• Published 10th Mar 2021
  • 1,336 Views, 13 Comments

Deja Vu - luckyboys121

Even if your head has forgotten, your heart sill remembers

  • ...

Have We Done This Before?

As Sunset exited the school she soon caught sight of and smiled towards the green girl nervously smiling and waving at her as she said, "A little surprised to see you actually here, given how you've been kind of dodging hanging out with me."

Wallflower scratched her head saying, "Well I just think it's a little odd that you want to... I mean after all the stuff I put you through," as she turned away nervously.

Sunset responded by placing her arm on Wallflower as she looked at her with a smirk saying, "Hey, most people forgave me for what I did, I should be able to do the same for others."

Wallflower looked at the hand resting on her shoulder, before turning to Sunset's face as she suddenly started to blush as she bit her lip and turned away as she began walking.

"Woah... you OK?" asked Sunset as her still out stretched hand turned towards Wallflower in concern.

Without turning back to her she said, "I'm fine... let's just go... you said you wanted to hang out at the mall right?"

"Ye-yeah," said Sunset as she lowered her hand down and started following her.

The two walked in silence as Sunset began to think, "What was that about, I mean I know she was nervous about all this but that seemed like it was beyond simple nerves. I mean the sudden blush, walking away from me like that, and the way she bit her lip, she only does that when she's really freaked out and-" Sunset suddenly stopped as she realized what just went through her head as she thought, "Wait... how do I know that?" She didn't have much time to dwell on this thought though as Wallflower seemed to be continuing on and she quickly jogged back up to be next to her.

As the two soon got to the mall, Sunset did her best to put on a happy face as she said, "So um, what do you want to do first?"

Wallflower still blushed slightly as she looked away saying, "How about you pick the first place?"

Sunset thought on that for a moment as she said, "Hmm, well if you don't mind I need to pick up a jacket I was getting mended from Leather World."

Wallflower slightly chuckled as she said, "Seriously, how many leather jackets do you have?" as she pointed towards Sunset.

Sunset perked up at seeing that as she glanced down at herself with a smirk saying, "Firstly this is a leather vest thank you very much, secondly there is no such thing as too much leather."

Wallflower laughed harder at that as she said, "Still though... do we have to go there first?"

Without thinking Sunset suddenly said, "Well we can always stop by Sandalwood's New Wave Shack, we always could find stuff we both like there."

Wallflower's smile suddenly went away as she turned forward and began to stare blankly. Sunset tried to speak up saying, "Wait... did I just say that-"

She was quickly interrupted by Wallflower saying, "It was nothing, let's just go to Leather World."

Sunset held her head as she watched the girl run away as she thought, "Wha... what is going on? It's like... we've done this before?" As Sunset struggled to figure this out she reluctantly began following Wallflower as they reached the leather store. Sunset was quickly able to pick up her jacket as the two then awkwardly and silently made their way to the food court.

As Wallflower took a bite of a chicken sandwich, Sunset awkwardly poked at a salad. Sunset kept glancing at the girl trying to figure out what exactly was going on as she said, "Wallflower did you..." before trailing off unsure of what exactly to say. Wallflower looked away as she took a bite of the sandwich, this time letting out a slight jolt as she seemed to reluctantly swallow. Once again Sunset responded without thinking as she said, "Just toss the pickles into my salad like you always do."

Wallflower shook at that as she blushed and tried to munch on the sandwich even further. Sunset thought, "How do I know these things about her, and it's not just casual stuff either, I mean what stores we both like, subtle emotional signs, sharing food... it's almost like we," suddenly Sunset's eyes began to widen in realization as she placed a hand on Wallflower's arm asking, "Wallflower did we-"

Before she could finish though Wallflower once again blushed as she broke out of her grip and started running towards the nearest exit.

As Sunset followed after her crying out, "Wallflower wait!" she refused to turn back to her. As the two went out the door and made it their way through the parking lot Sunset attempted to probe her mind for an answer at what was going and what to say, and one never came.... at least not from her mind as she once again opened her mouth without thinking yelling out, "GREEN BEAN!"

Wallflower suddenly stopped dead in her tracks as Sunset struggled to slow down, finding stopping only a few centimetres behind her. Wallflower once again bit her lip as she looked down with a blush saying, "Do.. do you remember?"

Sunset thought on that as she said, "I... I don't know. But I do know I used to call you that," she then stared at the girl as she suddenly placed her hand on her back and began lightly rubbing as she said, "And I know you always calmed down when I did this."

Wallflower's breath suddenly stopped before settling as she took in this moment, almost never wanting it to stop especially given what she knew was coming next as Sunset asked, "The question is... how do I know all this?"

Wallflower sat for a moment before sighing as she said, "I think it's pretty obvious... after all there's only way you could know it."

Sunset nodded at that as she said, "We used to date... didn't we?"

Wallflower silently nodded in return as she sat on the ground with Sunset lowering to meet her, all the while still rubbing her back in comfort. "We did... and it was the happiest time of my life... maybe the only time I've ever really been happy."

"And you erased my memory of it?" asked Sunset.

Wallflower once again nodded as she slightly tensed up.

"Why? Did... we have a bad break up or something?" asked Sunset.

"No... worse," said Wallflower as she launched into the story

Two months ago in front of Canterlot High

Wallflower stood at the bus station dreading when it would arrive as she suddenly heard a voice call out to her, "GREEN BEAN!"

Wallflower blushed as she turned to the voice with a smirk saying, "I thought we agreed no pet names, Bacon Horse."

Sunset had a blush of her own as she said, "Oh come on, you know you love that name."

"Only because you say it, and I love you," said Wallflower as she crossed her arms and smirked at the girl before her.

Sunset suddenly became giddy at hearing that as she said, "And you know I love you too... even if I hate your nickname for me." Wallflower rolled her eyes slightly as Sunset continued saying, "But I do have another way to show how much I care about you."

It was at that point Wallflower noticed the bus rounding the corner towards them as she said, "Not that this isn't sweet, but can it wait, my bus is pulling up."

Sunset simply smirked at her as she said, "Oh you won't be getting on that bus."

Wallflower raised her eyebrows in confusion as she said, "What do you mean... I need to get on it to go to my house?"

"Perhaps, but you won't be going to your house," she then reached into her pocket and pulled out a key with a green bean shaped key chain on it saying, "You'll be going to OUR apartment."

"Wha-what!" said Wallflower in disbelief as she watched her girlfriend gesturing the key towards her with the most genuine smile on her face. "You're... you're not joking, you really want me to move in with you?!"

Sunset simply nodded as Wallflower continued saying, "That's crazy, we're still in high school... what would my parents say!?"

Sunset looked away slightly saddened saying, "Wallflower, you deserve to live with someone who loves you and helps you when you're stressed out, not just two people who barely ever talk to you and think a good way to stop a panic attack is to toss a few dollars your way and tell you to relax with a movie or something."

Walflower stared at this for a moment in deep thought as she bit down on her lip before reaching into her bag as she said, "I'm sorry Sunset but," she then pulled the memory stone out of her backpack as she said, "I can't let this happen."

"What do you-" began Sunset before finding herself blinded by a flash of light. She then blinked a few times before looking around as she saw a teary eyed green haired girl board a bus that quickly took off as she muttered, "Hmm, wonder what's up with her."

Sunset sat taking in the story as she said, "Wait, things where going well... then why did you erase my memory like that?"

Wallflower sighed as she said, "Because you may have been able to deal with me when we saw each other a few times a week, but if we lived together, if you saw just how often my anxieties got the better of me... I don't think you'd want to stay together."

Sunset thought on that for a moment before saying, "So... when you tried to make the whole school hate me?"

"Yeah... that was... a mistake. You know how it is, you break up with someone and to try and stop yourself from crying your eyes out you convince yourself the're awful and you're better off without them... and then I thought about how if other people said you where awful then I'd believe it easier and... one thing led to another," said Wallflower as she looked down in shame.

Sunset turned herself so that she was face to face with Wallflower as she looked deep into her eyes saying, "So then... why didn't you erase your own good memories of me then, would be a lot easier to think I'm awful if you did that."

Wallflower shuttered before looking up at her biting her lip once again as she said, "How could I, just forget about all the time we spent together. Your cute laugh, your gentle voice, the soft feeling of your hand on my back whenever I'm starting to lose it, and," she began to blush as she closed her eyes saying, "And the warmth of your lips on mine."

Suddenly that very warmth wasn't just a memory as Wallflower slightly opened her eyes to see Sunset had leaned over and begun kissing her. She looked on in disbelief before the two parted as Sunset said, "Like that."

Wallflower blushed as she said, "Yeah... that's it."

Sunset chuckled as she said, "Wallflower, I'm sure I knew living together was a big step and there might be some stuff about each other that neither of us where ready for... I bet you didn't know I use a horse shampoo."

Wallfower briefly chuckled as she said, "Seriously."

Sunset nodded as she said, "Yeah, I bet you would have recoiled a bit the first time you got a smell of that after I got out of the shower... but you and I both know you would have accepted it, just like how I could accept and even enjoy helping you relax everyday... I'm sure it would have been a lot better then the pain I probably felt thinking about you freaking out with no one there to help." Sunset then reached into her pocket as she pulled out a familiar green bean key chain saying, "And I'll still accept it."

"Wha-" said Wallflower as she stared at it wide eyed saying, "Why do you still have that?"

Sunset looked at the key as she said, "I'm not sure... I found it in my pocket and something just told me it was important to keep it on me for something... and I guess now I know what."

Sunset then glanced at Wallflower with a smirk as she began panting slightly as she said, "But... this is crazy!? You don't even remember dating me!"

Sunset chuckled at that as she said, "My head might not, but it looks like my heart still loves you... the question is does your heart still love me?"

Wallflower bit her lip once again before gulping as she said, "It never stopped," as this time Wallflower leaned over and kissed Sunset.

The two shared this moment of passion before getting up together and hand in hand made their way to their new shared home, to begin their new shared life.

Author's Note:

So then, this was something I didn't expect to write, but a friend tole me about this contest and I just love SunFlower so much I knew I had to at least try, and bam this idea hit me while I was at work.

I'm not sure how good it is but if I can have fun writing a cute ship fic and get a worthy charity a donation, then I'd already call this a win.

Anyway thanks for reading, hope you liked it, any constructive criticism is welcome, and have a great day.

Comments ( 12 )

Very cute, and I loved the premise. Thanks for entering!

This was so cute and pure and sincere :heart:

Thank you for writing it!


Glad you both like it, and thank you all for running this contest and getting me to write it in the first place :twilightsmile:

this actually reminds me of some stories I’ve heard and read about.

That part when Wallflower erased Sunset's memories when she bought a house for them was really tragic if you think about it.

This begs a question: how did Sunset miss owning a house? I can imagine she could afford it with gold from Equestria, but then she was left with a house she didn't remember buying.

Maybe it was her regular house and she just got Wally a copy of her key?

Hmm, now that I look at this scene, it never says Sunset bought a house, so maybe I got influenced by Horseus's comment (on a side note, that'd be one hell of an impulse buy...)

If Wally had said no (without the memory thing) it would have been extremely awkward. :rainbowlaugh:

Yeah, Sunset didn't just buy a house, she just had a copy of the key to her apartment made for Wallflower for her to move in there (sorry if that was unclear :twilightsmile:)

And then Sunset completely misses the point and comes back with a bigger house :rainbowlaugh:

Wallflower slightly chuckled as she said, "Seriously, how many leather jackets do you have?" as she pointed towards Sunset.

Sunset is stuck in the 1950's while the rest of CHS is in the 21st century. :pinkiehappy:

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