Sunset this whole time!!??

To me personally, this last option sounds highly unrealistic. And really makes everybody look like totally brain dead idiots. And takes constantly pushing the "Idiot Ball" button to it's absolute limits, for this to "work". :ajbemused:

And believe me, I seen all of these "options" ( Including the last one. ) in other different, but similar Anon-A-Miss storylines.

And for their own sake ( From a very pissed off Yautia/Human Hybrid Sunset, along with her Yautia clan. ), you wouldn't pick option 4!

I think I would go with go with option 3 since maybe half of the staff of the CHS is component while the other just not, but option 1 and 2 could be the most likely in my opinion and to add what would happen if a rival clan come to earth hunting the Rainbooms or the entire city without its magical defenders ready and whole to fight this will be a good reality check for most of them right?

Hah, space pun.

Sunset has it with her. It's what she'll use to put most of her armor when she's not wearing it. She'll also put her mask in the bag when she doesn't wear it.

Even though what I've just said will take place after she returns to Earth.

Let’s hope he doesn’t lose her head:D

Exhalant New charter a little short but still a very exalant chapter.

Ps I'm waiting a similar one but with dragon ball z chapters

This is a crossover with the Predator franchise.

Comment posted by nightmare bloodmoon deleted Aug 17th, 2022
Comment posted by PrinceOfDarkness deleted Aug 17th, 2022

I personally would like it if sunset travels to equestria! who says that equestria is not a planet! with the mirror as a quick trip possibility!

With a spaceship, the journey only takes longer!

Hmm in canon do the Yujta actually do anything with people who they consider worthy hunters or do they everything as prey? Because this situation is rather unusual.

Another fun chapter and while I am still enjoying this story I do have two notes to make
1. Mike Harrigan should definitely be added to the list of humans whom the Yautja respect (he was gifted one of the elders great treasures with that pistol after all)
2. You seem to be doing a lot of exposition dumps and while I understand they're necessary for those who don't know a lot of AVP lore, it might be better to find organic ways to work them into the story (just establishing that this info was downloaded into Sunset's head along with the Yautja language and that it's popping into her head as it becomes relevant would be good)

Like I said though still loving this story and eager as ever to see where it goes, especially now that Anon-A-Miss is about to be revealed and her friends are definitely going to be in for a surprises when they go to apologize to Sunset.

It's true that the female or bigger than their male counterparts

For Sunset, she will think of time differently as Yautja Prime is bigger than Earth and has a slower rotation.

She will also have a ship, weapons, mask and armor for when she returns to Earth.

Mike Harrigan will make an appearance, as wiil Dutch 'Alan' Schaffer, Machigo Naguchi and Alexa Woods.

Sunset will have weapons such as:

  • Plasma Caster
  • Plasma Pistol
  • Combi-Stick
  • Wrist Blades
  • Wrist Computer
  • Netgun
  • Throwing Disk
  • Axe

Females are taller than males.

A Bad Blood.

What do you mean by that?

In Predator lore, Bad Bloods are considered criminals of their race.

Yautja, A.K.A 'Predators' live by a code of honor in their society.

The Yautja Honor Code is a set of rules that govern day-to-day interactions of Yautja as well as the hunt. It details under what circumstances a hunter may kill a creature of another species and under what circumstances they may not. The code is strict, and to break it-purposefully, accidentally, or even unwillingly-is a near-irredeemable offense in many situations.

Only very high ranked seasoned warriors, such as Scarface, or very low ranked novices, such as Young Blood and Un-Blooded Yautja, are permitted any leeway as far as the code is concerned.

All hunters are expected to hunt and kill while adhering to the code and traditions. If they breach the code Yautja are expected to submit themselves for punishment honorably.

Failure to do so marks a Yautja a Bad Blood.

In either case, he is then excommunicated altogether from society and Bad Bloods are considered fair game for the remaining honorable hunters. Some Predators are specifically tasked with hunting down code-breakers that flee from punishment or hide their failures, called Enforcers or Arbitrators.

It is not entirely impossible for a Yautja that has in some way broken the code to regain their honor and rejoin society. Such opportunities are rare and limited to very specific circumstances as seen with Scarface.

In order to even be offered the chance at redemption, the Yautja in question must have acknowledged their breach of code and willingly accepted the punishment for that violation. In the case that they are offered a chance to redeem themselves, they are assigned a task that must be completed, or die trying.

It should be noted that none of these rules are official, and are instead a culmination of multiple sources. As such, the rules of the code may differ, or be false:

  • Code Violations:
  • Those who break the code are Bad Bloods, and are considered an insult to Yautja culture. They are to be destroyed when encountered
  • Hunting Intelligent Species. There are strict rules concerning the hunting of intelligent species. Those who are not blooded cannot do this at all. However, some hunters wants these laws overturned.
  • Hunting Worthy Game.
  • When hunting, the hunter must be sure that his prey is considered game and lawful to kill. Worthy game must fill the following criteria:
  • Can defend itself and/or is able to kill the hunter himself, of age (killing children and the elderly is considered highly dishonorable), not linked to other lives (so that removing the prey will not doom another, e.g. pregnant women), and not weakened by diseases. This excludes self-defence.
  • Equalize the odds.
  • Killing prey when using less equipment is considered a greater prize, and hunters should typically give their prey a fighting chance for honor's sake. If the prey demands close-combat, the hunter is to fight to their prey's standards, and should minimize use of their Plasma Caster or other projectile weapons
  • Failing in the Hunt.
  • Should the hunter fail in one's quest, he should take his own life to retain his honor than to live in shame. However, some cowards prefer to live in obscurity rather than die. This is considered to be dishonorable and suicide is then "assisted" by an Enforcer.
  • Claiming the Kill of Another Hunter.
  • To take the trophy of another Yautja, living or dead, is considered to be a great insult. For example, two Un-Blooded go on their first Hunt: one Yautja takes on a Xenomorph, and both are mortally wounded. While the wounded hunter is dying, the other hunter conveniently finishes off the prey and claims the kill as his own, abandoning the wounded Yautja. This is a crime that can be paid for with abandonment, or death.
  • Murder of Another Yautja.
  • To kill another Yautja intentionally holds severe consequences. This excludes self-defence and killing an opponent in a fight to settle a dispute. Murder is the worst crime.
  • Show mercy.
  • Those that defeated you in a fair hunt, or who are the victors in a deadlier hunt, should be considered an equal and must be shown respect.
  • Never harm the innocent.
  • Those who have done no harm should have no harm done to them. (It can be inferred that this rule must pertain only to harming other Yautja in their society since they hunt and kill members of many species one could call "innocent". It can also be inferred that Bad Blood Predators would ignore this rule either in part or in whole.)
  • Hunting for Food.
  • When hunting for food, take only the weak. This is to purify the species' line.
  • Wounded Game.
  • When coming upon game wounded by another hunter, and the prey is dying without sport, show honor to another's kill. If the game still shows sport, it is to be a joint trophy.
  • Joining Another Hunt.
  • Do not join another's Hunt, or Hunt in their territory, without their permission. All trophies taken in this manner are stolen trophies and shall be dealt with by the rightful owner.
  • When in a duel with an enemy, you must reveal yourself.
  • In the novelization of AVP, Lex Woods was about to be killed by a cloaked Predator, but before it prepared to deliver the final blow, it de-activated its cloak. According to the book, it is "hunting ethic" to reveal yourself to your enemy at the climax of a fight. However, the movie ignored this part, and showed the still-cloaked Predator attempt to kill her.
  • Weapons of Warfare.
  • Weapons of Warfare like the Electroshock Missile Battery are strictly forbidden in hunts or even by use of Non-Military Caste Hunters. They are considered too destructive to constitute a hunting weapon

Hell yeah this is amazing. Sunset Shimmer Hunter!!! LET'S GO!!!!

I’m quite intrigued so far with this. Also,

However, on Earth, things were much different...

The real Anon-a-Miss had been found out

Although it’s too late. Hmph…took those morons long enough.

Sunset with Yautja gear, weapons and a ship? They stand no chance.


Yep! Thank goodness PrinceOfDarkness didn't choose option 4. :pinkiesmile:

I did. I just remembered.

Sorry, it's been a busy day for me.

Also, it won't be years on Earth, but weeks.

Time is slower on Yautja Prime as days are longer and the planet is Tidal-Locked. One side is dark and the other is covered in sunlight.

The planet has a slightly stronger amount of Gravity than Earth does, hence why Yautja can jump higher.

And so the hunt begins, eager to see how Sunset and the two other unblooded do

Please don’t bleed yourself dry with these updates:D

You choose option 3! :pinkiehappy:

And she came back to earth by a couple of weeks? That's was quick!?

I like this story. Still don't burn yourself out in writing.

Time went a lot faster on Yautja Prime due to the planet being much bigger and slower than Earth is.

To Sunset, it felt like weeks when she was training.



I assume that what is meant by this is that the planet being larger has far longer days than Earth does. Takes longer to rotate around it's own axis, having days that could be anywhere from 2-4 x as long as Earth does. Imagine 48-96 hour days, Sunset is a trooper.

Yautja are 'troopers' in the sense they can handle a fuckton of damage and keep going because of sheer willpower.

And yeah, Lil' miss Bacon Hair is quite tough.

The planet is Tidal-Locked and has no night sky due to having no moon and two suns.

I mean a Yautja could probably take a tank shell to the face and still destroy the tank and kill everyone inside.

Wow great story I wonder who the prey will be.keep up the great work and can’t wait to see what you do next.🧤

The prey Sunset will hunt are animals from different planets and also some humans.

Spike and the rest of the Elements Of Harmony.

I feel that sentence needs to be corrected

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