• Published 18th Aug 2012
  • 3,093 Views, 32 Comments

Bullets of Fire - BlackWater

Everyday life of the Wonderbolts. Things start to heat up when Spitfire trains for the deadliest stunt yet: Celestia's Bullet.

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Extra - Blue Feather


Tap tap.

A blue forehoof clacked against the tile floor of the academy's shared shower. Water was running across it from the downpour. The shower cubicle itself was steamy, with hot water wetting every inch of a rainbow-maned mare. She brought the tapping forehoof to her mane as the other turned the water flow off.

The soap was out of the mess but the multi-colored strands were shielding her eyes from seeing anything. She had to brush repeatedly at them to clear up her view enough to find the towel. The shower curtain made a shushing noise as it was moved aside and one dripping wing lifted the large towel from the small bathroom table that provided such niceties. Every thread of the towel was new and still very plush with the Wonderbolt logo proudly sewn through its surface.

The pegasus sighed but it wasn't for the work she had just been through to get herself spotless. It was for her nervousness. She hadn't understood why she had needed to take a shower halfway through the day's training. Spitfire herself had come to her in full regal dress on the cloud track route and ordered both a shower and an audience in her office.

It just didn't make sense. She had never been ordered to the office like that and why the shower? With a dark bit of dread, Rainbow Dash worried that her reserve trainee status had been closed and she was going to walk into that office to receive instructions to pack up and never return. This was her dream. She couldn't lose it after she had just begun to taste what it might be like.

The drying was over and the soaked towel was hung up over the shower rod of the stall she had used. The steam had already been blown away by the overzealous bathroom vent, leaving a chill to strike across the mare's coat. She attempted to get the warmth back by working up an energetic trot out of the bathing quarters. Normally, the place would be packed with the other trainees and every shower stall would be in use, but the odd time she had needed to use it left her as the only occupant. The next moment, it was empty again.

Rainbow lightly bit her bottom lip as she made her way through the building's hallway up to Spitfire's office. She stopped in front of the door with the little fogged glass window and bold type that spelled “Captain Spitfire” and “Office.” A deep breath didn't help as much as she wanted it to. It was the moment of truth, but she still failed to come up with any positive reason that her personal idol requested her presence. Her most optimistic guess was that Spitfire wanted to scold her for pulling some dumb trick out on the track.

With no more assurance, Rainbow pushed open the door and strode in with head held high. She faked her pride in the hopes of seeming professional. Perhaps Ms. Harshwhinny was right and it would help. It didn't.

There she was. Spitfire was dressed in full captain's uniform. Her sunglasses rested in their folded state before her. It couldn't possibly escape the Element of Loyalty's notice that the room was packed with other pegasi as well. Neither could it escape her notice that each pegasi was outfitted in their official dress uniforms, making the crowd look like some top-dog assembly of military officers. Their serious expressions fully supported that image.

There were eleven total, including the captain. Instead of a cramped grouping, they were spread around the back of the room in a rough crescent facing the door. Every eye was on her and, though she immediately felt too small to look at them on the level, she knew who each of them were. She had been an avid fan of the group for too long not to know their names and faces by heart. From left to right were Blaze, High Winds, Fleetfoot, Rapidfire, Soarin', Spitfire, Surprise, Misty, Silver Lining, Fire Streak, and Lightning Streak. They were the Wonderbolts. Every single one of them minus Wave Chill, who had been publicized as being honorably discharged some months prior.

What in all of Equestria? Such was Rainbow's frightened thought. It was like the greatest dream and nightmare all at once. She was alone in a room with all of the Wonderbolts. She had obsessed over them for so long but her lack of understanding gave her only fear.

“Rainbow Dash,” Spitfire announced from behind her desk. The orange mare folded her forehooves. “Please close the door behind you.”

Rainbow hadn't even thought about the door. She had been so overwhelmed. It was kicked close far harsher and louder than she intended to, which made her wince.

Spitfire didn't mince words. “You are to keep your mouth shut and your ears open for this. Understood?”

The blue pegasus trainee shook her head immediately and was as silent as the grave.

“Good,” the captain said and kept her hooves crossed.

The other Wonderbolts didn't move or smile. They just stood there like stone statues and seemed to almost peer down upon the rainbow rookie.

“Do you know why you're here, Ms. Dash?”

Rainbow shook her head just as fast. She remained quiet and Spitfire rolled her eyes while groaning. Soarin' frowned and Surprise snickered. It made Rainbow wilt and feel like a total failure.

“Your acceptance to this academy was made in the good faith that you might make a good Wonderbolt someday,” Spitfire lectured with a frown. “You have completely failed to meet those standards. I don't even know what to say, Ms. Dash. I'm having to make an exception to our normal policies just so I can remove you from the trainees.”

Rainbow's pupils shrunk in horror. She couldn't stop the terrified words coming from her mouth. “N-no! H-how?! I...I saw the score board. I beat every record since I arrived!”

Various Wonderbolts started snickering now at her response.

Spitfire shook her head. “I'm going to have to ask you to pack up everything you have at the trainee barracks. And the trainee suit...I'll need that back too.”

Tears formed in Rainbow's eyes. This was not happening. This was not happening. Her dream was shattered right in her hooves and the Wonderbolts, her life idols, were laughing at her. Spitfire arose from her seat behind her desk and stepped coolly around to the broken blue mare.

Rainbow looked up to see the captain's forehoof rise. It looked like she was about to throw a punch to her face and Rainbow flinched with eyes closed in full expectation of the hit.

A moment.


And then a warmness was around her. Rainbow Dash opened her eyes to realize that Spitfire was hugging her. Hugging her. A whisper drifted into her ear from the orange mare's mouth so close to it.

“Thanks for signing up, Rainbow. You've really been an inspiration. I just prefer to hug a non-sweaty inspiration when I have the option – in case you were wondering.”

Spitfire pulled back to smile at the dumbstruck and still teary pegasus. She continued much louder this time.

“You failed to meet the standards because you redefined them. You're the greatest trainee we've ever had since opening the academy. I'm canceling your status as trainee and having you pack up because you're simply no longer a trainee.”

The Wonderbolts around them still seemed to be grinning and snickering at the confused look on Rainbow's face.

“C'mon, Rainbow,” Spitfire finally giggled. “Don't you get it? You got Promo Uno.”

“Huh?” Rainbow finally squeaked out.

Soarin' couldn't take it anymore and had to shout it plain and simple. “You're a Wonderbolt, you crazy filly!”

The blue pegasus of question opened her mouth to have nothing come out of it. Her heart raced but her mind failed to register the revelation.

Spitfire took her in her forehooves again and swung her around towards her new teammates. “Oh, this is no good. We've got to get her into this.”

“Maybe a party?” Blaze suggested.

Soarin' brightened at that. “Yeah! With apple pie!”

“Can we get out of these stuffy things now? You had your fun, Fire,” High Winds complained in her miffed fashionista tone. “They itch!”

Misty dove onto Rainbow Dash, who was jerking her head this way and that. “I really like her mane!”

Silver Lining joined in. “New Bolt Group Hug!”

It was a free-for-all after that. All eleven of them piled onto Rainbow in a massive hug that tackled the poor mare to the ground. Spitfire managed to beat her way close enough so that she could see eye-to-eye with the new member.

“Is my rainbow Wonderbolt's mind reporting for duty yet?” the captain laughed.

Rainbow was now crying for all the joy and relief she felt burning in her heart. It now beating with the rhythm of somepony who had everything she always dreamed of. “Yes ma'am!”

“Stop calling me ma'am,” were the words that echoed in Rainbow's mind as she sat down to what was probably going to be the best party she had ever experienced in her life. Of course, it was a Pinkie Party in Ponyville. The captain had let her choose everything for her promotion celebration and there wasn't a snowball's chance in Tartarus that she wouldn't have it with her friends.

Soarin' was staring like a madpony at the apple pies Applejack had made for the occasion. He only barely restrained himself from diving in because the party had to officially start first. They were all eager for the festivities to begin, though. All five of Rainbow's friends were present as well as the entire lineup of Wonderbolts. Without the suits or uniforms, they really did look a whole lot more like average pegasi. That was, of course, except for the fact that they were all ridiculously toned athletes. And Spitfire's wild manecut and sharp eyes made her stand out too.

They were assembled at a big picnic area at the town park, with streamers and balloons decorating everything imaginable. Pinkie had really gone all out on this one. It was almost as if the Earth pony was more excited about the promotion than Rainbow was. Almost.

“Your attention, please!” Pinkie shouted through an unnecessarily large megaphone after she bounced onto the center picnic table. Every eye fixed on her and she proceeded. “This is Rainbow Dash's Official Bestest-Ever I'm Totally A Real Live Wonderbolt Bow Down Before My Greatness Party!”

Rainbow rolled her eyes but kept her smile. A cheer came up from those assembled and it made her lips waver. As much as she wanted to keep smiling, this was an emotional moment for her. Her friends were right here with her celebrating this moment. She felt at home with them and knew that this was probably going to be as good a party as Pinkie touted it as being.

“Okay,” Pinkie's voice rang across the park. “So that was the original title but then I totally got to thinking that it wasn't super awesome enough and made a list that I forgot somewhere along the way and remembered that-”

“Pinkie!” Twilight cut in from the crowd.

“Sorry,” Pinkie grinned in embarrassment and crept down from the table. She added one last thing before stashing the megaphone in her mane. “Let the party begin!”

And so it did. Soarin' dove for the pies, making a nearby Applejack laugh heartily. Music started thumping from somewhere and it boomed loud with the kind of hard beat and heart-stopping bass that Rainbow loved. Fleetfoot seemed to really get into it as well because she started banging her head in time with it. Spike, in a bold move, tried convincing Rarity to dance with him. The unicorn, however, was too busy trying to keep her hat she made just for the occasion from getting flung off her mane due to the air-blasting bass. Fluttershy crawled through the crowd and whimpered until crashing into two blue hooves.

“What's wrong?” Rainbow asked, beaming as she helped the other pegasus to her hooves.

“C-couldn't we have a nice quiet party?” Fluttershy asked, voice nearly lost to the music. “With tea and tiny animals?”

Rainbow laughed hard and then felt bad because of her friend's look. “Sorry, Shy,” she disclaimed. “Maybe if you became a Wonderbolt then we would. But this is my party and it's got to be as awesome as I am!”

“Careful,” sounded a familiar voice from behind them.

Rainbow turned around to find, unsurprisingly, a certain purple alicorn.

“Don't let the fame and fortune get to your head,” Twilight winked at her.

“Oh, no worries there, princess,” the blue mare got intentionally smug. “I'd worry more about that happening to you.”

Twilight immediately frowned and was going to ask what the hay that was supposed to mean but dismissed it all last second. Rainbow's tone of voice clearly indicated she was on an emotional high. There was no stopping that self-confidence of hers now.

“Hey, Pinkie!” Rainbow shouted across a few tables. “Throw me a cupcake!”

Twilight's eyes widened and she and Fluttershy darted away as fast as possible.

Pinkie, however, grew a maniacal and not the least bit creepy smile. From her spot three picnic tables down, she lifted a tray of a dozen funfetti cupcakes frosted with multiple colors. “Incoming!” she wailed.

“No, not like that!” Rainbow tried to stop it. She just wanted one for eating. She hadn't meant to come under fire. In her moment of triumph, she had forgotten which pink pony she was dealing with.

Rainbow Dash's record-setting wings were not fast enough that day. The innocent request quickly devolved the party into a chaos of cupcake and apple pie projectiles. For generations would Ponyville residents speak of the slaughter that occurred that frightful day. None would forget the picture that was taken and later hung up in the town hall thereafter. It depicted the Wonderbolts and six curious friends covered in the frosting and apple filling of the terrible war and gathered in a group hug in spite of it all. But, more than anything else, it depicted their joyous smiles.

Comments ( 3 )

Best 'Bolt story I have read so far, although to be honest, it is the only one I have read that didn't have Rainbow Dash as a main character. I wouldn't mind a sequel to this.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

Not bad, a comical ending to a glorious and tragic story. Though the one thing I would have liked to know is what is Surprise going to do now? What happens between Soarin and Spitfire? Does Rainbow every join the bullet group? Great topics to cover if you ever do a sequel. Other than that great story.

I've read this story over and over again. This is by far my favourite story on this site. Thank you so much for writing this.

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