• Published 21st Oct 2019
  • 5,587 Views, 113 Comments

”Wait, I’ve Slept For How Long?” - Mornings Dew

It's been a terrible week, in Craig’s opinion. Firstly, he woke up in a cave covered in dust. Secondly, he can’t remember when Equestrian became so advanced. And lastly, the most terrible, his own daughters don’t remember him!

  • ...

8) Mortal King

“We’d parish for thee, mine Queen.” He stated wholeheartedly, bowing before her.

She sat on her throne, looking down upon only one of her many loyal servants. She smiled warmly at him, but is feeling troubled. “We know.” Yet she did not want to.

Lauren nearly shed a tear. “Please don’t...”

“What was that?”

She faked a chuckle. “Ah, nothing.”

Her soul cried as she told Craig a lie.

Silence had not reigned in minutes upon a specific trade route between the towns of Hoofington and Wagongong, and as the three travelers walked on the pathed road, another conversation emerged.

“It’s incredible, what he did.”

Stone sighed. ‘This again…’

“I doubt you say that in a good way.”

“What do you think?” She asked rhetorically. “No, I don’t. Because of his little stunt we had to flee. And, let me remind you, we were perfectly fine beforehoof.” River seethed, flinging a cloven hoof out in anger as she vented. “But no, he just had to learn right then! I could have put some good use on those books I brought as well.”

“Erm… I wouldn’t call it fleeing, uhm…”

“What would you call it then, hm? I would just love to know.”

“Well it was more like a, a…” Stone looked around, trying to find his words, “quick escape! Yes.”

“Oh, so what you call a quick escape is running with our tails between our legs, from an open and otherwise safe grass field? Yeah, okay.”

He stopped in time to stomp his hoof, completely fed up with the topic. A bit of dirt jumped some. “Oh come on, River! Give him a break already, you’ve been yelling at him for like, two hours. Don’t you think enough is enough? Look at him!” Stone pointed behind him, which River turned to glance past. “I think you can see he regrets what he did.”

River’s eyes narrowed at a sorrow-filled Craig. “That may be, but I’m still angry.”

The male Kirin rolled his eyes. “Clearly.”

“And so what he feels guilty? He is guilty! He’s the reason we had to practically gallop from the town.” Stone shivered as he heard her teeth grind.

“Have I not apologized enough? I said I was sorry.”

River glared at the Alicorn whimpering a few hoof steps behind her, effectively making the stallion shrink, somehow. “I don’t want to hear it.”

Stone grumbled. ‘It’s definitely her time of the month.’

Silence persisted once more, like a daunting monster overhead. In no more than ten seconds though, it was rather…

‘Huh, you’re in a bit of an awkward situation right now, aren’t you?’

Craig silently sighed to himself as his wife giggled. He did not have to answer her, like most times; she already knew.

‘Though you must admit, what you did was rather foolish, even of you. You hardly ever act like this, dear.’

He grimaced. Does he have to pay a comeuppance?

‘Good Heavens, no! I’m not mad at you, sweetie, I’m simply referring to what you did as stupid, since it really was.’ Craig huffed. ‘Besides, that wonderful Kirin already made you learn your lesson. My job was already done for me, and for that she is all right in my good book.’

His wife giggled as he smiled. ‘How terrifying…’


‘How, it’s so terrifying how much I miss them.’

‘Don’t worry, dear. You’ll see those two troublemakers soon.’

Then, he lost his smile. ‘Do you think they’ll remember me? Since… when, you know…’

Silence. ‘…Yes, I know. They were very young; they were so small.’ Craig could feel her love for their little girls. I mean, how could somepony not love them? They are so cha-

… Wait…

Right, they should be in their first mature stage of alicornhood. He chuckled to himself. Just wait until their fourth mature sprout, they’ll be all over the place!

‘…Tell me how you’ve been, sweetie.’

‘All is well, dear. These two Kirin have been putting up with me, somehow.’

She snorted, though not unkindly. ‘Now, don’t think like that. She’ll forgive you soon.’

‘Very well. The Kirin are a wonderful bunch. I’ve retold our tales with them since they seemed to enjoy them so much.’

‘Oh! Did you tell them about the River in Stardew?’

‘I did! Just image their faces! T’was an experience I never want to forget.’ Craig looked up, as if expecting something to appear from the skies, both Kirin in front of him engaged in another conversation; Stone seemed to be losing.

‘Knowing you, you messed with them all week.’

‘Perhaps, perhaps…’ He replied in a cheeky tone. ‘… Dear?’


‘… Do you feel a presence? …Here?’

‘Ah, I was hoping that it was just me, but I suppose if you sense that vile fiend-‘

‘He is no fiend.’

‘And why not? Do you really believe he is in reach? To… what they say now, reform?’

‘…Mhmm, I do.’

She sighed, exasperated. ‘I trust you, dear, but please don’t be reckless.’

‘Don’t worry about me, I will not be harmed.’

‘Very well. But if you turn on your word, you will wish I give you mercy.’

Craig chuckled as he returned to the real world, catching the attention of both Kirin. ‘I understand, dear… Question: when until I see you again?’

‘Miss me already?’

‘Must you ask?’

‘Well, until I figure out where in Aidenn I’ll appear if I’m even able to cross to see you, certainly after you reunite the girls.’

‘Wait a moment, are you not in this realm?’

‘No, I am not, unfortunately. I’ll tell you the rest later, dear. Now, this was a wonderful chat sweetie, but you seem to have some attention on you.’

‘Very well…’ Wait, what?

Looking back down, him blinked at the two Kirin staring at him.

“…Ah, yes-? What?” He blinked as Stone squinted his eyes.

“Are you okay, my Lord? You were just…”

“You were simply staring ahead, my King.” Add River, hardly sparing a glance at Craig.

“Yes, I was simply… thinking.”

He heard his wife laugh out loud. ‘Astounding, Craig.’


He felt very weak in his mortal shape. He was much smaller and fragile now, his wife now could dwarf him in size, possibly his kin now as well. All that magic he gained from eating that delicious food helped him succeed in shifting his form, currently victim to the motion of this… ‘train’ he is sitting in, as his two friends claimed it was called. He was weary of the machinery at first, after he realized he was going to have to enter it, but he trusted their judgment.

He realized soon after that he was so glad he did, as he sat there for hours upon hours, only staring out the window next to where he laid, the night and day passing as if a fleeting memory. In awe, he watched the train take him through many villages and forests, past the many valleys littered across the land, past many a mountain that kissed the sky and deserts that beamed whatever water within, as it rhythmically moved him forward and back. But most importantly, it took him closer to his beloved children.

Oh, how he now loved this beautiful piece of machinery, regretting his initial hesitation towards this beast of steel metal as it took him afar, stealing all the time he first thought it would take to travel to Canterlot. He dared not look away, in fear of missing the most luscious acres of landscapes that this planet had to offer, in fear of never witnessing newly built monuments created by the creators of this world, to all the hard work his absence allowed to happen, all without an ounce of regret. And so, he stayed and never moved, never placed his head down to slumber, and not one moment did his tear his eyes away.

In awe, there he stayed. Albeit to his grave disappointment, it wasn’t long after that they stopped at a place, shrouded in the shadows the trees high above cast, down towards his being, where he realized with widened glossy eyes where he was.

Dream Valley.

His wonderful homeland, where he lived and served for countless years. Here, where the grass he stepped upon now were the ones that cushioned his hooves in times of peril, of hope, of joy, and of love then. Here, where he slept and wept, lost so much and won so little. Where he uncovered the purpose of his life, unraveled the numerous mysteries of the universe, and let go of so little burden.

Here, where he met her, where he served her with his very life. Where she ruled with such a loving hoof, his beautiful Queen. The one who guided him throughout his mortal life, and the one granted him the one of immortality.

Here, where the birth of his two daughters occurred. Where they played and lived their foalhood. Where he had to say goodbye to those two curious faces…

It brough him to tears, and it is a fact he was not ashamed to admit.

Here he stood in the land that birthed him and raised him, that watched him grow and stayed for centuries after. Where his lived his foalhood, his adulthood, and his alicornhood. And here he stood again, back to a mortal and with friends, back to where it all began; like always, he is reminded that life is a simple cycle.

He smiled as his heart ached in bittersweet sorrow. It was good to be back, but like what his wife once taught him within the many lessons she preached, home is where the family is.

And so, he marched away, waving away the concern of his two friends with a happy grin, elated tears dripping from his face, continuing without explanation.

Beware, Equestria, your King is back from his long slumber and he is determined to travel the very oceans to return.

The next morning, after both Kirin took some rest and reenergized themselves at an Inn local to an old town named Stratusburg, they boarded another train; this time he could hardly contain his excitement for the, no doubt, amazing scenery he will experience.

And how right he was. Passing snowy mountains and crossing atop a bridge above the ocean, passing the awe-inducing landmarks known as Mountreal, Rainbow Falls, Neighagra Falls, passing by the towns of Windsoar and Bitsburge, Sires Hollow, Foaledo and Detrot, it was then he saw it.

“Ah, Canterlot!” Exclaimed River from beside his surprised self. “What a beautiful view from down here.”

Craig’s tired eyes somehow widened even larger. “It is so… s-so…!”

She smirked. “Lustrous? Noble? Elegant? It is the Capital of Equestria, after all.” She pointed with a cloven hoof. “That’s where the princesses live.”

Craig could only slowly nod in astonishment, his brain hardly processing River’s words as he watched the Canterlot Palace gleam in the sunshine of his dearest daughter’s Sun, eyeing the pleasing view through the train’s window, remembering that the astronomical object was passed down from her amazing mother.

Six days had passed since their departure from Wagongong, only traveling by train from then on after the King experienced the ‘magical metal box’ on their first trip and refused to travel any other way. Much to the annoyance of River, who wanted to fly over a specific forest for some odd reason. Too bad Craig is now his birth race of an Earth Pony.

Throughout those days they have been traveling, as he watched the lands pass by them, he practiced this new Ponish with a little help from Stone himself, since he is the one he rudely took the lexicon from. He also used River’s books to aid him as a sort of apology. He thinks it worked, remembering how the girl smiled at him. He did have the mind to also apologize to Sharp for what he did to him, after much consideration, but the Kirin simply shrugged off what happened, saying that ‘it’s all water under the bridge.’ It took a moment for Craig to understand and he was grateful that the Kirin was not upset, on the condition that it never happens again, which Craig agreed to with a slow nod. A few days they would eat food together, which the Kirin said he brought from a buffet at the front of the train, and every time Stone or River brough him food he would thank them.

He would listen to River talk about Equestria and its latest inventions, by his request of course, since he knew River loved to talk about anything science related and kept up with ‘the latest news.’ What he heard hit him differently though, never in his life did he hear a civilization evolve so quickly in such a short amount of time, and he has seen plethora of them fall. Oh, how he wished then that he never left to slumber, so that he could have watched Equestria grow. Though, he wouldn’t be alive now if he did that. Terms and technology that would be considered revolutionary back then was commonplace nowadays. He then asked about magic and how it has evolved in his absence when he remembered a good friend of his named Starswirl. To his surprise it hasn’t changed too much, though there are dozen new spells he has never heard of, along with new areas of the Magical Theory that could become a career alone which surprised him since there weren’t many of those. Two decades ago, anyway.

She didn’t talk too much about history after she lost herself in a book, to his disappointment, but he considered interrupting the Kirin as impolite, since he knew there was always time in the future. Besides, he didn’t like it when others interrupted him while reading a good book, why would he want to be a hypocrite?

Packing up River’s books in her pouch and munching on the rest of his ‘donut’ that Stone gave him, which in now his new favorite pastry, he prepared to finally arrive to their destination after their week-long journey: Canterlot.

He looked around to shave off his excitement and, he’ll admit, a bit of nervousness. Craig’s mind wondered as he leaned back on his seat.

He had grown very comfortable with his two new friends throughout the trip, not to mention the modern language. Stone encouraged him to speak with a few ponies within the train as a test on how well he spoke. Albeit nervous, he walked up to a few ponies and even the conductor of the train and had ‘small talk’ with them, exactly what River had suggested he do. He didn’t really like shifting that much attention to himself, especially in more recent years, but he did not let that deter him. He felt like it was an obligation to please his friends now, for some odd reason, and he knew that in the end it would help him in the long run.

Thankfully, it went well, all things considered. He managed to make one or two ponies laugh at a few jokes somehow, and he was now more confident in his social abilities. He was a mortal pony for now, not a King, and he needed to act like one, which both Kirin said he was doing alright so far. He was glad he had brought River, after all she had done to aid him. Not like he’ll tell her. The Alicorn-turned-stallion chuckled.

A giggle he heard from beside him, which surprised him, promoted him to turn his head to his friend.

“You excited?”

A smile met his eyes, from the one and only Sharp Stone. He chuckled again, this time at Stone’s jubilant tone. “Very.” He replied, his voice now a bit hoarse since his change in form.

He watched his companion blink at him. “You know,” Started Stone, “you look a lot different than your… uhm…” He flinched from Craig’s slight glare. “Right, not in public. Forgot.” He grinned sheepishly at his mistake.

Craig motioned him to go on with a hoof. “Right, well, I was saying that you look a lot different from before.”

The King tilted his head slightly. “What do you mean?”

“Well, other than the obvious differences, you know…” He tried to keep it as obscure as possible in case of eavesdroppers, which Craig showed appreciation for with a small smile.

“Mhm.” A ragged reply.

“Well, you have a bit of white hair now, of all things. A lot in your mane and a bit in your beard.” Stone said hesitantly, watching carefully if he has offended the King in anyway with his words. He lowered his voice further. “You sound pretty old now, too.”

Craig nodded, knowing that what the Kirin is saying is true. Since he changed his shape all his aspects changed to fit his form. He now spoke like an aged stallion, which is an accurate description to what he is. While walking the roads of Stratusburg and Dream Valley, he discovered he walks slower as well. Not like he could control what he changed to anyways, this was the only other form he has. His mortal form he was born with, and the one he changed out of when he ascended into alicornhood.

So yes, this form is a little rough around the edges.

Stone, unaware of Craig’s inner thoughts, took his silence as a sign to continue speaking. “But, that’s not all bad.” He grinned, ever the optimist that he is. “Remember when the conductor tried to deny your offer to shovel the coal?” Craig nodded. “Believe me when I say, that every one of those ponies that watched you help him were surprised. I think that’s because you seem weak, but in reality you’re a lot stronger than you look.”

He chuckled. Well, that is what happens when you loyally serve a Queen before and after multiple wars.

“Yes, he looks like an old, ragged goat.”

Craig and Stone turned to River, who was enjoying a small salad, her book closed beside her.

He chuckled at the jab at his appearance. “Do I really look that horrid?”

River nodded. “Yes, you do. With all those scars on your body.” She said, a bit of humor in her tone, which was all Craig needed to hear to know she wasn’t being serious.

“Nah, don’t listen to her. All she does is lie. Your scars are cool.” Pipped in Stone, his cloven hoof now on Craig shoulder, perhaps as an act of comfort.

River laugh loudly as she retorted, her salad nearly finished. “Hypocrite.”

Stone grinned. ‘Two can play that game.’

“Hard head.”

“Mouth breather.”


“Loud sleeper.”


“An illiterate!”


“A fool!”

“A hoarder-! Wha?”

Both Kirin turned to a laughing Craig, attempting not to fall off his seat as he grips his sides.

River huffed. “What’s so funny-?”

The King then kneeled over in a single motion, a loud wheeze fluttering the air. “I’m failing to contain my mirth, for you sound like my wife and I whenever we argue! Haha!”

“You mean like-” Stone blinked at the other Kirin.

River snorted unkindly at Craig. “We are not a married couple!”

“Yeah! What she said.”

“I would like to personally welcome you to Canterlot!” Screeched the speakers, relaying the conductor’s message throughout the entirety of the train’s passenger car. “We hope you enjoyed your ride; we hope to see you next time on the Friendship Express!”

Somehow, Craig laughed harder after that, suddenly howling in barrels of laugher. Friendship Express? What kind of name is that? It is hilarious! Lauren must learn about this-

Stone patted his back as he suddenly spiraled into a fit of coughing.

“Ah-hah. Thank you, friend. I am well.” Said Craig, waving off both Kirin’s concern for his wellbeing. “Well,” he began, feeling the rhythmic movements of the train slow as they reached their destination, “shall we get going?”

“Indeed we shall, good sir.” Chuckled River.

Ponies hurriedly packed their belongings and readied themselves for departure, a few unfortunate souls just waking up from the obnoxious voice that is the conductor. River nodded at him in appreciation for neatly storing her things beforehoof as she and Stone hauled the bags.

Slowly, he stood after finishing eating his marvelous donut, letting out a grunt as he did. “Would you two like me to assist you with those bags?”

“Nah, we’re good.”

“Yes, we’d rather you don’t. Mainly because I’m pretty sure ponies will make a fuss about an old weak-looking stallion carrying a bunch of heavy bags.”

He sighed. “Very kind of you, River.”

“No offence.” She added, shamefaced.

“None taken, my child. Now come!” He swiftly trotted towards the train’s doors with a happy grin. “I cannot contain my elation much longer! I want to explore this new world.”

“Comin’ boss!” The jubilant Kirin right behind the King, both watching with vigor as the doors slowly opened. River rolled her eyes with a hum, shaking her head.

“Boys…” She calmly walked by the now-open doors leading to the outside world, watching many ponies quickly clambering out the train. Feeling the fresh air comb through her mane and filter her nostrils of any particles that accumulated during the ride, she grinned.

‘Canterlot, here we come!’

Author's Note:

Heyo, y'all! Long time no see, eh?
I've been taking my time with other projects now that life has abandoned me as it's punching bag, and I am working on another story I really like the idea of!


...Okay, maybe two stories.:twilightsheepish:

Anyways, it wont be until this story is fully complete that I publish anything else.

I've also wanted to say that this story is now officially one year old! :pinkiegasp:
A wonderful time to celebrate! :pinkiehappy:

I hope this worldwide situation had been kind to you all, and if you're in a bit of struggle, I wish you the best of luck. Heaven knows that we all need a bit of it these days.

Love you all, everypony! :heart:
Until the next chapter!:trollestia:

Comments ( 29 )

Happy 1 year birthday to the story.

Then, he lost his smile. ‘Do you think they’ll remember me? Since… when, you know…’

Celestia: I don't remember mother said you have so much beard.
Craig: I haven't shaved for a couple thousand years.
Luna: Mother said he did invent the art of Trolling.
Craig: . . .

I’m failing to contain my merit,


but also, psychic connection with his dead wife out of nowhere, apparently?



Thanks for the heads up! Fixed!

And no, Lauren is not dead. :ajsmug:

Hazzah!! An update!

yes new chapter

Aloooooot closer to two certain Alicorns now.

And I'm in for a reread as for the love of (Insert Lil pip's most indecent curse word you can find found here My personal favorites are the Luna swears, as those are the ones I remember even though he last time I read FoE was years ago), I can barely remember what happened after a certain point...

Well I'm planning to heavily edit a few chapters- if not all of then- since they are in much need of that.:twilightsheepish:

Sweet, Craig has arrived! :pinkiehappy:

Really? Seemed fine to me, but if that's what you want to do¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Haha:rainbowwild: I'm glad you thought they were so good!:pinkiehappy:

A year already? Damn.

And now.. to wait, for the next chapter, that will more then likely contain contain Canterlot, and Blackjack and...and Nobles.

Mistakes fixed! Thanks!:pinkiehappy::heart:

As much as I want to go through the entire story finding every little thing, I think I'm just going to go find something else to stave off this boredom

Finally read the story, writing is pretty solid, not too keen on having the story immediately start with the HIE already an immortal alicorn will millennia long life experience but his quirky humor scene does help to offset it. I will be looking forward to see how it all happened to lead him to this path in life. Keep it up I wish you good luck in this on going story.

A belated thank you for your kind words! :yay::pinkiehappy::heart:

Is the story dead?

*Pokes story with a stick*

I'm not much a fan of River

when is this story continuing?

I'm really looking forward the reunion between father and daughters. Any chance to have a new chapter?

Interesting story didn’t really know bout Craig an Lauren being married. The more ya know I did watch a couple of his shows as a child so this is a nice read incorporating the fact they are married. Hope to see more soon!

Thank you for the comment! :pinkiehappy::heart:

Seems that way...
<tosses the dead story in the story graveyard>


Is this story dead, or can i still hope for an update?

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