• Published 21st Aug 2012
  • 8,511 Views, 69 Comments

Divine Intervention - Closer-To-The-Sun

Rainbow Dash makes a visit to the library to find Spike at home. As the two chat and hang out, Dash is beginning to ask herself some personal questions.

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Ch. 5 You

Chapter 5: You

Celestia's sun shined down upon Ponyville. It was a warm and pleasant day for all the ponies that were out and about. One blue pegasus, however, was a bit uneasy as she flew towards the library. Rainbow Dash, who convinced herself the night before to follow her friend's advice about being forward with her feelings, was in a panicky state. She couldn't help but feel nervous. Dash never had to tell anypony how she felt about them, and most of the time she didn't feel a need to. But now, she was given the task to tell Spike how she felt about him.

'Coming on, Rainbow Dash! You can do this. I mean, its just Spike, right? What's the worst that can happen? He's a little shrimp and it's no big deal if he finds it weird, right?' the pegasus repeatedly tried to calm herself, but to no avail. She didn't have enough time to as she arrived at the library's front door. Taking a deep breath, she knocked at the door.

"Coming!" a voice called from the inside, causing Rainbow to gulp. The door opened to a small purple dragon with a smile on his face. "Oh, hello Rainbow Dash! You come by to continue reading Seven Guards?"

"Uh, hey Spike. No, actually, I'm here to talk," Rainbow's voice sounded firm, but her body was slightly shaking due to her uneasiness.

Spike tilted his head, "Talk? Well, I think Twilight went out to help Cheerilee with her class today. But I'm sure she'll be back around dinner time."

Dash replied, "That's not what I mean. I'm here to talk to you, Spike."

"Me?" the dragon was puzzled, "About what?"

Rainbow's face became slightly pink, "Can we go inside and talk?"

"Um, yeah….sure," Spike moved aside so the pegasus could enter.

Once inside, Rainbow looked towards the dragon and tried to think of how she could word what she wanted to say without it making them both feel weird.

Spike looked at Rainbow Dash was asked, "Am….I in trouble?"

"Huh? What?" the pony was confused, "No, no, nothing like that. I just wanted to talk to you."

"Okay….about what?" Spike's voice still was one of a filly that was in trouble.

Looking away from the dragon, Dash spoke, "Well, remember you going on that dragon migration? During that when Twilight, Rarity and me were spyin' on ya, I noticed you were pretty cool and gutsy doing all of that by yourself. And after being pressured by those jerk dragons, you still did the right thing. I guess I never paid too much attention to ya, but I see now that you're a pretty awesome guy. It's a shame we never really got a chance to hang out until recently, ya know? So, yeah….that's what I wanted to say. Sorry it seems weird and all."

Rainbow Dash looked up to see Spike smiling at her, "You really mean all of that?"

Dash's cheeks became a shade of pink again as she looked away, "Yeah, I mean it."

"Wow….thank you, Rainbow Dash. And all this time I thought you hated me," Spike commented as he rubbed the back of neck with a claw.

The dragon's words surprised the pegasus, "Really? How can I hate such a cute little runt?" Rainbow trotted over to Spike and placed her hoof on his head, roughing his head up a bit.

"Hey, I'm not cute!" Spike sounded sore at her joke but his face had a smile, "I'm a dragon, you know!"

"Well, how about I treat the dragon to some gems? I do want to get to know my new friend better," Rainbow Dash offered with a smile.

Spike's face lit up at the pegasus' suggestion, "Sounds good to me!"

Rainbow allowed Spike to hop on his back and the two exited the library towards the center of Ponyville.

Inside her head, Rainbow Dash spoke to herself one final time, 'I guess I can't be fully honest with him right now. But I guess there's not harm in waiting until he get's older. Sure, he might be a little squirt now, but he'll be a pretty cool dragon when he gets older. Maybe then I'll tell him….'


Comments ( 40 )

Huh, I didn't expect that ending (since most of your stories end the same way). Still, it's an interesting couple. Well played :moustache:

A nice end... but I still want more

1132273 I'm not right often, but when I am it's a doozy.:ajsmug:

1132273 Eh, it's just speculation. This was written some time ago and I took some liberties. I mean, who knows, maybe she lives in the outskirts of Cloudsdale as well? xP

Wonderful es always. I especially like the ending, your other stories feel a bit rushed especially there. This one was kind of nicely paced.


Whoa, thanks for the super kind words! I know I'm no where great yet. But still, thanks for the complement!


This is mostly speculation, as we don't know exactly where she lives (yet), but granted, I took liberties with this story (not as much as Combat Baby, though).


You could also consider her house IS a cloud, maybe it's like a Pegasus Mobile Home?

A 'Whinny'-bago, if you will :raritywink:

With that considered, Cloudsdale would be a like giant trailer park

Not a bad story at all. Makes me want a sequel. :duck:


Any bit of writing experience helps. And don't be too modest, you earned yourself that praise :twilightsmile:

3055621 3056218 If I may throw my two bits about that, I see Twilight trusting Rainbow Dash's judgement. Sure, she's a bit....Rainbow Dash, but they are still friends, are they not?

3056224 Well, thank you very much!


No. To the monn with her! :trollestia:

3056335 Well, it all worked out nevertheless, did it not? Though, Dash couldn't admit it to Spike how she feels.

When your a sibling you can't help but treat your siblings the way you always have. Twilight will always see Spike as a lovable baby dragon, and it will drive Spike up the wall all the time.
Twilight is not well versed in love.
BUT, she does know that Rainbow Dash is her and Spike's friend and I think that she will think that RD would'nt do anything that would hurt Spike no matter how reckless she may get.
And lastly, Twilight loves Spike, so if he has a chance for happiness she is not going to get in his way. If things go south, however, she will be there for him at the drop of a fedora, with open forelegs.
But that's just what I think

3056396 3056427

Okay, okay. It seems I've been overruled. :twilightsheepish:

Yes, Dash is a great partner for Spike - at least in this story. However, hentaispyder - the whole reason I started this thing here was because I found Twilight a bit too understanding of the whole situation. After all, I growl at every friend my little sister has even though I know she knows what's best for her. It's a sibling thing to at least attempt to threaten a little bit. The complete lack here...well, it rubbed me the wrong way. That is and always was my only point. I still like the story quite a lot and I like how it turned out. Just this little conversation...:ajsleepy:

3057378 Well, Twi knows how Dash is, so maybe she knew it all along? Twilight's mind kinda does work on a different level than most, in my opinion. I understand where you are coming from and in retrospect, I think I could of and should of touched more on it. I apologize for that.

Being the youngest of three boys I have had an instance where my older brother watched out for me and I'm thankful, however I don't have a sister so based on my limited knowledge of women I believe Twilight would be supportive of Spike and RD and of course, rip her head off if she ever hurt Spike.
But that's what I believe.

Oh god, that conversation...I'm overwhelmed, really. I also didn't want to make the author himself doubt the story. :twilightoops:


Well...it is your story. And to be perfect, how do we know if magical talking ponies capable of flying or magic don't treat each other differently? You wrote a good story and I liked it from the beginning to the end. It seems you are 'closer to the sun' already? :twilightsheepish:

As for Twilights mind working different...well, she knows a great lot of magic and many different spells. She knows pretty much all she ever read and she still didn't reach her 'limit' of learning new things. So she can at least store information quite well - and use it readily ever after.


Believe me, even having sisters doesn't give you much insight in women, just in those you are related with.
Also, I like your beliefs of Twilight. I don't really think she would 'really' rip her head off RD's head - but a good fight or some bad ending of their friendship is sure to come. So yeah, I kind of share your believe.

3071745 Hey, I always doubt myself after I finish something, but once it's done, I can only do so much to change it. But hey, hindsight is always 20/20. Doesn't mean I can't learn from it and use it for future stuff. Besides, oneself is always one's hardest critic.

Anyway, I am glad you liked it. But also, touching on Twi being supportive but still cautious about Dash with Spike, it could be touched on later. From the reactions I've gotten, a lot of people want a sequel where Dash finally tells Spike. I can really touch more on Twi there. So time will tell.

3072006 True words I can't really add to in any way, shape or form anymore.

As for a sequel - I'd like to see the others react to the whole new relationship in their midst. Other than maybe a conflicting love-interest, those little things aren't shown too often. Also, you can have a lot of fun when Twilight is freaking out about RD's and Spikes relationship even after giving them her thumbs...err hooves-up? Just think of Lesson Zero...:pinkiecrazy:

3073271 Yeah, the sequel idea could be real fun with Dash and Spike with everypony's opinions, reactions and what not. Maybe it'll happen. I did make a sequel to a one-shot with Big Mac and Rainbow Dash that people really enjoyed.

3073727 Curse my mind (and the time, it's like 2 AM here) but there is so much stuff you could write about - what if one of the others think that Spike would take any mare because he can't be with Rarity?
What if Pinkie Pie tries to throw them a surprise party at the exact moment they try to be romantic (or even uh...physical in their relationship)?
What if Rainbow Dash gets a lot of flak because Spike is younger than her? Or because her reputation of being a cool bad'flank' comes to bite her in the ass?
Or there could be some scorned love-struck pegasi who want another go with Dash and Spike is in the way? You could even bring back the other dragon-youths and have them judge Spike because of Dash...

...so much ideas to write down and I'm unable to write my own stories :ajsleepy:
Ah well, to each his own I suppose? :applejackunsure:

3074104 Plenty of great ideas, but Dashie is going to have to admit to Spike before anything like that can happen.

And I completely know where you are coming from. I have too many stories, fan-fics and my own works, that I can barely get anything written. Well, hooves crossed that the sequel happens and my muses work with me.

3074256 That...is true as well. And Rainbow 'Swag' Dash admitting something that could be considered weak, or leave her looking bad? Well, it sounds like a tough decision to me. (Not really but I'm a hopeless romantic so my worldview is twisted slightly in these cases)

Well...you can always ask around for writers that might help you with the sequel? Not me, I'm terrible at writing stories (even with other people around) but you know...just the idea of a second author you don't want to make mad/sad/annoyed might push you and your muses forward with a story.

3080288 Well, admitting will put Dash in a compromising situation and make it interesting. That's part of the fun of fan-fics, making stories interesting, putting characters in unique situations and seeing how they react.

Well, I pitched one idea to a friend who is more likely to do well with the story than I (the story is more in his specialty than mine). And with my muses, it's a love/hate relationship. Sometimes they work wonderfully with me (like with 'Space Oddity', 'Be Strong Now', 'Prolonging The Magic', 'Dear Spike!'). But other times, they curse me ('Love Spreads', 'Cough Syrup', 'Go!',). But then again, this is just my opinion of what I wrote.

2315117 "Whinny-bago"

That was so funny i forgot to laugh.

sorry had to point that out. gotta love the pony puns. and that was a rather clever one lol

3930936 Slow stories aren't my cup of tea. I like to dive right in, I guess. I'm more for having it just get into it. Simply said, I have a weird writing style, as well as everything else about my writing.

Ehh I'll respect that. Quick as the story was, i still enjoyed it. ^^

3946845 Glad you enjoyed it. There is a sequel, you know.

great work
despite the chapters being on the short side, they were very potent great job!

Hmmm hmmm hmmm:moustache:

4454074 I'm assuming that you approve of the story.

Can I just say how brilliant it is how you had Rainbow Dash of all characters be the one to choose to wait something out? Good read, mate. Thumbs up.

5289097 Thanks for reading and the comment! Be sure to check out the sequel as well!

And now for the second story, a bit surprised on the way it ended but you did really great, always really admired your stories, you're a great writer. I shall read on.

6026241 Oh, I'm glad you enjoyed this and the rest of my stories. And thanks for the compliment about my writing.

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