• Member Since 21st Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Casual pony fan who's been meaning to write something down for way too long. I love friend-shipping, Rarijack, and gardening. Avatar by Toodles3702


After something of a secret revealed, Big Mac takes his sister to Canterlot to meet Orchard Blossom.
Applejack might not have a mother in her life to talk to, but maybe a big sister will be close enough.
Written for the Pride & Positivity event.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

This is nice! I like how Rarity smoothly shifts her reactions to whichever persona she's speaking to.
And as an added bonus, I didn't know about the Pride and Positivity event, so watching you meant I found all those other stories on that group, to read as well. :)

Thanks! Rarity plays a small part in all of this, but she's a delight to write for.
And glad you could find out about the event, and just in time! (and glad I was able to slip in under the wire) I still need to catch up myself at all the fics.

A nice story.

I really like this! Please, continue when you can.

Are you going to continue this?

Oh celestia this is so lovely <33 I love Mac and Rarity's friendship here, it really shows how they've bonded over Orchard Blossom!

Oh this is a delight! You write these characters so well.

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