• Member Since 2nd May, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday


'I am made from the dust of the stars, and the oceans flow in my veins: here I hide in the heart of the city, like a stranger coming out of the rain.'


The body wakes. The body hungers. The body endures.

And so does She.

With great thanks to Suni herself for a quick and thoughtful spur-of-the-moment pre-read.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 13 )

Now write the one where ponies steal a changeling from Her by turning it into a pony. :scootangel:

Her hoof could not but be in it—holey and divine.


Also, I learned a new word today: foetor!

Also also as usual describing the experience of this story is beyond my talents. It’s almost dreamlike and yet dark, surely a nightmare although perhaps not (I suppose it depends on whose side you’re on) . . .

We make our choices as readers; we decide who is the good guy and who is the bad guy, and I made mine. You surely know which side I’d choose, and as such you can guess my opinion at the outcome [I’m being cautious to avoid spoilers].

What gets me is how close I came to considering the other view as the right one.


That was quick! :twilightsheepish: Thank you, as ever, for the kind words and evident wonderment (?!). I'm glad these half-mad little things keep providing some sense of narrative fulfilment.

It’s almost dreamlike and yet dark, surely a nightmare although perhaps not (I suppose it depends on whose side you’re on) . . .

Oh, absolutely -- just a matter of determining whether it's a nightmare you can wake up from. And so often, as per the semi-snarky comment in the author's note, we sometimes have about as much power as the not-quite-narrator when things go to shit.

What gets me is how close I came to considering the other view as the right one.

Neither of us would be the first to suggest that there's a certain comfort in being able to just let go. Just a matter of what, and to whom.

Her hoof could not but be in it—holey and divine.

A+ wordplay

Fascinating perspective. One could almost see it as a Zerg perspective rather than a changeling one. Great piece of xenofiction. Thank you for it.

Simply delightful. Masterful wordplay. :D

I'm getting really bad about actually responding to things. :twilightoops: Thank you both for your kind words, truly.

Changeling xenofiction -- and really any proper depiction of them as an appropriately rapacious alien horde -- seems to be severely underrepresented on the site. If y'all have any recommendations as to other works in that vein I might have missed, I'd love to hear 'em! :raritywink:

Thank you for recommending this. I tried writing in an alien mind once, in a Philomena story I no longer remember the name of. But I didn't take it nearly as far.

ShadowOf, how long did it take to write? Many drafts?

One, actually! Full story struck me completely out of the blue after work one day.

Maddening, I know. Wish that sort of serendipity would strike more often. :ajbemused:

You didn't revise?

For this one? Nope. Wrote it up, sent it to a friend, posted it.

AAAAaaaaAAAAH. :twilightangry2:
That's okay. I forgive you. :pinkiecrazy:

It builds, roiling through lung and loin, a hunting-song, a chorus, with the faintest hint of razor smiles.

This is a great sentence.

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