• Member Since 12th Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen June 28th


A good story displays a moral, the best ones attach you to the characters who display them.


Fluttershy has been summoned by Twilight Sparkle to join her on an expedition into the depths of the insoluble wasteland that is the mythical Empire of Labyrinths. The Princess s hoping to establish an ambassadorial commute once they find the rumored civilization, but they are unexpectedly roped into investigating mass disappearances at the behest of the mighty Caesar. Entire villages have vanished, leaving ruins and carnage behind, and all who have pursued investigation never return. The lone survivor speaks of a monster that moves with the shadows, and is born from the evil in your heart. With allies new and old, the ponies set out to solve the riddle of the Black Beast.

In doing so, they’ll find themselves on an adventure without precedent, and they’ll be encountering nightmares beyond imagination.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )

I really like this concept! You have a very cool writing style. Although this is good, I feel it is quite wordy at times. It sometimes harms clarity. Don't be afraid to just leave a word without an adjective or have a sentence be a bit shorter. This is uber promising though, and I can't wait to see more from you! :pinkiesmile:

Thank you so much! I'll keep an eye on the clarity from here on out.

This grabbed my attention. I'll be tracking it.

Sorry for the delay but with that said, the concept is really nice. The writing for the story is also on point when it comes to presenting itself. However, it does feel like some of the substances could be cut short. Not that it's bad but it can drag in some areas. With that said, I'll be keeping my eye out for this:heart:

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