• Member Since 21st Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Casual pony fan who's been meaning to write something down for way too long. I love friend-shipping, Rarijack, and gardening. Avatar by Toodles3702


Twilight needs to break up with Sunset. It might be easier if they had actually been dating in the first place.

Unfortunately neither one is especially good at this whole romance thing.

Written for Oroboro's Sunset Shipping Contest: Endings

Proofread by Lysander

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 21 )

Wow. At first I thought this story would be a heartbreaker but it really ended in a nice way for two friends wanting to be friends in the end. As much as I like shipping these two, this fic shows a good example of subverting expectations to a realistic satisfying end.

10/10 my friend.

P.s: They wouldn't really date after this would they?

Glad to hear it! I wanted to do a good breakup for this contest, because they do exist (with a little heartbreak, granted), and these two seem like even if this were to happen, they care about each other enough to keep being friends.
Thank you for the kind words!!

PS- well, they do have a friend-date after this (which are great, btw). But I don't see them as ever being together romantically, they enjoy each other too much as friends. But hey, imagine what you like :raritywink:

Sweet! I'll imagine then away :raritywink:

Uwu this. Uwu, this.

Rarity insisted that ice cream was essential to any good break up.

"Which Rarity?"
"Both. And a third I summoned to improve the sample size, after she stopped screaming."

In any case, wonderfully done realistic breakup. They don't all have to be grand melodramas of shattered hearts and tears by the bucket. Sometimes it's just a matter of fixing a mistake before it gets any worse, for both your sakes. The orbital subtheme was a very nice touch. And I have to appreciate any story that can work in "Or worse... fanfiction." Thank you for a great read, and best of luck in the judging.

Heh. This was fun. I'm not reading most of the entries to this contest, but I'm glad I read this one. Probably because it was actually more like a beginning than an ending. Delightful character work, anyway, and the right blend of emotional drama and comic moments. Good stuff!

:twilightsmile: what greater compliment could I ask for?

If anyone would summon someone from a different dimension to improve a sample size... it'd be Twilight. Or Sci-Twi. Which is almost the same but different.

I completely agree- most of the real life breaksups I've known are smaller than you'd expect just looking at popular media, especially if both continue to respect each other. You said it right- it's fixing things before they get worse, sometimes that's a mistake, but sometimes it's a simple as lack of genuine chemistry.

Thank you for the lovely comment! :twilightsmile:

The first part was funny then it was sad when Sunset realized her feelings. The end was sweet.

Thank you for reading this! (I was going to try and read all of the entries... that was overly ambitious of me)
I'm glad it came across as a beginning, because it can become the start of an even better friendship.
In fact, when I was 'researching' for this by watching the Forgotten Friendship film, I could easily picture the two of them as being former exes to friends, it reminded me of my friendship with my ex. There's a certain closeness and understanding that I could relate to.
Thanks for the great comment :ajsmug:

This is a great romance tale.

You make fun of all the tropes of romances yet somehow stick to said tropes and make a great Sunlight fic that while cringey was also entertaining especially with Sunset's obviousness of the relationship.

And the best part was that a random dialogue from earlier comes full circle near the end. Fittingly poetic since it takes about the Earth's revolution.

Like and Fav for sure!


This was wonderful, cute, heartfelt, well-crafted, and fluffy all at once. I had a grin on my face the whole way through. Great job, and best of luck.

Author Interviewer

Ugh, yes, give me more.

If this wasn’t a ridiculously good drama comedy I dunno what is!

Loved it, great job. Adorable ending and read overall.

You know I’m surprised that Twilight didn’t reveal at the end that the only reason for the breakup was because she read the obligatory break up scene in her ‘research’

“¡También encajamos muy bien juntos!” Twilight continuó, ignorándola. “Antecedentes similares, sueños y metas de vida similares… más o menos. Yo soy Virgo, tú eres Cáncer, ¡tenemos un 98 % de compatibilidad!”.


“¡Y… y además!” Dijo Twilight, todavía un poco maníaca. “¿Quién no ama a los enemigos a los amigos a los amantes?”

that's so me

Okay you just made me sad and confused then happy then contented, good job for giving me the feels

And I'm glad you both broke up on equal terms. Hope you're still doing well and thank you for this wonderful and lovely story!

Aw, thanks!! I haven't been around in ages but still kicking :twilightsheepish:
It's nice coming back to this and for sure I'd have to end it on a happy ending, I adore these two and can't tell if I like them more as friends or more, but this was very fun.
Appreciate the good vibes!

Absolutely hilarious. Nice to see someone who isn't Twilight be the oblivious one for once.

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