• Published 26th Jul 2020
  • 11,438 Views, 1,142 Comments

Twin Suns - Feynna

Suddenly dying sometimes leads to you questioning a lot of things. I am Summer Sol, twin sister of Celestia Sol, and this is my journey. If only I could go through it with my beloved... but maybe I will find her again? Perhaps I never lost her?

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Comments ( 96 )

So foreboding! At least Ocellus won't be staying an unknown, so there's that.
I'm guessing there will likely be a sequel story to this, going by the epilogue chapter.


I'm guessing there will likely be a sequel story to this, going by the epilogue chapter.

Well, I did write a rather lengthy Author's Note on chapter twenty-seven talking about what I'm currently occupied with. I don't know if and when a sequel to this story might come out, but I can tell you that a side story will be coming out. Maybe this year, maybe next year, I can't tell for certain just yet. :twilightsmile:

I have greatly enjoyed this story and I hope you DO write the sequel.

I mean, yeah. Then again, Summer isn't the only one there that would be able to bring that topic up and explain it in a way that doesn't beat around the bush.

Thankfully, Lulu was able to explain to Tia that Cadance was our daughter before she could get any ideas, so that was at least something I didn’t have to worry about anymore.

That's the thing about mainly writing from one perspective. The world doesn't stop just because the main character isn't there. I'm sorry if I did the scene injustice by that, but I made that decision purposefully because that topic of conversation would have just been too much at that point and I already had another conversation in mind that would have touched on that very topic in the epilogue. Having those conversations on two separate occasions would have become a bit too repetitive, even for me. So, while it is a very important subject, the 'death' of Tabetha kinda took precedence over Rose's death and reincarnation.

I didn't even think of that, but the similarity is striking, isn't it? Holy *fluffy bunnies*, I keep doing stuff like this unconsciously. >.>

Thank you for sticking around, dear. I can't promise it, but I'll try to do my best. I've toyed around with some ideas already, but lack of time and motivation kinda keep me from writing a sequel at the moment. At the moment, I've just fallen in love with the side story because it presents some interesting challenges to me and... well... changelings. *shrug*


Loved the chapter. Very unexpected storyline...

Unexpected in which way? :trollestia:

As good as it get for a happy ending for a potencialy huge desaster...

Dawww... No foursome? :fluttercry:

As bussy as the royals will be its no wonder the mane... 7-8? Will be. Hope they dont leave Spike behind. Instant Communication plus dragon by default!

Canterlot invasion is a gooo :derpyderp1:

That Summer didnt die permanently.
Or coming back like her pet Phoenix.
Something Phelomena will be interessted to hear i guess.

What an Great ride from start to end. There's even a little cliffhanger to åtta h a side story to. This chapter has certainly tied a lot of the loose ends Together.

I like it that Celly has been incredibly reserved and hasn't tried going for the ear once. She'd be surprised at how her little Summer had become a power bottom. Hopefully I'll live to see the day that Celly is finally forgives herself and is genuinely smiling again.

See you over at the Canterlot invasion when Ocellus attacks. Maybe someday we'll see Loving Thorns.

So sad to see it end, but so happy that I've been here for the ride and the future stuff to come.
Thank you for the wonderful story.


We finally know what has been helping Platinum all those years ago tho I'm willing to bet someone has already guessed it.

No one made a guess in that regard, but to be honest, it's pretty obvious when you think about it, isn't it? All of that set up with the backstory as to why they were summoned to Equis and whatnot...

I wonder if Celestia's elemental form is similar to Summer's and what even is Liz's and Cadance's being that their duty relates to emotions

Leaving Luna out there, aren't you? :trollestia:


What an Great ride from start to end.

Thank you. It was fun writing all of this and the funny thing is, it basically amounts to a very lengthy prequel to a heavily alternate version of MLP:FiM, doesn't it? :twilightsmile:

There's even a little cliffhanger to attach a side story to.

Nah, the set-up for the side story already happened several chapters ago. The scene with Ocellus merely sets up the sequel, if it ever happens.


Before I even wrote that scene, I knew that music had to be in there to make the scene justice. :raritywink:


Thank you for the wonderful story.

Thank you for reading it. I never thought this 'little' story of mine would get that much attention, to be honest. The downvotes I was pretty much prepared for, but... that many likes? That many favorites, bookshelves, and so on? Seven thousand views on the first chapter alone? Almost a thousand friggin' comments (granted, a lot of them mine)? Holy *fluffy bunnies*, I can only hope the side story gets a fraction of that attention. :heart:


Dawww... No foursome? :fluttercry:

Nopes. I toyed with the idea but it would have made the focus of the epilogue on the sex and not on the rest and that's something that I didn't want. Sorry. :raritywink:

Hope they dont leave Spike behind. Instant Communication plus dragon by default!

Considering he is recently hatched in this story... Sorry, but no adventures for infant Spike. :ajsmug:

Poor Spike :ajsleepy: No Spike the glorious, hero of the Crystal Empire :raritydespair:

What a ride this has been. I was here since chapter 12 and onwards as it was published, great job. Definitly one of my favorite stories so far.

Thank you, dear. :heart:

Got one last one over us with this epilogue huh?

Well if it happens I’ll be here. Great work with this story for the most part.

This has been a epic story, and I can't wait for the sequel!

Huh.. I wasn't expecting the story to finish up so soon

I mean... it has been going since Summer 2020, I wouldn't exactly call that 'wrapping up so soon', especially with almost 500k words. :twilightsmile:

Thanks, I guess. I know there were many things I could have done better (*cough* the crossovers *cough*). I'm glad I didn't screw it up that badly if 'most' of it was good. :3

I started reading this like a few weeks ago so it's very soon for me

This has been such an amazing story to read and watch slowly grow! I started reading this when there were only 4 chapters and woah. The progress in your own writing and in the world in which these characters live in is astounding! It’s definitely a story I would and have re-read. I would love to see your next story when you eventually share it!
I wish you lots of luck and enjoyment in your next project! :twilightsmile:

Thank you, dear. I have heard of some people enjoying re-reading this story, that really means a lot to me. :heart:

As for the next project, I hope I can get it to a point where I feel like I have enough pre-written so that I won't immediately run out of chapters. I'm currently working on chapter nine for that one and would like to get to at least fifteen. Twin Suns was at eighteen chapters before I felt sort-of ready, so I can't exactly say when the side story might be ready. Aside from that, I have a completely unrelated story I might start working on next, so a sequel for Twin Suns might not happen for quite a while. I'm still uncertain where that one might go, so I'd rather not say anything about that project-in-the-making just yet.

Yo estuve siguiendo esta historia desde que salió el primer episodio hasta el final y me encatnto cada episodio que salió me gusto tanto la trama,el suspenso y todas las referencias a otras series que me gustaron, me pone triste que haya terminado esta historia pero también es un final abierto para una posible continuación de la historia.
Pd: le gusto mucho la historia y saludos desde Perú 🇦🇹😁👍

Thank you, dear. :heart:

Yeah basically all the complaints are the crossovers, which I just found didn’t hold my attention that well?

A lot of that is my not having ever played WoW or watched too much RWBY though. I just don’t really feel attached to the crossovers’ other properties.

Otherwise I honestly enjoyed.

Noice, can't wait for the sequel to come out. Was most certainly a good storyline to explore.

Never seen a blank comment before

Eh, can't fault you there. To be honest, I have no idea how it could have gotten out of hand in the first place since I generally tend to avoid these kind of stories, too. Heck, the only ones I ever give a chance are with Celestia and Luna due to... well... their immortality and what not. Though, I have to say, chapter twenty is a bit late to come to that realization, isn't it? :raritywink:

I am very afraid to finish the last four chapters of this story. Every time I see it in my tracking, oh the nightmares come back. Stories, incomplete with update schedules so unholy it's more merciful to cancel the story. Of stories completed, only to know that it's The End. Nothing comes after, whether the end is happy, or bittersweet, dark, or sad. Nothing.


Welp, time to use horrible advice a friend once told regarding my list of stories I've nearly finished reading, "Save them up and then binge all the last chapters for rapid-fire disappointment." Or as I like to call it, instructions for depression, the gambling edition for whether you're satisfied or not.

If you end up depressed, I'm sorry. I do hope you enjoy the rest, though. :twilightsmile:

I nodded slowly, honestly impressed that she was this... insightful. And here I thought she would hate me for that. It seems I underestimated my sister. It wouldn’t be the first time, to be honest...

I mean, 1000 years on the moon gives a lot of time for somepony to do some... critical thinking, Summy.

*Foreboding noises*

How dare you!

No. NO. NU-

Moving on, it seems you've got everything wrapped up in a neat little bundle. NMM is done, you've prepared for discord via magical bullshitterymeans, Occelus is evvvil, Sombra doesn't stand a chance, Equestria girl's never happened... uhh, what came after that?

Oh right, the ascensions, Dissy's vines would've never been prepared to take more than the three original princesses, Tirek-... Hmm, might be prevented depending on if anypony wonders WHY THE GUARDIAN OF HELL ISN'T GUARDING- *ahem*, Equestria girls two-point-oh never happened, Starlight doesn't stand a chance, Starlight doesn't stand a chance two-point-oh, Equestria girls three-point-oh never happened, uhhhhh...

opens netflix

Flurry Heart doesn't exist, Equestria girls four-point-oh, Occelus three-point-oh is actually competent, possible Ocellus(?)/Storm king's invasion(?), what happened to Star Swirl again? Child competence, child competence two-point-oh, Dissy makes a mistake, and finally, Dissy's mistake is dues ex machina'd out of existence. Also, a child is petrified in stone, because this is somehow a children's show.

With the exception of events that'll never happen anymore. It looks like you've foreshadowed everything major event in some way, you monster.

How could you do this to us, we stayed with you from start to end! Oh, the painful existence of forced patience! I can no longer wait!


Okay, I'm done joking. What a way to the end series, right when another begins. I did however enjoy the Harry Potter crossover, not that I'm a fan of Harry Potter. RWBY will forever be my favorite crossover. From one story to the next the story went on. Though I definitely feel like the story was the strongest at the beginning. While the crossovers were fun, I found world-building was immensely enjoyable, getting to see new views, new idea's of Equestria.

The crossovers were a bit of an iffy for me at the start, but I soon found myself enjoying them. They defiantly added to the story than following(mostly) show cannon history. I don't know how I'd continue reading if it wasn't for those crossovers which not only took a break from Equestria but added something new to all future chapters. Honestly, I could go on and on, but I'll end this here before this already long comment gets long. I only have one thing to say.

You terrible, terrible monster! Ahhh:raritycry:

Really? I've seen a few, my guess is that they're just accidental presses on post without any content to the comment or edited that had everything removed., like so!

That's... wow. That's a very thoughtful review. Makes me feel appreciated for the effort I put into this story. :heart:

With the exception of events that'll never happen anymore. It looks like you've foreshadowed everything major event in some way, you monster.

Hmmm... I don't think I did everything. I didn't go into nearly every comic, for example. *cough* Cosmos * cough*...

While the crossovers were fun, I found world-building was immensely enjoyable, getting to see new views, new idea's of Equestria.

Oh, boy... if you thought Twin Suns had a lot of world-building, just you wait. Just. You. Wait. *laughs nervously, looking at the almost 200k words long side story still being in the 'prologue' territory*

You terrible, terrible monster! Ahhh :raritycry:

Yes. I am a monster. A monster addicted to votes and comments. :moustache:

Probably because I'm so new to the site tbh

Nice job! I enjoyed the story and interested in the stories you will make in the future.

Unhinged generosity and non-stop blabbing mouth, huh? The generosity part I get, but... the second part? In which way? Ah, well... I'm not going to stop you, if that's your opinion. Goodbye.

The Holy Cookie recipe of the Royal familie. Because mother knows best :coolphoto: But who would time trsvel back in time to get it? Summer or Luna?
It would be s very emotional moment for sure. Perhaps a day before her capture? Would give her strength to face her fate, knows that her daughters did well in the future and have one last gift for her daughters. Every Hearts Warming they bake Mothers Holy Cookies :pinkiesad2:

A fellow reader of culture i see :eeyup:

Don't mention that fantasy being fanfiction, nothing good is coming from that. :pinkiegasp: :pinkiecrazy:

Etc etc. Also i already read trough and know where they will be :applejackunsure:

It's a good one, best story that isn't mine ( since i read mine for proofreading etc ) was 20 times. Because that are the storys i let read in text to speech when i am sad...


Nothing can be explained anymore :rainbowderp:

Very fitting for the Epilog when Celestia returns. Pretty mutch reflection of Celestias mind in a way...

I can understand reading this story eight-time easily. I've read an incomplete fic at 1.1? 1.2? Million words at least three times.

when I read the description and the fact it's a crossover of RWBY and MLP it makes me think of this song.

Some study that researched severe genetic defects due to incest and me rounding up numbers since it was close enough to fifty. *shrug*

Roughly saying, for siblings chance to develop defect multiples for four from completely strangers. If you have 98% (this chance varies from individual to individual and depends on many things including age) to deliver healthy baby in normal circumstances then with your direct sibling this chance would decrease to 92%. Only if there would be each seventh or eighth baby to be born "ugly" in absolutely normal circumsances, chance of this in inbreeding would reach 50%. And I mean In all population. Which obviously isn't the case. If you don't have recessive negative feature in your DNA at all then no matter how many times you inbreed there's zero chance (almost zero because there's always chance of mutation) that this negative feature would surface. All population of cheetaches is deep inbreed by the way. With bottleneck of seven individuals (like Noah and his family but in reality).

Well, I'll concede to your superior knowledge, then. I do try to do as much research as I can while writing my stories, but... there's a lot of things I find more interesting and this topic was one of those 'Ask Google what the chances are and go with the first thing you find'. *shrug*

We can dump it to insufficient sex and biology education of protagonist (his/her profession have nothing with biology after all) and not enough science development of Equestria to worry for nothing. For all we know magic in Equestria could automatically prevent those ill effects from inbreeding altogether.

Yeah. Not to mention, who knows what kind of magical effects would stem from inbreeding. It does stand to reason that one inherits their proficiency for magic from their parents to some degree (as seen with Twilight and Shining Armor in the show)... that could have all kinds of effects with incest. *shrug*

Well, that was good fic in my opinion, though slightly overextended. There's obvious seed for sequel. What isn't obvious - when it would sprout. I hope not like those seeds of Discord.

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