• Member Since 31st Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


Sorry for being a Starlight Glimmer apologist


This story is a sequel to Going Through the Motions

No pony said that pregnancy was easy, still the whole ordeal catches them both by surprise.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 34 )

Dr. Healing Touch? Have you played the Trauma Center games or is that just a coincidence?

And that's how Luster Dawn was born

This story really made me smile, especially when Starlight was upset at having to wait a week to find out. These 2 are my most favorite 'shipped' ponies in the whole series and seeing them facing such a big change just set the ideas for a 'aftermath' story of this moment whirling around my brain super quick. Good showing!:scootangel:

Thanks a bunch! Writing about this pair always bring me joy especially in these kind of situations, which can either break or make a relationship, but like you read in the rest of the story the made it out of course.

DANG IT, forgot to write that joke in the notes!

That's a coincidence! I never played those games, just thought a literal name for a pony doctor would suit better for the MLP universe.

Should’ve been triplets cause why not.

I didn't know I needed this until I read it.

Just the idea of Starlight and Sunburst taking their relationship to the next level, maybe even skipping a few, is amazing. Despite all their nerves about the situation, they're committed to the idea of raising their foal together. It's all really beautiful. Shame that they needed that surgery, though. Many ouchies abound there.

This! This so much! Luster Dawn's design had me thinking 'Starlight and Sunburst's kid' right off the bat.
A missed opportunity, truly. But hey, at least you like the theory that she's their kid. Great avatar by the way, I love how Sunburst looks so done with everything. It also helps visualize Sunburst's feelings when things like his mom reacting to the pregnancy drive him up the wall.

This is such a lovely comment :heart: :heart: Totally made my night, thanks!

Just the idea of Starlight and Sunburst taking their relationship to the next level, maybe even skipping a few, is amazing.

Sunburst and Starlight always struck me as a pair that would do everything out of order lol. I mean, Starlight went from villain to hero and Sunburst went from dropout to a renown researcher, their relationship kind of went through the same thing: from strangers to something much more.

A missed opportunity, truly. But hey, at least you like the theory that she's their kid.

Funny thing about that, I dropped some hints in the story, especially in the final chapter, to indicate that their baby is Luster Dawn, in fact I had a whole scene with Sunburst suggesting the name, but I pulled a Jim and decided to leave it vague enough for those that don't support the theory.

Great avatar by the way, I love how Sunburst looks so done with everything. It also helps visualize Sunburst's feelings when things like his mom reacting to the pregnancy drive him up the wall.

And this avatar is my favorite so far, it's practically the face I make when writing my stories and thinking of ways to further torture Sunburst and Starlight , and I adore cocky-Sunburst, I need more of that in my life.

This story is very adorable and could really do with a slice of life sequel with them raising their little girl. :3

Not sure if I can pull enough material to justify it's own fic, but I think I can write some drabbles and publish them in the Bits and Pieces collection, so keep an eye out for that

I actually designed two Next Gen OC's before the Luster Dawn was revealed, maybe one day I'll write about them.

Poor Starlight.......
Nothing is worse than throwing up. Nothing.

You're welcome! Thanks for the confirmation that the baby is Luster. Also, that's a weird face to make when writing. :rainbowlaugh:

This was enjoyable. I coulda gone for a longer tail too but it worked as you made it so yea.
I look forward to seeing (hopefully) some of them and their daughter in your Drabble short snippets story and maybe even her as their flower girl?

This was a very sweet story! I especially enjoyed the focus on the way their lives had to change from being just boyfriend/girlfriend to being actual parents with actual responsibilities. It felt very, very real, and made me think about my own relationships differently.

I have to ask: are you a parent yourself?

Either way, thank you for this!

I thought of making a longer story, but in order to do that I would have focus on other things (which would skirt close to alternative universe territory/my personal headcanons) and I didn't want to drag it longer than I had too. So that's why I only focused on Starlight's pregnancy, but I left some hints on how their life changed during the pregnancy, hopefully you can fill in the blanks :raritywink:

Wow! Thanks man! Comments like this always make my day :heart: I'm glad you enjoyed my story. And to answer your question: no, I'm not a parent (my only baby is my cat does that count?) but I'm quite empathetic, so when I hear people with kids sharing their experiences and how it changed their lives, I listen. I also did research about human pregnancy and horse breeding, to get the symptoms right, though I admit I glossed over some details, but nothing to egregious I hope.


You know, if the foal ends up being Luster Dawn, you could say that her name came about because Starlight and Sunburst conceived her during the dawn in a time of lust.

that's not far from what actually happened I mean, suuuure lets go with that

or leprosy.

“Alright, alright,” her dad says apologetic. “Just making sure I know who I have to kill if things go south.”



Totally only because they’re so bad they’re good, so she can pass her time between chores and relax, because sometimes she wants to read something stupid and corny, and no she doesn’t actually enjoy reading these cheesy romance scenes and she certainly doesn’t imagine Sunburst doing any of that crap for her because she’s not an angsty teenager anymore dammit!

I can totally see Sunburst coming in unexpectedly and asking her what she's reading, then her yelping and saying it's nothing before shoving the book underneath a pillow.

I love Starlight's friend group.

“Besides, if I thought you were going to be less than amazing at this, do you think I’d let you put this baby in me in the first place?”

This is an awesome line.


Well, Lil Cheese is a thing, and his cutie mark is literally a cheesy pie.....


Firelight doesn’t answer. Instead he goes limp and faceplants into his half-eaten plate of smash potatoes and peas.

Hm...I've had mashed potatoes, wonder what 'smashed' are like.

Very feels-filled and delightfully fluffy in all the best ways. I hope you write more!

“We’ve only been dating for two years. I thought we had plenty of time before committing.”

You do , in fact you guys don't even have to get married if you don't want to, I don't think a child should be your only basis for getting married

what a cute story.

its really good :twilightsmile:

a sequel of him proposing? and Luster getting accepted into the schools and how she becomes Twilights student?

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