• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2020
  • offline last seen Wednesday


Newbie writer, Luna/Fluttershy Best ponies



Neil had everything planned carefully, His parents were heading out, his little sister was out at a sleepover. The house was his, and that meant he could finally use the drug that according to /Pon-E/ would transform him into a real pony, for a short twelve-hour span.

Nothing could ruin today...right?

This is a remastering of a Greentext originally written for the folks over at /PTFG/ on 4chan. If you'd like to read the original version Click here!

The first part of what I'm nicknaming the Pon-Efluffverse, So expect a sequel to this next month!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 13 )

A story spawned on 4chan... be afraid O_O

Most of my ideas get written as Greens and posted there first before I refine the prose version for here lol

when his mum finds out are we gonna get a luna "its not a phase"?

I make no promises either way

....yes if I can come up with more moon puns for that entire conversation

i was making a goth joke but seem to have made a moon pun.

Seems like this should be chapter based rather than needing a sequel/separate story. Regardless, very good read and looking forward to more.

The next one is following different characters to set them up before they get brought together with Luna

The only thing that might tip them off is if I was too loud.

Then better hope you are not transforming into the loud one...

The stairs to go downstairs loomed ahead of me, my stomach coiled into knots at the sight.

I hope you enjoyed the game QWOP...

Hopefully, the jokes about Alicorns all having massive flanks were true and should I slip, I’d have some padding.

:trollestia:: *angry (and secretly flustered) princess noises*

If she’d left her charger, why was she coming to the kitchen? I wondered until my eyes spotted it, plugged into the wall right by the kitchen table and opposite me. The white and pink plastic taunted me as if it had planned to lure my sister right towards me.

Charger: "Good. It's all coming together. Just as planned."

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

Not gonna lie.... I was hoping Neil would transform into Princess Luna's S1 Design instead. :twilightsheepish:

Oh, I can't wait to see what's to come.

Good story start! I wonder how old they are and where they're from though.
On to the next!

Neil is about 19 or so (I think I stated it in the original greentext but I might not have)
and this, Limelight and Violet Moon all take place in Atlanta

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