• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 5th, 2022


Comments ( 115 )

Uh..... Someone should give him advice. I don't even know if a soldier accept to play game or not though :rainbowderp:. If yes, they don't have even bother to remember anyway.

Edit: okay, this is the one I found that ridiculous. Is this a troll fic?

Not a troll-fic. It's a compelling and emotional story of a rage-induced man who has the soul of a warrior and unforeseen willpower, yet he feels empty inside and struggles to find his purpose.

Uh huh. Well then, you are not successful to portray a soldier in real life though. They don't even bother to remember the game they play. All they focus is mission.

Edit: I doubt that Human is exist in Equestria

P/S: What kind of commander is that? No commander will say "you know what to do" when a soldier report that all of the team dead.

This reads like an angsty 16 yr old's weird fantasy of the Marine Corps, circa like just after desert storm or something. I know this is probably a meme story and all, but still lmao

I mean realistically the only sound here would be this character crying after being rejected at MEPS for failing the psych eval, and never even making it to boot. It's probably all an elaborate joke and all, but on the off-chance it isn't I've worked for DoD and the Corps specifically to know how the system works so this physically pains me lol

3-tap #7 · Nov 15th, 2021 · · 1 · Action ·

Ikr, its such a heart wrenching story of a soldier struggling with his inner rage

Oh look, another angsty Gary Stu Creator's Pet in Equestria.

Hard pass from me.

More like it's a story written by someone who knows nothing about the Marines and doesn't know about these things called psych evaluations.

How to say I wanted to be a Marine but couldn't make the cut, so now I'm going to do it in fanfiction.

Had played some Modern Warfare 2 and 3 in the past, so I knew what I was doing.

Now, I never joined the military, but I'm 2,000% certain video games couldn't possibly prepare you for hour one in the Marine Corps.

On that particular day I was more angry and done than I had ever been.

Okay, look, seriously, what the hell was happening in that head of yours when you wrote this pile of drek? The only thing going for this is a lack of spelling and grammar errors. The rest is complete and utter drivel, and I don't have to look past the second paragraph to know that.

And if this is a trollfic, at least own up to it.

Yeaa naw homie that aint happening, i dont know if you've ever meet a drill Sargent, but youre not going to beat one of those guys no matter how big you are homie, most of the ones ive meet are black belts in Marine corps martial arts (which is a mix of all kinds of crazy shit) so no fucking way are you even geting close to beating one of them, another thing if your gonna be a degenerate and attack a drill Sargent during boot camp your geting court marshalled no special forces unit wants a idiot like that. I havent even read the story yet cause i fucken cringed so hard at the stupidity of the first few lines, and to clarify im not some dick who likes to comment on the military, i have legitimate experience and hate when pepole dont look into the subject of the marine corps, i love em, and am on track to become one i actually ship out for marine boot camp soon and have spent the last 4 years with some absolute units, for instance my sargent major was the leader of Marsoc, fuckin unit even at 50 he could beat the shit out of anyone he met, man was crazy. ALSO WHAT THE FUCK IN AINT NO WAY YOU SAID "i PlaYed MoTerN warFarE im reAdY for THe marines" like fuck no your not. Like i have no problem with power fantasy's but for christ sake stop shiting on the marine corps. Fuck. (Edit: i just read it, im going to disregard the fact that an apache is not used for troop transport, in favor for the fact that you called a P90 A FUCKING MACHINE GUN GOD DAMNIT UGGHHH) Edit 2 : i read what you have so far. . .... ..... i hate i atleast thought maybe it would get better, but i found myself gagging at all the bullshit.) Well now i feel like an idiot, i just found out this is a trollfic and god damn did it work.

Hell yea, you got that right!

I can't tell if this is written with a completely straight face, or if it's meant to be a subversive parody of "Sheepdog" Chris Kyle-wannabe boot mentality.

All that's missing is your OC munching crayons and jerking off in a porta-john.

This is shit. Block me if you want to stop spitting on your work, slut-writer.

You know it's sad when the comment section is better than the actual story. I try to give a story at least at 3 chapter benefit of the doubt but I couldn't even make it through the second chapter before I had to give it up and I was struggling through the first chapter. I don't even know how to express my disbelief and how you the author thinks that the military works like that. Truly I am absolutely baffled!

"What the fuck did I do now?" I shook my head and groaned, pushing the dizziness away just like how it would work in Call of Duty. Having regained enough composure, I got up off of my ass and performed a quick scan of my surroundings. I appeared to be in a building, but it was nothing like the abandoned one I had just been in. This one looked fresh, lined with decorated hallways and lush red carpets. It looked like a damn castle. Something was off. I reached for my ear piece and spoke.

How dose that work in a living being? This isnt a vidogame

Have you ever met the future former marine, Commander Jace "Stryker" Connors of Deagle Nation?

Can't tell if this is supposed to be a "serious" story or the biggest shit post on this website.

Either way, take my fucking updoot

Ohhh I knew I was in for a good time from the first paragraph when the protagonist knew how to handle himself in the USMC from fuckin' CoD.

It’s sorta like saying “I can snipe anyone from anywhere with my sniper rifle without a range finder in battlefield, that’s why I’m the greatest sniper in real life as well!Even though I have no real training”

Then yes, this is a troll fic.

That, or the author is a try hard edgelord wannabe who has some growing up to do.

Jesus Christ. What shitshow did I just read?!

Standing behind the shield was the instagram horse, who was unbelievably still alive, as well as three other horses - all with light glowing from their horns. One was blue, the other was pink, and the last was white just like the instagram horse, except not as tall.

Twilight is NOT white as Celestia. She's purple.

"After what you did to me? And with your smug attitude? You're not so confident now are you, now that I've blown through your entire army and am here at your doorstep. I don't care about you. All I care about is getting out of here and back to command, but not before putting some fools in their place."

"There is no - absolutely no - reason for such violence. Please, I beg of you - let us talk this out. This is your only chance. You said you wish to return to command? We can aid you in that request, and there will be no more bloodshed."

I laughed at how scared they were. The tides sure had changed. "I think I can find that out on my own, but I can't let you get away with what you did to me in your arrogance and your ignorance."

A flash of light shined through the halls, and squinting my eyes, I saw that a figure had appeared in-front of me - it was the demigod from before. He was in-front of the magical shield but between me and the horses.

"I cannot allow you to continue. To kill the rulers of this world would put it at great chaos and unrest." The demigod spoke. "You have showed them your lesson. You've killed hundreds of their kind. Is that not enough to satisfy you?"

I narrowed my eyes at the figure in-front of me. He just had to show up didn't he? "You care about these fools?"

"I care about the state of Equestria. To kill them will send this land into chaos."

I glared at the instagram horse for a few moments, and then I heard a beeping sound coming from my watch. Nineteen minutes had passed. I knew what was coming, and turning my head to look at the demigod, I grinned. "Well, you're a piece of shit. I don't like you, so why should I listen to you?"

The figure shook his head. "You really are stupid aren't you? I saved your life. You belong to me now, and I have a great task for you."

"I don't belong to anyone, you smug asshole. I don't care if you dragged me out of the depths of hell all by yourself. You can take your 'owning me' and your 'you're here to serve me' bullshit and shove it up your ass."

The figure started to step closer to me. "I've had enough of your bickering. It's time I showed you who's in charge here."

"It's time I showed you that being a demigod doesn't mean shit!" I pulled out C4 and threw it right in his face. I blew it up the moment it smacked against his head, and then I pulled out two 1911 pistols. I fired God's caliber repeatedly at his body with both hands, but was then taken by surprise when he instantly zoomed towards me and pummeled into my body. I was sent flying all the way to the other side of the room until I slammed into a wall and his eyes were inches from mine.

"You can't kill me."

"Keep it up, fucker, and I'll find a way." Pulling the pin off a flashbang, I grabbed onto his mouth, forcing it open and then jamming the flash grenade down his throat. I kicked him and the flash went off inside his body, disorientating the bastard as he fell onto his ass. Reaching into my gear, I pulled out a battle hammer, and I ran forward, jump attacking the piece of shit and slamming the heavy metal down right into his face. I then pulled out a tactical knife, and I shoved it into his chest cavity, driving it up as deep as I could up towards his neck. Despite my attempts, the demon simply sat back up, grabbing onto my neck and choking me.

"I'm bringing you to The Realm with me."

I laughed despite my throat being crushed. My watch alarm went off for the second time, and then I looked back into his eyes with a wide grin. "Fuck you." I pulled out my Desert Eagle hand cannon and shot him right in the chest. He stumbled backwards from the stopping power, and then I kicked him, sending him away from me before reaching into my gear and pulling out the bubble shield from Halo. I threw it on the ground right as the Javelin missile rammed down into the castle from the skies. The explosion was so massive and violent that it sent everything in-front of me flying as if it had just created a mini-apocalypse inside of this room. The demigod was sent flying away from me from the blast, yet I remained completely protected inside the bubble shield. I laughed as I watched all the destruction happen right in-front of me, and when all I could see was smoke and debris, I ran out, sprinting to a broken window and jumping through. I landed onto the roof of another part of the destroyed castle, and I continued to run until I reached the grassy ground. There was still smoke even this far out, and I continued to run until I was far enough away to consider myself escaped. My revenge was done good enough for now - now I just had to get back to command.

He needs to STOP trying to go "back to command". Because realistically, they would have court martial his ass, arrested him, and put him on death row for the MANY heinous war crimes against a alien species ( Ponykind ) that COULD be a great ally to us if we were acting diplomatic in here.

But, thanks to this delusional suicidal moron! They would be "rightfully" provoked to declare war against all of us ( Mostly the U.S.A. ), due to one of our "marines" being a psychotic, genocidal, inhumane monster.

Anyone this delusional would not have made it through boot. He would have been discharged 4F

You’ve been on this site for eight years. Yet you think and write like a pretentious insecure 15 year old. How old even are you?

I would like to have a word with your parents. I think they can answer some questions I have.

I went berserk on him, brought him to the ground and kicked his ass until he was begging for me to stop. The other DI's came to stop me, but I kicked all of their asses too. It wasn't until I had destroyed over ten dudes before my rage had subsided and I let them take me. It was at that moment the higher ups knew I wasn't some ordinary guy - I was something special.

Okay. That right there tells enough. The author CLEARLY has no idea what he is talking about and from this he sounds like some little 13 y.o. who thinks because he played CoD that he means anything in the real world. Get real. This is not even a half-way attempt at a decent story. There is no real effort here. This is a 'I want people to think I'm cool so I'm going to lie because I'm too pathetic to actually be cool' to type story. Not only is this absolutely pathetic, the above described scenario would have some dick-head in prison for assault. And all that talk about beta males is simply idiotic. Whoever this author is, he needs to be introduced to reality and have his @$$ kicked by a dozen REAL Drill Instructors and stop insulting our service men and women who are better before boot than he will ever be.

Considering that the guy’s account is at least 8 years old, I’m terrified that a kid whose age was in the single digits was hanging around this site for years without anyone figuring it out. We need to contact his parents.

dude would've been court martialed on his first battle, no cap my man, hes fucking insane

does the author even watch the show or did he just watch some random episodes


I am an eight-year combat veteran of the Marine Corps. I joined in 1984, did tours in Honduras, Desert Storm, and other places I can't name. It is painfully obvious from reading this one chapter you have no fucking clue what it means to serve in the military, let alone the Marine Corps.

First of all, boot camp is in three phases. First phase is to acclimate you from being a raw civilian to the process of becoming a Marine. This involves grueling physical exercise and intense mental discipline. I don't care how buff you were before you joined the Service, you simply are not prepared for the physical training you'll be put through. I saw many men built like Rambo who washed out because they lacked the endurance to make it, and I saw many beanpoles, that looked like they'd never worked out a day in their lives (I was one of them) struggle through and make it.

Second phase is more intense training. As bad as it was for First phase, they up the stakes times ten for Second. This is when they begin the forced marches, the weapons training, and the close-order drills. You're being trained to no longer think as an individual but as part of a unit. Anyone, anyone, who shows they're still an "individual" (which is the worst insult one can be called at this stage) is finally rejected from the service.

Third phase is a bit more relaxed. By now, your body has been conditioned to the physical, and your mind has been sharpened. You are no longer a civilian: you have been once and FOREVER changed to be a Marine. Then, and only then, have you earned the right to wear the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor, and have ingrained in your heart the motto: Semper Fidelis.

Your protagonist would have been arrested and kicked out of service. Not the first day, because you have him "beating up his DIs." Drill Instructors aren't assigned until the third day you've been there. That's after three days of no sleep, military food, buzzcuts, and uniform issues. The purpose of boot camp is to make you a soldier, someone whom the other soldiers can trust their lives to, and a psychopath like your protagonist would not only get himself killed, he'd take everyone else with him. So he would never earn the right to be a Marine.

Another thing. You mention he was assigned to "Special Ops." That only happens AFTER you've proved yourself to be competent, and in the Marine Corps it's not called Special Ops, it's called Force Recon. A mere private fresh out of boot camp would never be assigned to an elite organization like Force Recon. There's a rank requirement, as well as needing recommendations from superior officers, and those take time. Your protagonist hasn't even learned how to handle an M16 yet, how could he be trusted to use the special weapons and tactics needed for an Elite? And forget the stupid idea of a civilian "kicking the ass" of a Marine Corps Drill Instructor. In reality, he would have tried to throw a punch, it would have been easily countered by ONE DI, and his ass would have been in the brig before he could blink.

This is what happens when your entire knowledge of the military comes from playing video games. You're ignorant, and you have absolutely no understanding of what it means to be a Marine. When you're old enough, put down the controller and try to enlist. IF you can pass the ASVAB, and make it through MEPS, it will remain to be seen if you can pass boot camp. If by some miracle you do, then and only then can you write this story.

Until then, show some fucking respect.


Don't ask me. I'm not the one that's making this. And thank goodness I'm not. :applejackunsure:

I came because cringe fic sounded funny, didn't think I'll find one in the comments too. Trying a little to hard sir.

Or writers could, you know, not write power trip fantasies about military type protagonists in a world that has no place for them.

Bruh literally just went

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

(Yeah, I know it's a Navy Seal copypasta, but shhhh)

(sigh) I know it's just a copypasta, but the original poster is so laughable in his feeble attempts to sound badass I just couldn't resist pointing out a few of the errors.

First of all, it's SEALs, not Seals. SEAL is an acronym, one that a member of that organization wouldn't mistake by describing themself as a cute aquatic mammal.

Second, and this is the worst giveaway, NO SOLDIER BRAGS ABOUT KILLING. The only people who do so either hasn't killed a soul, or are complete sociopaths. Neither belongs in uniform. Chris Kyle was the top sniper with 150 confirmed kills, so this idiot is claiming he has twice that number. Kyle reluctantly talked about it, and even he never mentioned a number; the was left up to the Pentagon.

Last, no one who had gone through the intense mental, physical, and psychological training to become a SEAL would risk his career by posting death threats to a minor because of something said on the Internet. If he were that easily triggered, he wouldn't have passed the rigorous examinations. What we have here is a keyboard "warrior" who has played way too many video games.

There's plenty more I could mention, but I think I've made my point.

The American sniper Kyle doesn't have Shit on the true OG sniper of Finland better known as the white death

The author must be past the point of no return, because this is one of the worst looking stories I have ever seen be related to the military to ever exist on this site.

I completely agree. I've spoken a few times with my late Great-uncle Lou, who fought on Iwo Jima with the Marines in WW2, and he would be ashamed to see this were he still around to.

Personally, I believe this needs to be either A: Completely rewritten or B: Deleted.

That's just me, though.

The author should grow the fuck up regardless. No soldier would ever act like this in any rational unit of any rational military service.

EDIT- ALSO..."instead of killing himself like a beta male"?

WTF. Author, delete this. Right the fuck now.

This is like, the most obvious trollfic ever put to screen

Couldn't have said it better myself.

If the author considers this a legitimate fic, he is sorely mistaken.

I would like to have a talk with your parents. Where can I contact them?


I highly doubt he will answer back to you? 😕


gorilla warfare

This at least deserves an award. Is this story supposed to be satire!? It's like a certain ex-president infiltrated fimfiction. No, it has to be a joke.

Had played some Modern Warfare 2 and 3 in the past, so I knew what I was doing.

A bit too coy to be taken seriously. Too bad it's not the first of April. You just couldn't wait, could you?

This guy writes like he’s the next Chris-chan.

Still fun to mess with him over it.

Comment posted by Deergenerate deleted Nov 27th, 2021
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